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    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
    Really GF? Do I actually have to explain an analogy?
    Nope, just admit that this one happens to suck.
    Someone from Kyrgyzstan would understandably not know much about western fantasy films much less a 10 year old who would not have been old enough to have seen it should it have made it to Kyrgyzstan. That lack of understanding of a foreign culture would not qualify anyone from a central asian culture as an idiot in any capacity. A modern day person who isn't Greek not recognizing an icon from an ancient and foreign (and long gone) culture cannot be faulted for not knowing about it.
    Especially considering that that little factoid isn't taught in schools, this is you trying to defend a ridiculous position. FH is in the wrong, there is no justification and my mistake was not reporting her post. So I digress.
    She's (SG) is talking about RELIGION, and if she were not, I WOULD give it a pass, but she is not, so I DON'T. It's the religious contemporary of "who knew healthcare was so complicated"
    It's a stupid statement from a limited viewpoint, and if that is now "worth reporting", then go ahead and do it.
    What shower should we report to?
    I'm sorry, are we talking about the religion or people? If people, can you quote where I have denied anything?
    I specifically stated GENERIC you, not personal you, just so people would not be confused.
    Not enough I guess.

    Gatecat's post was about the bible, so my questions and responses are concerning the Bible. Not the things after it. Considering that Christmas wasn't a thing until after the last writer of the Bible died...
    Actually, no it wasn't.

    The thing is none of you are being specific enough. You're jumping all over the place. First the Bible, then Catholics, then all Christians, then Moses, and...the religion itself? It is increasingly hard to carry a conversation like that. And I think we've derailed this long enough.
    Let me pre quote you
    Try to keep up.
    So how would you translate "Tanin" in Exodus 7:10 and the use of "Nachash" in exodus 4:3? You don't really need to answer here. Move it to the other thread if you want to talk about it.
    About 5 translational errors.
    Try and keep up. Moses' act in front of the Hebrews was a call out to a story they knew. That's it. I can only apologize that in my Church (among others), snakes have never been the sign of evil or whatnot and treated as the devil's pets. That's just not something the Bible teaches.
    A call out to a story that they knew?
    Or he is hot tempered, used to life in business, but also knows what he is doing. Saying stupid things keeps his base supporters happy. His happy base keeps the GOP in line. The GOP keeps him safe. Similar process with the public and it is all founded on keeping his base happy. Underestimating people is never a sound policy.
    By the morons, for the morons, yeah, don't think that would have worked for Handcock.
    What you are really describing is a protection racket.

    It's rather cold and calculating of him. It'll keep his base happy and so on.
    Yep, and that's where you sit.

    You missed the point. The point was that the flat earth thing is a misconception people have in general. However, it is understandable for even grade school teachers to have and teach (and it happens) that considering how trivial it is. However there are people who did learn it correctly in School. Unlike the rod of Asclepius which isn't covered in school at all. Frankly FH,very few people know about those symbols on the sides of ambulances, including those who drive them for a living.
    No, you missed FH's point, that you are forced to teach abject stupidity because people tell you to, and accepting that is worse than the stupidity.

    Possibly Spring, but that's not what the question was asking anyway.
    Yes, it was.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      You can't have that FH. It would shatter his conspiracy that checking facts is a vendetta against Trump
      ROFLMAO...too funny!


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        And you wonder why I disregard any sort of "fact checking" by lefty/liberal sites. The same logic applies.
        No...I really wasn't wondering.


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Hey, another one who doesn't know the FBI has different units and can do both at the same time.
          But they didn't did they?

          And if you are going to blame the FBI for what happened in Florida, your ignorance is probably bliss.
          I think if the FBI had bothered to follow up the reports given to them about the shooter instead of "focusing on other things" then yes, the FBI could have prevented it from happening.

          You do realise your last sentence makes you sound like a member of the NRA right?


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            You can't have that FH. It would shatter his conspiracy that checking facts is a vendetta against Trump
            Still waiting for you or anyone else to cite a right-leaning site or source as the authority they are checking against. Or put another way, Why is it always left-leaning sites that are considered to be authoritative?


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Still waiting for you or anyone else to cite a right-leaning site or source as the authority they are checking against. Or put another way, Why is it always left-leaning sites that are considered to be authoritative?
              facts don't "lean" anywhere.
              Perhaps you should ask yourself, why is it that only "left leaning" SITES bother to check facts?
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                Do you (or anyone else in this topic here) have a better explanation to the Trump-Russia *pee-on-Obama* dossier?
                Whether that so-called document *thing* was real or fabricated, it takes a *twisted* and demented mind to whip up something that disgusting.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                Do you mean like the Pizzagate one, where who was it again -- that Infowars dude, Alex Jones? -- told everyone Hillary Clinton was running a child pornography ring out of the basement of this pizza place, and one moron actually took out his gun and went to check it out, intending to shoot up the place.
                Pizzagate?! No. I had totally forgotten about Pizzagate. The moment the NY Times went down to do interviews there (at "Comet Pizza" in Washington, DC), if there ever was something going on, it got covered up real quick because nothing was ever really found after that.

                So, No. I was referring *only* to the dossier issue. It reeked of stench when it first came out in the news and still reeks. If it truly was fabricated - that means *everyone* involved from start to finish of imagining the story, financing to pay various personas to get it processed *and* published plus air-fare for McCain and anyone else, etc., that is just sick, revolting, twisted, demented and disgusting.

                Little kids and teens with vicious vendettas --or taking "I dare you!" bets-- sometimes do deliberate things like that... I have Never heard of *mature* full grown (60 plus years, that is) adults acting that way, unless they had a secretly depraved mindset culture, were captured prisoners in a country they despised, or were doped up on meds or drunk, or in a nursing home and either got mad at the medical help or couldn't get to the bathroom in time to relieve their B&B in the toilet/latrine/loo.

                It's one thing for an incontinent (Bladder or Bowel) adult to accidentally piddle on the sheets (thus needing to wear Depends briefs), but it is an entirely different issue when someone deliberately seeks out info on someone else and makes a federal sized case-issue to *Pee* (or have someone else do it...which totally makes NO sense, IMO) on a piece of furniture their enemy or political "adversary" sat or slept on. Plus, it is very unsanitary and can cause major health issues and headaches for the hotel to toss the mattress out and maybe fumigate the room, etc.
                Why bother to go thru all that trouble, when it would cost *huuuuuuuuge* amounts of money to get it all cleaned up...? Russia's past reputation about visitors into their country implies that it would not let the culprit off the hook that easily. So, none of this made any sense from the get-go.

                If Trump is totally innocent of the deliberate bed-urinating incident, then that translates that any persons involved who whipped up that story have a really, sick, SICK --swimming in the sewer type of-- mind and mindset. IF Hillary Clinton and her cohorts designed this whole scheme (the Clinton Foundation money was used) that just lowers their (public image) "moral values" scale into the pits of sewage that isn't fit to print, IMO.

                ...I have absolutely *NO* respect or tolerance for people who do things like that... which like I said, *if* Trump is innocent, and the story/dossier was fabricated to slander Trump and whatever he might value, that was the *filthiest* political Frame-Up I have ever heard about.

                I could go on and say Trump and Obama *might* have their political differences, but I really don't think Trump would be that crude and lewd to do something of that hideous magnitude. That whole dossier story is disgusting on a MEGA scale level. What is worse is if President Obama was involved in any way, shape or form of knowing about the story and approved of its exposure. That would put him on the same (hideous mental) level as the originators of the dossier's "golden showers"... I'd like to think both Trump and Obama are innocent (neither knew nor were involved) and just ended up being used as pawns of someone else's *wretched* mental fit.

                That's all. That's enough!
                (sorry about the length of that reply...)
                Last edited by SGalisa; 20 February 2018, 04:51 PM. Reason: fix typos...


                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Pizzagate?! No. I had totally forgotten about Pizzagate. The moment the NY Times went down to do interviews there (at "Comet Pizza" in Washington, DC), if there ever was something going on, it got covered up real quick because nothing was ever really found after that.

                  Please don't tell you you believe the pizzagate thing was real. Honestly can't believe people thought that was real.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    Please don't tell you you believe the pizzagate thing was real. Honestly can't believe people thought that was real.
                    Probably the funniest part is that that pizza store doesn't even have a basement.

                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Still waiting for you or anyone else to cite a right-leaning site or source as the authority they are checking against. Or put another way, Why is it always left-leaning sites that are considered to be authoritative?
                    Never seen a factcheck article on a rightwing site. Which i'm not surprised by, since it was created to counter the vast amounts of lies Trump keeps spouting.

                    Not that it matters that much: facts are facts. There may be some wiggling room with whether things are really bad lies or rather innocent lies, but whether it's true or not is wholly independent of leaning.


                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      Probably the funniest part is that that pizza store doesn't even have a basement.

                      Oh come on that's a fact. you can't use facts they hurt the other sides feelings.
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                        But they didn't did they?
                        They didn't, but the problem is, so did anybody else because Cruz had red flags going up for far longer with different things he did in his young life. So, is everyone who ignored them equally going to be blamed for not doing what they should have done? Get him help or make sure he wouldn't go off on the deep end (which he did on February 14)?

                        The FBI ignoring that tip was just the tip of the very large proverbial iceberg.

                        Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                        I think if the FBI had bothered to follow up the reports given to them about the shooter instead of "focusing on other things" then yes, the FBI could have prevented it from happening.
                        What other things?
                        I had no idea you worked for the office that ignored the call.

                        Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                        You do realise your last sentence makes you sound like a member of the NRA right?
                        Really, how so?

                        Cruz is a walking red flag.

                        The NRA only cares about selling more guns and defending their right to bear arms -- the more rounds in one pull, the better.
                        They don't care whether people are sane of mind to own a gun, or how they use the guns. As long as everyone has free access to guns, they're happy. And when shootings happen, they say "if there had been a good guy with a gun..." or "arm the teachers...", or whatever else but never -- how about we change the rules and make it illegal to own assault rifles unless you have a very special permit, a thorough background check, psych evaluations, training and renewal, .... and whatever else to make it an undesirable object to have.

                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        Probably the funniest part is that that pizza store doesn't even have a basement.
                        They covered that up too.

                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          Never seen a factcheck article on a rightwing site. Which i'm not surprised by, since it was created to counter the vast amounts of lies Trump keeps spouting.

                          Not that it matters that much: facts are facts. There may be some wiggling room with whether things are really bad lies or rather innocent lies, but whether it's true or not is wholly independent of leaning.
                          Ah, so you admit, the whole idea was created as a way to oppose Trump. And you wonder why I don't buy into it. It's pure biased BS.


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            The NRA only cares about selling more guns and defending their right to bear arms -- the more rounds in one pull, the better.
                            They don't care whether people are sane of mind to own a gun, or how they use the guns. As long as everyone has free access to guns, they're happy. And when shootings happen, they say "if there had been a good guy with a gun..." or "arm the teachers...", or whatever else but never -- how about we change the rules and make it illegal to own assault rifles unless you have a very special permit, a thorough background check, psych evaluations, training and renewal, .... and whatever else to make it an undesirable object to have.
                            Well, with people like you, who clearly wish the 2nd amendment didn't exist, the NRA seems to be needed. There is a need to defend the right to bear arms. Like it or not, that right is enshrined in our Constitution. If enough people don't like that, they can amend the Constitution, and stop trying to limit them by ".... and whatever else to make it an undesirable object to have."

                            Oh, and by the way, having armed teachers or sec. personnel in schools is a good idea. As a practical matter, you simply can't and never will remove guns from the hands of those who would do evil with them.


                              Arming teachers is ****ing insane, wouldn't it just be better to tighten up the rules over who can own a gun? I mean I don't hear half of America complaining because they have to sit a driving test before being let loose on the road alone.


                                Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                                Arming teachers is ****ing insane
                                still less dangerous than american cops with guns :/

