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    Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
    Well I haven't had a chance to reply to this thread for a couple of days so sorry if I'm a few pages behind.

    The massive move away from trade with the EU, to promoting trade with countries outside it is sign enough, if we were filled with joy with the EU, we'd be pushing for further trade in the European market. The referendum promise was dropped because it would be too much trouble to implement now. We signed up thanks to Gordon, having a referendum which would result in an almost guaranteed rejection and would kick up a whole hornets' nest at the EU. And while the Conservatives aren't exactly pro EU, and want to leave it given time, the last thing at the moment they need, or the country needs is that whole mess when we aren't ready.

    As for little old Cleggers he does what he's told, as evidenced by the tuition fees issue. That little pledge he signed up to meant diddly squat in the end.

    Apparently your grasp of our history isn't very good then, since European nations has spent most of their history at war with another other. Unless you count attempts to make us part the greater Reich, French Empire, or all under the thumb of the Vatican as trying to build unity.
    Looking outside Europe for trade is hardly evidence for leaving the EU and Tuition fees was a compromise. I don't see Lib Dems saying we love Europe lets join the Euro to let's leave. Cameron may love having Clegg as shield but when everyone forgets how crap Labour are and they win the election what will Cameron do then.

    To be honest why can't we forget our past wars with our European neighbors. Who cares now about how in 1812 we were at war with the French it has no relevance to the EU.

    We are no longer a world power on our own we are nothing. I think we should look more to Europe than to the US.
    Last edited by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble; 29 January 2011, 08:12 AM.


      Originally posted by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble View Post
      Looking outside Europe for trade is hardly evidence for leaving the EU and Tuition fees was a compromise. I don't see Lib Dems saying we love Europe lets join the Euro to let's leave. Cameron may love having Clegg as shield but when everyone forgets how crap Labour are and they win the election.

      To be honest why can't we forget our past wars with our European neighbors. Who cares now about how in 1812 we were at war with the French it has no relevance to the EU.

      We are no longer a world power on our own we are nothing. I think we should look more to Europe than to the US.
      Oh please. The UK holds a valuable place on the UN Security council holding the power to Veto, as well as owning nuclear weapons, as well as being the primary domain the Queen of the Commonwealth. The UK is certainly not a Superpower, but it is a Great Power.
      If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
      Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
      If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

      Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


        This is a good small step for California. He is the new Governor and already doing some small things like this that will help out the state. I dont know much about him, but I already like him a bit.

        Here's another good example. Im really starting to like this dude.
        Last edited by Rudy Pena; 28 January 2011, 06:47 PM.


          Originally posted by Rudy Pena View Post

          This is a good small step for California. He is the new Governor and already doing some small things like this that will help out the state. I dont know much about him, but I already like him a bit.


          Here's another good example. Im really starting to like this dude.
          it's a good start, that's for sure
          I don't begrudge government what it needs to run effectively but there's all this other crap that needs a serious look, and there's no need for that car to be new, right? If millions of Americans can drive the same car, year after year, then so can government



            Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
            Oh please. The UK holds a valuable place on the UN Security council holding the power to Veto, as well as owning nuclear weapons, as well as being the primary domain the Queen of the Commonwealth. The UK is certainly not a Superpower, but it is a Great Power.
            Lots of countries have nuclear weapons and wow we have a Queen and a Commonwealth prestigious yes but don't think it makes us a great power. The reason why we may think we are a great power is purely historical not because we still are. We are only on the UN Security council because of WWII and in 1946 we still had an empire to speak of. I like our country because of its spirit, culture and values not because we used to subjugate a 1/3 of the world.


              Originally posted by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble View Post
              Lots of countries have nuclear weapons and wow we have a Queen and a Commonwealth prestigious yes but don't think it makes us a great power. The reason why we may think we are a great power is purely historical not because we still are. We are only on the UN Security council because of WWII and in 1946 we still had an empire to speak of. I like our country because of its spirit, culture and values not because we used to subjugate a 1/3 of the world.
              Not every country has, what, the third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world? The influence in the UN? Yes, your status as a Great Power is partially because of historical reasons, but also for the considerable influence your Head of State holds as well. As well as other, lesser reasons.
              If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
              Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
              If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

              Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                Not every country has, what, the third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world? The influence in the UN? Yes, your status as a Great Power is partially because of historical reasons, but also for the considerable influence your Head of State holds as well. As well as other, lesser reasons.
                Look I don't know I just don't feel we are a great power I see them being countries like China, Russia and USA. I really don't know how much influence the Queen has. I wouldn't call France a great power either but it depends on your definition of great I guess. I feel sometimes we in Britain can suffer from delusions of grandeur by thinking we are as powerful as countries like the US and China when we are not even close.

                I think cooperation with our European neighbours is the best way forward and whatever the economic conditions I think moving away from the EU would be a big mistake. As much as a like the US I feel we have more in common with EU countries values wise than the US.


                  Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                  Apparently your grasp of our history isn't very good then, since European nations has spent most of their history at war with another other. Unless you count attempts to make us part the greater Reich, French Empire, or all under the thumb of the Vatican as trying to build unity.
                  Yet centuries have been spent slowly moving toward cooperating despite the wars and strifes and hatreds. That has always been the trend in Europe; coming together to form larger nations, then alliances, and then unions.
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                    Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                    Yet centuries have been spent slowly moving toward cooperating despite the wars and strifes and hatreds. That has always been the trend in Europe; coming together to form larger nations, then alliances, and then unions.
                    Most of the time European countries have been deeply suspicious of each its only in the last 60 years western Europe decided to put their differences aside and don't forget the cold war when Europe was split between East and West.

                    I support the EU and I don't think its at risk of collapse, it could do with reform but shouldn't be abandoned completely.


                      Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                      So I've been catching up on this wonderful little thread and now putting in my two cents:

                      Cent One: SOME teenagers are going to have sex. Most ARE NOT. (so don't assume that all of us have done it, K?) The least you can do is teach the ones that are going to do it how to protect themselves. Or scare us by telling us that sex ruins teenage relationships (perhaps not in all cases, but in the one's I've seen)

                      Cent Two: College is frickin' expensive. I have no idea how my parents and I are going to pay for it, even if I DO go to the cheapest college in the state. Top it all off, the public system needs MAJOR work and a certain Texas governor needs to stop taking away from it. June 4th cannot get here fast enough!! I WANT OUT!!!!! *pouts*
                      In the UK college is free below a certain age, and with University loans you don't start paying them back until you're on a certain wage once you're working.


                        Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                        There is a problem though with the first piece of money :

                        Some parents just don't care anymore. There is absolutely no discipline in some homes anymore, and it is terrible. You don't just give children autonomy, they need to be taught. They are children, they won't know what to do. So they fall down, and are unable to get back up. I've seen it happen to others, and been lucky it didn't happen to me.
                        Sad but true. There's this one chick I know (and will not name) who bragged about cursing out and fighting with her parents. Not cool. I'm so glad my parents are pushing me to go to college, even IF it's my mom's alma mater.

                        Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                        Just scare them.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I think way too secular. Govt should not be involved in marriage. (although, one of the dirty little secrets to why gay marriage is seen as so bad....all of a sudden there will be tons of gay people suddenly eligible for benefits, and that massively effects the financial bottom line of a reason it's put forth as 'bad' is because it costs companies money...but it can't be put forth so crassly, so SOME fall back on the religion card, because that's one reason/excuse that can't be questioned or dismissed.

                        I'm all for gay marriage, but they gotta get the good with the bad...for example if youj're married, you gotta get divorced as well. you get the 'perks' as well as the penalties (yes, legal right to be next of kin, but also if the law is that married couples are responsible for each others debt, you fall under that one as well.)

                        As to teen know, knowledge is power. Whether or not a teen will have sex does depend on them...but wouldn't it be better for them to know what they're getting into? the good and the bad and how to handle it? what consent is, that no means no, how contraception works, how the emotions of sex can affect an existing relationship, how it can cloud your judgement, what std's are and how to avoid them and if you get them, when to get treatment.
                        That's the goal but not what is willing to be taught. The higher-ups have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to acknowledge that abstinence only sex education doesn't work. Morons.

                        If I could plan the education system, when you're in high school there would be a 'life skills' class....where you spend time working in a service job, you learn how to buy a house, how to buy a car, how to file your taxes, how to plan a funeral, how to handle relationships (in the whole if you get married this is how you get divorced kind of thing), how to write a will, what a 401K is, how credit cards work, etc.

                        Lessons that most of us learned 'real world', but also lessons where many people get into trouble
                        It doesn't have to be comprehensive by any means, but make it a little harder for young adults to make mistakes and get into trouble because they didn't know any better about something and someone scammed them.
                        In my School District, that's called "Personal Family Development". Load of garbage and generally reserved for those kids who have kids or who don't have another elective. It's worthless and a genuine waste of time. Same goes for that health class!

                        Originally posted by KEK View Post
                        In the UK college is free below a certain age, and with University loans you don't start paying them back until you're on a certain wage once you're working.
                        LUCKY!!!!! If only if only the wood pecker sighs........
                        Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                          Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                          Sad but true. There's this one chick I know (and will not name) who bragged about cursing out and fighting with her parents. Not cool. I'm so glad my parents are pushing me to go to college, even IF it's my mom's alma mater.

                          That's the goal but not what is willing to be taught. The higher-ups have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to acknowledge that abstinence only sex education doesn't work. Morons.

                          In my School District, that's called "Personal Family Development". Load of garbage and generally reserved for those kids who have kids or who don't have another elective. It's worthless and a genuine waste of time. Same goes for that health class!

                          LUCKY!!!!! If only if only the wood pecker sighs........
                          so a contraceptive that's 100% effective (just saying "no") is defined as one that doesn't work...gotcha


                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            so a contraceptive that's 100% effective (just saying "no") is defined as one that doesn't work...gotcha
                            Not with some kids.
                            Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                              Not with some kids.
                              that I'll agree with and it comes back to the parents....their parents aren't teaching them the foundations of what it means to be human......if they were more teens would understand the concept behind "don't want kids then don't have sex" better


                                Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                                that I'll agree with and it comes back to the parents....their parents aren't teaching them the foundations of what it means to be human......if they were more teens would understand the concept behind "don't want kids then don't have sex" better
                                Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*

