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    Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
    I just think the South should secede so that the North has the ability to move on rather than be held back by Jesusland.
    The South *DID* try to Secede...............
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      The South *DID* try to Secede...............
      I know. If at first you don't secede...
      If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
      Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
      If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

      Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


        Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
        I know. If at first you don't secede...
        Mental Green
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Mental Green
          For LOS is most awesome.
          If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
          Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
          If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

          Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


            Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
            Oh Malarky. Corporations have as much to lose by people cutting off the crack pipe as the est of us. In theory. I mean we gain liberty, freedom, and balance budgets, but lose our stipends and free government education!
            when mice & elephants go through a food shortage mice tend to die first :/


              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
              when mice & elephants go through a food shortage mice tend to die first :/
              More mental green for the soulreaver
              (Mice and elephants *May* not be the best analergy here however........... )
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                Wanna make a statement?
                businesses and individuals who believe in "freedom to be legaly recognized as partners irrelavent of gender" should just leave NC.
                Remove thier money, thier numbers, and thier support from the state.
                I believe religions *should* be able to withhold thier "ceromonies and blessings" if they choose to, I also believe that if you don't agree, you should have the freedom to go elsewhere, a bit like a "rainbow Mayflower".
                I do see your point, but it is problematic. Homes have to be sold, families divided, jobs lost, etc. If it were only as simple as making a move.


                  Charming, NC, charming. Constitutions and their Amendments are supposed to protect rights, not deny them, you morons.

                  Congratulations on catching up with the social mores of 70 years ago. I hope every freedom-loving NC resident leaves you to rot--it's what you deserve.
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                    when mice & elephants go through a food shortage mice tend to die first :/
                    That's actually not true. Elephants die first, then mice (who can survive on less). And cockroaches survive the longest.
                    If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                      Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                      I hope it goes absolutely wonderfully for them.
                      I see....
                      Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                      Failing royally...I don't see how states can pass laws which are clear violations of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. Last time I checked...the Constitution was supposed to be the SUPREME law of the land...
                      And the Constitution allows for state's rights for state's to make their own laws.
                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Wanna make a statement?
                      businesses and individuals who believe in "freedom to be legaly recognized as partners irrelavent of gender" should just leave NC.
                      Remove thier money, thier numbers, and thier support from the state.
                      I believe religions *should* be able to withhold thier "ceromonies and blessings" if they choose to, I also believe that if you don't agree, you should have the freedom to go elsewhere, a bit like a "rainbow Mayflower".

                      Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                      I do see your point, but it is problematic. Homes have to be sold, families divided, jobs lost, etc. If it were only as simple as making a move.
                      I wonder whosse fault that is? The Governments? We all make our choices and if your choice is to chose family over moral consious then so be it.
                      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                      Charming, NC, charming. Constitutions and their Amendments are supposed to protect rights, not deny them, you morons.

                      Congratulations on catching up with the social mores of 70 years ago. I hope every freedom-loving NC resident leaves you to rot--it's what you deserve.
                      Actually you are absolutly right, rights have been denied here. The rights of the churches to marry whom they would, or whom they would not want to marry. Now churches are told by Government 'you can't marry those people.'
                      Originally posted by Womble View Post
                      That's actually not true. Elephants die first, then mice (who can survive on less). And cockroaches survive the longest.
                      I knew that was a silly analogy...


                        Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                        And the Constitution allows for state's rights for state's to make their own laws.

                        I wonder whosse fault that is? The Governments? We all make our choices and if your choice is to chose family over moral consious then so be it.
                        However, a state law does not override the US Constitution. And the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution clearly states that no state shall pass a law which abridges the rights of its citizens.

                        I think you misunderstood my comment. I said it was problematic because people cannot just pick up and move. I know I wouldn't move anywhere without a job lined up and waiting for me. In addition, I'd want to make sure my house was ready and on the market so I wouldn't have to attempt to afford to pay two mortgages until my old house sold. As for family, my family is extremely important to me. I hate Texas, yet I stay in this god aweful place because I do have my parents here. I moved away from family once, and that was the wrong decision. And why should any state law force someone to move? Our country is founded on I would say its a time to get a little rebellious!

                        Even President Obama say that gay and lesbians should have the right to marry...He was on CNN today.


                          Originally posted by Womble View Post
                          That's actually not true. Elephants die first, then mice (who can survive on less). And cockroaches survive the longest.
                          nope, mice endure without food far less than elephants courtesy of a greater surface/volume ratio thus greater heat loss. this is why a huge mammal can last for months thanks to a slow metabolism whereas a tiny mammal will only last days for a metabolism which is basically on overdrive, ie. Jerry may need say 100x less food than Dumbo but will use it up 10000x faster
                          likewise if we're to compare small roaches to large ones

                          or long story short, it is true

                          survival of the species may be another matter, if that's what you meant. mice breed a lot faster & have an edge in this respect

                          Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                          I knew that was a silly analogy...
                          1) it was an awesome one
                          2) you should've known better


                            If both mice and elephant were to be deprived of food, but had access to water, the mice would die first, lasting up to 4 days at most, while the elephant would survive a week. If deprived of water, the elephant would die first, after 24 hours, while mice would still only live up to 4 days.
                            If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                            Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                            If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                            Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                              Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                              If both mice and elephant were to be deprived of food, but had access to water, the mice would die first, lasting up to 4 days at most, while the elephant would survive a week.
                              should be a lot longer since humans can last 18 days (world record)


                                Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                                I do see your point, but it is problematic. Homes have to be sold, families divided, jobs lost, etc. If it were only as simple as making a move.
                                Imagine how problematic it would be out here where our states are massive..............
                                (Except for the A.C.T, but no one cares about the A.C.T)
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

