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    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

    First of all, the origin of NWO has to do with the ideology of Jews controlling everything and ruining the world. So it's a sure bet that I don't buy into that tinfoil nonsense one bit. (Forget normal tinfoil hats, they need Tin plated hats lined with lead for that level of neurotic paranoia)
    I just meant a one world government Tood, not the "actual" NWO.
    As you pointed that out, The Illuminati is connected to the NWO, and if the NWO is a Jewish conspiracy,(which I don't believe) and Christianity came from Judaism, it's actually the Jews and the Christians who want the NWO!!

    But super large governments don't work well at all. If we ever go into space, we may need supranational government, but such a scheme means that there would still be independent states largely managing their own internal affairs. Part of me feels that the US has just that problem. It's too darn big and that breeds a monstrous government out of necessity but is a double edged sword that cuts both ways.
    Look at governmental structure of the UFP Tood. Member worlds, free to govern their own internal affairs, just with a few extra rules and requirements of the UFP. The biggest fear I hear from people who are worried about a one world government is generally rooted in two issues, 1: A loss of nationalism, or 2: loss of resources to other countries. 1 is not a given, nor even nessesaraly -wanted-, diversity is a good thing. as for 2, when we trade to other nations, are we not "loosing" our resources to a degree anyway?

    I found a reliable NWO source!!

    This one is awesome too, didn't someone mention Alex Jones Earlier??
    Last edited by Gatefan1976; 03 August 2016, 08:59 PM.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
      You're link isn't working
      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


        if there were such a thing as a "world government" does that mean there would be just 1 law enforcement agency with dominion over the entire planet?
        say, any chap with a badge in the US could just as well travel to New Zealand & fine somewhere there as well, at will, and they'd have their immunity everywhere they went? the whole planet would wbe their turf


          That's a weird way of looking at it, but yeah, basically that's their goal.


            in that just about everyone would want that job lol


              Why would it be like that?
              It -could- be like that if every member government agreed to it, but I doubt even just a "one world" coalition of western nations would agree to such a system. I would imagine that it would be something akin to say, the federal police. Local matters are handled locally, the feds are called in for crimes that are not local or cross state lines. Something like Interpol perhaps?
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Oh, it's a while before the NWO crowd gets its way. But they eventually will, if we haven't destroyed ourselves in the meantime.

                We've all seen this before.
                In the Star Trek franchise, at least the real version before Jar Jar got a hold of it, one of the requirements of joining the Federation is that the world have one government. Remember "A Piece of the Action"? The two opposing ganglords ran the planet and the Federation wouldn't deal with more than one "Voice" of the planet?
                I forget where, but that concept was reinforced in some other show/movie/etc.
                And in how many other sci-fi media have we seen worlds in advance of ours with one world governments? It is the "ideal" of the future I guess.

                But mankind, in real life in the 21st century is not ready for that, not by a long shot. If it is pushed too fast, as it will be, it might just knock us back down the long ladder a few thousand years.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  Oh, it's a while before the NWO crowd gets its way. But they eventually will, if we haven't destroyed ourselves in the meantime.

                  We've all seen this before.
                  In the Star Trek franchise, at least the real version before Jar Jar got a hold of it, one of the requirements of joining the Federation is that the world have one government. Remember "A Piece of the Action"? The two opposing ganglords ran the planet and the Federation wouldn't deal with more than one "Voice" of the planet?
                  I forget where, but that concept was reinforced in some other show/movie/etc.
                  And in how many other sci-fi media have we seen worlds in advance of ours with one world governments? It is the "ideal" of the future I guess.
                  I already mentioned trek, but yes.

                  But mankind, in real life in the 21st century is not ready for that, not by a long shot. If it is pushed too fast, as it will be, it might just knock us back down the long ladder a few thousand years.
                  No, we are not ready for it, you are quite right and "shoving it down our throat" probably -will- knock us down. If you want a real world comparison, look to what Marx actually wrote about communism, and what would be required for it to function "as intended", then look at the mess Russia got itself into by attempting to rush into it from a feudal system.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    ... "sup my nigga!" ...
                    That's a line from a song which was in my playlist this morning and now I'm stuck with it again... and darn, it had a lot of rhythm and it's passed my bedtime.

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Maybe other people are.. but I'm more concerned about if/when she gets elected----what she is about to do via imposing in TAX increases, and us having to deal with the oppressions resulting from those new laws passed...
                    Whining about taxes... *snort* ...have you seen what Belgians get taxed? (see the handy link Gatefan provided)
                    Woman, your taxes compare to nothing.

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    A long time ago, I read a book on the Knights of the Templar which mentioned some of the dealings of the Illuminati, AND historical figures involved in various global agendas.
                    I wish I had more time so I could tell you all about the Templar Knights, but sadly I don't as I should really hit the sack. Got a long day ahead of me tomorrow seeing all the prehistoric monuments on my day trip list.

                    But damn, the Templar Knights are ... were ... no, are so awesome. They were obviously more awesome as medieval knights but I love their armor and their history and ... err... I'm getting off track...

                    Anyway... where was I?

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Probably---but the question is -- which one..?
                    The Jedi Order

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Maybe they're finally coming to their senses, and realizing the folly of what they were started out trying to impose on the rest of us..?
                    What's that?
                    Warning us we're ruining the planet?
                    Wait, till you hear what's currently thawing out in the north of Russia - somewhere around the Arctic circle cause of some "unusually" high temperatures.

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Some folks do NOT have GREEN thumbs, nor the space and means to recycle like some families with lots of acreage and home living space, etc.. So just because of that -- the folks *who do not have* such abilities get punished with a hefty penalty fine?
                    Your point is invalid. I live in a city in an appartment and we recycle just fine. Paper & cardboard, plastic bottles, composte, plastic, glass and general waste. Doesn't require that much space - at all - or any sort of "green thumb".

                    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                    I hate what half of the atheists outhere have to say...
                    As long as you're not going around killing any of the atheists, we won't hold it against you.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    How badly taxed do you think you are?
                    Here, read for yourself:
                    Please, please, read it.
                    Damn, look at Belgium being number 3 on the heaviest taxed country-list. FRAK!!
                    But at least I don't live in France or Denmark.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    By Odins one good eye............
                    What happened to the other?
                    Did he poke himself with his axe?

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    There is one of Hammurabi as well, so your law is based on Babylonian religion!!
                    Hammurabi was awesome. I could stare at his stèle for hours on end.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Why would it be like that?
                      It -could- be like that if every member government agreed to it, but I doubt even just a "one world" coalition of western nations would agree to such a system. I would imagine that it would be something akin to say, the federal police. Local matters are handled locally, the feds are called in for crimes that are not local or cross state lines. Something like Interpol perhaps?
                      that's the thing feds in the US have full power over the entire US territory (not like Interpol over the globe they just "coordinate" things between different countries but they're not a police force themselves) - an FBI agent flashes his badge in any US state & citizens have to obey (heck even local cops have to obey)
                      so imagine something akin to the FBI but with dominion over the entire planet :/


                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        that's the thing feds in the US have full power over the entire US territory (not like Interpol over the globe they just "coordinate" things between different countries but they're not a police force themselves) - an FBI agent flashes his badge in any US state & citizens have to obey (heck even local cops have to obey)
                        so imagine something akin to the FBI but with dominion over the entire planet :/
                        There are far more important aspects than law enforcement. But it seems that that's all you look at in any situation. That and how "commoners" are always victims.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          There are far more important aspects than law enforcement. But it seems that that's all you look at in any situation. That and how "commoners" are always victims.
                          so now you not only support big government you also support world government?
                          (then again we know Trump ain't exactly a "small government" sort of chap)


                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            that's the thing feds in the US have full power over the entire US territory (not like Interpol over the globe they just "coordinate" things between different countries but they're not a police force themselves) - an FBI agent flashes his badge in any US state & citizens have to obey (heck even local cops have to obey)
                            so imagine something akin to the FBI but with dominion over the entire planet :/
                            Uh huh....................
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              wait you didn't know FBI were cops?


                                FBI, SS (That's Secret Service), ATF, ICE, DEA, and USMS are law enforcement agencies of the US government. But when you're in Texas, you better watch your back or the Rangers will get ya.
                                By Nolamom

