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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    Thanks, I'm glad you love it. They really are lol. I just hope after last weeks episode things aren't even more messed up in Storybrooke, especially between Mary, David, and Emma...Well, having to switch them out is nothing, at least you have them lol. Happy Birthday to us, Twin!

    Oh yes, I adore it. It's one of my favorites that I've been given. I think it works so well for her. I know the feeling...Sometimes I have something fantastic, but it's like it's a fluke, I can never get it quite right again. It doesn't help that as I went to make that for you, I realized I still didn't have any of my brushes and textures and stock photos that I lost when my old laptop crashed. So if I'm going to try making much again, I'm going to have to go hunt them all down again lol.

    And I had horrible trouble finding any good caps of the show. I don't know why...

    I didn't think anyone would mind, but I wasn't sure. The title at the top says challenges, graphics, and tutorials, so I wasn't sure if it was for graphics made for challenges and from posted tutorials, or if it was graphics in general lol.

    Yep, it is a good reason. I'm just glad I could still do it. I stared at my Gimp screen for ages trying to remember how to do stuff lol. And thank you. I was quite happy with it, especially for not having made anything in ages and working with a very limited set of textures, pictures, and brushes.
    I also lost a lot when my laptop stopped turning on. But the hard drive was ok, so I have it in a little black box, I just have to get my brushes and fonts, and some pictures off it. I did seem to misplace a sig texture file that was on my artwork USB drive with my other textures. It seems to have disappeared since November wen I last used it. I just haven't had a chance to load it all on my new one. Maybe I get to that next week during break. After I write my paper.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      Lovely LG and Shep

      Hmmmm...... must figure out something to do for this one.....


        Originally posted by loserinc View Post
        Lovely LG and Shep

        Hmmmm...... must figure out something to do for this one.....
        Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
          I also lost a lot when my laptop stopped turning on. But the hard drive was ok, so I have it in a little black box, I just have to get my brushes and fonts, and some pictures off it. I did seem to misplace a sig texture file that was on my artwork USB drive with my other textures. It seems to have disappeared since November wen I last used it. I just haven't had a chance to load it all on my new one. Maybe I get to that next week during break. After I write my paper.
          Sadly, my hard drive died too. Much of the stuff was saved on discs/cds after the last crash, but not everything. And I still have to sort through it all to try to get it off. Plus, I just don't have room on my laptop for all of that stuff. If I had the money I'd by myself an external hard drive for all that stuff. Especially since I had high quality caps from lots of stuff, including most of LotS and SG1. If I had an external hard drive for all of my caps and stock photos/textures, as well as to save my created stuff to, it would work so much better lol. I have a feeling I won't have any time during my break...I'm in a wedding on March 17 (yes, she's having a St. Patty's day themed wedding) and then I'll be driving home, spending time with my family and friends until about March 24, then driving home. So I probably won't have time for much on my laptop...

          Since my twin Padme twisted my arm, I've got a couple of offerings for the challenge this week...If you know the shows they are from, the way they fit the challenge is probabably self-explanatory, but if you aren't familiar with the shows I'll explain my probably slightly insane thought process lol.

          The first is from Once Upon a Time...
          Thought process: They loved in Fairytale world, they loved in the "real world" of Storybrooke, but as of right now it's still a lost love because they are currently starcrossed. And the pocket watch is because, once found, their love is timeless.

          The second is from Castle...
          Thought process: Again, currently somewhat starcrossed. But also more real in the "lost and found" sense. She almost died (hence the pic on the left of her on the guerny after being shot while they wheeled her into the ER), so he thought he'd lost her, and since she didn't die they are slowly working their way to "finding" their love. And I say finding in quotes cause they both know they love the other, but they are too stubborn and insecure to admit it...

          And that's my humble first two offering to this thread...
          Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


            They're lovely TR!

            Great to see all the challenge artworks posted together once again.


              nice sigs TR
              Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                if someone wanna make something for our Penguins Challenge (Sam/Jack art), the quote of this month is:

                Life's altered you, then, as it's altered me. What would be the point of living if we didn't let life change us?

                more info on our site:
                My vids Sig made by me


                  Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                    Lovely challenge entries everyone

                    lg, I think I prefer the second, sepia-toned Daniel one. Just seems to emphasise the contrast between the light and shade which is so symbolic in that scene

                    TR, welcome to the thread and the challenges
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      lg, I think I prefer the second, sepia-toned Daniel one. Just seems to emphasise the contrast between the light and shade which is so symbolic in that scene
                      agreed they are both lovely but the sepia is the best
                      Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                        if someone wanna make something for our Penguins Challenge (Sam/Jack art), the quote of this month is:

                        Life's altered you, then, as it's altered me. What would be the point of living if we didn't let life change us?

                        more info on our site:
                        Where do I know that quote from? It sounds so familiar.

                        Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                        Since my twin Padme twisted my arm, I've got a couple of offerings for the challenge this week...If you know the shows they are from, the way they fit the challenge is probabably self-explanatory, but if you aren't familiar with the shows I'll explain my probably slightly insane thought process lol.

                        The first is from Once Upon a Time...
                        Thought process: They loved in Fairytale world, they loved in the "real world" of Storybrooke, but as of right now it's still a lost love because they are currently starcrossed. And the pocket watch is because, once found, their love is timeless.

                        The second is from Castle...
                        Thought process: Again, currently somewhat starcrossed. But also more real in the "lost and found" sense. She almost died (hence the pic on the left of her on the guerny after being shot while they wheeled her into the ER), so he thought he'd lost her, and since she didn't die they are slowly working their way to "finding" their love. And I say finding in quotes cause they both know they love the other, but they are too stubborn and insecure to admit it...

                        And that's my humble first two offering to this thread...
                        I did not "twist your arm." I encouraged. There's a difference. But Nicley done. They fit perfectly.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                          Where do I know that quote from? It sounds so familiar.
                          Charles Carson (Downton Abbey)
                          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                            Originally posted by LT. COL. John Sheppard View Post
                            Charles Carson (Downton Abbey)
                            *headdesk* You know, I could hear him in my head saying it, but for the life of me couldn't remember what in! And I call myself a DA fan. I have the DVDs and the book.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                                Thanks, josi and LTC. I was leaning toward the sepia toned one of Daniel as well.

