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    I found what I think KEK was talking about. So it's a British police force that was afraid of calling out a series of gang rapes by a group of Pakastanis (5 men) against mostly white or mixed young girls. The reason, because they were afraid of being branded as racists.

    It was a power trip if you ask me. They justified it by the same old rationalizations that rapists have always used. The difference here is that they targeted white or mixed girls because of a perceived deposition among white people for provocative behavior. They probably didn't believe that their own culture would have such women, but white British culture did, thus the girls wanted it or deserved it. It's also important to note that Pakastani girls were also abused, and have in the past. So it isn't a clear "cause they were white" situation. It's the culture that they saw and associated with white people.

    The only thing I can think of to compare this to is the raping of black women in the Jim Crow south here in America by white men. Those rapists would have raped regardless of where they lived, they just happened to find a nice (read "horrible") little excuse for why they did what they did. And they got away with it due to hypersensitivity. That's a horrible thing, that they even considered the perpetrator's or the victim's race at such a high level that it impeded any investigation or arrests.
    By Nolamom


      Location and race of victims only affects the excuse made up to justify the crime.



        agreed - the excuse made up to justify the crime


          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          I found what I think KEK was talking about. So it's a British police force that was afraid of calling out a series of gang rapes by a group of Pakastanis (5 men) against mostly white or mixed young girls. The reason, because they were afraid of being branded as racists.

          It was a power trip if you ask me. They justified it by the same old rationalizations that rapists have always used. The difference here is that they targeted white or mixed girls because of a perceived deposition among white people for provocative behavior. They probably didn't believe that their own culture would have such women, but white British culture did, thus the girls wanted it or deserved it. It's also important to note that Pakastani girls were also abused, and have in the past. So it isn't a clear "cause they were white" situation. It's the culture that they saw and associated with white people.

          The only thing I can think of to compare this to is the raping of black women in the Jim Crow south here in America by white men. Those rapists would have raped regardless of where they lived, they just happened to find a nice (read "horrible") little excuse for why they did what they did. And they got away with it due to hypersensitivity. That's a horrible thing, that they even considered the perpetrator's or the victim's race at such a high level that it impeded any investigation or arrests.

          This also happened over here with a gang of lebanese youth targeting white girls in Sydney. They eventually all got arrested but the media was very coy about the story in its early days. The offenders were muslim too which made it more of a hard story for the media to get into without being branded "racist" by the left....

          They were bragging about what they did.
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            how unfortunate to be branded "racist"just for reporting the political/religous leanings of the perpetrators?


              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
              Who won't assimilate? Assimilation isn't the same as integration though. Assimilation comes generationally, integration is the immediate act taken by the first generation. Now I haven't heard about any Pakistani gangs looking for white women to rape.
              Not women - teenage girls, children.

              That statement, however...what does it mean? Is this America you're talking about or Europe? Rape isn't about race, it's about power. It's about an individual having power over another. Racially motivated rape is...rare. The rationalization for a rapist is that "the victim wanted it," "was asking for it," or "enjoyed it." It has little to do with who or what that victim is. You have serial rapists who have a taste for certain types of victims, but there is a whole situation of psychology involved in that that can't simply be boiled down to "Pakistani views white people as trash."
              That seems to contradict your list of rationalizations. The Pakistani community in the UK teaches it's boys that white girls are trash, are sluts, and they don't matter. We're not talking about random Pakistani rapists here, we're talking about the organized raping and torturing of white children by gangs for years. They were told that they had to obey by the men because they were Muslim, and because they were just white trash and scum. One of the girls was doused in petrol and told that she would be set on fire and her mother would be raped if she told anyone. It's not an isolated culture in Rotherham either, there have been similar groups uncovered in Oxford and London too.

              But again, those with a mind to will never accept that culture is involved. It's all a coincidence that the rape gangs, independent of each other, are Pakistani and their victims are all non-Muslim...


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                I found what I think KEK was talking about. So it's a British police force that was afraid of calling out a series of gang rapes by a group of Pakastanis (5 men) against mostly white or mixed young girls. The reason, because they were afraid of being branded as racists.
                There have only been 5 people prosecuted so far, but there were 1400 victims (in a city of 248k) that were ignored, and it's accepted now by the police (and all along by social services) that this is widespread.

                They justified it by the same old rationalizations that rapists have always used. The difference here is that they targeted white or mixed girls because of a perceived deposition among white people for provocative behavior. They probably didn't believe that their own culture would have such women, but white British culture did, thus the girls wanted it or deserved it.
                Rationalizations that were facilitated by their culture. It's not just that they did it, it's that their wider community protected them. A child support worker approached the local Imam and asked him to speak to some of the perpetrators and ask them to stop, but he refused.

                That isn't British society, that is third-world rural Pakistani society transplanted into Europe. If you're not familiar with this type of thing it's because your brand of multiculturalism is not as passive as ours. You expect migrants to integrate and assimilate, we don't. In fact presuming such a thing would be widely considered to be racist over here, such is the state we're in.

                It's also important to note that Pakastani girls were also abused, and have in the past. So it isn't a clear "cause they were white" situation. It's the culture that they saw and associated with white people.
                That's a gross misrepresentation of reality. The Muslims girls that were abused were abused in the same way that girls in vulnerable positions are abused by people in a positions of power the world over, it was quite different to the gang rapes, torture, de-humanization and trafficking that the non-Muslim girls endured.


                  Originally posted by KEK View Post
                  There have only been 5 people prosecuted so far, but there were 1400 victims (in a city of 248k) that were ignored, and it's accepted now by the police (and all along by social services) that this is widespread.

                  Rationalizations that were facilitated by their culture. It's not just that they did it, it's that their wider community protected them. A child support worker approached the local Imam and asked him to speak to some of the perpetrators and ask them to stop, but he refused.

                  That isn't British society, that is third-world rural Pakistani society transplanted into Europe. If you're not familiar with this type of thing it's because your brand of multiculturalism is not as passive as ours. You expect migrants to integrate and assimilate, we don't. In fact presuming such a thing would be widely considered to be racist over here, such is the state we're in.

                  That's a gross misrepresentation of reality. The Muslims girls that were abused were abused in the same way that girls in vulnerable positions are abused by people in a positions of power the world over, it was quite different to the gang rapes, torture, de-humanization and trafficking that the non-Muslim girls endured.
                  unfortunately passive multiculturalism is becoming commonplace here in the States too

                  What with Muslims gathering around trying to force all our restaurants to stop serving pork and generally just trying to shove their barbaric system of Shariah Law down our throats any way they can


                    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post

                    What with Muslims gathering around trying to force all our restaurants to stop serving pork and generally just trying to shove their barbaric system of Shariah Law down our throats any way they can
                    SEE this is the problem I have with multiculturalism... When you want to live in another country shouldn't you try to adapt to the host country rather then just expect them to change their ways to suit you? What is wrong with that? It's not racist to expect that...
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                      SEE this is the problem I have with multiculturalism... When you want to live in another country shouldn't you try to adapt to the host country rather then just expect them to change their ways to suit you? What is wrong with that? It's not racist to expect that...
                      No, it's not.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                        unfortunately passive multiculturalism is becoming commonplace here in the States too

                        What with Muslims gathering around trying to force all our restaurants to stop serving pork and generally just trying to shove their barbaric system of Shariah Law down our throats any way they can

                        Sometimes you make sense and good points, and other times I don't know what you're on about...this is an example of the latter.

                        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                        SEE this is the problem I have with multiculturalism... When you want to live in another country shouldn't you try to adapt to the host country rather then just expect them to change their ways to suit you? What is wrong with that? It's not racist to expect that...
                        Well the defining identity of the US is integration, or the "melting pot," of cultures. Once upon a time there were millions of German speakers in America that being a translator was a good way to make a living in they are all gone. You can't easily tell an Irish family from a German family unless they are recent arrivals. That's happening now in the US again. The first step is integration, that's the adaptation you are talking about. The second step is for the 2nd ad 3rd generations to be more "American" until the 4th and 5th generations become indistinguishable.

                        The "De facto" multiculturalism that exists I the US has more to do with American ideals of democracy. Making sure everyone is treated equally and not discriminated. That last part does tend to cause controversy as to how to go about it. I don't know how the British do things, But there is a reason why I love apple pies as much as the next person more so than flan, but a Birthday party with piñatas isn't a rare thing in the states at the same time.

                        As for the Pakastani culture and rape, the US went through it's rape culture phase (Why I mentioned white rapists in Jim Crow south), it's taken a lot to combat that mentality. It's obvious that Pakastani culture hasn't gone through that phase, so that definitely played a huge rule. Integration, if done right, would catch up British-Pakastani culture in that regard. So no, it's not racist to expect a immigrant to integrate into the new adoptive society.
                        By Nolamom


                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                          SEE this is the problem I have with multiculturalism... When you want to live in another country shouldn't you try to adapt to the host country rather then just expect them to change their ways to suit you? What is wrong with that? It's not racist to expect that...
                          yeah...evidently Muslims are unaware of the fact that here in America....if you don't want to eat something....just don't order it


                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                            Sometimes you make sense and good points, and other times I don't know what you're on about...this is an example of the latter.
                            did you just defend islam? +_+
                            Last edited by SoulReaver; 22 September 2014, 11:27 PM.


                              In many religions you'll find a minority who feel that having to see others not follow their religion violates their rights, or they have a right to foist their religion on others, or "if you're not with us you're against us." Or whatever it is. Unfortunately, they tend to be a vocal minority.

                              Normally it's the majority religion doing the foisting through the legislature, bringing us such delights as laws against same-sex marriage. People may facepalm at this, but it seems normal to them so it doesn't make too much of a splash. Then the Muslims arrive and certain neighbourhoods with a Muslim majority make a fuss about fast food places selling pork. Management side with the majority because that's just good business. In reality the majority of the Muslims probably don't mind if they sell pork, as long as they don't sell it to them. It's a less severe example of extremists ruining things for everyone.

                              I just wish all those people would realise that nobody has the right to be agreed with.

                              "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                                And here's another very important political issue. Energy production.....I think for the next 100 years it will become more important then these wars we keep fighting.

                                In regards to this I found this....... Make of it what you will. But this is as good a place to discuss these issues as any. Is politics forcing this to the fringes?

                                In the race to make it work?

                                XPRIZE offers $20 Million for ‘Forbidden Energy’

                                "XPRIZE board member Barry Thompson explains that today there is an ‘inquisition of scientific mindsets’ that is holding back breakthroughs in science.

                                He mentions that scientists consider that energy sources like cold fusion, zero-point energy are possible, but shady people are holding us back........

                                Watch the videos and make up your own mind..

                                Some background on this




                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

