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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    Ah, movies! Now I'm with you I haven't seen any of them, but I have at least heard of them

    And let's face it lg, just about anything Jeremy does is bound to get your seal of approval
    Very true....I like his more recent stuff, though. 2009-ish and forward. His older stuff...not so much a fan.

    Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
    <respectfully snipped>
    @ lg:
    Uhm ... oookay, will try my best
    Why so surprised? It's a great sig! (Would have given green, but GW didn't like my recent Christmas green-giving spree.)


      Well there's a coincidence - I was channel hopping, trying to find something to watch, and hey presto! The Bourne Identity is on!


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Well there's a coincidence - I was channel hopping, trying to find something to watch, and hey presto! The Bourne Identity is on!

        Sounds like you found something to watch!

        It's a conspiracy, I tell you!


          Originally posted by ladygris View Post
          Why so surprised? It's a great sig! (Would have given green, but GW didn't like my recent Christmas green-giving spree.)
          Wow! I see that one more as humorous art then as good art. And I hope I get it together because I had to "repair" the used cap. *blushes* Thank you! That you think it's good means a lot to me !

          Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
          Sig & Avi by Josi
          LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
          I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


            Happy new year everyone! Just turned here.


              Happy New Year, mane! Still have 8.5 hours to go here.


                Happy 2013!

                Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                Sig & Avi by Josi
                LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                  I'm not ignoring your post jumble about "outsiders" I just...I have a headache so I cannot think deep right now. I will respond to it later if my headache recedes enough. Also, I wanna think on your post for a while. Think on what my response is gonna be.

                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Challenge entry:

                  A. Karswyll, love that One Ring sig - very effective! I love how people here pick up inspiration from each other
                  Yes, there is a lot of inspiration i this thread.
                  Love the WP! Very gorgeous!!!

                  Happy New Year to those of you who are already in 2013 and to those of you yet to leave 2012 Just over six hours to go for us here
                  Little over 4 hours left for me until 2013. Happy New Year!

                  Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                  Gorgeous wallie, josi!

                  And I have a good 13 hours before the new year here.
                  Like I said, little over 4 hours for me.

                  Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
                  Yeah, I know where you are coming from. There is also only a limited number of Grimm-artists. And all of us are also bound to fansites or forums. I mean, only I am capping for a David-G.-fansite and was asked by the owner if I would be able to create a bunch of official icons and Team-banners for the boards. I'm pretty proud of that, especially because I think my art isn't this good ...p
                  Your art is beautiful!!! Besides, we all think our art is good. I don't always think my art is good, I'm always finding things to fix. I'll look at a sig and be like, "Oh, I could have done that better." or "Jeeze, why didn't I do it like that!" Long story short, I'm never 100% satisfied with my finished work.

                  As for SPN ... don't know why. I've only made a couple of arts for the show but a fan from the very first episode. Sometimes, you know I'm making some art, especially Dean or Castiel related. Not such a fan of Sam and never found a real good pic of Bobby (my third favourite - well, before he died).
                  Understandable. You're more about Grimm right now. It's like with me, I've been an NCIS fan from season 1 but have made only a handful of sigs and icons...and all DiNozzo/Weatherly themed. Dean is my number one on SPN. I like Sam/Jared just...not in the same way that I love Dean/Jensen. And, even though he is dead now, Bobby is still my third favorite. Sorry, Cas lost my respect when he betrayed Dean and Sam in S6. I haven't forgiven him yet.

                  I would be happy to guide you through *bows*. There are a couple of episodes you HAVE to watch (or instead of it know what was going on there) to get what the show is about and especially this season (2nd season) is very serial, even the "special" episode had something in it to continue the season's storyarc.
                  Yep, the sig *thanks again to Yamii for this awesome set!* is Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli), the main-character - and of course he is HAWT! I like that he's sometimes looking like a little boy, other times like his real age. And thanks to TPTB he has a well trained body now.
                  Okay, what are those two episodes? Nick! I was right!

                  But there are some other attractive guys too - or just likeable. Personally I only cannot stand one character, and this disliking grew during the second season and I'm a little lonely with this disliking I fear. The most other Grimmsters are still enjoying Hank joining Team Grimm
                  Okay, enough advertising now!
                  Don't know who this Hank person is.

                  *blushes* Thanks! I think I came to "Fading pics" because of SGA. I started making art right after Atlantis was cancelled. Things or people we love but are gone begin to fade away in the memory. That was the reason why I chose this title.
                  Ah. And a very good choice it was too. Good reason.

                  I was shocked when I learned about what happened. Dead children is something I only barely can stand I have to say. Too much personal experience with this topic I fear. It's horrible for the families, especially for the parents of those kids, to deal with their death ...
                  I know, and at this time of year too. To have to deal with happy, cheery music and, just all of that. And I'm sorry for your experiences.

                  What can I say? Sometimes David seems like an angel (other times he's truly an badass, like the most men ).

                  I really love it!

                  Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
                  Love it!
                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    I'm not ignoring your post jumble about "outsiders" I just...I have a headache so I cannot think deep right now. I will respond to it later if my headache recedes enough. Also, I wanna think on your post for a while. Think on what my response is gonna be.
                    *huggles* Hope the headache clears up. Not a good way to start the year.

                    FWIW, I too am kind of on the outside of this thread; I don't post much, barely have time to do (play) artwork these days and almost never read the thread all the way through because I just don't get the time. But I do still feel like I belong here in a way that hard to explain. I feel this is a place people can flit in and out and be a part of as much or as little as they like. I love seeing all the art - even if I am bad at expressing my appreciation and often don't even have a green left to give - and I particularly like seeing the stuff that's less well used/known. Even if I don't know the series or characters, I still appreciate the art and, actually, while I obviously have my fan favourite shows, quite often their popularity makes them less eye popping than the stuff I don;t know so well.
                    Actually, I do know (and quite like) Grimm but it's something I am just getting into at the moment, so it's good to see a bit of it about. It's certainly a series I'd like to see more of, as I would the art. So, please, please, for the sake of everyone who is silently watching and appreciating your hard work, post away and share your wonderful talents with everyone.

                    My new year resolution is to try - if not to contribute because I can't control how much time I will have right now - but to contribute to appreciating what I see here more vocally and more often.

                    Happy new year everyone. Keep up the awesome work.

                    EDIT: I am aware there's typos in this. I would correct them if not for the not inconsiderate amount of new year "cheer" coursing through my veins. It's fair to say that I am in the "I love you guys" phase now, and have yet to reach the "dunk posting on the internet is a mistake" phase yet.


                      Have a great year ahead!
                      Fics | Art | Tumblr


                        Awesome arts everybody!

                        Happy New Year!
                        Icon and Sig by me.




                            Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                            Happy New Year, mane! Still have 8.5 hours to go here.
                            Happy New Year!

                            Last edited by maneth; 31 December 2012, 11:24 PM. Reason: added artwork


                              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                              I'm not ignoring your post jumble about "outsiders" I just...I have a headache so I cannot think deep right now. I will respond to it later if my headache recedes enough. Also, I wanna think on your post for a while. Think on what my response is gonna be.
                              Sorry to hear about your headache {{hugs}}. I hope it's better now

                              Yes, there is a lot of inspiration i this thread.
                              Indeed it is!

                              Your art is beautiful!!! Besides, we all think our art is good. I don't always think my art is good, I'm always finding things to fix. I'll look at a sig and be like, "Oh, I could have done that better." or "Jeeze, why didn't I do it like that!" Long story short, I'm never 100% satisfied with my finished work.
                              Maybe, don't know *shrugs*. Right now I'm a little proud that I was the only one who had done two animated icons for the Grimm-SecretSanta we did (funny story how it came to that ... we decided to make a kind of Secret Santa because no one wanted to do challenges during December - and it was a lot of fun).

                              Understandable. You're more about Grimm right now. It's like with me, I've been an NCIS fan from season 1 but have made only a handful of sigs and icons...and all DiNozzo/Weatherly themed. Dean is my number one on SPN. I like Sam/Jared just...not in the same way that I love Dean/Jensen. And, even though he is dead now, Bobby is still my third favorite. Sorry, Cas lost my respect when he betrayed Dean and Sam in S6. I haven't forgiven him yet.
                              Well, before that it was JF and/or SGA. There's always an excuse .

                              Okay, what are those two episodes? Nick! I was right!
                              Uhm, there are some more than two episodes I fear. But it's a good start. You should watch 1.01 and 1.02, maybe 1.03, definetely 1.06 and 1.08. 1.13 is a key-episode (and still my favourite), then there's a little storyarc from 1.15 to 1.17 what finally lead to what season2 is about. A great fun-episode is 1.19 that's also start some pieces. 1.22 to 2.02, 2.03 (hehe, there you will see a SPN-actor , and there's also Sebastian Roche in season 1 in episode 1.18). 2.04, 2.06. And the current story starts at least in episode 2.08 with the affection of two main-characters and the return of an "old" enemy.

                              Don't know who this Hank person is.
                              Hank is Nick's partner at the precinct. I sorta liked him in season 1, well, at least he didn't disturbed "My Boyz" but in season2, after Nick tells him about his ability ... . One more time of "Did he/she change?" I will throw my laptop against the next wall *rolls eyes*

                              Ah. And a very good choice it was too. Good reason.

                              I know, and at this time of year too. To have to deal with happy, cheery music and, just all of that. And I'm sorry for your experiences.
                              It's never fun but true, especially at Christmastime it's hard.

                              Love it!
                              Last edited by Hyndara71; 01 January 2013, 03:21 AM.

                              Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                              Sig & Avi by Josi
                              LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                              I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                                Made these today, as we just started watching the show:


