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    Thank you lg

    While I was trying to get my muse to cooperate with the challenge, at this point it's not going to happen, I made this:

    Icon and Sig by me.


      Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
      Thank you lg

      While I was trying to get my muse to cooperate with the challenge, at this point it's not going to happen, I made this:
      *stares happily while his line from that scene runs through my head*


        Great art everyone!!!!

        Muse is being mean to me. I have tons of ideas, even a few quotes that are perfect, but Muse just won't help me figure out how to put them all together. Ugghhhh...Maybe Muse will help me if I switch to a different fandom to use caps from...
        Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


          Lovely sig Yamii

          Here's my latest

          I ended up created something a lot different then I originally planned and I'm not entirely happy with it. Everyone's been sharing their favorite Sam/Jack kissed over on the Sam/Jack Appreciation thread and I couldn't get them out of my head... not sure if this fits the challenge. I wanted to add more txt to it but felt like it would be too much.

          Also not sure how to get the bottom right pic to blend with the rest of the art while still being visible

          I blame it on my lack of sleep!
          Last edited by meredithe5; 27 September 2012, 07:01 PM.


            Thanks lg, TR, and Meredith

            Meredith: Love it!
            Icon and Sig by me.


              Is the challenge "Time" over yet?

              Just thought I'd try something:

              Fics | Art | Tumblr


                Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                Is the challenge "Time" over yet?

                Just thought I'd try something:

                Very nice! No, the challenge isn't over yet. You've got, I think, about 7-8 hours left. Just make sure you PM any entries to josiane so she can put them into the challenge post. And PM them as soon as possible, so she doesn't have a bunch of last minute entries to add to the post.

                Well, I finally managed to get the Muse to sit down and work for a bit, though she made me do Once Upon a Time instead of Castle. Maybe she's too hyped about the premiere Sunday, and over her Castle hype since it already started lol. Anyway...This is what I came up with.

                I don't know...I like it, but there's just something about it that doesn't sit quite right with me. I finally just got to the point where I said "Stop. It's done. You'll just screw it up if you keep fiddling with it. You've been working on it all week and any more messing will probably make Muse toss the whole thing." and decided to just post it and be done with it lol. And I'm pretty sure it's my only entry this week, because if this is all Muse let me do after a week, and I'm still not happy with it, then I doubt she'll let me do anything else that pleases me in the short amount of time left.

                I just can't figure out what, exactly, doesn't sit right with me about this sig. I stared at it for about an hour trying to figure out what I thought was wrong with it, but I couldn't figure it out and gave up.
                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                  Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                  Very nice! No, the challenge isn't over yet. You've got, I think, about 7-8 hours left. Just make sure you PM any entries to josiane so she can put them into the challenge post. And PM them as soon as possible, so she doesn't have a bunch of last minute entries to add to the post.
                  Oh, didn't know that! Thanks!
                  Fics | Art | Tumblr


                    Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                    Oh, didn't know that! Thanks!
                    You're welcome. Each week we PM to a different person, so make sure to look at who we PM to when you read what the new challenge is.
                    Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                      I fell asleep too early last night (exhausted after open-house at school and getting home very late) Anywho, woke up about 3 am and thought of this



                        Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                        Is the challenge "Time" over yet?

                        Just thought I'd try something:



                          Hi all. Gorgeous artwork lately...I haven't been around here in ages. I've enjoyed seeing so much truly inspired work while I've caught myself up on the last pages. Also, welcome to the newcomers! I know you aren't very new anymore, but I'll welcome you anyway.

                          I have had no time for anything and also an uncooperative muse, so I tried to jumpstart it last night with this wonderful Shadowplay tut. I'm happier with this result than with anything I've come up with for a long time, so I hope that's a good sign.

                          *runs off to green everyone*
                          Sig and avi by yamiinsane


                            Padme, it wasn't meant to critize you. Some time ago I was pretty much in games but I think I was simply overloaded, don't know. You have fun, that's cool - and the sig is great
                            Yamii, love the Hawkeye-sig!
                            meredithe, lovely!
                            Ikorni, well done and it's not too late.
                            TR, well done! Mh, maybe it's the front pic. For my personal taste it turns out as a little bit too bright. Besides that it's a good sig - and as I've said, personal opinion
                            Nola, wow! Good episode and well done!
                            Rocket, that's a really great WP! Wow!

                            Okay, instead of finishing my first vid I decided to give that texture-thing a second try. Not sure, I think the sig-sized-one is better but ... have fun with it:

                            Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                            Sig & Avi by Josi
                            LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                            I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                              Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                              Very nice! No, the challenge isn't over yet. You've got, I think, about 7-8 hours left. Just make sure you PM any entries to josiane so she can put them into the challenge post. And PM them as soon as possible, so she doesn't have a bunch of last minute entries to add to the post.

                              Well, I finally managed to get the Muse to sit down and work for a bit, though she made me do Once Upon a Time instead of Castle. Maybe she's too hyped about the premiere Sunday, and over her Castle hype since it already started lol. Anyway...This is what I came up with.

                              I don't know...I like it, but there's just something about it that doesn't sit quite right with me. I finally just got to the point where I said "Stop. It's done. You'll just screw it up if you keep fiddling with it. You've been working on it all week and any more messing will probably make Muse toss the whole thing." and decided to just post it and be done with it lol. And I'm pretty sure it's my only entry this week, because if this is all Muse let me do after a week, and I'm still not happy with it, then I doubt she'll let me do anything else that pleases me in the short amount of time left.

                              I just can't figure out what, exactly, doesn't sit right with me about this sig. I stared at it for about an hour trying to figure out what I thought was wrong with it, but I couldn't figure it out and gave up.
                              Twin, perhaps a drop shadow behind the text. It will make the light text stand out more.
                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
                                TR, well done! Mh, maybe it's the front pic. For my personal taste it turns out as a little bit too bright. Besides that it's a good sig - and as I've said, personal opinion

                                Okay, instead of finishing my first vid I decided to give that texture-thing a second try. Not sure, I think the sig-sized-one is better but ... have fun with it:

                                Thanks!! And that's sort of what I thought, but when I make it any darker, it blends in way too much. And even with it being bright, it still blends in some...

                                And I like the texture. Not sure what I'll use it for, but I snurched it lol.
                                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                                Twin, perhaps a drop shadow behind the text. It will make the light text stand out more.
                                Actually, I have a drop shadow. And then I thought it wasn't enough, so I copied the drop shadow. Then I copied it again. I don't know...First the text was too dark, then it was too bright, and now I sort of like the text, but the sig still isn't quite right. I don't know...Maybe I'm just being too picky lol. It's been known to happen, especially when I'm not getting much sleep lately.
                                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa

