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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Mr, how is it my fault?! Hehe! I knew she'd love it here!

    How did you come to the thread?I came because of an invitation posted over on the Graphic Arts thread. I haven't regretted it yet.

    What do you like most about the thread? I like the friendly "environment." I have no problem posting my artwork here, asking what might be silly questions, or just chatting. I also like that all varieties of artwork are welcome. As an author, I can talk about my stories a bit because writing is as much an art form as painting, etc.

    Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year? Some more icon challenges. And themed challenges. Basically, anything that continues to push our limits and make us better artists.

    What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers? Hmm. . .this is a tough one. I love coloring, I think. Using all the different PS tuts for Gimp, learning how to use Channel Mixer, and the different ways to use layering to create different colors. I think Rocket's use of layering a b&w soft glow layer over a colored one is another favorite technique.

    What was your favourite challenge? Again, another toughie! I enjoyed all of them for various reasons. But I think my favorites include the 7in7 challenges and the screenname challenge. I loved seeing unusual characters come out of the woodwork.


      Not for the challenge, just been playing

      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


        Wonderful entries everyone!!!

        Very nice, Mr!

        CONGRATULATIONS on 1 whole year!!!!

        How did you come to the thread?
        I came because of an invitation posted by Jumble on Graphics or Sam/jack ship family thread. And I love it!

        What do you like most about the thread?
        I loved that all artwork are welcome and share with everyone.

        Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year?
        More the same fun! Maybe, more used of texture, stock images and icons challenges.

        What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers?
        I learned to use more texture, blending and how to write a tutorial

        What was your favourite challenge?
        The icons challenges because was so hard to work with small size of artwork.


          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          Not for the challenge, just been playing

          LOVE what you've done with the text on that one MR

          And I'm taking notes on what you'd all like to do over the next year


            Wow, 1 year! Congrats!

            How did you come to the thread?

            I was asked to come here from one I don't want to speak about anymore.

            What do you like most about the thread?

            To post art, can ask questions and being inspired - and also getting in contact with artlers I really adore

            Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year?

            Here I'm lying because I know you all would hate me: No

            What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers?

            Ahm ... using textures the right way. But I have to say I love to come here to learn to use English a bit better (I hope!!!)

            What was your favourite challenge?

            This one I better skip.

            Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
            Sig & Avi by Josi
            LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
            I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


              Nice challenge summary post Josi - so many great moments captured but I think my favourite is 'always' ... Sam and Jack, just so good *happy sigh*

              Moving on ... WOW, a year already?! Where did THAT time go??? Congrats to josi, jumble and sarai for your great idea that turned out to be a lasting one as well ... this is down to you guys really because if someone doesn't run things, organise stuff for everyone to do, these things usually fade to nothing. So well done you!! And congrats to us all for keeping coming back, even if sometimes it's a few weeks between visits

              How did you come to the thread?Well, a year is so long and I barely remember what I did last week but I think I was invited, like a PM or something??? I honestly can't remember who from now but I think it was one of josi, sarai or jumble - so thank you to whoever invited me! It's been fun

              What do you like most about the thread? I don't think I'm actually that artistic, particularly if it means being able to create something unique from nothing, so I've ended up with this kind of style that isn't really something anyone wants to imitate. So what I like about Artwork For All is that it welcomes all styles of art and therefore I feel happy posting my efforts here. Related to this is that I don't feel inadequate because we have artists at all levels of development - I like that about this thread too There are people to learn from and hopefully people to share something with too. I've had a go posting things elsewhere and just end up feeling I'm just not up with the right styles and also not very good all at the same time ... but I never feel like that here!

              Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year? Mmmm .... ideas .... ideas .... I liked the song lyric and quote challenges so maybe more of those. I also like hot guys with guns so maybe a Hero challenge or something like that would be fun. Special occasion challenges are always fun too so maybe branching out beyond Christmas and finding some other special occasions/days to celebrate with art would be fun - I don't mind if they are holidays for other countries representing the majority of our contributors.

              What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers? Wow, so many things learned it's hard to pick anything specific. Mmm - I do like using the burn/dodge tool to fix parts of a pic - I think I learned that from a tut by Rocket. I also love blending which I think I learned using various tuts by luciana. And I love putting an outline/shadow/highlight around my text which I learned how to do from bailey. Textures are great - probably everyone here taught me something about using them!

              What was your favourite challenge? I don't think we've had any duds - if I haven't done them it's been because of RL or lack of artistic motivation/talent. Ones that stand out in my memory though are the imitation challenge - I still think the sig I made imitating Rocket is better than anything I've created myself - the thread banners challenge (wouldn't mind doing that one again actually ) and the recent one with characters starting with the same letter as our username.

              It's going to be fun to dig up the old stuff I've done this week but even more to see some of the great things everyone else created. I'm looking forward to it!

              Edit: Forgot to add, MR love your Shweir sigs but especially the second one - great use of text against background
              Last edited by ShaViva; 27 July 2012, 06:38 PM.


                Congrats on one full year!! Lovely and Gorgeous art from last week! and MR, those are gorgeous!

                How did you come to the thread?
                Found this thread by just lurking around the Off-topic Chatter portion.

                What do you like most about the thread?
                Any fandom can be used regardless of popularity.

                Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year?
                I'll have to get back to you on that since I don't really plan that far ahead...

                What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers?
                Blending, adjustments, and so much more that I can't think of off the top of my head...

                What was your favourite challenge?
                Too hard to pick just one...
                Icon and Sig by me.


                  How did you come to the thread?
                  I think it was an invitation on the Secrets of Sam and Jack Art thread...I could be wrong though...memory is the first to go

                  What do you like most about the thread?
                  The variety! Something new every week. The sharing - everyone is so helpful and generous. The fandoms - wow, something for everyone, and everyone is accepted. Nope, can't say what I like *most* there's just so much.

                  Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year?
                  Learn, learn, learn!

                  What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers?
                  Masks, tools, new programs, filters, blur, sharpen, adjustments, um, a host of things.

                  What was your favourite challenge?
                  Negative space - I love it!


                    *sneaks in*

                    Happy Ship Day!

                    *sneaks out*
                    My vids Sig made by me


                      Cool vid XFChemist - nice mix of some Fringe in there too Happy ship day to you too


                        Yay! Wow, I can hardly believe the challenges have already been going for a year. Go us!

                        How did you come to the thread?
                        I seem to remember receiving a PM.

                        What do you like most about the thread?
                        All fandoms are welcome and there aren't any winners or losers picked for the challenges, or even favorites of the users or the challenge runners. Posters are expected to abide by "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

                        Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year?
                        More of the same, with a twist. Even if I don't always participate, the tuts are my favorites. I guess I learn most from those.

                        What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers?
                        Using textures just for coloring. Better amend that to using textures full stop! Until I came to this thread I was pretty much limited to using gradients as blends.

                        What was your favourite challenge?
                        Couldn't possibly pick just one...


                          Can't green you at the moment Mane - just wanted to say that I LOVE your current signature and avi - awesome!!! *grinning*


                            Thanks! For once it was merely the matter of picking the right images.


                              How did you come to the thread?
                              honestly i don't remember

                              What do you like most about the thread?
                              the people, the art, the creativity

                              Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year?
                              theres still the rest of 2012 before that

                              What's the best or your most favourite thing that you have learnt from your fellow artworkers?
                              improving my ability's, thanks guys

                              What was your favourite challenge?
                              Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                                Originally posted by maneth View Post

                                Do you have any ideas about what you would like to do over the next year?
                                More of the same, with a twist. Even if I don't always participate, the tuts are my favorites. I guess I learn most from those.
                                Care to elaborate on that? We're hoping for some new ideas, so any suggestions will be welcome

