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    Okay, that's a weird glitch.
    By Nolamom


      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Now, there is a rush from our current gov't administration to release more potential Democrat voters from jails. Gee, why are they being declared as *potential* Democrat votes, and not conservative or Republican? The whole reason why the Mexicans with the "anchor babies" etc, got amnesty, was because many of the Democrats in favor of keeping them in the USA, etc., hoped for the newbie MexiAmerican to vote Democrat (I don't know the proper name mix there).
      This has been a key strategy of the Democrats for years now. For them, it makes sense, and will probably succeed if unchecked.

      If you doubt, look at any state such as NY where large urban areas with a large number of people dependent upon government handouts control the politics of the state. NY's electoral college is winner take all. 4/5ths of the state's population is downstate, Albany (state capitol, you know how that will vote, in favor of bigger govt.) and NYC. Combine that with the 5 large cities in the state, and the Democrats have a permanent lock on state government. NY hasn't voted Republican for POTUS since Reagan's second run in 1984. We haven't had a real "Republican" in the governor's mansion in more than 40 years. (Pataki doesn't count, he's farther left than many Democrats.) Why do you think there are movements to separate large urban areas into their own states in several heavily blue states? (NY I know, Colorado and at least one other state that I can't think of right now as well.)

      So the Democrats are pursuing a proven strategy for themselves.

      In my opinion, this is one of the key reasons Trump has garnered strong support so fast. People on the right see the Republicans at the national level lining up to help them in order to apply downward pressure on wages, even though in the long term, it will result in the Democrats having a lock on government. Kind of a real "WTF" thing. What the ___ are they thinking?

      Trump comes along and takes a harsh stance on illegals, and people on the right see a possible way to stop the NRC policymakers from cooperating in the party's suicide.


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

        In other words, some of our past elections often have *close calls* where the percentages can tip either direction in a matter of hours. A 47% Democrat vote against a 53% Republican total only needed some of an extra 10% of incoming new people to vote Democratic to tip over the Republican vote. That has always especially been the goal of the Democrats over here. Why do you think there are so many political corruption cases being declared for investigation? Some of the last few presidential Democratic elections was stated to have had "dead" people voting, along with duplications from people living or working in 2 different states. Most of those votes were from the Democrat party "voters" (whether it was legal or not to operate that way).

        Honestly, these so called "corruption" things are so rare in the US that it is safe to say that the US has the most transparent and "clean" elections in the world. I mean, it kinda speaks a lot about someone when they cry "Corruption" when they lose.

        Now, there is a rush from our current gov't administration to release more potential Democrat voters from jails. Gee, why are they being declared as *potential* Democrat votes, and not conservative or Republican? The whole reason why the Mexicans with the "anchor babies" etc, got amnesty, was because many of the Democrats in favor of keeping them in the USA, etc., hoped for the newbie MexiAmerican to vote Democrat (I don't know the proper name mix there).
        First of all, can you say "Hispanic" go ahead, it won't kill you. Look, I type it again. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Nothing happened to me. It's okay to say Hispanic you know, especially when everyone isn't Mexican. I'll do it again. Hispanic. Hispanic.

        Besides, if you're talking about "Anchor babies" (A myth btw) you should be looking at Chinese women who actually do fly into the US, give birth and then go back to China and later cash in the perks. But, don't let the facts get in the way of your "brown people are going to kill us and rape us all" hysteria.

        As for Hispanics voting. As a hispanic let me make this clear to all of you. I wouldn't vote for Hillary even if she promised to make being illegally in the country an actual federal crime (it isn't) and then proceed to give a general pardon (That's why the president can't give a general pardon, because it's not actually a federal crime). However, I will vote for Hillary because to be quite frank, Republicans scare me.

        Donald Trump makes me fear for my well being. How many Hispanics have been spit on, shouted at, beaten, in connection to him? Quite a few. A Honduran on a work permit visa was spat in and told to "Go back to Mexico" when he appeared at a Donald Trump rally. The GOP cancelled a debate to a (What a surprise) hispanic media outlet. Trump kicks out hispanic reporters and simply doesn't want to talk to them. And to add salt to the wound, the GOP refuses to recognize that there are 50 million hispanics in the US LEGALLY.

        Out of those 50 Million, over 12 million don't know a word of Spanish beyond what they may learn in school. Tens of millions more know fluent English. And yet, as if in an attempt to intentionally insult us, they complain about the Spanish language and try to establish unneeded "English only" laws as if they would somehow keep people from speaking another language in the US because....I really don't know why. We all speak English, isn't that enough? Nope, we aren't all white enough.

        And then you have people like Ann Coulter who don't believe that Mexicans have the capacity to be doctors. People who will never ever ever see us as anything else other than "Illegals" "Maids" "Drug dealers" or (thanks to Trump) "Rapists."

        So what if democrats are socialists? I'd vote for them simply because they don't insult and berate hispanics like that. It's called self preservation. We won't support what will end up being a slippery slope to the ovens.
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          As far as the whole public education for children of all ages, into pro-Muslim school issue(s)...

          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Are you anti-Muslim?

          The religion is called Islam, and then there are Sunni's, Sjiits, ... other off-shoots I have no idea about. Much like Catholicism and its plenty off-shoots.

          Also, Islam has been taught in our schools for as long as I can remember, same with Roman Catholicism. Except we learned about all religions out there, not just about one or two. And we're taught to respect all.
          Sorry for (me) being an ignoramous, and also for having a dyslexic brain. I said what I said because the whole Muslim/Islam stuff is very confusing to (me, as well as) some of us USA folks. That is why I suggested our scholastic system should work out some sort of comparison study across the entire spectrum between the different religions and what they teach in their do's and don'ts. When a study only states how many "gods" are within that belief system and not the actual disciplines and social interactions, there is going to probably be apathy in the minds of those who don't know much more at the end of the class study, than when they first walked into that class with. If it doesn't affect them personally, or they NEED the info because they HAVE to interact with someone of a specific "religious" affiliation, they will forget moments after going onto the next topic.

          What I said was based on what many of us Americans have always said about that side of the world. Before the year 2000, there weren't that many Muslims in the USA who made their "religion" a big issue, or pushed it *in your face* enough to make the ignoramous persona feel like they should be *chastised* for not comprehending or saying the *proper* lingo when in the presence of a Muslim. Muslims over here were quiet and usually highly respected, depending on what persons were encountering them. Non-Muslims usually stuck to their own, familiar grounds and types of people. It remained that way until probably around 2003.

          Only after the news media was making a fuss over what Al-Qaeda was about and operated by, etc., that's around when many Muslims in the USA starting complaining about being typecast and associated with A-Q.

          The one time I briefly met someone who *claimed* to be of Arabic ancestry, never did tell me anything beyond whether that person wanted to choose to stay Catholic (how they were raised) or turn to Islam. That was the whole conversation about their identifying with Islam. Nothing more was discussed on what Muslims believed or did. That "Arabic" persona changed the conversations around to find out Christians believed (instead).

          Over in the USA, the particular public school system I went thru, did NOT focus on Islam or Muslim. The World Civ class I had, barely touched on the Crusades, who was fighting, and how long the wars were fought for or why. Never heard the why's, other than territorial conquest. In my confused little world, I only knew most Arabs were Muslim or Islamic, believed in reading the Koran, and I didn't even know their "God" was called "Allah". I didn't know the difference between Muslim and Islamic. I used to think they were different parts of the Arabic religious system, and even referred both as Muslimic (Muslamic?) or Islamic. NO ONE ever corrected me on it, including the Arabic person who was asking me about my Christianity.

          The problem was not a lack of respect, but a lack of proper KNOWLEDGE. Just because your (FH) school system possibly studied various religions in greater depth, doesn't mean our (USA) educational system did the same. Our studies focused more on names and events, not on theologies and the social details of each. There's not much that sinks into a brain, when looking at something that looks like a topical Index, and especially not when that same topic Index isn't on a major quiz or exam.

          You (FH) are a lot closer to the Middle East and the people of that particular belief system, and were exposed more to worlds that many of us USA folks knew very little about. If we, in the USA, are not, and were not frequently exposed to it, how do you expect someone to know what to do or say -- especially if the (ignoramous) person came from some country hick-town USA, and only visited the city (NYC,NY) only a handful of times in their entire life to see Arabs at the UN, or walking along the city sidewalks? And how are we supposed to know that women aren't supposed to be seen, unless with a male member of the family, when out in public places (as Muslims are required to do under Sharia law)..?

          I do think I've gotten a little bit better in recent years, about understanding the difference between Muslimic and Islamic.
          Muslim = person (and there is no such thing as Muslimic or Muslamic?)
          Islam = what a Muslim believes spiritually

          I should also note that there are still many radio people who get the two names (Muslim, Islam) confused; so the fault is in not knowing what reliable source to look into to find the correct answer. It's not a problem of disrespect. Just a problem of other issues making the whole study more confusing.

          If someone asked me if I was Catholic or Christian, I would say both. Both names are interchangeable in Catholicism. Thus, when a person is raised to speak that way, and merely glances over most other religions, because THOSE are not on a high priority to learn about, it is easy to get confused when something is "out of sight -- out of mind" and worlds apart because the *twain* never met, or met that often.

          There's all sorts of speculations on why the Muslims are integrating around the world. It'd be nice to believe that the goal is to live side-by-side in peaceful, pleasant, and joyful coexistence; but some of those ideas floating around on the radio airwaves, and other media outlets are boding a very different and potential foreboding image, instead -- with the "infidels" taxed to the hilt or removed some other method --from their own land(s).

          Remember, I didn't come up with those ideas.
          The biggest item or *problem* that I am guilty of -- is being naive enough to read that being dyslexic in (word) thought is not acceptable either -- not when it comes to this one particular group of people. Since I didn't know where to look in the past for info that didn't affect or concern me (at the time), I just waited until someone else might come along and guide me into the correct direction (on how to properly speak about or to people I rarely had contact with before). I don't dwell on it either, unless I absolutely have to. So, if I fail to speak properly again about which *proper* name goes to what, it just takes me longer to pack that (and other) info into my brain. I'm sure I'm not the only person with that comprehension *problem*.


            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            First of all, can you say "Hispanic" go ahead, it won't kill you. Look, I type it again. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Nothing happened to me. It's okay to say Hispanic you know, especially when everyone isn't Mexican. I'll do it again. Hispanic. Hispanic.
            Of course I can, especially when my neighbors ARE Hispanic.
            Plus, I took Spanish in school, tho that's a bit rusty, so I need to rely on a translator most of the time.

            As far as being compassionate, when our neighboring Mexican family lost their home, because the other (natural USA born) local tenants "accidentally" caused the entire (duplex) house to catch fire, my hubby and I went all out to help the Mexican family with their immediate needs. And because this happened in the winter --and around Christmas time of all times-- we provided the family with blankets, towels, clothes, winter gloves & scarves, hygienic bathroom supplies, and cleaning products (for the new apartment), because this (Mexican) family lost much of what was in that house fire. I even played hostess and drove the mom out to the store to pick up her own choices, too. I paid the bill -- it was our gift to them. I also did follow-up on checking on their needs for a few more weeks after, especially when the entire family got sick with horrid colds, and their children desperately needed cough syrup.

            (The other family that caused the fire -- had their friends who donated new furniture and other goods. I was informed the Mexican family got snubbed out of the trailer donation {story was told to me that their stuff was stolen and moved into the local born family's trailer}; so several of us neighbors got together and did what we could to help out the displaced Mexicans, who by the way, were earning their living and paying full rent from whatever employment they could get, while the other local family was living off of welfare funds.)

            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            Besides, if you're talking about "Anchor babies" (A myth btw) you should be looking at Chinese women who actually do fly into the US, give birth and then go back to China and later cash in the perks. But, don't let the facts get in the way of your "brown people are going to kill us and rape us all" hysteria.
            Our Mexican neighbor had a couple of anchor babies. Our other local neighbors called the children that, not me.

            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            As for Hispanics voting. As a hispanic let me make this clear to all of you. I wouldn't vote for Hillary even if she promised to make being illegally in the country an actual federal crime (it isn't) and then proceed to give a general pardon (That's why the president can't give a general pardon, because it's not actually a federal crime). However, I will vote for Hillary because to be quite frank, Republicans scare me.
            I have to laugh at this, because one time when I went to vote, I had to wait for a Hispanic couple to register which party they wanted to be listed under. When they said "Republican," the clerk asked them again about 3 more times, if that's what they were positively sure they wanted to be listed as. The couple were very firm about their decision, and I was smiling inside because the clerk thought the decision was an rather *unusual* choice.

            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            Donald Trump makes me fear for my well being. How many Hispanics have been spit on, shouted at, beaten, in connection to him? Quite a few. A Honduran on a work permit visa was spat in and told to "Go back to Mexico" when he appeared at a Donald Trump rally. The GOP cancelled a debate to a (What a surprise) hispanic media outlet. Trump kicks out hispanic reporters and simply doesn't want to talk to them. And to add salt to the wound, the GOP refuses to recognize that there are 50 million hispanics in the US LEGALLY.
            And then you have people like Ann Coulter who don't believe that Mexicans have the capacity to be doctors. People who will never ever ever see us as anything else other than "Illegals" "Maids" "Drug dealers" or (thanks to Trump) "Rapists."
            Also, I think this whole anti-Mexican approach with Donald Trump may be his election undoing.
            I experienced a completely different side with our Hispanic speaking, Mexican neighbors than the image that Donald Trump has presented. In a way, I think the house fire brought our families closer to each other in a friendship bond that truly comes from the heart.

            As for the Maids, I've met a few people who never even flinched at hiring some Mexican ladies to do house cleaning. The ladies were "illegal immigrants" at the time, but probably had families with anchor babies somewhere along the line. The (hispanic) maids were still doing the work, until a few years ago, because the house owner had to work, but is now retired.


              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              Do you actually agree with any of the candidates, or are you just tribal voting?
              Some i looked into, but i will admit i was NOT as diligent as i should have been looking up everyone on the ballot.


                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                Hey watching the debates and why are some of the Republicans now complaining about "tough questions" and wanting loonies like Limbaugh to moderate the debates. That's what Ted Cruz wants.. He wants people like Rush to be moderator..

                Why are they whining now?

                So anyone care to comment?

                Why are tough questions a no go thing?
                Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Why bring a specific skin color issue into this? Some blacks vote conservative.
                  What about the Native Americans.. don't they count? Why use ethnic background, when the core votes are about issues and agendas, not one's ancestral background?
                  Because the -entire- premise of the "10% Muslim takeover of America and implementing Sharia law by legal means is the thrust of the point I was responding to.
                  10% -just also- happens to be roughly the same as the Black population of the US, and -as yet- they have not taken over, nor imposed their "tribal views" on the US.
                  It's the percentage I was paying attention too SG, if another so-called "race" had 10% of the population, I could have used them just as easily.
                  If you paid attention, rather than trying to fit an agenda, you -may- have realised that.

                  Elections over here aren't based on population percentages and which (types of) groups of people voted, tho that may become the wave of the future.

                  Election percentages in the USA are tallied up by total votes per party. Always have been (ever since I've been walking on this planet). Of course, some of us Tv viewers over here get to have our favorite Tv programs pre-empted just for "election coverage".. grrrrrrrrrr. We're fortunate enough to watch minute by minute coverage of which party has what % of votes and by which state voted for who.

                  In other words, some of our past elections often have *close calls* where the percentages can tip either direction in a matter of hours. A 47% Democrat vote against a 53% Republican total only needed some of an extra 10% of incoming new people to vote Democratic to tip over the Republican vote. That has always especially been the goal of the Democrats over here. Why do you think there are so many political corruption cases being declared for investigation? Some of the last few presidential Democratic elections was stated to have had "dead" people voting, along with duplications from people living or working in 2 different states. Most of those votes were from the Democrat party "voters" (whether it was legal or not to operate that way).
                  I don't need a bad rundown on politics from you SG

                  Now, there is a rush from our current gov't administration to release more potential Democrat voters from jails. Gee, why are they being declared as *potential* Democrat votes, and not conservative or Republican? The whole reason why the Mexicans with the "anchor babies" etc, got amnesty, was because many of the Democrats in favor of keeping them in the USA, etc., hoped for the newbie MexiAmerican to vote Democrat (I don't know the proper name mix there).
                  Umm, errr, I have some spare tinfoil rolls I am not using, do you need them?

                  As far as the whole public education for children of all ages, into pro-Muslim school issue(s), it's been believed for many years now that Valerie Jarrett is one of the main guiding forces behind that. She is pro-Muslim and President Obama's Senior adviser. I heard she was of Iranian ancestry, which many news/radio people have speculated had a major influence on the whole Iran nuke deal. Details... details... just found out she's also worked many years in Chicago (Illinois), too -- oops! of course, that might say a lot right there (Chicago has a reputation for some very strong-armed, notorious individuals, who lived in the early 20th century).
                  Looks like they have some catching up to do on Christianity, who have been doing the same thing for far, far longer.

                  Are people -really- so afraid of people -believing- in something different?
                  Are we really so unevolved?
                  Unfortunately, the proof comes every day that we are, at least in the collective group psychology.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by Womble View Post
                    A glimpse into the Palestinian love of violence.

                    Yes, these really are mannequins outside of a fashion shop.
                    A glimpse into the American love of guns

                    Yes, these really are Americans

                    I think I know which group just might be more dangerous.......

                    Yes, the shop really is named "Hitler".
                    Why would a Palestinian group use that name?
                    Anti Jewish, sure, but Hitler would just as soon as wipe them out as well.
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                      So anyone care to comment?

                      Why are tough questions a no go thing?
                      Because they are ball-less, gun waving cowards who would "fix everything" if they were in charge, but offer no way, and no alternative to what is happening now. They will make the Armed forces bigger (cause the US military isn't big enough), and spend the lives of the -actual brave Americans- to push up their ego's.

                      The GOP is not even a shadow of what it once was, it is full of self serving, money grubbing cowards who are so fractured that even their sainted Reagan would be kicked out for being a lefty liberal ******.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic. Hispanic.
                        It's like a song... say it with me now: Hispa----nic!

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        Before the year 2000, there weren't that many Muslims in the USA who made their "religion" a big issue, or pushed it *in your face* enough to make the ignoramous persona feel like they should be *chastised* for not comprehending or saying the *proper* lingo when in the presence of a Muslim.
                        And then 9/11 happened and all of a sudden all those of Arabian descent became suspicious folk. I know.

                        Before that, it was just the Catholics and their many off-shoots who were pushing it *in your face*.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        Only after the news media was making a fuss over what Al-Qaeda was about and operated by, etc., that's around when many Muslims in the USA starting complaining about being typecast and associated with A-Q.
                        And with good reason too.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        Just because your (FH) school system possibly studied various religions in greater depth, doesn't mean our (USA) educational system did the same.
                        Plenty more things wrong with that system -- on both sides.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        You (FH) are a lot closer to the Middle East and the people of that particular belief system, and were exposed more to worlds that many of us USA folks knew very little about.
                        For reference: the flight distance between Belgium and Dubai --> 7144 miles / 11497.15 km / 6207.96 nautical miles

                        But it's true - we have a, dare I say, far more interesting and diverse history than the North American territories. Lots of different influences have shaped the world around us.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        There's all sorts of speculations on why the Muslims are integrating around the world.
                        Same reason as any immigrant might have - a better life or future, respect, a feeling of being part of something, work, fleeing from war or conflict.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        It'd be nice to believe that the goal is to live side-by-side in peaceful, pleasant, and joyful coexistence
                        Something that goes both ways. If we treat them with respect, than no doubt they will do the same.

                        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                        So anyone care to comment?

                        Why are tough questions a no go thing?
                        Did you even hear some of those "tough questions"? I caught a glimpse of The Daily Show yesterday and he was talking about the tough questions, and the ones he picked were all burning economic issues.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

                          Yes, these really are Americans

                          I think I know which group just might be more dangerous.......
                          most dangerous would be those americans with a uniform badge & gun - they could use some serious gun control. lol


                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            most dangerous would be those americans with a uniform badge & gun - they could use some serious gun control. lol
                            Just hand them some NERF guns... that'll teach them.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Because they are ball-less, gun waving cowards who would "fix everything" if they were in charge, but offer no way, and no alternative to what is happening now. They will make the Armed forces bigger (cause the US military isn't big enough), and spend the lives of the -actual brave Americans- to push up their ego's.

                              The GOP is not even a shadow of what it once was, it is full of self serving, money grubbing cowards who are so fractured that even their sainted Reagan would be kicked out for being a lefty liberal ******.

                              Wow tell us how you really feel... I did not expect that.
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                Because they are ball-less, gun waving cowards who would "fix everything" if they were in charge, but offer no way, and no alternative to what is happening now. They will make the Armed forces bigger (cause the US military isn't big enough), and spend the lives of the -actual brave Americans- to push up their ego's.

                                The GOP is not even a shadow of what it once was, it is full of self serving, money grubbing cowards who are so fractured that even their sainted Reagan would be kicked out for being a lefty liberal ******.
                                Bravo my friend! I couldn't have said it better myself!

