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The Political Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by KEK View Post
    The way some parents choose to feed their kids borders on child abuse, I don't think it's a problem to try and discourage unhealthy diets, especially at a state school. Obviously some common sense needs to be applied, and a letter to the parent would have been more appropriate.
    Trying to discourage unhealthy diest isn't a problem, it's how the discouragers go about it.

    Dan Ariely, the genius of behavioral economics, recently conducted some psychological experiments on the subject of discouraging people from overeating. Here's what he wrote:

    A top cause of preventable death, obesity is a growing threat to an able-bodied, functioning society. Simply put, overeating is one of the biggest contributions to the obesity epidemic, and despite widespread efforts to promote health education, there may be better ways to combat this problem than by giving people nutritional information and relying on them to use that information to make wise choices. After all, we live in a country where chef Jamie Oliver’s shocking chicken nugget demonstration was absolutely no deterrent to the appeal of a fried blend of gooey chicken carcass.

    If even this shocking intervention had no effect, we may need to do more than post calorie labels, a movement that (albeit well-intended) has seen limited success (see 1,2,3). Traditionally, such interventions are more successful at changing attitudes than actual behaviors, and when it comes to health — attitudes and behaviors don’t always go hand in hand.

    Of course, we know that just thinking about exercise and eating healthy will not keep us healthy – we can’t lose weight by intending to use the treadmill. We need to put on our gym shorts and start jogging. With food, we can start by simply eating less.

    Janet Schwartz and I, along with Jason Riis and Brian Elbel, tested out an alternative to calorie labeling – merely asking customers at a fast food restaurant (with and without a small incentive) if they would like to downsize their side dishes (by taking a half portion of an excessively large high-carbohydrate side dish). We carried out this intervention before and after calorie labels were put in place, and found that while calorie labels had no effect on the number of calories consumed, the offer to downsize did! As much as a third of the customers who were given the offer decided to take less food (compared to ~1% who asked to downsize on their own) and consequently ate less (yes, we even weighed their leftovers), showing that a simple offer to downsize can go a long way toward encouraging a healthier diet.

    The conclusion: Offering people a chance to exercise self control can be effective, but we need to stop people, slow them down and offer them to take a better path at the moment when they are placing their order.
    If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


      Originally posted by KEK View Post
      The way some parents choose to feed their kids borders on child abuse, I don't think it's a problem to try and discourage unhealthy diets, especially at a state school. Obviously some common sense needs to be applied, and a letter to the parent would have been more appropriate.
      Why? Over a turkey sandwich, a banana, apple juice and some potato chips which was a contents of the lunch? If that's deemed unhealthy then this is ridiculous. Besides I think this whole rigmarole over making stuff like chocolate, fizzy drinks and other 'junk' food verboten is a waste of time. Kids like that stuff and if they don't get it in school, they will out it out of school. If people are serious about improving the health of kids, then they would probably get more results out of spending more time and effort getting the kids to do more sports and exercise, rather than trying to be the lunch police.


        The real question here, which we all seem to be missing, is... what does Sean Penn think of all this?
        My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


          German President Christian Wulff resigned. Interesting....


            Most schools cut back on gym time and school sports. I agree exercise is more important than food patrol. If you can't eat some junk as a kid when can you?
            Last edited by Graybrew1; 17 February 2012, 10:15 AM.
            Posting at.............


              I think people complaining about the first lady's effort to get Americas kids healthier is just another example of the mindless hate for the President. Every first lady has a little project that they do, as an example Laura Bush decided to combat illiteracy. Just as Laura Bush was not hitting kids over the head with books, Michele Obama is not running some death camp where kids are forced to run of treadmills every day. No one is forcing you to feed your kids well and no one if forcing your kids to exercise but the first lady is creating a little program that if you so wish to participate might be able to help you lead a healthier life.
              People love to create this delusions where the president and first lady are creating laws that force you to eat a certain way but that's bull****.

              If you don't like the presidents policies then talk about those and not make up stories like he was born is Africa, that he is Muslim, that he will kill your grandparents, and that he is a terrorist. Big name republicans have attacked this poor mans Christmas card for god sakes...
              I dont understand why if you dont like him as a President he has to be some evil guy out to get you. Why can't you just look at him as a guy who means well but you disagree with.


                Originally posted by Wolf O'Donnell View Post
                I think people complaining about the first lady's effort to get Americas kids healthier is just another example of the mindless hate for the President. Every first lady has a little project that they do, as an example Laura Bush decided to combat illiteracy. Just as Laura Bush was not hitting kids over the head with books, Michele Obama is not running some death camp where kids are forced to run of treadmills every day. No one is forcing you to feed your kids well and no one if forcing your kids to exercise but the first lady is creating a little program that if you so wish to participate might be able to help you lead a healthier life.
                People love to create this delusions where the president and first lady are creating laws that force you to eat a certain way but that's bull****.

                If you don't like the presidents policies then talk about those and not make up stories like he was born is Africa, that he is Muslim, that he will kill your grandparents, and that he is a terrorist. Big name republicans have attacked this poor mans Christmas card for god sakes...
                I dont understand why if you dont like him as a President he has to be some evil guy out to get you. Why can't you just look at him as a guy who means well but you disagree with.
                That is complete and utter BS. Just because I disagree with a policy it is not a BASH of the president. Paranoid, much? We have every right to take issue with it if we choose. Is he so special that he does not deserve to be treated like every other president. This is how it has always been. You want to be treated equally then expect to take your hit in the gonads along with the rest of them. From George Washington on, there has always been dissenters. Without them we would be a bunch of mindless boobs just lapping up everything spoonfed to us.
                Posting at.............


                  Dissent is the highest form of patriotism...


                    Originally posted by Graybrew1 View Post
                    That is complete and utter BS. Just because I disagree with a policy it is not a BASH of the president. Paranoid, much? We have every right to take issue with it if we choose. Is he so special that he does not deserve to be treated like every other president. This is how it has always been. You want to be treated equally then expect to take your hit in the gonads along with the rest of them. From George Washington on, there has always been dissenters. Without them we would be a bunch of mindless boobs just lapping up everything spoonfed to us.

                    Whoah Whoah whoa... I was not even pointing you out and that's just it, I am talking about the people who DONT point out a policy and attack him. I am talking about the people who choose to make up stories about him, attack his Christmas card, and attack his wife for her efforts to make kids healthier.

                    My whole point was if you dont like him then have a reason other then his Christmas card wasn't good enough and stuff like that.


                      She's feisty, and charismatic on the issue...


                        Originally posted by Wolf O'Donnell View Post
                        Whoah Whoah whoa... I was not even pointing you out and that's just it, I am talking about the people who DONT point out a policy and attack him. I am talking about the people who choose to make up stories about him, attack his Christmas card, and attack his wife for her efforts to make kids healthier.

                        My whole point was if you dont like him then have a reason other then his Christmas card wasn't good enough and stuff like that.
                        Yes, I know that, but you are still creating mountains out of molehills. Every person has a right to take issue with any presidential decision that they choose to. They made stuff up about every president. They made fun of Carter, Ford and Nixon for inane things too. If you support him great, but you should have a thicker skin and really only care about the issues that matter. Let the rest go in one ear and out the other. You will garner much respect that way and your opinion would mean more in say.... a Healthcare or War debate.
                        Posting at.............


                          Originally posted by Graybrew1 View Post
                          Yes, I know that, but you are still creating mountains out of molehills. Every person has a right to take issue with any presidential decision that they choose to. They made stuff up about every president. They made fun of Carter, Ford and Nixon for inane things too. If you support him great, but you should have a thicker skin and really only care about the issues that matter. Let the rest go in one ear and out the other. You will garner much respect that way and your opinion would mean more in say.... a Healthcare or War debate.
                          You are right about how maybe I shouldnt let that stuff get to me. I should be above that but it just seems like we (not you and me per say but people as a whole) can't talk about the important stuff until the crap is out of the way.

                          I can deal with people making fun of him because hell, I do it to sometimes but I take issue with people saying that he is a terrorist or his Christmas card is unchristian because people actually believe that stuff to be true and not a joke.

                          As an example, I was not a fan of Bush and of course I would make little jokes about him but when someone would say that he caused 9/11 or something to that effect I would completely shut them down because its CRAZY and people actually believed that.

                          It's clear that we are on two opposite sides of the political spectrum but you can understand that I am not even really talking about political positions so much as I am about how lies mess up the political progress. I am sure you can understand and agree with that.


                            Indeed. I hate the little BS. They are always red herrings meant to distract us from much more important things going on and/or getting ready to come up. Politics on both sides are all about spin and greed. IMO. I dislike all Politicians.

                            And don't forget the Moon Landing was faked too. Triple Facepalm. FFS.
                            Posting at.............


                              Originally posted by AlexanderD View Post
                              She's feisty, and charismatic on the issue...
                              Indeed it gets in my blood sometimes.
                              Posting at.............


                                Originally posted by Graybrew1 View Post
                                Indeed. I hate the little BS. They are always red herrings meant to distract us from much more important things going on and/or getting ready to come up. Politics on both sides are all about spin and greed. IMO. I dislike all Politicians.

