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The Political Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Do they call Russian lizards when you aren't looking
    No...they just like to eat their greens, bananas, and raspberries.


      Looks like the UN's favorite gang idiots is at it again.

      Flaw in UN climate report: China, India will never impose carbon tax on themselves

      Remember the IPCC? One of it's members admitted that they uses climate policy to redistribute wealth?

      First, their own report says it won't make a damned bit of difference.
      While there’s plenty of debate about the merits of a carbon tax, little attention has been paid to a key question: Would it have any impact on world climate? Given the continuing growth in global coal consumption, the short answer to that question is a resounding “no.”

      Moreover, the IPCC report states clearly that limiting global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) would require cooperation on the part of global leaders for which there is “no documented historical precedent.”
      And, in the next paragraph, we see who they want to levy that tax on:

      Sadly, that degree of global cooperation — regardless of U.S. fossil fuel consumption or a newly implemented carbon tax — is little more than a pipedream.
      First off, who do you think they want to receive the revenue from that tax, if it were to be implemented?
      I'll give you one guess.

      Second of all, and far more importantly:

      Attn: UN: You do not have the authority to levy taxes of any sort on U.S. residents, businesses or anything else in this country, no matter how much you salivate over the idea. If you disagree with that basic fact, you can go do something physically impossible and probably very painful with yourself.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        My, my, how their views have changed.

        Isn't it just so much fun watching Democrats?

        Barack Obama, circa 2005:

        Barack Obama, circa 2013:

        Chuck Schumer, circa 2009:

        Nancy Pelosi, circa 2008:
        Could it be that their views never changed and that you just fell for the strawman caricatures created by your favorite "conservative" talking heads and politicians?
        By Nolamom


          Maybe the best analysis if the entire mess so far:

          The Right Finds the Perfect Weapon Against the Left

          Imagine the perfect political and intellectual weapon. It would disable your adversaries by preoccupying them with their own vanities and squabbles, a bit like a drug so good that users focus on the high and stop everything else they are doing.

          Such a weapon exists: It is called political correctness. But it is not a weapon against white men or conservatives, as is frequently alleged; rather, it is a weapon against the American left. To put it simply, the American left has been hacked, and it is now running in a circle of its own choosing, rather than focusing on electoral victories or policy effectiveness. Too many segments of the Democratic Party are self-righteously talking about identity politics, and they are letting other priorities slip.

          Of course there is a lot of racism out there, which makes political correctness all the more tempting. Yet polling data suggests that up to 80 percent of Americans are opposed to politically correct thinking in its current manifestations. Latinos and Asian-Americans are among the groups most opposed, and even 61 percent of self-professed liberals do not like political correctness.

          The PC weapon reared its head again this week when Senator Elizabeth Warren made a big show of her genealogical test showing she is some small part Native American. To someone immersed in the political correctness debates, this obsession with identity might seem entirely natural. But the actual reality is more brutal.

          The reality is that many Americans already think that the Democrats talk too much about identity. Warren would have done better to drop the topic altogether, as both right-wing and left-wing critics agree. Instead, she has kept the identity issue in the limelight, and reminded Americans that elite, mostly Democratic-leaning institutions, such as Harvard, like to pat themselves on the back for their diversity in ways which seem phony to most of the rest of us.

          So if you are a right-wing, conservative, or perhaps libertarian thinker, and you consider yourself an opponent of political correctness, I have a message: Political correctness, as a movement, is a winning issue for you. It is disabling some of the ideas you don’t like. You might want to celebrate in secret, but celebrate you should.

          Here’s another ugly truth. The biggest day-to-day losers from the political correctness movement are other left-of-center people, most of all white moderate Democrats, especially those in universities. If you really believe that “the PC stuff” is irrational and out of control and making institutions dysfunctional, and that universities are full of left-of-center people, well who is going to suffer most of the costs? It will be people in the universities, and in unjust and indiscriminate fashion. That means more liberals than conservatives, if only because the latter are relatively scarce on the ground.

          Another bout of political correctness is about to dominate the headlines, and that is the lawsuit against Harvard for allegedly discriminating against Asian-Americans in its admissions decisions. Whatever you think Harvard did, or however the court rules, this issue is not a winner for the left. It at least appears to pit the interests of Asian-Americans against those of African-Americans, and thus it fractures what might otherwise be a winning coalition for Democrats. It makes a mockery out of phrases such as “people of color,” because in this case like many others the aggregation obscures some very real and important differences. The lawsuit also will remind Americans that attempts to be more fair to one group will, in practice, involve hypocrisy and unfair treatment toward other groups, in this case the Asian-Americans who found it much harder to get into Harvard because they were not a targeted minority.

          Every time identity politics is in the headlines — rather than, say, wages or health care — Donald Trump’s re-election chances go up. As Tony Blair said recently: “If you put right-wing populism against left populism, right-wing populism will win.”

          To be clear, lest you think I focus too much on the failures of the left: I now wonder if, in the internet era, every political movement is hackable. Political involvement requires a certain kind of ideological motivation, and ideologies are imperfectly rational. So a smart hacker can redirect the attention of groups in other, less productive directions. Just put some inflammatory words or video on the internet and you can induce the left to talk more about identity politics.

          Has the right-wing been hacked? I suspect so. The president himself is part of the hack, and the core motivation is the desire to “own the libs,” a phrase I didn’t hear much five years ago. We’ve now entered an era in which too many are self-obsessed and too few are effective.
          If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            Could it be that their views never changed and that you just fell for the strawman caricatures created by your favorite "conservative" talking heads and politicians?
            You are just figuring this out now? I've noticed that he ignores any information that contradicts his viewpoint and only accept that his viewpoint no matter how vague and obscure. Look how we keep coming back to this one UN person despite all the published science articles
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by Womble View Post
              Maybe the best analysis if the entire mess so far:
              I dunno about "the entire mess", but it is certainly a good look at the PC nonsense. The left is decidedly shooting itself in the foot with their intolerance. Most people don't like it.

              But I don't think it benefits Conservatism all that much, we probably lose more by having our voices and ideas silenced anyplace where PC rules the day.


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                You are just figuring this out now? I've noticed that he ignores any information that contradicts his viewpoint and only accept that his viewpoint no matter how vague and obscure. Look how we keep coming back to this one UN person despite all the published science articles
                Because it doesn't matter what anyone else says. Nothing anyone else or any study says can erase what that guy admitted.


                  You are ignoring context
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Because it doesn't matter what anyone else says. Nothing anyone else or any study says can erase what that guy admitted.
                    Remember that one senator who said that the Bengahzi investigations were only done to hurt Hillary's ability to be elected? Does that mean they were all a sham as well as any investigation regarding her? Using your logic, the answer is yes.
                    By Nolamom


                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      Remember that one senator who said that the Bengahzi investigations were only done to hurt Hillary's ability to be elected? Does that mean they were all a sham as well as any investigation regarding her? Using your logic, the answer is yes.
                      A bit of a difference.


                      If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "[W]e redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."
                      There you have it, plain and simple. They had the idea of charging developed countries (read: United States) for the carbon they emit by consuming energy and redistributing that money to those that they deemed worthy.

                      You can't put that back in the tube. No one can.

                      To that, I say "Get your damned hands out of my wallet while you still have hands"


                        Oh dear this almost looks like a parody, well the photo anyway.


                        Um that looks like a fence not a wall. What a con?
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Once again repeatation does not make your point more valid. One political article ( and I use the term article loosely) does not outweigh the mountain of scientific evidence that proves climate change. I know you will live in denial because you just proved again you only accept information that confirms your viewpoint
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            A bit of a difference.


                            There you have it, plain and simple. They had the idea of charging developed countries (read: United States) for the carbon they emit by consuming energy and redistributing that money to those that they deemed worthy.

                            You can't put that back in the tube. No one can.

                            To that, I say "Get your damned hands out of my wallet while you still have hands"
                            also the entire theory of terrorism is to give Government more power over you (Patriot Act Homeland Security Act etc.) therefore there is no terrorism


                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                also the entire theory of terrorism is to give Government more power over you (Patriot Act Homeland Security Act etc.) therefore there is no terrorism

                                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                                Oh dear this almost looks like a parody, well the photo anyway.


                                Um that looks like a fence not a wall. What a con?
                                If *that* is part of the same wall / fence picture I saw earlier, there were a bunch of hispanic looking guys climbing it to the top and posing for pictures on it. So, any fencing that is capable of being climbed, scaled, or harpooned upon (with rope) is NOT going to stop any amount of "invading" trespassers from reaching the other side.

                                If TPTB plan on shooting down any humans attempting to cross those border lines, it wouldn't be long before the "human rights" activists start screaming about bringing harm to "potentially innocent people".

                                Then, there is also some dumb rumor claiming that highway dividers will be used as a temporary last resort to stop mobile objects from penetrating past. Same type of (low-sized) highway dividers that people jump over to get the other side. THAT will NOT stop hordes of people from passing over... duh!

                                The whole situation is like watching Pandora's Box being opened. "TSHTF" scenarios. Once it's opened with the floodgates non-existent or gone, well, such situations usually don't end very well. They certainly don't start out very well (or safe) either..! If some of TPTB think this *Pandora's Box* of incoming masses of people/caravans is going to help their PTB situation, hahaha... keep dreaming. Voting isn't going to stop this, and neither will rhetoric of words. Communication and CO-operation might help, but with a "slim to none" chance of having a positive outcome for those already in the USA as well as for those persons heading on into our USA way. *Be careful what you wish for*... it might not end into what you expected... and that is for ALL sides involved.

                                The current migrating group that is passing thru Mexico plans on stopping in Mexico City to publicly rant about how they are refusing the generosity of Mexico to stay for asylum. Thousands of migrants have already disagreed to the offers Mexico has made as an alternative to going further to the USA.

                                Also, there is apparently a 4th group of (more thousands of) migrants coming from El Salvador now.

                                Realistically, there are just too many people to handle all at the same time to find shelter, food, and potential jobs. This is NOT a sustainable situation. I've seen a bunch of suggestions for rebuilding empty malls into housing projects with built-in communities also inside these places for food courts, clothing, and other material product needs, as well as potential day-care and/or educational centers all on the same piece of property. It sounds like an amazing dream plan, but who will pay for it? And it would never be up and operational in time for the amount of people heading into the USA -- illegally (not applying for green card / citizenship).

                                Less than two weeks to elections. This is going to be a no-win situation for everyone involved. If anyone in the migrating caravans or whatever get hurt in any way, shape or form, expect discord on their side. If our USA side gets run over and disrupted in any way, shape or form, expect any peaceful future / retirement to be non-existant, short of being wiped out physically six-feet under type.

                                The 2018 Elections are NOT going to stop this problem, but escalate it. Stock markets rise (in 401K and other plans) based on capital growth. Currently, the stock market investments are teetering into a deep abyss that will spiral out of control.

                                Spreading a forced *Socialism* sort of life doesn't work. When there are no finances to support those who NEED it, everyone suffers. Apparently, that message still hasn't sunk into the brainless minds of the MSM and those in control who keep telling the world, that it will work. Mass caravan crossings are NOT the way to get current event situations to work. If this whole situation of the southern caravans coming to enter the USA is just a *mad* PTB experiment, it is doomed to fail in its current state / status.

                                Once the masses of people claiming they want to go to America for a better life, once they cross our USA borders and find it's not so easy to get that, they'd better NOT complain about their conditions, because Mexico DID offer them asylum with benefits! But NOoooooo, these people insisted on complaining (some got violent, according to some reports), and continued heading on up to USA's *land of the distressed oppressed* direction.

                                When the first pilgrims got overtaken by the European and other continental commonfolk, and the Statue of Liberty eventually became the beacon of hope -- "give US your poor, your tired, your oppressed..." blah, blah, blah. It always seemed like a nice *dream*. ...Native Americans already here are going to lose what little they have left, too.

                                IF EVERYONE on the American land-mass side of the planet --North, Central and South Americas along with Mexico could put aside their differences and hostilities, WE, as a united AMERICAN portion of the earth could do wonders with ALL of the lands, fields, crops, and various *industries* that have been blessed thruout our side of the world. There are many talented people here, but those talents have been and are stifled by TPTB who have smothered their own countries into an oblivion nightmare. It needs to STOP. No one is going to go anywhere or get ahead by current discord methods.

                                Oh, and just for giggles...
                                I saw this comment quoted on another site--
                                "Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy.
                                Hell has *open* borders."

                                Too much truth in that. The imagery sticks any way it's presented.

