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    Got to admit it was funny to see the GOP reacting to AOC tweet about those *concentration* camps. The Jews they say, what a horrible thing to say!

    Idiots, those are death camps not concentration camps.
    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
      Man, I've given you so many openings to say anything. You could have said that CBPS should be able to facilitate private donations to help out those kids, or at least lament the situation. Anything in between, but you are stuck on this immigration debate. This is about kids, children, as young as infants. And you are hung up on the fact that it could cost you somewhere between a penny and a nickel?

      You know, I was being hyperbolic at first, but now I think I was spot on. You really couldn't care less about those kids even if they were being raped. That's just beyond disgusting. To think that a nickel is worth more to you than children. Why exactly are you even pro-life?
      I'm hung up on pro-RESPONSIBILITY. And these people from other countries are not ours.

      You suggest organizing private donations to alleviate the overcrowding. Go right ahead, I have no problem at all with that. If you want to donate your paycheck, have at it. Maybe you can even start a go fund me campaign.

      But will that fly?

      Although not strictly allegorical, Trump tried to do something along those lines. LA and other parts of Calif. as well as some other pathetic states such as NY elect politicians that advocate open borders, as shown by their sanctuary city BS.

      As expressed by their elected representatives, these folks support open borders/immigration. But when Trump wanted them to put their money where there mouths are, by sending illegals to these areas, they squawked like a bunch of stuck pigs. What, you want us to pay for it?


        Personal rant .... **grumble**
        Criticize me or condemn me, *I don't care* at this moment... Just found out *official* news of another (size-ably large) office ...controlled by DEMs... is being permanently closed down. Timing with the 2020 DEM presidential debates just happened to be sheer *coincidence* TPTB might claim... But the currently working employees are NOT happy on either side of the political spectrum.
        Maybe they can get a promising GREEN New DEAL job, instead... sure...

        So... The high up DEMs *managing* and controlling that place, just pulled the last straw of hope for themselves EVER gaining support or VOTES from those they've decided to close this large office down, and align themselves with AOC & other "socialists" company who want to DOWNsize Large Office places... (unfortunately, the *branch* office is connected to New York's *socialist* system of DEMs managing the offices...!) This was one of the ultimate goals of many DEMs in the speeches during the debates last night for future presidency, too..! To close down those *Capitalist* salaries, because "socialism" is going to become the new USA future...!!!

        ....This translates that for the rest of us, who have PAID into the capitalist system(s) over these many decades, and provided the DEMs cushy salaries, well, there won't be any money coming into their direction from us, any time soon, if ever again. Maybe those DEMs won't be able to figure out what they just did (bit their own nose to spite their own toes).

        Well, if there was *any* hope at ALL for any of the DEM leadership ----current or future, they just lost my vote or support permanently, until they realize that the salary they are receiving from my TAX dollars just went out the window last night.

        Official news is the DEMoncrat people who manage where a certain family member works, just tossed whatever extra or higher TAX payments would be produced, right out the window by closing that branch office down and instead "outsourcing" job operations, and sending the building maintenance crew off to layoff land (once again!).

        This is what...? the 5th job closure for the person affected...? So, because our ages are now OVER 60, "screws to be you!!!" go find a job sweeping floors, etc., at some low wage other place. Following conversation is not too far fetched... has actually happened many times over (in Democrat controlled regions).

        DEM: What? Your office is closing down? Say it ain't so!
        US: *You* Leadership DEMs shut that office down. This is *your* Democratic handiwork doing... your leaders have been blubbering about this, at different angles, ever since Obama started out as USA President.
        DEM: So... There *is* NO problem. Go find a department store or Fast food place to sweep floors, etc., at.
        US: grrrrrrrrrrr. (keeping POV to self)
        DEM: So what's the problem? Can't get a job? Why not?
        US: ...hey Demmy (*Democrat*) dummies, there's a long line of other people waiting for those same jobs. Younger ages and better health comes before aging / elderly workers being sent out to retirement land.
        DEM: Then, go pitch a tent since you'll be moving out of your home, too. ...Or, go "sign up" and join the gov'ts *camps for retirees*... Happy hunting...

        Are these DEM people *THAT* evil? Sometimes, yes. In this particular situation, Yes. TPTB----They have no heart, except to save their own (Democratic) hides and agendas. (Generalized POV from the current workers there) "Screws to be *you*" on the receiving end of these jobs being shafted.
        (won't say what the other phrase they were saying was!! */*) ...bad...!!! very bad lingo...

        What these dumbo DEM execs don't realize is that by closing down what they classify as a moderate middle income job, they are also cutting out that portion of TAX money that would normally go to the DEM governing party's salary and FREEBIE programs for *all* applying for those FREEBIES. So, until the doors actually close (which is *soon*... and the closing of that office's last day can be changed to *sooner*...!!!)... If hubby doesn't die first from horrible working hours (mixed shifts, which was last weeks surprise by TPTB there), TPTB there and gov't's other option has been *rumored* to be putting him/us into a nursing home, but not providing care (since the private financing would NOT be there), so he and we would die sooner (losing major income hurts a lot!!!). But to them, it'd be One (or 2) less mouth(s) to feed on this planet.

        Happier DEMs, until they see the folly of their *own* undoing...
        ...Ooooops...*Say it ain't so...!*

        Removing an extra body to feed and support, may be part of their ultimate agenda and 99.9% true, but it also cuts into that whole REDISTRIBUTION of wealth to the lesser financial fortunate folks already on welfare and section 8 programs. AND these DEM leaders want to bring MORE people into this USA country who have NO jobs and no money to start with? they have nothing, and are expecting lots and lots of FREEBIES...? Reality is that Less money going into the kitty-pool for them, because the DEMs chose to close down the doors to another employer source providing all those extra TAX dollars. When the rest of this world finally figures that out, it will be too late, especially if those persons are also in a similar boat as just described.

        Do I care any more? Let me just say it is very difficult to *CARE* and offer support for those (DEM controlling leaders) who unless they have a particular program they claim to deeply *CARE* about ...just to earn VOTES, think very little of life otherwise for the rest of us.


          Oh Alabama.... And of course they are testing this on a black woman first.

          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Personal rant .... **grumble**
            Criticize me or condemn me, *I don't care* at this moment... Just found out *official* news of another (size-ably large) office ...controlled by DEMs... is being permanently closed down. Timing with the 2020 DEM presidential debates just happened to be sheer *coincidence* TPTB might claim... But the currently working employees are NOT happy on either side of the political spectrum.
            Maybe they can get a promising GREEN New DEAL job, instead... sure...
            Ranting against the Democrats is all well and good, it's a fine passtime, but what exactly are you ranting about?


              And this is how MAGA people treat other human beings.

              Where is the compassion?


              That guy with the beard make me so angry.

              Hey is this what supporting the troops means?

              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                Personal rant .... **grumble**
                Criticize me or condemn me, *I don't care* at this moment... Just found out *official* news of another (size-ably large) office ...controlled by DEMs... is being permanently closed down. Timing with the 2020 DEM presidential debates just happened to be sheer *coincidence* TPTB might claim... But the currently working employees are NOT happy on either side of the political spectrum.
                Maybe they can get a promising GREEN New DEAL job, instead... sure...

                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                Ranting against the Democrats is all well and good, it's a fine passtime, but what exactly are you ranting about?
                RANT is also in the portion you didn't quote. The whole thing. Shutting down another job office to start with that has been controlled and *managed* by Democrats in executive positions there. I've complained about this problem many times before on this "political" topic. Certain Democrats want to close large(r) offices. Certain Independent and politically leaning *conservatives* want to see Democrat controlled agencies shut down! There is NO happy *middle* ground here, especially for the soon to be unemployed workers AND their families.

                My dad *always* got shafted in his jobs, whenever the DEMs were in control of where he worked. Deja Vu with hubby. Same story, different person, and different working place. Same horrible results, tho.

                Here's the rest.

                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                So... The high up DEMs *managing* and controlling that place, just pulled the last straw of hope for themselves EVER gaining support or VOTES from those they've decided to close this large office down, and align themselves with AOC & other "socialists" company who want to DOWNsize Large Office places... (unfortunately, the *branch* office is connected to New York's *socialist* system of DEMs managing the offices...!) This was one of the ultimate goals of many DEMs in the speeches during the debates last night for future presidency, too..! To close down those *Capitalist* salaries, because "socialism" is going to become the new USA future...!!!

                ....This translates that for the rest of us, who have PAID into the capitalist system(s) over these many decades, and provided the DEMs cushy salaries, well, there won't be any money coming into their direction from us, any time soon, if ever again. Maybe those DEMs won't be able to figure out what they just did (bit their own nose to spite their own toes).

                Well, if there was *any* hope at ALL for any of the DEM leadership ----current or future, they just lost my vote or support permanently, until they realize that the salary they are receiving from my TAX dollars just went out the window last night.

                Official news is the DEMoncrat people who manage where a certain family member works, just tossed whatever extra or higher TAX payments would be produced, right out the window by closing that branch office down and instead "outsourcing" job operations, and sending the building maintenance crew off to layoff land (once again!).

                This is what...? the 5th job closure for the person affected...? So, because our ages are now OVER 60, "screws to be you!!!" go find a job sweeping floors, etc., at some low wage other place. Following conversation is not too far fetched... has actually happened many times over (in Democrat controlled regions).

                DEM: What? Your office is closing down? Say it ain't so!
                US: *You* Leadership DEMs shut that office down. This is *your* Democratic handiwork doing... your leaders have been blubbering about this, at different angles, ever since Obama started out as USA President.
                DEM: So... There *is* NO problem. Go find a department store or Fast food place to sweep floors, etc., at.
                US: grrrrrrrrrrr. (keeping POV to self)
                DEM: So what's the problem? Can't get a job? Why not?
                US: ...hey Demmy (*Democrat*) dummies, there's a long line of other people waiting for those same jobs. Younger ages and better health comes before aging / elderly workers being sent out to retirement land.
                DEM: Then, go pitch a tent since you'll be moving out of your home, too. ...Or, go "sign up" and join the gov'ts *camps for retirees*... Happy hunting...

                Are these DEM people *THAT* evil? Sometimes, yes. In this particular situation, Yes. TPTB----They have no heart, except to save their own (Democratic) hides and agendas. (Generalized POV from the current workers there) "Screws to be *you*" on the receiving end of these jobs being shafted.
                (won't say what the other phrase they were saying was!! */*) ...bad...!!! very bad lingo...

                What these dumbo DEM execs don't realize is that by closing down what they classify as a moderate middle income job, they are also cutting out that portion of TAX money that would normally go to the DEM governing party's salary and FREEBIE programs for *all* applying for those FREEBIES. So, until the doors actually close (which is *soon*... and the closing of that office's last day can be changed to *sooner*...!!!)... If hubby doesn't die first from horrible working hours (mixed shifts, which was last weeks surprise by TPTB there), TPTB there and gov't's other option has been *rumored* to be putting him/us into a nursing home, but not providing care (since the private financing would NOT be there), so he and we would die sooner (losing major income hurts a lot!!!). But to them, it'd be One (or 2) less mouth(s) to feed on this planet.

                Happier DEMs, until they see the folly of their *own* undoing...
                ...Ooooops...*Say it ain't so...!*

                Removing an extra body to feed and support, may be part of their ultimate agenda and 99.9% true, but it also cuts into that whole REDISTRIBUTION of wealth to the lesser financial fortunate folks already on welfare and section 8 programs. AND these DEM leaders want to bring MORE people into this USA country who have NO jobs and no money to start with? they have nothing, and are expecting lots and lots of FREEBIES...? Reality is that Less money going into the kitty-pool for them, because the DEMs chose to close down the doors to another employer source providing all those extra TAX dollars. When the rest of this world finally figures that out, it will be too late, especially if those persons are also in a similar boat as just described.

                Do I care any more? Let me just say it is very difficult to *CARE* and offer support for those (DEM controlling leaders) who unless they have a particular program they claim to deeply *CARE* about ...just to earn VOTES, think very little of life otherwise for the rest of us.
                Maybe hubby will be able to live to reach his retirement age (for full SS benefits... limited as they are). He is NOT in good health and has been on lousy work shifts for nearly a decade now... that takes an additional toll on his health stress wise. But also, he (and we) won't have the income after to support the rest of his earthly life, plus wife, if those working doors close sooner than informed. We've never been able to save for retirement. Been there, done that... 5 times over now with offices permanently closing their doors, leaving hubby to find new job elsewhere, and unable to effectively *save* for retirement. Renting most of our married life has consumed any extra money that might be saved. Car repairs, too, add to that expense cost. He's over 60 (years old) with major heart surgery and a bunch of other health surgeries done within the past ten years... thus, he is a high risk for getting a job anywhere. Maybe that falls under job discrimination, but it's easy for employers to claim overlooking a new employee candidate because they have other "candidates" to interview and are just procrastinating for time to bypass the risky old, retiree worker.

                These people *want* us to care about voting for the very Democratic party (TPTB in management control) that closed these places down. Patience wears thin at the end of the line from the person(s) affected with a "dead-end" sort of future to look forward to. There are several people in that same office, who are *just* near (shy of) their retirement years... some have already left or quit. The rest are just hanging on (as *nervous Nellies*), until the doors are finally closed for good.

                I, too, have a bunch of (some physically debilitating) health issues that I have been dealing with, so, moving to a new place and getting a new job will NOT be easy. I'd like to retire; but will most likely end up working myself into the grave (til I drop dead on the job). That's my future.
                *THANK you NOT* to TPTB. No love lost to them, there... And, it's a no brainer that they don't *care* either.


                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  RANT is also in the portion you didn't quote. The whole thing. Shutting down another job office to start with that has been controlled and *managed* by Democrats in executive positions there. I've complained about this problem many times before on this "political" topic. Certain Democrats want to close large(r) offices. Certain Independent and politically leaning *conservatives* want to see Democrat controlled agencies shut down! There is NO happy *middle* ground here, especially for the soon to be unemployed workers AND their families.
                  You're still not saying what you're on about. What has been closed?


                    Ok, fine, SCOTUS got today half-right anyway..
                    But that's not what drew my attention here.


                    While the court didn't give Republicans everything they wanted on Thursday -- rejecting the addition of a citizenship question to the census that the Trump administration had pushed for -- the ruling on line-drawing with political concerns as a primary motivation is an absolute game-changer for a party that has already reaped the considerable rewards of its ongoing domination at the state legislative level.
                    How about winning some elections instead of trying to change the rules thru the courts?


                      How about winning some elections via vote count rather than the EC?
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        How about winning some elections via vote count rather than the EC?

                        Will you stop already with logic and common sense?
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          You're still not saying what you're on about. What has been closed?
                          Really? JOB. The office building is being closed down, because the DEMs in management have officially decided to close that office branch permanently. Thus, the JOB will be NO more. "Go find another job", cause this one is a goner. So what if the person is over 60 years old with heart bypass and high blood pressure (stress adds to it and makes it even higher!).

                          Hubby just started a 401K fund for about 2 or 3 decent years, then Obama's policies sliced that in half when our 401K's got robbed by Uncle Sam to bail out the Detroit, Michigan car dealers. The little bit that was in that fund was all we have had, plus the lesser amount in mine. Can't afford to live on that, and he was hoping to keep working until he couldn't work any more. He was also hoping he'd get normal hours for his body to be less stressed out. Well, NO hopeful chance of that ever happening now. Their decision has been made.

                          Now, his future is being forced to leave that job and find another one. His health is NOT in good condition, so it will be difficult to get hired, even tho he was expecting the worst case scenario of ending up working 2 part time jobs until he could no longer function as a human being.
                          Annoyed, you've mentioned about this sort of situation happening to other people before, and in the state of NY.

                          I am living thru it and the Dems want to win Republicans and other political variations over to their side? Forget it. They have lost my support in their *useless* (financial) agendas and destructive management of formerly healthy (successfully financial profit of) businesses. The new Dems want to turn our USA into a socialist country... with "redistribution of wealth" from the HAVEs to the HaveNots...? Well, the DEMs managing the place where (my) hubby works, just turned us into the HaveNots to start begging off of the people who HAVE finances that supports paying into the USA welfare, etc. systems.

                          It's not that hard to figure this out.


                            You seem to be nitpicking a lot I mean the economy fluctuates which is why welfare bridges people back towards employment.

                            And for the record if you think you're suffering financially imagine the younger people who didn't live those golden days and never will. I bet you got a mortgage for a penny on the dollar back then among other things. Stop complaining and it's time to accept the modern reality, life is a biatch.

                            Can you do that and move forward? Nothing you guys suggest is a progression, only regression and status quo.
                            I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                              When it affects you..……...
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Not in my backyard syndrome
                                I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.

