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    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    Sorry the current president is very thin skinned and can't take criticism at all.....
    he should've been born 3 centuries earlier
    in France


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Well, considering how hostile the majority of the media is and has been to his candidacy, his agenda, his administration and every other aspect since he announced his run for office, I can't blame him for telling them to take a hike. They have more than earned his scorn.
      Since he announced is run for presidency? First, lets get things straight...the man can't run to save his was a crawl to the presidency. Second, Mango Mussolini has been in the spot light for DECADES. I've not liked him for DECADES. He has created his own slime pit to crawl in with his numerous failed business ventures, a fake university, constant lying, infidelity (even while his wives were pregnant), misogyny, hypocrisy, and racism. So, no, the media hasn't done this to Mango Mussolini, he did it to himself.

      However, now since he is in the highest office in the land, Mr. Thin-skin Mango Mussolini can blame his faults on others and not take ownership of his wrong doings.

      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      Sorry the current president is very thin skinned and can't take criticism at all.....

      Remember that press dinner when Obama brought out his birth certificate? Wasn't it a certain person that started this movement saying he wasn't an American and then when shown the proof his face looked like he was ready to explode because he's so thin skinned?

      Do explain..

      Because of that act we are here with this sorry excuse for a President.
      It is not that act alone that caused us to have the sorry excuse for a President. While I may not have liked some of our past Presidents, I can say that my hatred of the one currently in office is quite high.


        He is worse than Nixon. I never thought such a thing was possible
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          He is worse than Nixon. I never thought such a thing was possible
          Concur with this I must!


            Heck, Obama was worse than Nixon. Obama was worse than anyone.


              You have an inability to separate politics from the person
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                You have an inability to separate politics from the person
                I met President Obama when he was a constitutional law professor before he became a senator. He was very personable. He was judging at a debate tournament in the Chicago area. I doubt if he would remember me or my debate students, but he gave my kiddos some insight into the debate topic at the time that really helped them in their rounds.

                Did I always agree with President Obama? No...I don't always agree with anyone. However, I would prefer to have him in office over the sorry excuse we have now.


                  Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                  I met President Obama when he was a constitutional law professor before he became a senator. He was very personable. He was judging at a debate tournament in the Chicago area. I doubt if he would remember me or my debate students, but he gave my kiddos some insight into the debate topic at the time that really helped them in their rounds.

                  Did I always agree with President Obama? No...I don't always agree with anyone. However, I would prefer to have him in office over the sorry excuse we have now.
                  Different strokes for different folks. Doesn't mean that either one of us is right or wrong, we just see things differently. For me, looking at things through the lenses of my life and experiences, Trump is the better President, warts and all.


                    You still don't get it. No other president encouraged people to beat up protesters. No other mock a reporter with a speech impediment. No other president would belittle and mock his Cabinet. No other president would undermine the intelligence community to save his own face. No other president would try to hinder an election fraud investigation. Notice how none of these have anything with politics and only his demeanor. That is why Trump is the worse of the 45.

                    I think Worse of the 45 has a nice ring to it
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      Trump is the better President, warts and all.
                      in fact he's the 45th best president


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        You still don't get it. No other president encouraged people to beat up protesters. No other mock a reporter with a speech impediment. No other president would belittle and mock his Cabinet. No other president would undermine the intelligence community to save his own face. No other president would try to hinder an election fraud investigation. Notice how none of these have anything with politics and only his demeanor. That is why Trump is the worse of the 45.

                        I think Worse of the 45 has a nice ring to it
                        First, that would be "Worst of the 45".

                        Second, you keep saying that I can't separate the politics from the person. Perhaps that's because you we couldn't get the one without the other?

                        Who else but Trump had the same politics as Trump? Was any other candidate of either party offering the same policies on important issues such as Trade, Illegal immigration, to name but two? No.

                        Many of the other Republicans were also soft on illegal immigration, and they all worshiped at the altar of Free Trade, which has decimated the lower and middle class in this country.


                          Of course we can. Its why politicians who I disagree with don't repluse me. I don't hate Bush or Obama despite having wide different political platforms. They aren't terrible people no matter what their views. The same can't be said of Trump. Nice goalposts moving to rant about your same old immigrants ranting. Where is Carter's horse?
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            It was starting to stink up the place.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              It was starting to stink up the place.
                              Its a deceased corpse. How do you expect it to smell?
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

