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Confessions of a Bacon Freak

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    diet soda is probably the absolute worst thing you can do to yourself nutritionally. A 9 year university study was just released - they followed patients for 9 years who drank diet soda plus a control group who drank regular, sugared sodas. The patients on the diet soda gained a tremendous amount more weight and were in much worse health at the end of the study period. It confirmed what doctors had suspected all along. Diet soda will (if not kill you) make you fat!


      And Nola knows fat

      *pokes Nola*

      Watch her wobble.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        diet soda is probably the absolute worst thing you can do to yourself nutritionally. A 9 year university study was just released - they followed patients for 9 years who drank diet soda plus a control group who drank regular, sugared sodas. The patients on the diet soda gained a tremendous amount more weight and were in much worse health at the end of the study period. It confirmed what doctors had suspected all along. Diet soda will (if not kill you) make you fat!
        I would bet that the real reason for the weight gain is other eating habits, perhaps those habits are influenced by the diet pop, but I would really love to know how something which contains 0 calories can make you fat.

        It just doesn't make sense.


          Artificial sweeteners
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            It makes your body crave sweets. Initially you will lose weight, but in the long run, you will gain more than you ever lost.


              I don't find that to be true at all. As a diabetic, I have to avoid sugars.. I drink ALOT of diet pop. But I have no cravings for sweets.


                here's a link to the study findings:


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  I don't find that to be true at all. As a diabetic, I have to avoid sugars.. I drink ALOT of diet pop. But I have no cravings for sweets.
                  My grandfather smokes a pack a day but never got lung cancer. That must mean smoking doesn't cause lung cancer
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    no fair using logic - you may be fighting an unarmed opponent!


                      I can't stop being me
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        I would bet that the real reason for the weight gain is other eating habits, perhaps those habits are influenced by the diet pop, but I would really love to know how something which contains 0 calories can make you fat.

                        It just doesn't make sense.
                        it all depends on how you see it, if you are drinking diet sodas and you think, oh great, now I get to have two sweet things, this sweet diet soda, and these two doughnuts, that way I will enjoy the sweetness and the calories would be the same as if I had just the one doughnut and a regular soda, and it would be true, IF the doughnuts were just sugar, BUT they are bread and grease and extra sugar, if you get the jelly kind, there is no such thing as a healthy doughnut, accept it, you will sleep better.

                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        I don't find that to be true at all. As a diabetic, I have to avoid sugars.. I drink ALOT of diet pop. But I have no cravings for sweets.
                        your situation might be a little different, I don't know too much about diabetics, according to popular convention, I should have ben a diabetic long ago, but even today, I am not, don't ask why, that is a long and un comfortable story.

                        as for diet sodas, I never really found them all that sweet, especially todays sodas, they really don't taste sweet at all to me, I even can take a packet of equal and pour it straight in to my mouth and I don't taste any thing, it just tastes like a funky chemical paste, but to my father who has no real need for artificial sweeteners, but has ben using them for over thirty years, he uses it in his coffee each morning , he drinks 3-4 cups and uses only 1packet for all that coffee, so artificial sweeteners, and natural sweeteners honey, sugar... ect. it all effects people differently.


                          epg20 is right - all the stuff works differently on different people. I use sweeteners in my fruit tea but not in my coffee - only milk. Sweeteners don't make me crave for sugar - I like it anyway.
                          But - what about bacon????? We're losing the topic (jelgate not, of course!)

                          CARPE DIEM


                            Originally posted by epg20 View Post
                            it all depends on how you see it, if you are drinking diet sodas and you think, oh great, now I get to have two sweet things, this sweet diet soda, and these two doughnuts, that way I will enjoy the sweetness and the calories would be the same as if I had just the one doughnut and a regular soda, and it would be true, IF the doughnuts were just sugar, BUT they are bread and grease and extra sugar, if you get the jelly kind, there is no such thing as a healthy doughnut, accept it, you will sleep better.

                            your situation might be a little different, I don't know too much about diabetics, according to popular convention, I should have ben a diabetic long ago, but even today, I am not, don't ask why, that is a long and un comfortable story.

                            as for diet sodas, I never really found them all that sweet, especially todays sodas, they really don't taste sweet at all to me, I even can take a packet of equal and pour it straight in to my mouth and I don't taste any thing, it just tastes like a funky chemical paste, but to my father who has no real need for artificial sweeteners, but has ben using them for over thirty years, he uses it in his coffee each morning , he drinks 3-4 cups and uses only 1packet for all that coffee, so artificial sweeteners, and natural sweeteners honey, sugar... ect. it all effects people differently.
                            And I rather suspect that the differences are in how people eat overall. For ex, in your example above, I don't eat anything else based upon "I'm having a diet pop, so I can splurge elsewhere", the diet pop is a direct, drop in replacement for sugared pop. I don't eat more or less of anything else because of it.

                            It's never tasted "sweet" to me anyway, I like the "bite" of it. Which is why I have to suffer with going to welfare mart from time to time; the Sam's Club brand of diet pop seems to have a stronger "bite" than any of the big names.

                            Diabetics have to watch their glucose intake. Things with high sugar content, either natural or processed are to be avoided. It doesn't matter if it's sugar, grapes, whatever, the sugar is absorbed through our digestive tracts and since our bodies can't process it correctly, it builds up in our blood, causing high blood sugar levels.

                            Aside from keeping some sugar in the house to compensate for the occasional instance where my blood sugar goes too low, I haven't had sugared treats in a very long time.


                              I don't post here in a few days and this thread has totally derailed into a diabetic coma? BLASPHEMY! thanks Anja for trying to get it back on track here quick.. I have the AED! Stand back! "I'm clear! You're Clear! We're all clear!" *applies SHOCK*
                              Originally posted by jelgate
                              This brings much pain but SQ is right


                                Originally posted by Anja View Post
                                epg20 is right - all the stuff works differently on different people. I use sweeteners in my fruit tea but not in my coffee - only milk. Sweeteners don't make me crave for sugar - I like it anyway.
                                But - what about bacon????? We're losing the topic (jelgate not, of course!)

                                yes, yes, I suppose talking about over rated bacon is what is supposed to happen here, but I heard about some thing else that is big for breakfast, not so sure yet, still need to do some more research on it, but it seems to be VERY big.


                                I know it is supposed to be a joke from futurama, BUT Caffeinated bacon does exist.

                                oh you guys are gonna love this.

                                Last edited by epg20; 12 December 2015, 07:46 PM.

