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    On the campaign trail former Pennsylvania Sen. and GOP presidential candiate Rick Santorum told a crowd that the gay community has gone on a “jihad” against him because of his vocal opposition to gay marriage.

    According to The Hill, Santorum made the remark Friday in Spartanburg, S.C.

    “So the gay community said, ‘He’s comparing gay sex to incest and polygamy, how dare he do this,’ and they have gone out on a, I would argue, jihad against Rick Santorum since then,” Santorum said.

    Santorum’s stance on gay marriage has been a source of controversy over the years. In a 2003 interview with the Associated Press, Santorum famously compared homosexuality to bigamy, incest and bestiality.

    “We have laws in states, like the one at the Supreme Court right now, that has sodomy laws and they were there for a purpose … if the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything,” Santorum said.

    “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality,” he continued. “That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing. And when you destroy that you have a dramatic impact on the quality —”

    At this point in the interview, the reporter interrupted him, saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I was going to talk about “man on dog” with a United States senator, it’s sort of freaking me out.” (RELATED: Perry top choice for Republican nomination, CNN poll shows)

    After the exchange, syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage held a contest at a reader’s suggestion, asking his readers “to nominate sex acts for the honor of being known as a ‘santorum.’” The newly resulting definition is fairly vulgar, so for the sake of the reader it has been omitted from this article. If interested, it is easily found on Google, where it remains the top search result when the term “Santorum” is entered.

    Santorum’s campaign did not respond to requests for clarification on the statement.

    Oh please, like the gay community doesn't have a legitimate reason for being negative towards him? I mean, "how dare they be hostile towards a guy who made horrendously hostile remarks about homosexuals?"

    On the plus side, all the gay "jihadists" are sure to look fabulous.


      Can anyone honestly read the name Santorum without giggling?


        Originally posted by shipper hannah View Post
        Can anyone honestly read the name Santorum without giggling?
        Nope, sounds too much like "sanatorium".
        My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


          Today is 9-11, and I tell ya, I'm really starting to hate this date.

          Yes, it was a great tragedy and I don't begrudge the people who died or their families.

          But I hate hate hate hate HATE the over-commercialization of this tragedy. WATCH THIS SPECIAL ON 9-11 AND GIVE ME MORE MONEY! All day, every day for a week before, on 99% of all channels, especially tonight when they all broadcast the same special across the entire world.

          That's one of the biggest things I hate about America, is that anything can be milked for more money.

          **** you.

          I'm going to be watching my DVDs all day.


            Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
            That's one of the biggest things I hate about America, is that anything can be milked for more money.
            I remember the day just fine without the endless repeats. I saw it live on television. My sister was within a mile of it. I'm sorry that more than 3,000 people lost their lives - but it was 10 years ago. I am not giving anyone any more money for this "cause". I'm caused out. Every time I go to New York, the souvenir vendors hawking twin tower stuff is sickening. I don't think healing begins by constantly picking open a wound. Why do we need some sort of huge anniversary "celebration" of this tragedy?


              Why do we need some sort of huge anniversary "celebration" of this tragedy?
              I wish I knew.

              It's not for nothing that money is called the root of all evil.


                It isn't a celebration. The think the more appropriate word is commemoration. It was a hugely shocking event that changed our worlds and countries forever, in which 3,000 people (or near enough) lost their lives, most of whom were doing nothing more than simply being at work that day.

                I remember what I was doing too. I was here on Gateworld. That day really bought a lot of us together. It was in incredible moment of support as the entire international GateWorld community were simply just there for each other.

                Hugs to everyone here today.


                  If it were a commemoration they wouldn't over advertise it to death.

                  It would be kept to a minimum.


                    A commemoration I can appreciate. What has been happening this past week goes beyond that into the macabre. Seriously, how many times do we need to see the footage of the second plane strike or of the towers' collapse? To my mind, that is nothing more than pandering to the sick.


                      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                      A commemoration I can appreciate. What has been happening this past week goes beyond that into the macabre. Seriously, how many times do we need to see the footage of the second plane strike or of the towers' collapse? To my mind, that is nothing more than pandering to the sick.
                      Sorry Nolamum I've forgotten where you live - assume US? I guess coverage here in the UK has been a lot more subdued. It is possible that those shots are repeated because that's all they can show really - as I understand it the media has agreed to not broadcast any of the footage from that day now where you can see people jumping out of respect for those people, and because it was being taking into a voyeuristic context. I could be wrong though so don't quote me. The events of 10 years ago are still too shocking for me to go into too much coverage of it


                        Yes Gipsy, over here it's unbelievable. Oh now I have the memory in my mind of the sound of the folks jumping - argh! Parts of that tragedy I'd like to forget - not the whole thing of course, but selective editing.


                          It was certainly a terrible tragedy. I remain rather disconnected from the Television, so I haven't witnessed any pomp and circumstance surrounding the events.
                          If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                          Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                          If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                          Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                            I'm sure this post will fall off the page, due to the next page turning over.

                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            Why do we need some sort of huge anniversary "celebration" of this tragedy?
                            We don't. I found certain radio programs using the term "anniversary" all week long, as if today was supposed to be a celebration of sorts.. celebrations are usually HAPPY and pleasant events, not things devoted to tragedy..!
                            On the other extreme, there are some people who believe today is a celebration over an enemy hellbent on destroying us -- our country, our life, our emotional psyches.

                            Seriously, tho I can see both points, I don't see today as a happy day. Even the weather is depressing (I'm sandwiched b/t Pennsy and NYC). It's been very cloudy (and muggy) all day, with no real sunshine at all. I think all of the angels did their crying last week and the week before for this area, because a good portion of northeastern NJ is still saturated under lakes of water -- and these are locations that have direct line of sight (somewhere along the way) to the WTC across the horizon and Hudson river.

                            Originally posted by GateGipsy View Post
                            It isn't a celebration. The think the more appropriate word is commemoration.
                            The reason why I got on to post was to mention that our regional area had its own "commemoration" memorial today. I was outside in my yard when I saw a very large plane FLYING at very LOW altitude. I thought -- now what??!
                            I mean this wasn't your a-typical 2-seater, local (rural) country prop plane. This was a giant jobber with something hanging off the tail (sonar? fuel pipe??). SO, after being a bit disturbed by seeing this huge plane going overhead (even the jets don't fly *that* low when coming in to the major airports), I think it was actually one of the tanker planes used during 2001 that actually patrolled the weeks on end and kept our NYC skies clear from any further air-related threats.

                            Once I figured that out, and the time coincided with the memorial event taking place down the road a tad, I felt a little better, knowing this was one of *ours* (official USA air-force).

                            Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
                            Today is 9-11, and I tell ya, I'm really starting to hate this date.

                            Yes, it was a great tragedy and I don't begrudge the people who died or their families.

                            But I hate hate hate hate HATE the over-commercialization of this tragedy. WATCH THIS SPECIAL ON 9-11 AND GIVE ME MORE MONEY!
                            I have purposely refused to watch TV, and have only checked the weather via the internet. At least it was a quiet video of the WTC waterfall memorial in NYC (there was no sound, because I have to plug something in to hear that, so I just had video footage, instead).

                            I think it was the (1st) day after the events actually occurred in 2001, when I heard someone on Tv or the radio state
                            that the guys who chose that 9-11 date to crash our USA world apart, did so because they thought it was nice of our numbering system to use 911 as the main emergency system. So, they twisted the date and turned it into a
                            literal (nationwide) 911 EMERGENCY.
                            (I cringe most times, now -- ever since then, every time I hear something 911 related or even using the September 11 date in the numeric sense

                            I'm sorry, but it takes a sick and twisted mind to do that in real life. Maybe in fictional stories it's okay, but not in REAL life.
                            I also read or heard that they've been looking for other dates/numbers to *play* with and use against our emotions. So, this war will never truly be over, until one side or the other is totally wiped out.

                            So much to hope for a peaceful and non-barbaric *future* world.
                            Last edited by SGalisa; 11 September 2011, 06:31 PM. Reason: typos -- & added info


                              That's capitalism. Profit profit profit.
                              If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                              Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                              If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                              Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                I also read or heard that they've been looking for other dates/numbers to *play* with and use against our emotions. So, this war will never truly be over, until one side or the other is totally wiped out.

                                So much to hope for a peaceful and non-barbaric *future* world.
                                Or one side or the other changes. It happens, things change. Whatever in the past then starts to simply become irrelevant.

                                With the dates thing, they have already done that with the London attacks taking place on the 7th of July - 7/7, and also the day after the announcement that London had won the Olympic bid for 2012.

