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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Banner by Lilith

    Challenge 231







      Banner by Syfyfan

      Challenge 232
      Here come the girls...

      This week's challenge is to celebrate the girls - make a piece of art featuring your favourite female characters from any movie, tv show, genre etc... the choice is yours!

      This challenge was suggested by the wonderful Ladygris - thank you!

      If you have an idea for a weekly challenge please PM Josiane, Jumble, Sarai or JadedWraith - we'd love to hear from you.

      Size: Any
      Text: Any
      Images: Any

      Please PM your entries this week to Jumble, by 5pm Friday (UK time). Please make sure to put your GW screen name in the file name of your entry.


        Allow me to introduce Sarah the Flip Car; a transformer OC that is on the permament hyper side of bi-polar. At least until she has to defend somebody or someone steals her food.

        This cute car is based off the Ramp Car from Fast & Furious 6. And it shoews her three normal moods, defensive, cute and playful

        Actress is Liu Shishi

        Dunno if it'd count for this weeks challenge, its just something that has been on my mind for some time now

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          ^Cool set of wheels!

          I made this for a friend of mine. I think it fits this week's theme

          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


            Princess Awinita and JW: Both gorgeous as always!

            Here is my fav from Killjoys: Dutch and her identical evil counterpart Aneela:

            Icon and Sig by me.


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              The hardest part is choosing pics that go with each word - after that it's just a case of chucking on some textures so that they look as if they belong together

              Lovely sig Sci, beautiful colouring
              lol Been awhile since I had to hunt for pics and it takes awhile to find the right ones, but that's why it's a challenge and why we have a week.

              Thank you!

              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
              Banner by Syfyfan

              Challenge 232
              Here come the girls...

              This week's challenge is to celebrate the girls - make a piece of art featuring your favourite female characters from any movie, tv show, genre etc... the choice is yours!

              This challenge was suggested by the wonderful Ladygris - thank you!

              If you have an idea for a weekly challenge please PM Josiane, Jumble, Sarai or JadedWraith - we'd love to hear from you.

              Size: Any
              Text: Any
              Images: Any

              Please PM your entries this week to Jumble, by 5pm Friday (UK time). Please make sure to put your GW screen name in the file name of your entry.
              Oooo. Great challenge. Some reason Banner isn't showing.

              Awesome Entries from last week and Great job Princess, JW and Yami for this week's.


                If you haven't seen it yet. I'd suggest strongly you go.
                Awesome movie.


                  The Adblock Plus filter I found for Photobucket seems to be working now. It can be found here. Just thought I would mention it for those who use Adblock Plus in Chrome and Firefox but still want to see the artwork on Photobucket. I can report it works fine in both browsers.

                  Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                    Sci: Thank you! And a most wonderful piece of art!

                    Planet: Thanks for the filter, unfortunately, I like the one that I am currently using but I will keep this in mind.

                    Here is my latest wallpaper, not an entry since there are guys in it...

                    Icon and Sig by me.


                      Sci and Yami - beautiful work

                      Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
                      The Adblock Plus filter I found for Photobucket seems to be working now. It can be found here. Just thought I would mention it for those who use Adblock Plus in Chrome and Firefox but still want to see the artwork on Photobucket. I can report it works fine in both browsers.
                      I may be dense, but I'm not seeing a link for the filter, just an example of how it works


                        Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
                        The Adblock Plus filter I found for Photobucket seems to be working now. It can be found here. Just thought I would mention it for those who use Adblock Plus in Chrome and Firefox but still want to see the artwork on Photobucket. I can report it works fine in both browsers.
                        I already have Adblocker Plus for my PC, but thanks hun.

                        Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                        Sci: Thank you! And a most wonderful piece of art!

                        Planet: Thanks for the filter, unfortunately, I like the one that I am currently using but I will keep this in mind.

                        Here is my latest wallpaper, not an entry since there are guys in it...

                        Thank you Yami!! And love yours too. Can't wait for next season. Ghost Rider/Robbie really kicked it up this season.

                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Sci and Yami - beautiful work
                        Thanks Jumble


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          The hardest part is choosing pics that go with each word - after that it's just a case of chucking on some textures so that they look as if they belong together
                          When you say it like that it does seem easier


                            In regards to the filter, something I probably should have mentioned (filter from the second post of the link I posted):
                            • In the Adblock Plus for Chrome options there is a tab for add your own filters. When you're on that tab you just copy and paste this, @@||^$generichide, click add filter and your done.
                            • In Firefox open Adblock Plus filter preferences, add filter group, copy @@||^$generichide, click filter actions and choose paste, and then click close.

                            Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                              Yami, you inspired me.Something simple though.


                                That is gorgeous, Sci!

                                Planet: I haven't done anything to my adblock plus, and I'm on Chrome, but I seem to be able to view arts now, but thank you so very much for the info.
                                Icon and Sig by me.

