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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    Just a reminder for those of the Republican/Conservative bent... Election day in the US is tomorrow. Many people have died to ensure that we have that right, and it's kind of a slap in the face to them if you don't.

    Democrats, your turn comes Wednesday.

    And independents get what day exactly?
    By Nolamom


      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

      And independents get what day exactly?
      You don't need one, you can't make up your mind what you are anyway.


        People who don't subscribe to radical ideas?
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Feel free to actually take a look at "biblical law" when taking such sweeping positions and how bad living under religious law can be.
          Of course, being a woman, you should be doing other, less challenging things, like making me a sammich, cause I'm hungry..........
          Sure. "Lady, just FEED the brute!" (that phrase was actually mentioned in Christian marriage counseling! It was supposed to be a joke, but it's only humorous when both spouses tease each other with it, just to be momentarily annoying)

          I've often gotten the impression that Sharia law would appeal quite nicely to the guys, especially when it comes to bossing the females around.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Wow, that sounds like a mouthful. (above bold font emphasis mine)
          Key words mentioned are all noted in Glenn Beck's "Overton Window" book.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Glenn Beck can't tell between his mouth and his . . .
          I have to say there are times when I can't stand listening to Glenn Beck's whining. But the book is well written, far better than I was expecting.
          Plus, I'm not sure if he merely oversaw the writing, and had a ghost writer work on the project instead. It does have some statements in there that sound soooooooo much like something Glenn Beck would actually say.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Oh, maybe the idea "that Islam is a threat" has already been put forth indirectly in the "Overton Window" (by Glenn Beck)--tho it would be the Islamic State as a major threat over other Muslim issues (unless perhaps Sharia Law ends up being strictly enforced in place of the standard republic or constitutional laws).

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Christianity has tried to enforce it's laws since the inception of the USA, with minimal success, why do you think Sharia will be accepted?
          Oh, just intuition based on what I've heard the radical Islamics (and those who have actually been told {business folks and/or military personnel sent into a Muslim land?} or witnessed this in action) have been claiming in recent years ---- That once they reach 10% of the population in any certain area, then the more strict Muslims start getting pushy about enforcing Sharia Law on other Muslims in the area. There are already "no-go" zones in many places around the world, where non-Muslims are not allowed into to govern. Anyone else ("infidel") found within those zones, will be subject to Muslim living or Sharia Law, if it already exists within that area.

          If the (Islamic) population explosions don't occur fast enough, why have this sudden influx of refugees being scattered to certain towns and cities all over the world? China and Russia are trying to reduce their radical Muslim populations, while many news blog folks believe that the USA gov't is encouraging it to grow (which is being speculated as eventually, pushing out the other religions -- probably within the next 20 years). Otherwise, why would Christianity be silenced or outright denied, especially in schools, while educational curriculums are encouraging students to not only learn ALL about Islam/Muslim, but learn the language and read from the Koran / Quran as well, yet the Bible is either discouraged or banned?

          If the (public) schools wanted to be really fair, then they would do a comparison study of ALL of the major religions across the board with a chart of beliefs in contrast to the traditional Biblical Ten Commandments. If one religion claims "thou shalt NOT" and the other claims "thou SHALT" for the exact same deed that might be harm to someone else's life -- either emotionally or physically, especially meaning, when the purpose of jihad is performed, it's okay to lie, steal, injure, murder -- to further the cause of one's religion, which one do you think the students are going to like better? The one with the doNOT's or the one with the DO's..?

          In the Hebrew scriptures, Judges 21:25 states that there was a time period when "...everyone did as he saw fit". In other words, chaos probably ruled, and nowhere was truly safe. Seems our current world is heading back into that very direction.

          Also, with most of the violence in Tv, movies, video games encouraging anger to be satiated, while Christianity encourages to repress or remove the same degree of anger, when there is a person who lacks the ability to calm down in anger management situations -- which scenario is going to result? The chaotic one -- that perhaps also comes with gritted teeth and high blood pressure, or the calm persona who would probably lose in defending themself against an attack on their very life (or life's existence)..?
          I think the answer is obvious.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Watch Star trek, another piece of fiction that has projected stuff..........
          True, but Star Trek didn't nearly parallel an actual world economy collapsing, or parallel within 5 years of an actual refugee crisis granting voting rights to incomers and prisoners, who in the past were often denied the ability to join in on voting in a country that was not originally where they came from -- and to do so shortly after they came in to settle into that region. It used to be 7 years in the USA, before any foreigner was permitted voting rights in USA elections, and often that person had to become a USA citizen before they would even be granted any voting rights.


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Sure. "Lady, just FEED the brute!" (that phrase was actually mentioned in Christian marriage counseling! It was supposed to be a joke, but it's only humorous when both spouses tease each other with it, just to be momentarily annoying)
            You really have utterly no concept of context, or sarcasm do you?
            A few times, I will pass off as trying to be funny, but this is ridiculous.
            I've often gotten the impression that Sharia law would appeal quite nicely to the guys, especially when it comes to bossing the females around.
            Men have all but ruled the world for millennia, I wonder why Sharia has not if it such a good mysoginistic fit......... Hmmm.
            I have to say there are times when I can't stand listening to Glenn Beck's whining. But the book is well written, far better than I was expecting.
            Plus, I'm not sure if he merely oversaw the writing, and had a ghost writer work on the project instead. It does have some statements in there that sound soooooooo much like something Glenn Beck would actually say.
            Of course he got a ghost writer.

            Oh, just intuition based on what I've heard the radical Islamics (and those who have actually been told {business folks and/or military personnel sent into a Muslim land?} or witnessed this in action) have been claiming in recent years ---- That once they reach 10% of the population in any certain area, then the more strict Muslims start getting pushy about enforcing Sharia Law on other Muslims in the area. There are already "no-go" zones in many places around the world, where non-Muslims are not allowed into to govern.
            What a load of Arse.
            Christian law does not rule the US, and it has 70% of the population (roughly), but they can do it with 10%?
            They can "enforce" their laws all they want, but when push comes to shove, you mutilate your daughter, or stone her because she is a "failure", expect murder charges and a nice visit from "bubba".
            Anyone else ("infidel") found within those zones, will be subject to Muslim living or Sharia Law, if it already exists within that area.
            If the (Islamic) population explosions don't occur fast enough, why have this sudden influx of refugees being scattered to certain towns and cities all over the world?
            Oh, I don't know, wars?
            The west thinking it is a good idea to get rid of "ebil dictators" that they put in power themselves?
            But no, it is a master plan to get 10% of the population on their side so they can put their cunning plan into place.............

            China and Russia are trying to reduce their radical Muslim populations, while many news blog folks believe that the USA gov't is encouraging it to grow (which is being speculated as eventually, pushing out the other religions -- probably within the next 20 years).
            NO ONE encourages radicals.
            Otherwise, why would Christianity be silenced or outright denied, especially in schools, while educational curriculums are encouraging students to not only learn ALL about Islam/Muslim, but learn the language and read from the Koran / Quran as well, yet the Bible is either discouraged or banned?
            And here we get to what you -really- care about.
            A bloody book, because it's not fair if kids look at any other book but yours. Bible study has been encouraged for centuries, but now that another book is being looked at, well, that's just bad.
            How about the kids who read the Qu'ran, realise it is just as full of garbage as a certain other book, and don't get "radicalized"?
            Isn't that a good outcome?

            If the (public) schools wanted to be really fair, then they would do a comparison study of ALL of the major religions across the board with a chart of beliefs in contrast to the traditional Biblical Ten Commandments.
            Are you FREAKING kidding me??
            "yes children you can study religion, as long as you understand that the 10 commandments are the ultimate authority"

            Then again, do it, because in comparison to some other religions, the 10 commandments look like a joke.
            If one religion claims "thou shalt NOT" and the other claims "thou SHALT" for the exact same deed that might be harm to someone else's life -- either emotionally or physically, especially meaning, when the purpose of jihad is performed, it's okay to lie, steal, injure, murder -- to further the cause of one's religion, which one do you think the students are going to like better? The one with the doNOT's or the one with the DO's..?
            You are speaking of taqiyya, religious forgiveness for lying about your religion, and I don't think you know what it is -supposed- to mean, or be used for. That's no surprise.
            Thou shalt not kill gets kicked to the curb pretty freely when "GOD" wants something.

            In the Hebrew scriptures, Judges 21:25 states that there was a time period when "...everyone did as he saw fit". In other words, chaos probably ruled, and nowhere was truly safe. Seems our current world is heading back into that very direction.
            Also, with most of the violence in Tv, movies, video games encouraging anger to be satiated,
            You -do- know that -most- people know the difference between reality and fantasy, right?
            If I watch Batman, it does not mean I am expecting batman to save me, right?
            Yet If I read the bible, and expect god to save me, that's sane?
            while Christianity encourages to repress or remove the same degree of anger, when there is a person who lacks the ability to calm down in anger management situations -- which scenario is going to result? The chaotic one -- that perhaps also comes with gritted teeth and high blood pressure, or the calm persona who would probably lose in defending themself against an attack on their very life (or life's existence)..?
            I think the answer is obvious.
            Yeah, I think a lot of things are becoming very obvious.

            True, but Star Trek didn't nearly parallel an actual world economy collapsing,
            You should really watch more trek if that is what you think
            or parallel within 5 years of an actual refugee crisis granting voting rights to incomers and prisoners, who in the past were often denied the ability to join in on voting in a country that was not originally where they came from -- and to do so shortly after they came in to settle into that region. It used to be 7 years in the USA, before any foreigner was permitted voting rights in USA elections, and often that person had to become a USA citizen before they would even be granted any voting rights.
            Nearly 40% of the US population does not vote, even in elections for the POTUS, but 10% who choose to use the "power" they have been given can affect sweeping change?
            Someone better tell the 10% black population of the US that they are just sleeping on the job.
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Just a reminder for those of the Republican/Conservative bent... Election day in the US is tomorrow. Many people have died to ensure that we have that right, and it's kind of a slap in the face to them if you don't.

              Democrats, your turn comes Wednesday.
              I know i will be out tomorrow voting in Ohio..


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                I know i will be out tomorrow voting in Ohio..
                Do you actually agree with any of the candidates, or are you just tribal voting?
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Of course, being a woman, you should be doing other, less challenging things, like making me a sammich, cause I'm hungry..........

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Sure. "Lady, just FEED the brute!" (that phrase was actually mentioned in Christian marriage counseling! It was supposed to be a joke, but it's only humorous when both spouses tease each other with it, just to be momentarily annoying)
                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  You really have utterly no concept of context, or sarcasm do you?
                  A few times, I will pass off as trying to be funny, but this is ridiculous.
                  I think it's the other way around, as --
                  it *was* sarcasm in a unique way that probably only those who have experienced can appreciate it!
                  I probably should have expanded it to its original context, which in the situation I was referring it to, the wife is patiently waiting for hubby to come home. He's tired and doesn't want to do anything but EAT supper first. However, every day he comes home, his wife has a habit of deluging his ears from her being an annoying chatterbox of information -- stuff that hubby really doesn't either want to hear right away, doesn't care about, or want to deal with hearing -- at least not at that particular moment. But wifey just blasts away with her stories from her day's events, and isn't really tuned into what hubby's day was like. In wifey's mind, her day's hassling events (shopping, laundry, not feeling well, dealing with the kids/neighbors, etc.) were far more important to share at that moment than whatever her hubby wanted to say.

                  So, because there seemed to be a monstrous communication problem that developed between the two spouses, they end up in marriage counseling with a professional husband and wife team. After the marital problem is explained that hubby just wants to nap and eat before having an hour long chat session every day at home, the female counselor jokes to both of them with -- it is the wife's duty to feed her husband first (as well as see to any of his emotional needs), NOT to nag and drown him with her day's various events. In other words, wife -- just shut up (or keep quiet) and feed your hubby first, please.

                  Thus, the term, "FEED the brute, first" got tossed out as a simple reminder for both the frustrated hubby and wife to deal with on a joking level -- if they can smile at it. Yes, that may sound a bit crude, but whenever it gets mentioned in my house by my own hubby, I know he is stating it in jest. There may be a tinge of frustration in his tone, but being the chatterbox that I am, when around him, the message gets thru much faster than a mere "I'm hungry, please make supper NOW." Sure, we both get humorously sarcastic (in a pleasant way) when it is done, rather than getting seriously angry with each other, and that smooths over any bad mood quite a bit.

                  Maybe some folks have perfect marriages, but other folks do not.. or not all the time. It's just one of those life events that sometimes a subtle approach just isn't good enough or strong enough to get an important message thru. Of course, it doesn't help when hubby likes to gab on the phone for an hour with his other friends, while wifey waits for the meal synchronize with hubby's gab sessions. Fair is fair, why isn't she allowed to talk right away, but his other friends are? It's also quite amazing how calming a nutritious meal can be, when the tummy is hungry, and some males just want to think about one thought at a time -- not get hit with a zillion messages by someone like (Star Trek's) Harry Mudd's infamous nagging wife.

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  I've often gotten the impression that Sharia law would appeal quite nicely to the guys, especially when it comes to bossing the females around.

                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Men have all but ruled the world for millennia, I wonder why Sharia has not if it such a good mysoginistic fit......... Hmmm.
                  Tell that to the ladies who got beat up or murdered in Long Island, NY, because the men just couldn't take any more of their wife or girlfriend's behaviors. How many more women are hiding bruises and other injuries behind those face scarves and full dress coverings..? Over the past 2 years, there have been reports of battered females or murdered (chopped up bodies or throats slit) and it just begs the question of what kind of creepy guy did that to those gals? What was his background or frame of mind that drove him to cause those types of injuries? The police never give out that info publicly, once they discover the stories behind the surface story. (It could be mafia related, instead of strict Sharia inspired or strict Judaism, or some crazy nut-job running loose -- such as person skipped their meds and went looney!) Only a few of the abuse cases are revealed as to motive(s), etc., but the public would like to know, so they know who to be wary of and *why*. Yet, because the info is not revealed, that puts EVERYONE on a suspicious, approach with caution list.

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  If the (public) schools wanted to be really fair, then they would do a comparison study of ALL of the major religions across the board with a chart of beliefs in contrast to the traditional Biblical Ten Commandments. If one religion claims "thou shalt NOT" and the other claims "thou SHALT" for the exact same deed that might be harm to someone else's life -- either emotionally or physically, especially meaning, when the purpose of jihad is performed, it's okay to lie, steal, injure, murder -- to further the cause of one's religion, which one do you think the students are going to like better? The one with the doNOT's or the one with the DO's..?

                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Are you FREAKING kidding me??
                  "yes children you can study religion, as long as you understand that the 10 commandments are the ultimate authority"

                  Then again, do it, because in comparison to some other religions, the 10 commandments look like a joke.
                  I merely mentioned the Ten Commandments as an example -- across the board, since most of these religions deal with behavioral issues. It isn't the belief in a "god" that is the problem, but what is required or requested by the believer that is the CORE issue. If a person's religious stance directs what their behavior will be like, then it would be easier to understand why some people find lying, stealing, maiming, murdering, and whatever else easier than the persona who doesn't do those sorts of things. Problem there is what makes a bully pull bullying behavior more often over someone who tries to be nice most of the time.

                  The question there is whether or not a religious system instigates good or evil type of behavior, but it would be the students to figure out by seeing the comparison studies across the entire spectrum. That would (or should) include the extreme POVs as well as the more peaceful sides. Just an IMO.

                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Yeah, I think a lot of things are becoming very obvious.
                  I think you and I are obviously not on the same wavelength, and probably never will on certain issues.
                  As for your (GF) other religious comments, that should probably be discussed more on the religion topic, which I don't have time to get that involved with at the moment. (sorry.)

                  On the scholastic note, however, I had a World Civilization (history) class in high school. Along with historical events, we briefly studied the theologies of the various cultures that existed around the world during the various time periods. It was enough to easily compare then, and should not be any different than now. But to focus entirely on one religious system in a public school setting, that seems a bit odd, especially when Christianity and Judaism aren't on the school's comparison reading menu. The study of Islam is recent, and I'm guessing was instituted into many public school curriculums to help non-Muslims have a better understanding of their new Muslim neighbors.

                  One example, girls wearing a hijab or full Muslim dress, has been encouraged to make the school kids feel more comfortable around their Muslim classmates. It's sort of no different than a history teacher assigning kids to do a civil war class project by writing a class report as if that student lived in someone else's shoes and had to write from the perspective of the persona, who lived during the civil war time era.. as in the wealthy plantation owner(s) vs. the poorer folks. In my school years, this sort of project was termed as having a greater appreciation of history, than just a passing study of it. It actually got one teacher fired. The other teacher I know who used this association technique, had the students pick their own category, and then do a report on as much as they could about that item. The group I was in, wrote on superstition and witchcraft. In those days, I was very much into watching Tv's gothic "Dark Shadows" so this was sort of second nature to me. I learned how not to be superstitious as a result of what I reported in that class project about.


                    Hey watching the debates and why are some of the Republicans now complaining about "tough questions" and wanting loonies like Limbaugh to moderate the debates. That's what Ted Cruz wants.. He wants people like Rush to be moderator..

                    Why are they whining now?
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Nearly 40% of the US population does not vote, even in elections for the POTUS, but 10% who choose to use the "power" they have been given can affect sweeping change?
                      Someone better tell the 10% black population of the US that they are just sleeping on the job.
                      Why bring a specific skin color issue into this? Some blacks vote conservative.
                      What about the Native Americans.. don't they count? Why use ethnic background, when the core votes are about issues and agendas, not one's ancestral background?

                      Elections over here aren't based on population percentages and which (types of) groups of people voted, tho that may become the wave of the future.

                      Election percentages in the USA are tallied up by total votes per party. Always have been (ever since I've been walking on this planet). Of course, some of us Tv viewers over here get to have our favorite Tv programs pre-empted just for "election coverage".. grrrrrrrrrr. We're fortunate enough to watch minute by minute coverage of which party has what % of votes and by which state voted for who.

                      In other words, some of our past elections often have *close calls* where the percentages can tip either direction in a matter of hours. A 47% Democrat vote against a 53% Republican total only needed some of an extra 10% of incoming new people to vote Democratic to tip over the Republican vote. That has always especially been the goal of the Democrats over here. Why do you think there are so many political corruption cases being declared for investigation? Some of the last few presidential Democratic elections was stated to have had "dead" people voting, along with duplications from people living or working in 2 different states. Most of those votes were from the Democrat party "voters" (whether it was legal or not to operate that way).

                      Now, there is a rush from our current gov't administration to release more potential Democrat voters from jails. Gee, why are they being declared as *potential* Democrat votes, and not conservative or Republican? The whole reason why the Mexicans with the "anchor babies" etc, got amnesty, was because many of the Democrats in favor of keeping them in the USA, etc., hoped for the newbie MexiAmerican to vote Democrat (I don't know the proper name mix there).

                      As far as the whole public education for children of all ages, into pro-Muslim school issue(s), it's been believed for many years now that Valerie Jarrett is one of the main guiding forces behind that. She is pro-Muslim and President Obama's Senior adviser. I heard she was of Iranian ancestry, which many news/radio people have speculated had a major influence on the whole Iran nuke deal. Details... details... just found out she's also worked many years in Chicago (Illinois), too -- oops! of course, that might say a lot right there (Chicago has a reputation for some very strong-armed, notorious individuals, who lived in the early 20th century).


                        A glimpse into the Palestinian love of violence.

                        Yes, these really are mannequins outside of a fashion shop.

                        Yes, the shop really is named "Hitler".
                        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          As far as the whole public education for children of all ages, into pro-Muslim school issue(s)...
                          Are you anti-Muslim?

                          The religion is called Islam, and then there are Sunni's, Sjiits, ... other off-shoots I have no idea about. Much like Catholicism and its plenty off-shoots.

                          Also, Islam has been taught in our schools for as long as I can remember, same with Roman Catholicism. Except we learned about all religions out there, not just about one or two. And we're taught to respect all.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            url=]Jordanian sheikh issues fatwa against killing Jews[/url]

                            Sheikh Ali Halabi said in a video distributed via social media that Jews can be killed during war only, and that killing them at other times is a betrayal. When asked by a student if it is permissible to kill Jews in Palestine, the sheikh answered: "Someone who protects you, gives you electricity and water, transfers you money and you work for him and take his money - would you betray him, even if he was a Jew?"

                            According to the sheikh, killing is allowed during clashes or declared war, "But if you trust him and he trusts you, then it is forbidden to betray him. And therefore you are forbidden to murder him."

                            The Salafi sheikh provided an example from the period of the British Mandate in Palestine, when a well-known Saudi sheikh issued a ruling that agreements which preserve rights and prevent bloodshed must be honored. Halabi stressed that there is a difference between emotional outlook and outlook based on Sha'aria law.

                            When the sheikh was asked by a student about armed soldiers in the streets, he responded: "The same answer. Does a soldier holding a weapon in the street kill every Muslim he sees?" The student answered "No."

                            Another student asked if it was correct that "they (IDF soldiers) only attack if they are first attacked?" The sheikh answered: "I don't live in Palestine, but that is what the brothers there tell us. That he who does not attack Jews is not attacked in return."

                            Halabi said that he didn't want it to seem as if he was "defending the despised Jews. But this is the reality. Because if they would kill everyone they met, nobody would remain and the Palestinians would continue to escape to other countries in the world."

                            The video that went viral on social media caused a stir in the Muslim world, with activists attacking the sheikh and distributing videos in which IDF soldiers are seen in the West Bank "executing Palestinians under the guise that they tried to stab soldiers."

                            Halabi is one of the most well-known Salafi sheikhs in Jordan and he is the head of the Imam al-Albani religious studies center in Jordan.
                            He was later forced to retract

                            After facing a backlash for the comments from the Muslim Brotherhood and other political rivals, Halabi released two videos, translated by MEMRI, in which he rebutted the criticism.

                            In his rebuttal, the sheikh called Jews "occupiers and plunderers," who are prone to "betrayal, fraud, cunning and deceit."

                            Halabi said that jihad against the Jews is a "mandatory jihad...upon any Muslim who accepts Allah as the Lord and Islam as his religion."

                            Clarifying his earlier fatwa, however, the sheikh said that the jihad could not be carried out by an "emotional thrust and with such excitement that only serves to harm us."

                            "How can we think that this leads to victory?" he asked. "The nation must prepare and unite in order to uproot his enemy," Halabi charged.

                            "By Allah, if your brother, the son of your mother and father, were to attack you in your own home, and you have no way to fend him off other than killing him, then we say that he was the aggressor and you were the defender - all the more so when the aggressor is an evil Jew, from among the brothers of apes and pigs," he said.

                            Halabi said that "unfortunately tens of thousands of Palestinians work with the Jews, and accept money from the Jews. They need the Jews. Sadly this is the reality of an occupied people. I am not saying this as some people mistakenly understood it, as praise for the Jews, who deserve nothing but more and more curses. I am talking about the reality."
                            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                              Originally posted by Womble View Post
                              He was later forced to retract

                              Oh, look at that, a prominent Muslim telling Muslims that wanton killing of Jews (And by extension others) is wrong. Kinda goes in the face of the idea that "Islam/Muslims are only evil and barbaric" that is disturbing though not surprising that he faced backlash over his very totally super rational discourse.
                              By Nolamom


                                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                                Oh, look at that, a prominent Muslim telling Muslims that wanton killing of Jews (And by extension others) is wrong. Kinda goes in the face of the idea that "Islam/Muslims are only evil and barbaric" that is disturbing though not surprising that he faced backlash over his very totally super rational discourse.

                                Edit: That is rational until he was forced to do a 180
                                By Nolamom

