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    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    but it's essentially his own party that voted him in isn't it
    and they knew he was a hardliner so why would they change their minds?
    A couple pages ago...

    Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post

    The only reason he was chosen is because Boris is deemed to be the most charismatic of his wing, and you know, whatever it takes to keep power.
    Why do you think Trump was picked as the rep even though most of his own party hate him? Exactly the same reason. They want the win, simple as that, what comes after is another game.

    To win the presidency or PM'ency (lol) you need to have an icon, a symbol, a character. The ideas of the individuals matters little, the face is the only thing that counts. You could have the best idea ever but if you're a shy politician you'll never make it anywhere.
    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


      Originally posted by magi877 View Post

      >> wait!! "kakamala" Is that some kind of 'racist' statement or just a typo?
      bah she's just full of

      she kept going after Biden so it was funny to see it happen to her

      look how some flimsy people are taking things regarding Ms Harris-. this comment, made by a female TV star, regarding Harris' confidence, was morphed into being "racist" by those who see such things everywhere they look.

      Pompeo’s controversial comment came in response to a Bloomberg tweet suggesting that an “emerging trend” in the debate was that Kamala Harris only wanted to debate Biden. The star’s response: “Because she’s overconfident and believes he is her only competition.”

      maybe those commenters are GOP/rusky agents


        Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
        A couple pages ago...

        Why do you think Trump was picked as the rep even though most of his own party hate him?
        I dont get the impression they hate him on the contrary they're lockstep behind him


          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          I dont get the impression they hate him on the contrary they're lockstep behind him
          Yes bc lobbies holding the GOP by the balls. You talk against him you lose your "donations"
          I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


            Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
            A couple pages ago...

            Why do you think Trump was picked as the rep even though most of his own party hate him? Exactly the same reason. They want the win, simple as that, what comes after is another game.

            To win the presidency or PM'ency (lol) you need to have an icon, a symbol, a character. The ideas of the individuals matters little, the face is the only thing that counts. You could have the best idea ever but if you're a shy politician you'll never make it anywhere.
            Because in the primaries for 2016, the rank and file voters spoke loud and clear. Fortunately, the RNC didn't have the means to ignore their voters and choose whom they wanted as the Democrats did.


              Originally posted by magi877 View Post
              there is no such thing as the "USA electoral Dpt". Please gain at least a 6th grade level of knowledge about the American system of government before you criticize it.

              Basically, all elections are run locally, with county election offices reporting to the state.

              IF elections were run centrally, at the federal level, they would be far easier to 'hack'. Leaving just one system to break into versus hundreds.
              It's called the FEC.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                ugh, again?

                Pence was 'voted in' by way of being on the winning Presidential ticket as Vice Presidential candidate.

                that's how it works

                this is exactly the argument used by the left when McCain was running. They said-among other reasons-that McCain should not be voted for because of his running mate- who would take over in case of his death/incapacity.

                With that, they admitted by default, that any VP who becomes President is 'voted for'
                And given that parliamentarian systems vote party, not person, Boris was "voted in" the same way as Pence.
                Not by people directly, but by party affiliation. He was as much "on the ticket" as Pence was.
                just think if we still had the old system here; the VP would be the person who was second in the general election. so today, it would be Clinton. That would be a case of a VP to President who was not voted for
                Wrong, stunningly wrong.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                  A couple pages ago...

                  Why do you think Trump was picked as the rep even though most of his own party hate him? Exactly the same reason. They want the win, simple as that, what comes after is another game.
                  You are right, trump has Charisma.
                  Weather he actually wanted to win...……. I'm not sure.

                  To win the presidency or PM'ency (lol) you need to have an icon, a symbol, a character. The ideas of the individuals matters little, the face is the only thing that counts. You could have the best idea ever but if you're a shy politician you'll never make it anywhere.
                  That's the stupidity of the electorate.
                  I have voted for people I despise based on policy because it is policy that runs a nation, not charisma.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    You are right, trump has Charisma.
                    Which is, I say again, the most important thing because...

                    That's the stupidity of the electorate.
                    I have voted for people I despise based on policy because it is policy that runs a nation, not charisma.
                    Of this, you've put your finger right on it. You know that, I know that. But Carol and Steve doesn't, neither does Susan. Some such as Annoyed think they're smart but they're fooled like everybody else by the propaganda.

                    Sadly we are marginal and they don't need us to win, successful politicians understood that, even those that have honest goals know they got to play the game of appearances.
                    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                      Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                      Parliamentary system (PS) dude is not remotely similar. And yes that's exactly it. If Boris was to go full Thatcher right now his own party could force him out and put someone else in his place, as easy as snapping fingers. Impeachment AFAIK is in theory possible in a PS, but in practice hasn't been used for hundreds of years, never in Canada. The political repercussions is much more efficient, it ensures that the PM stays true to his mandate otherwise he'll commit political sepuku.

                      Also you got to take into account the strength of the opposition. A minority govt needs support from the opposition and must do concessions (both to get stuff done and to look good for the public), a majority govt not so much but even then if he goes with extreme proposals the chances are high that even within his own party moderate candidates will not vote to support the extreme bill.

                      NOW, if Boris gets re-elected with his own turnip mandate, his party will have no choice but to submit like good lapdogs because the people will be pissed off if they don't, that's what they were elected for, thus legitimacy of mandate.

                      This is his plan:

                      1- He successfully BREXIT, possibly a hard BREXIT because he wants to show strength (Boris and his cronies said many times the UK should BREXIT no matter if a deal is struck or not, which could be very bad for the economy and Europe overall)

                      2- He becomes the hero of the British, Boris led them to independence. They love the Turnip.

                      3- Political maneuvering: gets re-elected with his radical right-wing agenda we all know he's so fond of

                      4- Thatcher 2.0 or King Edward 1 2.0 (Braveheart) - silences the Scottish Parliament, etc.
                      On this Brexit issue, I don't exactly see a big line of nations with sizable economies wanting to negotiate free trade deals with the UK. Or at least I haven't run into such stories. Any idea how that's going on for them?
                      By Nolamom


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        On this Brexit issue, I don't exactly see a big line of nations with sizable economies wanting to negotiate free trade deals with the UK. Or at least I haven't run into such stories. Any idea how that's going on for them?
                        It's not. Even less likely considering Boris set October as the deadline. And just generally, the economy might not react as expected and will surely be disturbed for a while. But I don't think that's a concern, deals will be struck later by necessity.

                        The real problem for May was that she was unable to get a decent deal and got eaten alive by British politicians. Boris doesn't care, and I bet that's part of his plan. It's a gamble, if he succeeds he would gain a lot of votes and we might end up with Trump 2.0
                        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                          Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                          Which is, I say again, the most important thing because...

                          Of this, you've put your finger right on it. You know that, I know that. But Carol and Steve doesn't, neither does Susan. Some such as Annoyed think they're smart but they're fooled like everybody else by the propaganda.

                          Sadly we are marginal and they don't need us to win, successful politicians understood that, even those that have honest goals know they got to play the game of appearances.
                          Weather I "win" or not does not matter, it's what I choose to do.
                          If you are marginal in your district or state, choose to vote your politics, and your area may slowly change.
                          Vote what you believe in, no more, no less.
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            bah she's just full of

                            she kept going after Biden so it was funny to see it happen to her

                            maybe those commenters are GOP/rusky agents
                            yes, she may well be full of it, but do you see just how sensitive, triggered and all cry baby many of the left have become (the right has them too!!) PARTICULARLY AGAINST those in their own party/ideology?

                            look how CNN and pecker faced Cuomo is going after Gabbard for going after one of CNN's "preferred" candidates

                            bringing up how Gabbard went to Syria and talked with Assad--like talking to a dictator is a bad thing? Didn't a bunch of dems rep's go to Cuba to see the Castro's before?

                            but because Trump wont go full on regime change, war machine on Assad (thus giving the media so much material to go after Trump for doing if a war started), they try to pin her and others into a corner of choosing talking over bombing

                            what happened to 'give peace a change' libs?

                            then Cuomo called her out on her website having info on the investigation into Assad's use of chemical weapons (remember, the same investigators have found that ISIS and other groups used chem weapons too)

                            Her answer to his asinine question was excellent:


                              Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                              there is no such thing as the "USA electoral Dpt". Please gain at least a 6th grade level of knowledge about the American system of government before you criticize it.

                              Basically, all elections are run locally, with county election offices reporting to the state.

                              IF elections were run centrally, at the federal level, they would be far easier to 'hack'. Leaving just one system to break into versus hundreds.
                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              It's called the FEC.
                              I would repeat magi877's suggestion that you educate yourself regarding our systems if you are going to criticize them.


                              The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law. The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency.
                              As both I and magi877 have told you, elections are the purview of local, county and to a lesser extent state govt. in the US.

                              Haven't I said that I don't comment a lot about events in other countries because I know I don't know all the details of how things work there? Maybe you don't learn enough simply watching media reports, and in our case, that would be even more likely, due to the extreme bias of the media itself.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                I would repeat magi877's suggestion that you educate yourself regarding our systems if you are going to criticize them.


                                As both I and magi877 have told you, elections are the purview of local, county and to a lesser extent state govt. in the US.

                                Haven't I said that I don't comment a lot about events in other countries because I know I don't know all the details of how things work there? Maybe you don't learn enough simply watching media reports, and in our case, that would be even more likely, due to the extreme bias of the media itself.

                                and pointing the fec is useless regarding hacking and fraud as all the fec is mandated to do regards election financing

                                this attention paid by so many from other places only feeds into the notion of 'america exceptionalism'. a myth that has been built and maintained by all of those foreign nations who do not seem to be able to do anything on their own

                                war? wait for america to come settle it

                                famine? call america

                                plague? wait for america to send aid and medical personnel

                                emigrate from corruption? go to america, illegally if you think you must

                                even prices on nearly all commodities. the rest of the world reflexes based on what some asinine stock broker in NYC is bidding and selling at

                                this is also connected to why globalism is bad in its current form...but thats another topic

