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    Just wait till everyone signs off on the TPP and watch pharmaceutical prices rocket.
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      What's everyones thought on this??

      Apparently in PA, an Amish man is suing the state to allow him to buy a gun without photo ID, cause as he IS amish, it's against his religion to have his picture taken.
      There's relgious freedom, and then there's following the law. He can be as Amish as he likes, but he's still living under American law which dictates a photo ID to purchase a gun.

      However, if photo ID's are an issue - how about delivering some fingerprints. They are unique to each person and can be used to identify someone. If it's a case about ID-ing the guy if it's really him, then fingerprints could be a good alternative.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        Just wait till everyone signs off on the TPP and watch pharmaceutical prices rocket.
        That TPP deal is going to be a disaster for everyone besides the corporations, and in some ways, a disaster for them, too.

        For example, suppose you run a company, and you invent something which renders another company's product obsolete, like the invention of the electric light bulb rendered candles obsolete. The TPP would allow the candle company to sue the light bulb company for lost profits and lost expected profits in the future in some sort of UN court.


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          There's relgious freedom, and then there's following the law. He can be as Amish as he likes, but he's still living under American law which dictates a photo ID to purchase a gun.
          But, but, how do we sell that Islam is a threat if we recognize the difference between personal belief and state!!!
          200 plus years of one dominant religion hasn't done it, but IT WILL HAPPEN NOW!!!
          However, if photo ID's are an issue - how about delivering some fingerprints. They are unique to each person and can be used to identify someone. If it's a case about ID-ing the guy if it's really him, then fingerprints could be a good alternative.
          What left wing libural nut farm did you crawl from!!
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            But, but, how do we sell that Islam is a threat if we recognize the difference between personal belief and state!!!
            200 plus years of one dominant religion hasn't done it, but IT WILL HAPPEN NOW!!!
            Oh oops... didn't think of that one.

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            What left wing libural nut farm did you crawl from!!
            I don't know... one that had cows.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Apparently in PA, an Amish man is suing the state to allow him to buy a gun without photo ID, cause as he IS amish, it's against his religion to have his picture taken.
              he's just being sque-amish

              ain't these folks supposed to be like the nox? (ultra pacifists)
              in which case does his religion even allow him to have a gun?
              sounds like he's trying to have his cake & eat it


                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                in which case does his religion even allow him to have a gun?
                It's for hunting...
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  It's for hunting...
                  as non-violent pacifists shouldn't they try to coax the animal into the slaughterhouse?


                    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                    as non-violent pacifists shouldn't they try to coax the animal into the slaughterhouse?
                    Vegetarian is what they should be.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Vegetarian is what they should be.


                      And in Gaming politics well if you shout loud and act like a crybaby and issue threats things happen..


                      I assume the ones making the threats are the same sort of crybabies that started the whole mess in the first place with their cries of "woe is me."

                      Remember kids when you can't get your way in life issue threats of violence..
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        There's relgious freedom, and then there's following the law. He can be as Amish as he likes, but he's still living under American law which dictates a photo ID to purchase a gun.

                        However, if photo ID's are an issue - how about delivering some fingerprints. They are unique to each person and can be used to identify someone. If it's a case about ID-ing the guy if it's really him, then fingerprints could be a good alternative.
                        Someone elsewhere mentioned that you can opt to go through a court to 'verify' who yo are in place of having the photo ID.. So he has that option.
                        BUT why is it that people are so willing to have photo ID's for getting a gun, but not for voting?

                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        as non-violent pacifists shouldn't they try to coax the animal into the slaughterhouse?
                        I think you are confusing Amish with Mennanites.


                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                          And in Gaming politics well if you shout loud and act like a crybaby and issue threats things happen..
                          Remember kids when you can't get your way in life issue threats of violence..
                          They're already doing that -- that is, making threats of violence as well as carrying out acts of violence when the mere threat doesn't seem to be strong enough to suit their fancy. Folks engaged in provoking violence sort of thinking, are often especially opposed to (obeying) the law, and are often the worst offenders because they often ram their ideas out (in actual deeds) before tallying up the consequences.

                          That's why there are so many problems in our schools, parks, gangs, families (child against parent, parent against child, sibling against sibling, etc), public and private companies. . . on and on the list goes.

                          Sadly, the Muslims have a very effective way of stopping the threats of violence, when it goes against their way of life. It's known as Sharia Law. Anyone opposed to that if/when it ever gets enforced may very well find themself getting killed. Oh, and there seems to be an endless variety of methods in how to kill a disobedient person regardless of threatening or carrying out acts of violence.

                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                          A school principle has cancelled student elections because of the students that won. They were not diverse enough..

                          What does that even mean?

                          Can someone explain that?
                          yeah, sounds like one of those *conspiratorial* agendas.
                          Guess these folks are just getting brazen in their actions, instead of disguising them, as the conspiracy theorists kept telling us for years..

                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          Only problem is that during Nazi rule, we see 0 socialist reforms outside military necesities. On the contrary, there was some privatization.Besides, we are all collectivist to some extent.
                          Wow, that sounds like a mouthful. (above bold font emphasis mine)
                          Key words mentioned are all noted in Glenn Beck's "Overton Window" book.
                          (See some details about that in the spoiler quote further below..)

                          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                          actually there is little difference since the vast majority of those "megacorporations" tend to be in bed with the socialist democrat party

                          and conservatives are actually all about restoring the Constitution as the rule of law, not abolishing it like the socialist democrats and their RINO allies want
                          Seems it's always been that way... *sigh*

                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          But, but, how do we sell that Islam is a threat if we recognize the difference between personal belief and state!!!
                          Oh, maybe the idea "that Islam is a threat" has already been put forth indirectly in the "Overton Window" (by Glenn Beck)--tho it would be the Islamic State as a major threat over other Muslim issues (unless perhaps Sharia Law ends up being strictly enforced in place of the standard republic or constitutional laws).

                          Sorry, some of these posts in this "political" topic reminded me of stuff that was in that book. Life imitating art.

                          On another *Window* note. . . Read the (political / action thriller) "Overton Window" by Glenn Beck (published 2010). It was interesting in how a good portion of ideas mentioned in that "piece of fiction" book, about where the "Window (of time)" currently resides in the timeline of long-termed ("gov't" planned) events, is actually happening now.
                          Freaky stuff! I mean really *freaky* stuff.
                          just to name a few of the "Overton Window" ideas (paraphrasing)
                          * Education -- to deemphasize the individual (reinforce "borg-like" movement); "social justice"
                          * Establish beneficial globalization with
                          ** debt crisis
                          ** FREE Trade
                          ** immigration (does that include any incoming refugees from other countries?)
                          ** food, water, energy (crisis) issues
                          ** UN Agenda-- (implied to be enforced by the UN where/whenever the UN determines its use)

                          * Associate resistance and (the) "constitution" with a backwards, extremist worldview
                          (. . .hey, that sounds like what the Islamic State is attempting to do. . .)

                          * surveillance of opposition, and force (leadership or) *threaten* with sedition by criminalizing dissent. . .
                          * Expand (swayable) voter base and grant voting right rights to prison inmates, "undocumented" migrants, (toss in the newest refugees to the mix as well).
                          ** Label dissenters (people opposed to certain issues) as "racist" -- invoke familiar analogies such as slavery, Nazism, segregation and isolationism.
                          * Push National Security to the forefront of public awareness - everywhere and anywhere possible
                          * Introduce a new "international" currency (finalize the decline and abandonment the USA dollar in currency)

                          End goal is to create (deliberate chaos into) a world war (implying the very last war, ever). Time is not a factor on when it will come. However, WAR will come when the Windows all converge when the international (global) goal is finally accomplished.

                          Another comment that was significant in the "Overton Window" was the reality that the economy was crashing;
                          *Our* future finances were stolen to bailout someone somewhere else, and this process was done against our will;
                          the stimulus packages were all being rushed thru by BOTH parties (dems & repubs) -- who are equally corrupt and being concerned only with their own agendas and not caring about the general benefit of the people--who put these parties into leadership positions.

                          When I was reading about those issues just listed, it was like reading recent news articles from the past few months or even weeks!
                          The book was written before 2010, but it's almost as if real-life is imitating (art) fiction that's in there.
                          Last edited by SGalisa; 28 October 2015, 09:25 PM. Reason: fix typo


                            I just do not understand the gamergate thing.. What exactly has upset people to the point they have to make threats?
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              So latest news from Israel.

                              Jordan, who is the official custodian of the Temple Mount (because they conquered that place designated for UN custodianship in 1948, and when Arabs conquer a place, it stays theirs. It's not like when Israel conquers something) - anyway, Jordan has proposed installing cameras on the Temple Mount and livestreaming the footage online. The idea is to document violations of the "status quo" under which the Jews are not allowed to pray at Judaism's holiest place. They can visit, but not pray. If any visiting Jews pray, that'll score as an Israeli violation of Muslim rights. The idea was endorsed by the Israeli government on the grounds that those same cameras would also document Palestinian troublemaking for all to see. The Palestinians are very publicly and very vehemently opposed, because those same cameras would document any Palestinian troublemaking for all to see.
                              If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                                So latest news from Israel.

                                Jordan, who is the official custodian of the Temple Mount (because they conquered that place designated for UN custodianship in 1948, and when Arabs conquer a place, it stays theirs. It's not like when Israel conquers something) - anyway,
                                -looks at the borders of Israel-
                                -looks at what the UN designated in 1948-

                                Sorry, what?
                                Jordan has proposed installing cameras on the Temple Mount and livestreaming the footage online. The idea is to document violations of the "status quo" under which the Jews are not allowed to pray at Judaism's holiest place. They can visit, but not pray.
                                Totally ridiculous, pray where you want, praying hurts no one, utter bulldust.
                                If any visiting Jews pray, that'll score as an Israeli violation of Muslim rights. The idea was endorsed by the Israeli government on the grounds that those same cameras would also document Palestinian troublemaking for all to see. The Palestinians are very publicly and very vehemently opposed, because those same cameras would document any Palestinian troublemaking for all to see.
                                Good, let it happen and let the world see what kind of BS the Palestinians get up to.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

