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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Thank you


      *stumbles into thread exhausted from work days at church*

      Wonderful arties, everyone!


        Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
        It's a part of a texture that can be found in this pack: Symphony of Journey And thanks!
        Those are BEAUTIFUL!!!

        Coming January 2017


          Challenge entries.......


            Those are gorgeous, Jumble!


              Originally posted by ladygris View Post
              Those are gorgeous, Jumble!
              Thank you I started out with your Zane wp tut, then substituted some of the challenge textures. I'm quite pleased with the result


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                Thank you I started out with your Zane wp tut, then substituted some of the challenge textures. I'm quite pleased with the result
                I had a feeling you had.


                  My challenge entry. Believe it or not, this does have Sha's texture in it!

                  I posted both sigs and avis that I made 'cause, as you can see, they're both a slight bit different. But got inspired today after I found a vid of Jeremy Renner singing the first verse of "New York State of Mind." Amazing voice!!!


                    Ah, you've used that texture to create the colouring too Nice result

                    I just love how versatile textures are


                      Great stuff so far everyone!!! I'm loving it all! Especially the Castle stuff lol. Hmm...One might think a bunch of us have a mild obsession...
                      Originally posted by maneth View Post
                      Great to see you back TR, and a great start!
                      Thanks for the welcome back! And thanks! I wasn't sure if my muse was going to let me make anything, so I was pleasantly surprised when she let that pop out.
                      Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                      Loved all the entries for the tut week, and some pretty stuff so far this week too

                      This isn't for the challenge, I was just playing



                      TR appears to be right, after fighting with PB most of the morning, taking advantage of the new site seems to have solved the problems
                      Mmmm...Pretty...I really love that promo shot (especially the fact that they actually stuck them in handcuffs together and wrote "Caught in the act" as part of a promo photo. The promos are always great, but I think the ones for this season are especially beautiful. I love what you've done with this shot!!!

                      I'm actually really liking the new site. It's still got a couple things that I think are harder than they should be, and I wish I could figure out a way to have smaller pics showing for each image, but all in all I like it. Did you try the desktop part? I installed it and tried to upload, and it worked really well. It looks like you can put a whole bunch of images into it, essentially creating a cache, and then upload straight to the website whenever you want. Then all the images are in a folder together, so all you have to do is put them into whatever folder you want them in once you get onto the website. I'm really excited to keep trying it out, especially since it seems to be making my uploads much faster.
                      Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                      TR, and MR Lovely! Jumble: I can't see your result...

                      Here is my first entry, that I tried to upload last night.

                      Thanks!! And I love that wallpaper! Another gorgeous use of the pretty promos they gave us lol.
                      Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                      Lovely tutorial art last week everyone (I can't seem to green anyone at the moment ) - sorry I didn't get around to participating ... hopefully I'll have more time this week. Love your new look Jumble - the colour just grabs you yami, LOVE your Doctor Who wallpapers from last week (yes, I am a tad obsessed with the Doctor at the moment ... no, no, I don't really need any help getting over it ) - also love the Helen Magnus wallie - it's dark but there is so much detail in it - I struggle with that so I'm very admiring of what you've done.
                      Who would want help? Why would a person need help getting over that obsession? It's a perfectly reasonable obsession, and you're in good company lol!
                      LJG - love your wallie too - especially the light around the bird and the way you've done your text. TR - very nice banner; MR, yours too (so cheeky, love that!) - both of you remind me again that I sooooo need to start watching Castle! Sorry if I missed anyone's entries so far.
                      Thanks! Yes, you really should watch Castle. It's wonderful. And Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion have great on-screen chemistry. From the first episode their chemistry was phenomenal. And the chemistry with the other cast members is great too. It makes the show even more enjoyable and believable, because they and their chemistry just draws you in until you really feel like it isn't just some show on TV.

                      So here's my next challenge contribution. I used three textures this time. For those who aren't Castle fans, the quote is from the last episode of last season. It's part of the valedictorian speech Castle's daughter gives at her high school graduation. As with many of the lines from the show, they can fit Castle and Beckett just as well as they do whichever character/s actually say them.

                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Ah, you've used that texture to create the colouring too Nice result

                        I just love how versatile textures are
                        They are versatile!

                        I actually wanted more of the texture except for coloring in there. But, when I put it in, it made the left side too busy and obscured the scene with the taxi cab and buildings to the far left of the WP. But I loved how it gave Renner more color and had less of a "washed out" look.


                          Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                          They are versatile!

                          I actually wanted more of the texture except for coloring in there. But, when I put it in, it made the left side too busy and obscured the scene with the taxi cab and buildings to the far left of the WP. But I loved how it gave Renner more color and had less of a "washed out" look.
                          It certainly worked out well

                          I actually had to cut and paste the far left piece because I couldn't get it to show in the right place


                            Jumble, lg, and TR: Lovely entries

                            TR: Thanks!

                            After fighting Photobucket (I had to switch back since the beta was still too buggy for me) I finally managed to get this new entry uploaded:

                            Though I'm not completely happy with it but I'm finished with fiddling with it.
                            Icon and Sig by me.


                              Jumble I really love your last set. It's so different yet still you. Well done.
                              lg - Gorgeous set, as always. I love the clarity and the colors. *reminds self I really need to figure out who this guy is*
                              yamii - great wallpaper. It feels moody and romantic at the same time. What a combo!
                              TR - Castle art is always yummy!

                              GW is being stingy again. I can't green any of you. Is virtual green ok?

                              A challenge entry from me. Of course I had to use my own texture.

                              Can I also say a big thank you to all of you who are using my texture? It's so rewarding to see it used in so many creative ways.


                                Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                                Jumble I really love your last set. It's so different yet still you. Well done.
                                lg - Gorgeous set, as always. I love the clarity and the colors. *reminds self I really need to figure out who this guy is*
                                yamii - great wallpaper. It feels moody and romantic at the same time. What a combo!
                                TR - Castle art is always yummy!

                                GW is being stingy again. I can't green any of you. Is virtual green ok?

                                A challenge entry from me. Of course I had to use my own texture.

                                Can I also say a big thank you to all of you who are using my texture? It's so rewarding to see it used in so many creative ways.
                                Thank you! I was going for more of a grunge look, but I found the big pic of the NYC taxis, and that was that!

                                Jeremy Renner. . . .actor, singer, musician. He played Hawkeye in Avengers, Brandt in Mission: Impossible--Ghost Protocol. He was also in The Hurt Locker and a very short-lived TV show called "The Unusuals." (Yes, I'm a fan!)

