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    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    it would be helpful then if you stopped talking out of both sides of your mouth
    I am not.
    you say you don't begrudge people the use of a weapon to defend themselves with but on numerous occasions you have, or appeared to have, rather glowing things to say about the gun buyback and confiscation measures in Australia and elsewhere
    You -DO- know that those programs did not "disarm" Australians, right?
    I speak to the fact that instead of having to see people with guns everywhere I go (which never happened here as it does in the US), I just don't see guns that much. Not in the public, not by "THE CRIMINALS", there just are not guns everywhere.
    Are there illegal guns around?
    Of course there are, but as both demand, and supply are low, it is not the issue that you have in the US.
    Joe public simply does not need guns, but if they -want- guns, they can get them if they follow some very strict laws, laws that no "law abiding citizen" should be concerned with, because they are law abiding.
    It will never work in the US, simply because people have spent more time, effort and money on not just defending, but re-defining the 2nd amendment it is not funny. So, keep your freedom to bear arms, just don't be so damn stupid about it.
    Home defence does not need an arsenal, just one gun, and around (20?) rounds?
    If you feel you need that, fine.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      it would be helpful then if you stopped talking out of both sides of your mouth

      you say you don't begrudge people the use of a weapon to defend themselves with but on numerous occasions you have, or appeared to have, rather glowing things to say about the gun buyback and confiscation measures in Australia and elsewhere
      then there's one thing you most likely don't know, it's that the aussie bloke who introduced the ban, John Howard, is a capitalist far-right winger (and good friend of the Bush midget)
      must be quite a dilemma knowing this now hehe...


        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
        then there's one thing you most likely don't know, it's that the aussie bloke who introduced the ban, John Howard, is a capitalist far-right winger (and good friend of the Bush midget)
        must be quite a dilemma knowing this now hehe...
        just because he might label himself as such doesn't mean that that's what he is


          But you need an uzi for home defense...

          Seriously you just need a gun why would you need an uzi or automatic shotgun for home defense?
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            I am not.

            You -DO- know that those programs did not "disarm" Australians, right?
            I speak to the fact that instead of having to see people with guns everywhere I go (which never happened here as it does in the US), I just don't see guns that much. Not in the public, not by "THE CRIMINALS", there just are not guns everywhere.
            Are there illegal guns around?
            Of course there are, but as both demand, and supply are low, it is not the issue that you have in the US.
            Joe public simply does not need guns, but if they -want- guns, they can get them if they follow some very strict laws, laws that no "law abiding citizen" should be concerned with, because they are law abiding.
            It will never work in the US, simply because people have spent more time, effort and money on not just defending, but re-defining the 2nd amendment it is not funny. So, keep your freedom to bear arms, just don't be so damn stupid about it.
            Home defence does not need an arsenal, just one gun, and around (20?) rounds?
            If you feel you need that, fine.
            or perhaps you don't see guns as blatantly displayed anymore because the more common sense Australians who actually see the sense of the USA's 2nd Amendment have become more adept at concealed storage of their weapons on their person *raises eyebrow Spock-style*

            if a person is properly practicing concealed're not ever in a million years gonna guess that that person is armed

            "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." - George Washington - bet you would've called him a warmonger if you were alive during that time


              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              People who rely of FOX news are the most consistently ill-informed people on the planet, even less so than people who don't even sit down to watch a news program but may just hear snippits on the radio. To spread that much BS takes -dedication- to spreading BS.

              Fox News:

              Biased much? I could say exactly the same thing for those who only watch MSNBC.

              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
              Turkey said if a Russian plane strayed into its airspace they would shoot it down.

              Guess they were not bluffing.


              That might cause friction.
              I give cudos to Turkey for sticking to their guns there, but NOT for the later shooting down of the rescue helo that came to get the crew who parachuted out (even though one got killed while he was coming down).


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                Biased much? I could say exactly the same thing for those who only watch MSNBC.
                Except, you would be mostly wrong.

                Just so I'm not biased
                (though, this one is mentioned earlier)
                As a follow on to that one though...........
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                  I have more chance of staying alive in the face of an attack if I am armed than I do if I am unarmed
                  And an equal amount to not be as you would be perceived as a threat and most likely shot at first. But thanks to your heroism/stupidity the unarmed folks will have a 0.0001% higher chance of making it out alive. But I'm sure they'll remember you with a plaque afterwards.

                  Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                  "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." - George Washington - bet you would've called him a warmonger if you were alive during that time
                  George Washington lived in the 18th century. That was 2 centuries ago, the world has changed a wee bit since then.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    So OK what kind of gun do you need to defend your home from burglars or intruders?
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      American Muslims providing Trump with a reply to his database-idea. Especially, the tweets about the women wearing their hijabs made me giggle.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                        just because he might label himself as such doesn't mean that that's what he is
                        since the equivalent of the Bush midget you might as well say that W jr is also left-wing while you're at it - but many conservatives won't be pleased with that hehe
                        that fascist POS even passed a more aggressive version of the Homeland Security/Patriot Acts (allowing authorities to use live ammo during riots)


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          George Washington lived in the 18th century. That was 2 centuries ago, the world has changed a wee bit since then.
                          Human nature hasn't changed all that much in 250 years.

                          One other thing for you people who want to restrict the rights of the citizenry to look at.

                          Defense of one's home or property is certainly one of the reasons for gun ownership. And this includes defense against a government out of control. Our founding fathers were quite justifiably fearful of government, and wanted to ensure that the citizens wouldn't have to stand against an overreaching government naked and afraid. They intended that government be fearful of the citizens, not that citizens be fearful of their government. If you ask me, that reason is even more important than defense against common criminals.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            One other thing for you people who want to restrict the rights of the citizenry to look at.
                            Guns have no place in a home - that has nothing to do with restricting your rights as a citizen. Plenty of citizens prove just as well that one can live happy and free without needing a gun at their side.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Guns have no place in a home - that has nothing to do with restricting your rights as a citizen. Plenty of citizens prove just as well that one can live happy and free without needing a gun at their side.
                              IF the government remains benign.

                              Consider the origins of the U.S. The citizens decided that their remote control master, the King of England, was not governing in a proper manner. IF the King had managed to confiscate or restrict gun ownership, the revolution to toss the king and his men out on their arses could not have happened.

                              As far as I'm concerned, THIS is the most important aspect to right to bear arms; so that the citizens can confront an out-of-control government run amuk.

                              Ever notice that it's always the big government advocates that want to disarm the citizens?


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                IF the government remains benign.

                                Consider the origins of the U.S. The citizens decided that their remote control master, the King of England, was not governing in a proper manner. IF the King had managed to confiscate or restrict gun ownership, the revolution to toss the king and his men out on their arses could not have happened.

                                As far as I'm concerned, THIS is the most important aspect to right to bear arms; so that the citizens can confront an out-of-control government run amuk.

                                Ever notice that it's always the big government advocates that want to disarm the citizens?
                                You're ignoring history. Most revolutions have occurred in nations/states/empires where there wasn't necessarily widespread private ownership of weapons. Most people in the 13 colonies didn't have weapons stored in their houses either. Weapons, especially on the frontiers, were stored in community armories. Thus the British going to the Armories in the first few "battles" of the war. You only ever had guns in your house if you lived in the middle of nowhere were a militia was not readily available. That's why the 2nd amendment mentions a militia. Because it wasn't for individual armed people, but a militia. If you really want to do it the way the founder thought of it. You'd place all of your guns in a town armory to be used only when the militia gets called. In fact, I think that would please a lot of people who want gun control.
                                By Nolamom

