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    Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
    Exactly. Did it even cross his mind that some random tweet off the net might be wrong? And as you point out even if Zimmerman had lived their what right does he have to send people there. Even if for one moment for the sake of argument we assume that Zimmerman is guilty as sin, and we all support the "Justice for Trayvon" movement, how is a mob turning up to threaten or attack him justice?
    Exactly. Vigilante justice is not the way to go. Assuming that the police and courts do their job as they are supposed to, and follow the law, then just because you disagree with the law, does not give you the right to serve your own justice. Assuming the police and courts do their job in the correct fashion, then that's that. And even if they don't do it in a correct fashion, there are other lawful avenues to take to get justice served.
    My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


      I saw this come up in my feed yesterday....Spike-y is a world class grade AA idiot and deserves to have the pants sued off of him by this elderly couple


        Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
        Well no, no one can find his current address, because he's in hiding.

        More to the point, it doesn’t matter if the case is clear cut or not, that’s got nothing to do with this, the people at this address had nothing to do with him, but that didn't stop Spike Lee from retweeting their address to his 200,000 followers. The people who live at that address are now receiving threats and have gone into hiding themselves, and Lee is partially responsible for that, by being a reckless idiot.

        In fact if there is one thing clear in this whole mess, it's that people who have nothing to do with the case, shouldn't be threatened by a mob, simply because their name or their relative's name happens to be the same as Zimmerman's. And if idiots like Lee had actually bothered to at the very least verify their information before broadcasting to everyone at the planet, then the poor elderly couple who as I said are totally innocent and up to this point had nothing to do with this sorry mess, wouldn't have to be in hiding.
        I never said the McClains had anything to do with Zimmerman...and yes...I agree Lee should've looked into things a little more closely before tweeting the information.


          Looks like he wasnt attacked by Trayvon Martin. Hes got no bloody nose, no blood or head wound on the back of his head and no bruises any where on his face.


            Originally posted by Rudy Pena View Post

            Looks like he wasnt attacked by Trayvon Martin. Hes got no bloody nose, no blood or head wound on the back of his head and no bruises any where on his face.
            I just wish that someone would get this story straight. First Trayvon was innocently attacked. Next, Trayvon roughed up Zimmeridiot. Now Trayvon didn't rough him up. Sounds like the police in Sanford are engaged in questionable activity.


              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
              I just wish that someone would get this story straight. First Trayvon was innocently attacked. Next, Trayvon roughed up Zimmeridiot. Now Trayvon didn't rough him up. Sounds like the police in Sanford are engaged in questionable activity.
              I think the large body of contradictory evidence evidence alone is reason for a new, thorough investigation.
              My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


                Originally posted by Goose View Post
                I'm not saying that he hasn't committed said crimes – he may very well have – but it's not up to me or you to determine his guilt. That's up to a court of law. Now, chances are that there is plenty of evidence to find him guilty, but until he's gone through the legal process that everyone is entitled to, he has to be considered innocent until found guilty.
                i will agree with you on that whole statement
                Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                  Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                  I never said the McClains had anything to do with Zimmerman...and yes...I agree Lee should've looked into things a little more closely before tweeting the information.
                  But why then did you say that it wasn't clear cut? I think it's quite clear cut that idiot celebrities shouldn't put innocent people in danger. And if you were referring to the Martin case what does that have to do with Lee distributing the address of uninvolved people?

                  And just because Zimmerman's former address is available on the net, doesn’t give Lee the right to be the pointman for a mob, even if there was clear evidence that Zimmerman was guilty or that he lived at this adress, again Lee does not have the right to be complicit in a lynch mob.

                  Lee has now apologised

                  rather amusingly though this seems to be only after the McClain’s hired a lawyer. I think they still have a pretty good civil claim against Lee.

                  Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                  I just wish that someone would get this story straight. First Trayvon was innocently attacked. Next, Trayvon roughed up Zimmeridiot. Now Trayvon didn't rough him up. Sounds like the police in Sanford are engaged in questionable activity.
                  This is the real world, not CSI, fact is many cases there isn’t enough evidence to charge people, even if they seem very guilty. We may never know the full facts of the case. That grainy video is hardly conclusive, I've seen some people claim you can see an injury to the back of Zimmerman's head, others saying that there's nothing at all. There's the fact that they may have cleaned Zimmerman up and treated his injuries before taking him to the police station. Its all over the place. The case certainly needs to be gone over again, the facts are all over the place, but as I said a clear picture may never emerge.


                    At this point, even if clear facts come to light, it may mean little. Once it goes to the court of public opinion, the need or desire for facts goes straight out the window.


                      what boils my blood is that notorious black-on-white racists Sharpie (Al Sharpton) and Jackie (Jesse Jackson)....2 people I refuse to acknowledge with the title of "reverend" because their absolute hatred of white people is as decidedly un-reverend as you can get....are using this incident to attempt to incite a race war


                        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                        what boils my blood is that notorious black-on-white racists Sharpie (Al Sharpton) and Jackie (Jesse Jackson)....2 people I refuse to acknowledge with the title of "reverend" because their absolute hatred of white people is as decidedly un-reverend as you can get....are using this incident to attempt to incite a race war
                        The only upside is Louis Farrakahn hasn't tossed his rhetoric into the mix.


                          Originally posted by AlexanderD View Post
                          The only upside is Louis Farrakahn hasn't tossed his rhetoric into the mix.


                            Keep your fingers crossed.


                              the way the media is treating Zimmerman is appalling this country one is innocent until proven guilty....something the liberal-biased media seems to have their eyes he is already guilty and thus the media with this "guilty till proven innocent" mentality grinds the wheels of true justice to a halt


                                I wouldn't say this has anything to do with a liberal slanted media agenda. It's closer to the Nancy Grace syndrome. A cause is found, and the supporters pile on and ride it into the ground.

