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    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
    They're already doing that -- that is, making threats of violence as well as carrying out acts of violence when the mere threat doesn't seem to be strong enough to suit their fancy. Folks engaged in provoking violence sort of thinking, are often especially opposed to (obeying) the law, and are often the worst offenders because they often ram their ideas out (in actual deeds) before tallying up the consequences.
    Who is this supposed to be about?

    That's why there are so many problems in our schools, parks, gangs, families (child against parent, parent against child, sibling against sibling, etc), public and private companies. . . on and on the list goes.
    Umm........ what?
    What is the reason again?

    Sadly, the Muslims have a very effective way of stopping the threats of violence, when it goes against their way of life. It's known as Sharia Law. Anyone opposed to that if/when it ever gets enforced may very well find themself getting killed. Oh, and there seems to be an endless variety of methods in how to kill a disobedient person regardless of threatening or carrying out acts of violence.
    Feel free to actually take a look at "biblical law" when taking such sweeping positions and how bad living under religious law can be.
    Of course, being a woman, you should be doing other, less challenging things, like making me a sammich, cause I'm hungry..........

    yeah, sounds like one of those *conspiratorial* agendas.
    Guess these folks are just getting brazen in their actions, instead of disguising them, as the conspiracy theorists kept telling us for years..

    Wow, that sounds like a mouthful. (above bold font emphasis mine)
    Key words mentioned are all noted in Glenn Beck's "Overton Window" book.
    (See some details about that in the spoiler quote further below..)
    Glenn Beck can't tell between his mouth and his arse, because they both spew fecal matter.

    Seems it's always been that way... *sigh*
    "conservatives", don't exist in American Politics anymore, and when they -do- show up, they get kicked to the curb for being "too left". The GOP is no more than the "moral majority" pushing their own brand of religion, and any who say otherwise are "RINO's". The GOP is an insignificant, fractured arm of politics, no many how many seats they hold because they expend more energy fighting -each other- than doing anything for the people they supposedly represent.

    Oh, maybe the idea "that Islam is a threat" has already been put forth indirectly in the "Overton Window" (by Glenn Beck)--tho it would be the Islamic State as a major threat over other Muslim issues (unless perhaps Sharia Law ends up being strictly enforced in place of the standard republic or constitutional laws).
    Christianity has tried to enforce it's laws since the inception of the USA, with minimal success, why do you think Sharia will be accepted?
    Sorry, some of these posts in this "political" topic reminded me of stuff that was in that book. Life imitating art.
    On another *Window* note. . . Read the (political / action thriller) "Overton Window" by Glenn Beck (published 2010). It was interesting in how a good portion of ideas mentioned in that "piece of fiction" book, about where the "Window (of time)" currently resides in the timeline of long-termed ("gov't" planned) events, is actually happening now.
    Freaky stuff! I mean really *freaky* stuff.
    Watch Star trek, another piece of fiction that has projected stuff..........
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      "conservatives", don't exist in American Politics anymore, and when they -do- show up, they get kicked to the curb for being "too left". The GOP is no more than the "moral majority" pushing their own brand of religion, and any who say otherwise are "RINO's". The GOP is an insignificant, fractured arm of politics, no many how many seats they hold because they expend more energy fighting -each other- than doing anything for the people they supposedly represent.
      Sorry, wrong answer. There are plenty of "Conservatives" in this country. And for many, like myself, religion has no part in it. The problem is that the national leadership of the Republican party no longer represents Conservative views, and in fact many of their views are not in the best interests of this country.


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        They're already doing that -- that is, making threats of violence as well as carrying out acts of violence when the mere threat doesn't seem to be strong enough to suit their fancy. Folks engaged in provoking violence sort of thinking, are often especially opposed to (obeying) the law, and are often the worst offenders because they often ram their ideas out (in actual deeds) before tallying up the consequences.

        That's why there are so many problems in our schools, parks, gangs, families (child against parent, parent against child, sibling against sibling, etc), public and private companies. . . on and on the list goes.

        Sadly, the Muslims have a very effective way of stopping the threats of violence, when it goes against their way of life. It's known as Sharia Law. Anyone opposed to that if/when it ever gets enforced may very well find themself getting killed. Oh, and there seems to be an endless variety of methods in how to kill a disobedient person regardless of threatening or carrying out acts of violence.

        Question: did you even read the article Coco Pops posted? You do realize it's about Gamergate, right? Which has absolutely zero to do with Muslims, unless they're gamers involved in the controversy of this game community issue.

        For your information:

        The only guide to Gamergate you will ever need to read

        Small snippet from the guide:
        Whatever Gamergate may have started as, it is now an Internet culture war. On one side are independent game-makers and critics, many of them women, who advocate for greater inclusion in gaming. On the other side of the equation are a motley alliance of vitriolic naysayers: misogynists, anti-feminists, trolls, people convinced they’re being manipulated by a left-leaning and/or corrupt press, and traditionalists who just don’t want their games to change.

        The divide is, in part, demographic: It’s the difference between the historical, stereotypical gamer — young, nerdy white guy who likes guns and boobs — and the much broader, more diverse range of people who play now.
        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Oh, maybe the idea "that Islam is a threat"....

        Islam is not a threat. It's a religion, like Christianity, Judaism, ... every other religion in existence.

        It's the people who abuse the religion to fit their own agenda, like IS, which are the threat. Not the religion itself.

        Please stop with the idea that every Muslim is a threat. I wonder what my lunchbuddies would have to say about it. Maybe I should tell them an hour from now that they are a threat to the world cause they follow Islam.

        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        I just do not understand the gamergate thing.. What exactly has upset people to the point they have to make threats?
        I think it simply ran out of control. I agree that female presence in games is limited, which is basically true for all entertainment forms. Games would also not pass a Bechdel test. And behind the scenes, in the developing world, female creators are far and few, although upcoming which is cool.

        For a guide, see above.

        Originally posted by Womble View Post
        The idea was endorsed by the Israeli government on the grounds that those same cameras would also document Palestinian troublemaking for all to see. The Palestinians are very publicly and very vehemently opposed, because those same cameras would document any Palestinian troublemaking for all to see.
        I spy with my CCTV-eye... bring it on.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Sorry, wrong answer. There are plenty of "Conservatives" in this country. And for many, like myself, religion has no part in it. The problem is that the national leadership of the Republican party no longer represents Conservative views, and in fact many of their views are not in the best interests of this country.
          Try -READING- what I wrote Annoyed.
          I did not say there were no conservatives. I said there are -none- on the political stage. Who in the republican presidential race do you think is a -conservative-?

          I tend to agree with conservative views on little government interference, not living beyond our governmental paycheque, belief in the core values of a country (for you, the constitution, for me, open debate on our values), but I see -no one- in the GOP that represents that at all. They are all corporate shills.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Try -READING- what I wrote Annoyed.
            I did not say there were no conservatives. I said there are -none- on the political stage. Who in the republican presidential race do you think is a -conservative-?

            I tend to agree with conservative views on little government interference, not living beyond our governmental paycheque, belief in the core values of a country (for you, the constitution, for me, open debate on our values), but I see -no one- in the GOP that represents that at all. They are all corporate shills.
            Yeah, pretty much. But I would question the phrase "not living beyond our governmental paycheque".
            People should not be living off government checks. They should be supporting themselves.

            If you mean that the government shouldn't spend beyond what it takes in, then yes, I agree with you.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              People should not be living off government checks. They should be supporting themselves.
              hey guess what - those who write you traffic tickets for bogus reasons, also live on government checks. generous ones at that. whilst making you lose even more money to the government


                So, police/fire/etc. should work for free?


                  Islam is not a threat? I think the people of Dearborn, MI might beg to differ

                  Islam is a cult....nothing more, nothing founded upon gratuitous violence and depravity, if its founder's proclivity towards messing around with minors is any indication


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    -looks at the borders of Israel-
                    -looks at what the UN designated in 1948-

                    Sorry, what?
                    *Points at Jerusalem not being any kind of Jordanian or Palestinian on the map that the UN draw up in 1948*


                    *Hands Gatefan maps of Germany and Japan before and after World war II*

                    And that.

                    Totally ridiculous, pray where you want, praying hurts no one, utter bulldust.
                    Yeah well, that's the "status quo" Israeli is accused of violating.

                    P.S. In unrelated news, after having spent moths criticizing Hungary's decision to build a razor wire border fence to keep out Syrian and other migrants, Austria has begun building its own fence on the border with Slovenia.

                    And shotgun sales have skyrocketed:

                    Yesterday, it emerged that weapon sales were soaring in Austria as citizens of the small Alpine nation become paranoid over the numbers of refugees crowding into their country.
                    In a country of 8.5 million people, there are now an estimated 900,000 firearms in homes.

                    Gun dealers report that it is women driving the sales rush. This year alone, police say 70,000 guns have been sold.
                    'Virtually all shotguns are currently sold out, because you need no permit for them', said Thomas Ortner, spokesman for an arms dealer in Upper Austria.
                    Last edited by Womble; 29 October 2015, 11:44 AM.
                    If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                      Islam is not a threat? I think the people of Dearborn, MI might beg to differ
                      Really... ... Yup, because catholics would never make any threats of violence or bomb, or attack others for thinking differently.

                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                      Islam is a cult....nothing more, nothing founded upon gratuitous violence and depravity, if its founder's proclivity towards messing around with minors is any indication
                      Let me fix that for you...

                      Christianity is a cult....nothing more, nothing founded upon gratuitous violence and depravity, if its founder's proclivity towards messing around with minors, still being practiced to this day, is any indication.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Really... ... Yup, because catholics would never make any threats of violence or bomb, or attack others for thinking differently.

                        Let me fix that for you...

                        Christianity is a cult....nothing more, nothing founded upon gratuitous violence and depravity, if its founder's proclivity towards messing around with minors, still being practiced to this day, is any indication.
                        Except that there is absolutely no proof whatsoever of Christ having sex with any minors....proof however is rife of Muhammed marrying minors.....and making unjust war against "infidels"

                        tell me why I should give such a cult the respect would give to Christianity or Buddhism, etc.?

                        also any bad things Christians happen to do....their deeds are done WITHOUT the blessing of Magisterial teaching.....however the Islam "holy book" actively encourages gratuitous violence and depravity


                          oh and before you say it.....the Crusades were NOT war for the sake of war against Islamists.....the Islamists started it....we only finished it....with varying degrees of success over the course of at least 10 centuries....with the richly deserved pasting at the Gulf of Lepanto being the proverbial "kill shot" that finally drove all the Islamists, who were dead set on raping and pillaging the at the time largely Christian west, out of the West and back into the dessert hellholes which spawned them


                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            Islam is not a threat? I think the people of Dearborn, MI might beg to differ

                            Islam is a cult....nothing more, nothing founded upon gratuitous violence and depravity, if its founder's proclivity towards messing around with minors is any indication
                            I don't think Catholics are anymore a threat than any other group of people. Nor do I believe that the Catholic Church is 100%. There are plenty of myths about alleged things the Church has done. However, to pretend that Catholicism is innocent is naive.

                            Just a few decades ago, people in Latin America were expelled from their homes, jailed, raped, murdered, beaten, and ostracized for being Protestants. It still happens today. And who are the perps? Catholics. What has the Church done? Actually, preists have often in the near past been behind those acts or turned a blind eye.

                            You know what an uncle of mine told another relative in Mexico regarding his Protestant congregation? To not make noise about equal rights because the priest could easily have everyone lynch the protestants. I mean, the rapists and thugs that did all the raping and murdering and vandalism and beatings of protestants ARE STILL ALIVE. This isn't ancient history, this isn't the middle ages. This happened in the 20th century, and in some areas is still happening.

                            To what about the Archdioceses? Well they do talk about tolerance (In the last few decades mind you) but at the same time Catholics are making websites and campaigns to consistently defame different Protestant groups today. From Jehovah's Witnesses to 7th Day Adventists and even Pentecostals. All get labeled as cults or dangerous sects or any other buzz word. So I am not sure that Catholics are getting the message.

                            Now, I could believe that Catholics and Catholicism is a threat to any protestant. Or I can recognize the good that the Catholic Church has done and how there are many many tolerant and kind and good people who are Catholic. So tell me, if you are unwilling to recognize the good in regards to Muslims, why should I recognize the good to the group of people who have attacked so many of my older relatives just because of their religion?

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            also any bad things Christians happen to do....their deeds are done WITHOUT the blessing of Magisterial teaching.....however the Islam "holy book" actively encourages gratuitous violence and depravity
                            Except the magisterial teaching has been horrible in curtailing those evil acts in the past and present. I have my issues with Islam and it's teachings. But I don't think it's nearly as violent as you seem to claim it to be. I mean, just take a look at what Atheists and Extremists think the Bible says. (Odd that extremists and Atheists interpret the Bible the same way).
                            By Nolamom


                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              I don't think Catholics are anymore a threat than any other group of people. Nor do I believe that the Catholic Church is 100%. There are plenty of myths about alleged things the Church has done. However, to pretend that Catholicism is innocent is naive.

                              Just a few decades ago, people in Latin America were expelled from their homes, jailed, raped, murdered, beaten, and ostracized for being Protestants. It still happens today. And who are the perps? Catholics. What has the Church done? Actually, preists have often in the near past been behind those acts or turned a blind eye.

                              You know what an uncle of mine told another relative in Mexico regarding his Protestant congregation? To not make noise about equal rights because the priest could easily have everyone lynch the protestants. I mean, the rapists and thugs that did all the raping and murdering and vandalism and beatings of protestants ARE STILL ALIVE. This isn't ancient history, this isn't the middle ages. This happened in the 20th century, and in some areas is still happening.

                              To what about the Archdioceses? Well they do talk about tolerance (In the last few decades mind you) but at the same time Catholics are making websites and campaigns to consistently defame different Protestant groups today. From Jehovah's Witnesses to 7th Day Adventists and even Pentecostals. All get labeled as cults or dangerous sects or any other buzz word. So I am not sure that Catholics are getting the message.

                              Now, I could believe that Catholics and Catholicism is a threat to any protestant. Or I can recognize the good that the Catholic Church has done and how there are many many tolerant and kind and good people who are Catholic. So tell me, if you are unwilling to recognize the good in regards to Muslims, why should I recognize the good to the group of people who have attacked so many of my older relatives just because of their religion?

                              Except the magisterial teaching has been horrible in curtailing those evil acts in the past and present. I have my issues with Islam and it's teachings. But I don't think it's nearly as violent as you seem to claim it to be. I mean, just take a look at what Atheists and Extremists think the Bible says. (Odd that extremists and Atheists interpret the Bible the same way).
                              And won't find support for aggressiveness against non-Catholics anywhere in the Catechism....if this was happening they should've been reported to the proper ecclesiastical authorities up to and including the Pope if necessary

                              and let's not forget that Protestants have been just as soon we forget that it was largely Protestants who were responsible for the Salem witch trials and that it was Protestants who had a long history of treating Catholics like second-class citizens in the UK

                              perhaps if you could actually show me that adherents to Islam have done anything other than come up with a barbaric system of laws that allows them to make war against "infidels" and marry children you might have a point...but all I've seen in the "holy" Koran thus far is how evil Jews and Christians and all other "infidels" are and how they must be exterminated....right there in the Koran

                              Alexis de Tocqueville had the right of it: "There is no religion in the world deadlier to men than that of Muhammed"


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                So, police/fire/etc. should work for free?
                                let's not conflate everything - firefighters have tough high-risk low-reward jobs (like soldiers in a way) so it's another matter entirely
                                tbh I'm not even sure what motivates someone to do this line of work

