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    Originally posted by KEK View Post
    No. While they were allowing the media to inspect those trucks they sent armoured vehicles into the Ukraine. Part of the convoy got taken out by Ukrainian artillery.
    I was talking about his ego being in one of the trucks KEK
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      And if it does shock them into reality what happens if all out war starts? Will the US be dragged along?
      I find it doubtful if the USA does get dragged in, that anything will help stop Russia from restoring the old USSR empire or whatever lines they want to restore the boundary lines into. US Admins seem to want to go to war with Russia (or Putin), but forget to look at their own coastlines and borders. Got too many problems in the USA to see the EU protected for any length of indefinite time.

      Many news articles are beginning to state the USA is past its prime, and turning into a 3rd world country, while presenting a facade of still being one of the top countries. Too many internal problems that are just getting worse. If people want a more accurate USA news, just read the BBC/UK, Australia reports, or some other places (e.g., Times of India, and most Israeli news agencies--more because the USA has a lot of Jewish folks living over here than in the Middle East). If the news jives with some of the top USA ones, well, maybe the news is accurate, but news from within the USA cannot be trusted, because it keeps switching on a nearly weekly (sometimes daily basis) from doom and gloom to "we're still # 1".
      It gets nauseating reading. And the media wonders why there are so many *depressed* souls in the USA.

      Instead of the USA fixing within its own borders, cities, etc, the USA is being blamed around the world, and even within the USA's own media (MSM), for starting problems elsewhere in the world, and stretching itself too far to fix issues that have arisen from some other USA presidency. AKA, fix the problem in Iraq, which not many folks in the USA believe it will stop the Islamic State from slaughtering more people and work itself into taking over Israel, Jordan, and even Saudi Arabia, and then work its way northward into Europe. Indonesia recently professed new converts to the I.S.,and Africa has the Boco Haram and a bunch of other ISIS-like groups slaughtering, kidnapping, whatever to those who are not of their mindset. Even women (in Africa) are now claimed to be *recruiting* for these murderous groups, so it's no longer just a male oriented situation.

      The slaughter that the I.S. posted on Twitter, Facebook, and apparently a few other sites (U-tube?) last weekend was just outright disgusting--nothing short of what (spiritual) Satanists are accused of doing, too (bathing in blood of the *infidels* as a purification ritual?!). Advice from one CNS news article stated -- doNOT google the images. I didn't. I came across a Catholic(dot)org article, which
      had the graphic pics embedded with warnings and attempted to blot out faces and strategic body parts, but it was very clear what was going on. Headless bodies, heads on spikes; a young female (obviously very nekked) being drained of her blood into a wash bucket -- for what??? To drink it or bathe in it, or what? Sounds like the notorious Elizabeth's Bathory's legacy if bathing *IS* applied! People's head placed on spikes, and handled with bare hands of those posting the images as if "deer in the headlights" --now on the walls-- trophies??! --ewwwwwwwwww.

      I thought those IS folks didn't like the *infidels*, so why were they handling the bodies and blood without gloves on? Where is the WHO on this? Even the Pope was upset, but only stated so after one of the Catholic vicars in the Iraqi area found out about a baptized child being sliced in half by I.S.

      When King Solomon of the Hebrew Bible "threatened" to slice a child in half, it was only a test to discover who the real mother was of that child. The child ended up living and going back to the real mother. But when the I.S. threatens to slice or dice a child/infidel -- they take that threat literally and actually do it. Previews of events Coming to a neighborhood near...

      It's sickening and COLD-hearted in more ways than one. The world reads or watches in horror, but waits for the USA to stop this? It's doubtful the USA will either stop it or be able to stop it. Also, last week, the I.S. tweeted out a reminder that they have an appointment in NY. With 2 billion (USA equivalent) dollars stolen by I.S., they have the ability to achieve that goal, even if their USA *toys* have been half destroyed in this past week by USA forces trying to rescue the Yazidis. With the Mosul dam in danger and in control by the I.S., that is just one threatened part of the world the USA is being asked to deal with, before the dam's waters end up being unleashed downstream.

      This (bad news stuff) just never ends. And seems to be only the beginning of more *issues* yet to come.
      Maybe Russia will have to come down to Iraq and rescue whoever (non-I.S.) is left surviving in the area from I.S.'s slaughtering to protect the Kurds and the Iranians, etc. Even the US news media/radio stations don't expect the USA to finish what they're starting in the Iraqi region. USA ops are being accused of being famous to start some rescue, but eventually abandoning those who are left to survive and succeed on their own (there also comes a point where *parents* need to let their youngin's live on their own, too).

      So, it will end up being Russia to rescue, instead? That will be an interesting scenario if not a twist of already twisted events.
      Last edited by SGalisa; 16 August 2014, 06:16 PM. Reason: fix typos, expanded info


        if they're trying to bathe in infidel blood as a purification ritual then maybe it'll do they know that the "infidel" whose blood they plan to bathe in didn't eat pork on a regular basis?


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          I was talking about his ego being in one of the trucks KEK
          always quote, you must

          too bad the rest of him wasn't also in the truck


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            And if it does shock them into reality what happens if all out war starts? Will the US be dragged along?
            If it bothers. Otherwise Europe's bonsai armies are on their own.
            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


              In case anyone wondered how long it would take for the lefties to evolve a functionally pro-ISIS stance, they already have. They've even managed to shoehorn Israel into it, taking the usual lefty conspiracy mongering to the level of an art form.
              If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                In case anyone wondered how long it would take for the lefties to evolve a functionally pro-ISIS stance, they already have. They've even managed to shoehorn Israel into it, taking the usual lefty conspiracy mongering to the level of an art form.
                What defines a "lefty" for you?
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Yeah what is this lefty bull****?

                  What makes a lefty?
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Womble View Post
                    In case anyone wondered how long it would take for the lefties to evolve a functionally pro-ISIS stance, they already have. They've even managed to shoehorn Israel into it, taking the usual lefty conspiracy mongering to the level of an art form.
                    Shoehorn Israel..(?) I'm guessing that has to do with the head of I.S. being declared as an agent of the Mossad?
                    I think that news came out of a pro-Muslim news article. It didn't seem to go very far (at least, not yet, or it would have been all over the internet by now in nearly every news corner).

                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    Yeah what is this lefty bull****?

                    What makes a lefty?
                    A lefty isn't a righty.
                    (A Lefty = usually a liberal Democrat
                    A Righty = usually a conservative Republican
                    Put the two together and the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, because the left hand doesn't want the right side to know, until after the facts are too late to change.. so the theory goes on this side of the USA)

                    Anywho. Back to the Middle East---
                    Problem (and anyone can answer this)-- what is Israel going to do if/when the Islamic State invades Israel? I hear stories of Jewish people moving to Israel, but if the Islamic State invades, where will the Israeli residents flee to? There is no *safe* place on this planet any more, so it seems. Every time someone mentions their town/city or country is safe (usually mentioned on some of the news media blogs)-- within a few weeks, there goes that area down the tubes by some criminal crime spree pouncing upon it.

                    Anyway, Israel is surrounded by the I.S. on all sides), sort of like the way the world sees Israel hemming in the Palestinians in the Gaza area. Lebanon has been invaded by the I.S. which is advancing towards Israel on its southern border.. Jordan has been threatened by the I.S. in Iraq, to which Israel said it would come to Jordan's aide, while at the same time in other news, Jordan was also proclaiming some support for the Islamic caliphate, and Jordan has made several anti-Israel statements (I forget what about, but I think it was related to the Gaza conflict issues). Syria is already falling to the I.S. and Saudi Arabia who was apparently financially feeding ISIL before it became a regional threat is also under I.S. threat.

                    Iran seems to be just sitting there waiting, too. Waiting for what, tho? Iran got kind of quiet about making weekly threats against Israel after the I.S. started going on a kidnapping and killing spree. Maybe its the news media's attention on IS that is more consuming, but when Iran once voiced serious concern about IS invading Iran and killing folks over there, that news seems to have been put on hold..? If this is just typical propaganda politics, it can be understandable, but it's just really difficult to figure out who's on who's side any more.

                    I read on one web site attempting to track all of these events (including Russia's attacks against the Ukraine, etc), said that the world needs a spreadsheet to figure out who's who and who is for/against who. Everything is just too confusing, and the media reporting these events are adding to the confusion when they report something incorrectly, and some other group claims the very opposite is happening, etc.

                    President Obama is on vacation in the meantime. The city/town of Ferguson in the USA state of Missouri is under curfew, short of martial law because of a robbery that wasn't reported to the news media immediately, and so the folks went rioting and looting, and the police are now in danger, etc. (A week long of rioting and looting because of a robbery with the suspected robber got killed shortly later for obstructing traffic, that started the whole mess?? The entire business area is ruined.) NYC has had a similar law enforcement incident with a civilian getting "asphyxiated" and died--again, protests broke out against the police departments. Meantime, 2 Amish girls got kidnapped from their food stand, and molested during their disappearance, and the Amish community now is discussing that it has to get tougher on protecting itself, when they never had to before.
                    That's only some of the USA news highlights from this past week or so.
                    Last edited by SGalisa; 17 August 2014, 05:47 AM. Reason: corrected info


                      Lefties are also more concerned with compassion and caring for others then conservative "righties"
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                        Lefties are also more concerned with compassion and caring for others then conservative "righties"
                        That is DEFINATLY the mask that "lefties" like to put on it.
                        I like Sharky


                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                          Lefties are also more concerned with compassion and caring for others then conservative "righties"
                          Not entirely true, there was a time when the Conservatives were very much the party of human rights. If I lived in the US 60 years ago I would -probably- have been a conservative. Left and Right are really messed up these days, especially when considering the US where darn near every position is folded into the 2 major parties, and tar brushed with all the crazy crap of either side.
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Not entirely true, there was a time when the Conservatives were very much the party of human rights. If I lived in the US 60 years ago I would -probably- have been a conservative. Left and Right are really messed up these days, especially when considering the US where darn near every position is folded into the 2 major parties, and tar brushed with all the crazy crap of either side.

                            Yes but in Australia you can clearly see the distinction......The LNP have gone bat**** crazy

                            The LNP are the "Liberal National Party" but there's nothing liberal about their policies unless you are wealthy or a top earner.....
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                              Lefties are also more concerned with compassion and caring for others then conservative "righties"
                              Not in the USA -- not always, especially lately. Problem with the liberal "Lefties" in the USA now is their voting minions who put and keep them in power aren't so compassionate and caring when they go on destructive sprees rioting and looting. That's not caring for the community who worked hard to build up the businesses, that's just plain selfish gratification. As several comments showed up in the news blogs (about Ferguson, Missouri) --
                              the looters did it "just because" and the incident became "any excuse just to riot, destroy property, and loot, etc." Some of the protesters and rioters, etc., came in from other towns and states, almost overnight.

                              Not very compassionate except to one's self (who did the evil deed).
                              The UK already had this problem when the massive riots and looting broke out with the "anonymous masks" parading down the streets. Most of those folks were young teens and 20-somethings, but a few were much older than that as well. So much for compassion for the people who tried to build up the community -- Out the window(s) literally in a few hours.

                              Usually, when someone is *exposed* to be a "righty" -- background checks have revealed that they tend to be from the liberal left, but switched sides in name only, just to infiltrate and give the "righties" a bad rep. This has been the situation for at least the past 20 years in the USA, any way. It's all political hogwash.


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Shoehorn Israel..(?) I'm guessing that has to do with the head of I.S. being declared as an agent of the Mossad?
                                I think that news came out of a pro-Muslim news article. It didn't seem to go very far (at least, not yet, or it would have been all over the internet by now in nearly every news corner).

                                A lefty isn't a righty.
                                (A Lefty = usually a liberal Democrat
                                A Righty = usually a conservative Republican
                                Put the two together and the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, because the left hand doesn't want the right side to know, until after the facts are too late to change.. so the theory goes on this side of the USA)

                                Anywho. Back to the Middle East---
                                Problem (and anyone can answer this)-- what is Israel going to do if/when the Islamic State invades Israel? I hear stories of Jewish people moving to Israel, but if the Islamic State invades, where will the Israeli residents flee to? There is no *safe* place on this planet any more, so it seems. Every time someone mentions their town/city or country is safe (usually mentioned on some of the news media blogs)-- within a few weeks, there goes that area down the tubes by some criminal crime spree pouncing upon it.

                                Anyway, Israel is surrounded by the I.S. on all sides), sort of like the way the world sees Israel hemming in the Palestinians in the Gaza area. Lebanon has been invaded by the I.S. which is advancing towards Israel on its southern border.. Jordan has been threatened by the I.S. in Iraq, to which Israel said it would come to Jordan's aide, while at the same time in other news, Jordan was also proclaiming some support for the Islamic caliphate, and Jordan has made several anti-Israel statements (I forget what about, but I think it was related to the Gaza conflict issues). Syria is already falling to the I.S. and Saudi Arabia who was apparently financially feeding ISIL before it became a regional threat is also under I.S. threat.

                                Iran seems to be just sitting there waiting, too. Waiting for what, tho? Iran got kind of quiet about making weekly threats against Israel after the I.S. started going on a kidnapping and killing spree. Maybe its the news media's attention on IS that is more consuming, but when Iran once voiced serious concern about IS invading Iran and killing folks over there, that news seems to have been put on hold..? If this is just typical propaganda politics, it can be understandable, but it's just really difficult to figure out who's on who's side any more.

                                I read on one web site attempting to track all of these events (including Russia's attacks against the Ukraine, etc), said that the world needs a spreadsheet to figure out who's who and who is for/against who. Everything is just too confusing, and the media reporting these events are adding to the confusion when they report something incorrectly, and some other group claims the very opposite is happening, etc.

                                President Obama is on vacation in the meantime. The city/town of Ferguson in the USA state of Missouri is under curfew, short of martial law because of a robbery that wasn't reported to the news media immediately, and so the folks went rioting and looting, and the police are now in danger, etc. (A week long of rioting and looting because of a robbery with the suspected robber got killed shortly later for obstructing traffic, that started the whole mess?? The entire business area is ruined.) NYC has had a similar law enforcement incident with a civilian getting "asphyxiated" and died--again, protests broke out against the police departments. Meantime, 2 Amish girls got kidnapped from their food stand, and molested during their disappearance, and the Amish community now is discussing that it has to get tougher on protecting itself, when they never had to before.
                                That's only some of the USA news highlights from this past week or so.
                                and you can't even be sure whose side the police are on anymore

                                here in New York State in the town of Sardinia 2 cops were looking for someone and entered someone's property in plain clothes without permission or identifying themselves and got barked at by their dog so they shot the dog (a pit bull...thus anti-pit bull discrimination continues ) AND endangered the life of the homeowner's child who was playing with said dog in the process

                                putting aside the issue of shooting a dog who was only doing what dogs naturally tend to do, which is defend territory (especially pit bulls, they have strong territory defense instincts)....I find the fact that these 2 cops basically invaded someone's property (no atempt whatsoever to knock on the door, identify themselves, and present any appropriate warrant) without punishment is quite worrisome....esp. since the judge that sat that case when the homeowner took them to court was the same one who the 2 idiot cops made a complaint report to about the dog....almost 2 weeks after the incident took place and the judge let the dog go home but with the stigma of "dangerous dog" designation

                                Definitely something fishy going on in Sardinia, NY....these are the kinds of things that make me wonder if I'm living in a police state

