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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Lovely challenge entries everyone!

    I'll be saving this week's tutorials on the AfA delicious page at, so that's where to go if you want to see them all together and find tutorials to follow throughout the week
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Loved seeing all the love in the challenge submissions from this last week. Wonderful work everyone!


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        LOVE those textures Mr! You're fast become our Queen of Textures

        I wonder if a texture challenge wood be a good idea?

        I would have to limit myself, and I'm not sure I have that much self control

        P.S Jumble did I not send you my SGA Team WP entry for last week - or did it not count ??
        Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          I would have to limit myself, and I'm not sure I have that much self control
          Oh I'm sure you could manage I'm just not sure how many others wood take on the challenge - but having said that, you've just given us all a tut to get us started Thanks for that

          P.S Jumble did I not send you my SGA Team WP entry for last week - or did it not count ??
          I've only received the two I posted Pm me the other one and I'll see if I can edit it in


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Oh I'm sure you could manage I'm just not sure how many others wood take on the challenge - but having said that, you've just given us all a tut to get us started Thanks for that

            I've only received the two I posted Pm me the other one and I'll see if I can edit it in
            Lets see how easy people think it is to follow before you thank me for that!!!

            Oh and have PM'd you the other WP
            Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


              Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
              Lets see how easy people think it is to follow before you thank me for that!!!
              Makes sense to me And I guess you have to be a bit vague because it's very much as the imagination takes you, but at least now you've given me an idea of how to start

              I'm just a little afraid that I'll get hooked..........

              Oh and have PM'd you the other WP
              Thanks, it's in the first post


                Gorgeous arts everyone!
                Icon and Sig by me.


                  Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
                  *sneaks in*

                  Great arts everyone! For some reasons i can't green to the most of you... so vertual green to everyone

                  I had a few free day to ps
                  A few entries for different challenges
                  Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic icons
                  Stana Katic sig
                  And a new background for my lj

                  *sneaks out*
                  Wonderful job on them all.

                  Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                  Lovely Sy, The new con pictures are being put to fantastic use

                  At a loss to express how much I love these, They are just beautiful

                  Lovely NormaN, that background suits the picture perfectly

                  Pretty. Love the texture and the pictures

                  Oh, so going to be having a go at these Thanks

                  So very very pretty The NF/SK icons are amazing

                  I actually stopped by to drop off a couple more textures, but there were so many new pretties I got distracted .......




                  Awww. Thanks MR. *blushes*

                  Can't wait to see what you end up doing and thanks so much for the textures.

                  Awesome job Everyone!!! Even saw some I missed. Glad you guys to end of the week recaps.


                    Love, love, LOVE Fridays! Such great artwork everyone! The range of friendships is terrific.

                    MR, thanks for the textures - they're beautiful. I'm going to try your tut (in photoshop) and see where it takes me. I like making textures, but mine don't hold a candle to the lovelies you come up with!


                      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                      Love, love, LOVE Fridays! Such great artwork everyone! The range of friendships is terrific.

                      MR, thanks for the textures - they're beautiful. I'm going to try your tut (in photoshop) and see where it takes me. I like making textures, but mine don't hold a candle to the lovelies you come up with!
                      Thanks Nola, I loved the last lot of textures you did

                      I hope my tut works for you in PS, I have no idea how close the tool, options etc are to GIMP
                      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                        Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                        Lovely textures MR! I, too, love the blue and brick. I had a dream last night about doing something with a brick texture but now that i think of it, I have no idea why I thought it would work. LOL
                        Give it a try... you may be surprised.

                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Fantastic work everyone! Gorgeous calendars and textures and challenge entries and all sorts of other pretties

                        Great to see lots of enthusiasm for the Secret Santa Don't forget to PM me if you want to join in
                        Thanks Josi and can't wait to do Secret Santa.

                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                        This week is a Tutorial Week. For the first week every month, we don’t issue a challenge, but instead want to encourage thread participants to share their expertise and try something new, using tutorials. This is how it works:

                        1. Share a tutorial: Write a tutorial for a piece of art you have made recently, or post a piece of art you have made with the link to the tutorial you followed when you made it.

                        2. Follow a tutorial: Use one (or more) of the tutorials that other thread members have shared during the week to make a piece of art of your own.

                        The idea is that we should both teach something and learn something throughout the week It’s not obligatory to do both, if you’re limited for time, but we’d like to encourage you to please both share and follow at least one tutorial if at all possible. At the end of the week we will post all the tutorials along with any art made following each tutorial, so that we can see all the different interpretations all together.

                        We've put together some FAQs for you all which hopefully will clarify things and answer any questions you may have.

                        FAQs: -

                        What if I don’t feel I have enough expertise to write a tutorial? Or I’m only a beginner, what can I teach anyone?

                        Everyone, no matter how long you’ve been artworking or what program you use, will know something that someone else doesn’t. There will be one function you’ve tried that other people haven’t even looked at, or one button you’ve pressed that no-one else has. And even if not, one of the most interesting things about tutorials is seeing how other people have done things. Of course, if you’re really a newbie at this, and haven’t made anything much at all yet, then don’t feel put off from participating just because you don’t have a tutorial to share. Try some of the tutorials other people share, and you never know, next month you might be able to write one of your own

                        - I’ve never written a tutorial before and don’t really know how. Any tips?

                        There’s no set way to write a tutorial. It can be as long or short as you like, complicated or straightforward, serious or light-hearted. If you’re not sure where to start, open up the .PSD or .XCF file (or equivalent) and then work your way through the layers - that’s usually a good way to remind yourself what you did at each point, even if when you did it originally you were just fiddling until you got something you like! And if all else fails and you have to just gloss over a step and say you’re not really sure quite how you did something at one point, don’t worry about it! There’ll be plenty of useful stuff in the rest of the tut regardless! If you’re still uncertain, wait a few days and get some tips from the tutorials other people share. Or just share a tutorial you followed that was written by someone else

                        - Do I have to follow a tutorial exactly, or can I use it as a starting point and then go my own way?

                        To meet the criteria for the challenge of the tutorial week, your art must have come from a tutorial posted during the week, but whether you follow the tutorial to the letter, or adapt it and go off on a tangent is entirely up to you!

                        - Anything else? When writing your tutorial, please include links to any textures/brushes you use, and

                        Pease specify which program you are writing the tutorial for, so that if anyone is using a different program they are aware that they may need to adapt it as they go along.

                        If you’re still uncertain, or have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

                        Please PM your entries
                        (both your original tutorial and any art you make following a tutorial this week) to

                        Thanks Jumble.


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          LOVE those textures Mr! You're fast become our Queen of Textures

                          I wonder if a texture challenge wood be a good idea?

                          No worries, just thought it was an opportune moment to point it out to everyone
                          Really enjoyed all the Friendship art - well done all
                          *sits back and waits for lots of awesome new tuts to try*
                          A texture challenge sounds hard, but could be fun.

                          Great timing.
                          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                          Awesome Calenders.
                          Thanks Sweetie.

                          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                          WOW all the entries for last week's challenge are absolutely fantastic, everyone is working so hard every week

                          Okay, so my first attempt at a tut, lets see if I can get some of you making your own backgrounds/Textures

                          This one is for GIMP, but I assume that PS has similar features


                          This may seem a little vague, but there is no way of anticipating what is going to 'work', it's all a case of personal preference

                          First open up a large blank page (black or white) - I use 1388x768, but whatever your screen resolution is works well.

                          Using the Paintbrush tool pick a brush, try one that is relatively large if possible - grungy or large blocky brushes work well, although I used some lovely flowery brushes on my last one that worked really well - Everybody's different (There are literally '0000's you can download, This is a great place to start looking for brushes )

                          Cover the blank area however you want to - completely or sporadically - depending on the brush and how it looks to you. Use a contrasting colour, i.e Black on white or vise versa. Leave the layer mode at Normal

                          Create at least 2 new layers, keep them Transparent.

                          Use the first new layer to add extra features - complimentary brush strokes, text, framing (Whatever artistic flairs come to mind ). use the layer mode option to find which option works best - Overlay, Grain merge and soft light are normally the first one's I try.

                          Fill the second layer with colour - your own choice - either using a solid fill colour from the palette or use the gradient tool and pick a gradient to compliment your idea. Again use the Layer mode to set the layer so it colours the brushes the way you like - normally Overlay, but occasionally one of the others is a better option

                          It can be a good idea to move the layers around, see if it changes the way the piece looks.

                          I'm going to point out that NONE of this is set in stone, sometimes you will only need 1 new layer, other times more than 2. I have been known to use other textures as an extra layer, to add some depth or to change the colouring.

                          The main thing is to experiment and find what looks right to you

                          Any questions just ask... I will try and help even though a lot of my favourite textures worked purely by accident

                          Hopefully that is okay and not too bad to follow

                          And YAY for me actually doing a tut
                          Can we have an example hun? I'm a visional person.

                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          Lovely challenge entries everyone!

                          I'll be saving this week's tutorials on the AfA delicious page at, so that's where to go if you want to see them all together and find tutorials to follow throughout the week
                          Thanks Josi.


                            Wonderful job Everyone!!!

                            Mr, thanks for the textures and tut!


                              Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
                              *sneaks in*

                              Great arts everyone! For some reasons i can't green to the most of you... so vertual green to everyone

                              I had a few free day to ps
                              A few entries for different challenges
                              Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic icons
                              Stana Katic sig
                              And a new background for my lj

                              *sneaks out*
                              Gorgeous work

                              Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                              Excellent textures MR

                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                              Challenge Week Eleven

                              Suggested by Max_Omega

                              Make a piece of art depicting your favourite on-screen friendship (as opposed to romantic ship) or an RL friendship.
                              Amazing challenge entries everyone!!
                              Thanks to Jann (starlover) for the gorgeous sig!


                                Okay, I tried MR's tut in photoshop and this is what I came up with:


