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    Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
    Sweden gave up drafting in 2010, but reinstated it again this march with the first drafting starting in July. Not only for men, but also for women this time. I'm totally ok with that, and wouldn't mind this also happening in Austria. And honestly, basic military service wouldn't harm some girls either... Not explicitly weapons training, but rather sports, first aid, general behaviour and discipline.
    If my eyes weren't so bad I'd have joined immediately...
    Why should they be treated any differently than the men? Women are so strident about claiming equality when it suits them, why not when it doesn't also? If Joe the plumber can be drafted and and to some war zone where he can get killed, why shouldn't Josephine? You can't pick and choose what parts of "equality" you want. Or you shouldn't be able to, anyway.


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      He can talk all he wants but I'm pretty damn sure the Senate has the legal power to subpoena a witness. He won't have a choice in the matter.
      Yes they can subpoena him, but like shillary's aid Huma, he can take the 5th on everything..

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Women are NOT and have never been subject to the draft in the U.S. I've always found this to be rather hypocritical on the part of the women's rights advocates. If they want "equality", why haven't they demanded equality on this and other aspects where society favors the female? Gotta take the bad with the good.
      What gets me on that, is every time the subject of including them in the select service requirement to sign up (not just join, but sign up), woman libbers always cry foul. BUT then whine "you still have your mens clubs in the combat troops etc".
      SORRY but imo the minute we started opening up subs and ships to lasses, they should have been required to sign up like guys do.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      To which I (and a few other ladies I know) have been *eternally* grateful for.
      That's why I mentioned it was presented with threatening undertones -- that such a system just might change and force women to get involved in something they don't want to get into.

      Some women would prefer NEVER to be drafted. There are too many issues on the battlefield (like being killed, or captured and tortured!) that some of us would very much like to stay away from. TYVM (*thank you very much!*) Maybe some women don't mind acting masculine about fighting in battles, etc, (which are NOT just a "proverbial cat fight"), but the rest of us females would prefer the solitudes and quietness of staying away from those sorts of events.
      There are plenty of men who wouldn't want to be drafted either. BUT we have to put up with that.. So if women want equality in the military etc, why SHOULD they be immune to that requirement?


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        Yes they can subpoena him, but like shillary's aid Huma, he can take the 5th on everything..
        Comey -wants- to talk, pleading the 5th won't be an issue.

        What gets me on that, is every time the subject of including them in the select service requirement to sign up (not just join, but sign up), woman libbers always cry foul. BUT then whine "you still have your mens clubs in the combat troops etc".
        SORRY but imo the minute we started opening up subs and ships to lasses, they should have been required to sign up like guys do.

        There are plenty of men who wouldn't want to be drafted either. BUT we have to put up with that.. So if women want equality in the military etc, why SHOULD they be immune to that requirement?
        Annoyed, Garkhal, Jelgate and GF agree.
        We are doomed DOOMED!!
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          I thought the apocalypse would have more locusts and rivers of blood
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            That's the WH press briefings
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              I bet Trump is hiding under the table
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                The bushes are occupied.........
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  You should see the new SNL Spicer sketch
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    I have
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      There are plenty of men who wouldn't want to be drafted either. BUT we have to put up with that.. So if women want equality in the military etc, why SHOULD they be immune to that requirement?
                      I totally agree with that, and know quite a few of those very men. The few who managed to stay out of *dodge*war were very thankful they survived without being forced into that horrible world.

                      On the other extreme, I think about 10% to maybe 20% (or percentage might actually be less than that) of our (earth's) population would be more than willing to show off their militant or "alpha male" fighting skills.. not sure if their reasons are as noble (which would normally be to protect family and country), but I believe that they exist on this planet somewhere.


                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          You should see the new SNL Spicer sketch
                          So now we know who the last person watching SNL is...Is "person" the wrong word to use?
                          I like Sharky


                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Again, (GF) your comments sounded like you *were* presuming *I* was offending the "LORD" God of some religion. It wasn't me who walked into Church in the clingy cat-suit, but someone else.
                            I made no such assumption, the only assumption I made was you were OK with it, even though your book decries such examples of immodesty.
                            I know people who walk in wearing very used work clothes, where the fabrics are so worn out that they look like the person has slept in them for weeks without changing. Oh, and very used (dirty) sneakers, too. Guy *looks* homeless and is obviously on some sort of med, because he often falls asleep in the pew.. but he faithfully keeps returning -- maybe for free food at the food pantry.. I don't know. I just know he comes.
                            Clarification note-- I have seen some devoted "Christian" Churches grow, and others dwindle. Some Churches have been blatantly disobedient, so if those have dwindled, it's not a surprise. I have also read various "religious" forums on the internet. Some of the questions posed are sort of shocking to me in the sense of replying with "duh!! if that's what Jesus said or did, that's what he said or did". By faith one believes, OR not.
                            I agree with that, but that has nothing to do with god, it has to do with people.
                            Based on how you've voiced yourself against God/Jesus of Nazareth, etc.,
                            EXCUSE ME???
                            I have said -nothing- against Jesus, I rarely say things against GOD either. I have no problem with either, and in fact I have a great deal of respect for Jesus, be he real or just an idealized figure.
                            MY problems are with his fan club who don't listen to the guy and use a "person" who willingly went to their death for the salvation of others as a BEATSTICK to deny other people their humanity.
                            Problem I see is *probably* NOT a problem to you--- the GREAT Commission to the Gentile world (non-Jewish) is closing down. Once that particular time era has ended (as determined by God's designated appointments of who, when, how and where), then the 144,000 Jewish "evangelists" will take over and lead the world the rest of the way -- up to the moment their *true* Messiah returns to earth/establishes "HIS" gov't upon the earth--in Jerusalem (Israel). So, if anyone in this world thinks they got problems dealing with Christians alive now, Oooooo! wait til then..
                            That's when things will get *reeeeeeeeeeeally* interesting.
                            What do you imagine they will do?

                            In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul addresses female "believers" to cover up their hair. It is a *symbolic* gesture which basically states that a woman is under the authority of the man/husband. Symbolisms are just that -- symbolic. Enforcing the symbolism as a mandatory ruling is getting nit-picky in some areas. This is why that "covering of the head" issue has been debated so fiercely in the recent decades.
                            Did the female "believers" cover their heads?
                            (the answer is YES by the way, so not so much a suggestion eh?)

                            Thank you!!
                            I'm not going to deny you a point if you have one.
                            That is WHY I wrote that whole situation up. To provide a sense of what was going on in the background, in order to get to the specific point of who set that system up and why it was oppressively unbearable to sit thru. Jeesh. If you (or anyone else) really wants to know, that particular Church (camp) could have had an amazing ministry, but abused the abundant gifts they had via (political governing) manipulation (in both spiritual and physical realms)--they became chronic control freaks, and ended up losing everything they physically built when an outsider came in and had them evaluated for "cult-like" status. Problem wasn't really a cult, but "SIN" in the camp that came straight from the pulpit.
                            Why would I care?
                            My hubby and I only attended there at an invite from one of the members. I went along because I liked the surrounding scenery (it became *my home away from home*)---I mean, this place had a babbling brook, covered walkway bridges, gorgeous pine trees, huge piece of property with horses across the dirt road; and I was enchanted with the outdoor beauty of this chunk of land.
                            This does not matter.
                            However, the elders there wanted my hubby there 6 days every week, and I put my foot down because it was impossible with our jobs and distance driving over there (90 minute drive round trip just to go to "Church"!?). So, they kept their distance and I kept mine (my hubby went every day/night he could, because he got *talked* into it..and questioned my resistance, instead of looking at *common sense* dictating the reasons why he got so overly involved). After I was laid off from my job and we couldn't travel over there any longer, a year later the whole Church fell apart. Hmmm.. We found out it was "SIN" in the camp that destroyed them--the very items they preached against about, some were doing behind the scenes... Not good.
                            So, you realised that the church was full of garbage.

                            No. I am a detailed oriented person, not diplomatic as in short and to quickly the point. I'm not wired to speak that way, nor creative enough to figure out HOW...sorry, WYSIWYG. Ask my hubby how to shorten my sentences -- he will probably sympathize with you..
                            No, you are not detail oriented, at least in this regard, you want to tell a story. I like stories, but I don't want a story when I ask "why left, not right". I want a concise answer, and babbling brooks and bad ventilation tells me nothing. It's akin to telling a joke and giving the background story of the joke before you get there. "why did the chicken cross the road" becomes a diatribe, rather than a joke.

                            Okay, I see -- the whole Transvestite cross-dressing issue.
                            Except I grew up with the fashion industry. Ladies pants are NOT men's clothing pants (we have side zippers and elastic wastebands -- no "fly hole" in the u-know-where spot! Underwear probably falls into the same category.. like men wearing a frilly, feminine made bra, even tho some of them probably NEED one! A *style* is one thing, but to wear your dad's or mom's clothes when you are the opposite gender is an issue that is probably being presented here.
                            No, it is about gender roles.
                            I have no need to wear men's pants or underwear. Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner did (or still does). That is probably what/where such controversy is about on the deeper level. That whole transgender stuff should be left in the capable judgement hands of God, not man. If the verse is still subject to punishable judgement, God will ensure it in the ultimate end. Personally, it was NOT part of the original TEN Commmandments, so it seems to be a man-made rule that the Jewish priesthood enforced (the original *fashion* police).

                            So blame the Catholic Church and all the other denominations for ignoring the Jewish scriptures that were written before Jesus of Nazareth was even born..
                            Also, if Jesus allows Gentiles to live under "grace and mercy" and I think it was Peter who declared the blessing of eating formerly restricted animal creatures, or wearing synthetics with cottons, etc., why should I (and others) be singled out as being disobedient to something that has now been approved as being "blessed"..? Christians are not subject to the 613 or whatever # Jewish Laws. ONLY the TEN Commandments count -- Priority #1.
                            Otherwise, this is where people end up causing all sorts of legalistic issues into things that don't need to be punished.
                            You get "singled out" because you complain about the "other side" doing the same as you.

                            That is also *my* issue with the Muslim dress codes. It's NOT fair to women having certain health issues -- something many of you males in this entire world just do not seem to comprehend. Women who haven't suffered those items I mentioned are also apathetic to the health problems I presented. So, the men set the rules down and that's it or punishment is given to the disobedient female dresser.
                            Excuse me??
                            I don't care what you wear, I don't care if you need a shower for your hot flashes as menopause rages through your body, it's your god that gave a crap about punishing you. Personally, I think it's unfair, but that's biology, all I can do is accept it.
                            It's oppressive and wrong, IMO and the worst part is that some of the men enforcing such rules *know* it is oppressive, but that is what some of them want, because they believe it keeps their "females" in an obedience line. Modest dress is one thing, but why the excessive covering-up of the neck on HOT, humid days?? That's insanity. When my ears start turning blood red, my head fries with an extreme fever during the worst hot flashes. It has become a thyroid imbalance, where nothing has helped to ease the hot/cold problem, and that can lead to exploding arteries if not promptly brought into some sort of rebalanced mode.
                            People like me did not, and would not force this on you, you silly fool. You rail against "people like me" who are the first to say that it is unfair.

                            I didn't say Jesus "changed it" -- I said he FULFILLED and Satisfied the LAW, because no other human could or would ever do it.. as it was *required* (established to be enforced).
                            Nope, not even in his own words.

                            I think you missed the point between obedience of the Ten Commandments, which GOD wrote into stone, and the 613/whatever Jewish Laws, etc., that the Jewish leaders wrote up to be enforced within their communities.
                            More excuses.
                            Is the believer a *Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block*..?
                            What are you wearing or eating?
                            Why does either matter?
                            I'm not the one with the laws, MY gods would not give a HOOT what I am wearing or eating, so your question is basically, bubkiss.

                            Hey, the Mosaic law system said "blah, blah, blah...!"
                            However, when legalism dictates how we live and causes problems around the world, it takes a miracle of God to sort out what is really important and matters.
                            No it does not.
                            Key point narrows down to---Are you "saved" (and ready to go at any moment) with your eternal destiny sealed, or what are you eating or wearing today..? (this is not referring to cannibalism, as part of the *norm* for eating, tho. ) Could bring some weather factors in too, that would dictate the whole clothing issue, and drought conditions affecting your daily meals. But is what you are wearing or eating going to seal your eternal destiny with Jesus or a simple "I believe Jesus lived and died to atone for my sins, (etc.)"

                            Sorry about the length; info is *as I understood it*..
                            Am I "saved"
                            What do I need to be saved from?
                            I choose my path, I choose my actions, I wear the responsibility of those choices.
                            Am I a child?
                            Do you need saving from yourself?
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              Should have known I'd have pages to wade through, when I had no time to check during the weekend...

                              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                              See I just don't get that.
                              Neither do I.

                              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                              Can you explain your statement more?
                              The new norm is what is being used to describe how with #45 at the helm it's okay to call real news fake news unless it fits in the narrative, to harass people with an immigration background (legal or illegal) -- which is technically speaking every American except for the native ones, the entitlement of some and the dropping of others...

                              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                              What new norm? That we accept corruption as normal?
                              Or that.

                              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                              Also is it normal that you are allowed to pose for photos in the oval office with visiting ambassadors. The Russians published the photos in their papers of them and Trump?
                              Yes, it is.

                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              Being MANY of Mccain's OWN fellow POWs call him Songbird, Just cause 'he became a POW" is no excuse to overlook all the other crap he did.
                              Songbird -- is that to be seen in a negative light or a positive?
                              Does that refer to him as singing like a canary, spilling the beans, ...? Or is it a different interpretation.

                              I thought he was considered a Vietnam hero.

                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              For one thing, compared to Obaa, he actually cares MORE for americans than he does other countries. UNLIKE the great apologizer in chief.

                              If #45 cared for the Americans he wouldn't be putting incompetant people in places they have no business. He wouldn't be out chasing golf balls on the green.

                              He cares not for the American people. He only cares about himself.

                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              BUT was it not for his pappy COVERING for him time and time again, he wouldn't even have GRADUATED flight school.
                              Neither would Trump be in business or have gone to the school he went to.

                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              He is also doing ok on gutting the EPA and other overzealous bureaucracies, and some other needed reforms.
                              By putting people in place who serve the big oil industry -- I have a feeling you really don't care much for the environment (and I'm not even touching on the subject of global warming, just the environment and the planet you and I happen to live on).

                              I see you like not being able to breath fresh air, and oilspils screwing up the fresh water sources. Your non-existent grandchildren will be grateful.

                              At least the different states have not turned back the clock 50 years, and those pushing forward to meet the climate agreement stats, are still pushing forward. Too bad, other states will ruin it for them anyway.

                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              I would expect better than that.
                              I don't. It's exactly what you voted for.

                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              I think it is time for Trump to step down and let Pence step in. Or be impeached, with Pence stepping in. While I may end up no longer supporting the man, I do support the agenda he represents.
                              The entire team is under investigation, which does include Mickey.

                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              This country has been on a steady march towards the left and that has to be turned around by any means. Pence would continue to try that, whereas Hillary would have been pushing us closer to the globalist / leftist ideals they espouse.
                              It's called progress.

                              Right now, your country is quite literally the laughing stock of the world. Your president is sliding down the rabbit hole so fast, he's a danger to, dare I say, himself, others and in fact an entire country and sadly also the world.

                              Originally posted by Womble View Post
                              Because for now it looks like he is making huge money for himself and his family at American taxpayer's expense, and little else.

                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                              But do you want to get through Trump's Watergate re-enactment first?
                              Yes, it makes for good television.

                              This season of The Apprentice is really the best yet.

                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              I am sure you (FH) are well aware of other countries....
                              I asked you: Who is forcing you to wear something you didn't choose to wear?

                              Your answer could have been:

                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              Nobody's forcing me to wear anything I don't want to wear.
                              But instead I get this, which has nothing to do with you...

                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              ...where non-Muslim women are being told by Muslims to coverup from their standard fashion flares. One (or several) of those countries even used to have women dressing in skirts and dresses with no head scarves years ago, until the political landscape changed (wheen Osama bin Ladin was in control?) and forced them to start wearing burkas or be subject to punishment for inappropriate dress (which most looked like western European styles from the pictures I saw).
                              A) name the countries
                              B) When I visited the St-Peter Basilica in Vatican City some years ago, I was to follow the dresscode or I would not be granted entranc: shorts or trousers covering knees, t-shirt covering shoulders and upper arms, no head gear.
                              C) When I visit sanctuaries anywhere in the world, I will always respect the dresscode and be respectful, and in, for example, a mosque that would mean, wear a headscarf.
                              D) when a political landscape changes and they decide to follow religious laws more closely, it means they are either infusing the current laws with parts of Sharia Law or they adopt the SL completely depending on the stretch of Islam is being followed.

                              Saudia-Arabia, for example, follows a strict interpretation of Sharia Law.
                              Women are second class citizens (even if there seems to be a willingness to change their situation, as an adjustment to their situation is being drafted so they no longer need a male custodian).

                              Afghanistan is a country where fiefdoms are still in place -- it's a complicated situation, and the Taliban really messed up the place.
                              Same with locations which are overrun by Daesh - the moment they are liberated men shave off their beards and women throw off their veils.

                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              Other countries are still oppressive in head to toe cover-up of women, where even the neck cannot get a moment to feel cool air during hot, humid days.
                              When was the last time you were in the desert -- there's no humidity there, just very dry heat. And wearing black actually is the best thing you can do. It might seem weird since it absorbs the rays of the sun, but black is best in the middle of the Sahara.
                              Just ask the Bedouins.

                              And for the record, the woman in Saudia-Arabia do not actually wear that "tent" when they are at home.
                              A colleague of my sister visited friends in Iran, and when the women were outside in public they wore headscarves. The moment they were inside, the distinction between a Westerner and Easterner was entirely lost (except perhaps skincolor).

                              For most women, not all of them (that's still sadly true), the headscarf or hijab is a choice -- voluntarily. No one forcing them to wear one.

                              I happen to follow Blair Imani on Twitter, and one day she's wearing a scarf and the next she's not. Then she's wearing traditional garments, the next day she's the all-American girl who started the Equality For Her project.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Then, ask yourself if such a lifestyle is worth the "man-made" laws being presented and forced upon the general public, regardless of a person's individual "religious" belief.
                                Your own religion is "man-made", what say you?

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                ...THE "Collective" has become unhinged basically over everything Trump does and says, and are being militant about it now...
                                Wow, if "the collective" is unhinged, I wonder how to describe the paranoid, delusional buffoon in the WH.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Would you rather I put an eye-popping smilie there instead? jeesh! picky, picky.
                                Sometimes, it's better not to use an emoji at all. How about that.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Cause "modern" Christians in the USA's 20th century dropped the maxi dresses in favor of more comfortable clothing.
                                I doubt he's referring to how people dress these days, but what the bible says about clothes, food (much like pig and dog are not halal in the Quran, crustaceans are not halal to Christians), ... I think I remember something from Leviticus:

                                "chapters 11–15 instruct the lay people on purity (or cleanliness). Eating certain animals produces uncleanliness, as does giving birth; certain skin diseases (but not all) are unclean, as are certain conditions affecting walls and clothing (mildew and similar conditions); and genital discharges, including female menses and male gonorrhea, are unclean. The reasoning behind the food rules are obscure; for the rest the guiding principle seems to be that all these conditions involve a loss of "life force", usually but not always blood.

                                Chapters 17–26 are the Holiness code. It begins with a prohibition on all slaughter of animals outside the Temple, even for food, and then prohibits a long list of sexual contacts and also child sacrifice. The "holiness" injunctions which give the code its name begin with the next section: penalties are imposed for the worship of Molech, consulting mediums and wizards, cursing one's parents and engaging in unlawful sex. Priests are instructed on mourning rituals and acceptable bodily defects. Blasphemy is to be punished with death, and rules for the eating of sacrifices are set out; the calendar is explained, and rules for sabbatical and Jubilee years set out; and rules are made for oil lamps and bread in the sanctuary; and rules are made for slavery"

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                I could say that mens kilt's are an abomination, but that is a Scottish dress style.
                                You better not let any Scot hear you say that.
                                The kilt is not just any skirt - history of the kilt.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                By the tail end of 1979, the US was an international laughing stock.
                                2017 -- check

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                And in my opinion, his capstone achievement was bringing the cold war to an end without firing a shot by engaging in a much-needed military buildup...
                                The Cold War never ended -- it's delusional to think that way.
                                It used to be warmer, sure, but it never ended. On paper maybe, but what's paper worth really.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Oh, and how do you blame the spread of a disease that was spread primarily by unprotected sexual activity of a particularly hazardous nature on a political leader of any stripe? Nice try, but it just doesn't fly.
                                Err... Listen to Reagan’s Press Secretary Laugh About Gay People Dying of AIDS

                                A timeline of AIDS/HIV throughout Reagan's presidency.

                                "Ronald Reagan, who died in 2004, was president for nearly five years before he said the word “Aids” in public, nearly seven years before he gave a speech on a health crisis that would go on to kill more than 650,000 Americans and stigmatize even more.

                                In recent months, published reports have revealed an administration that laughed at the scourge and its victims and a first lady who turned her back on Rock Hudson, a close friend, when he reached out to the White House for help as he was dying from an Aids-related illness."

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                But maybe you ought to consider getting your ideas someplace besides the gods of liberalism that you apparently pray to. A false history is not doing you any favors.
                                Perhaps time for you to follow your own advice as well.

                                YES!! Bring it!

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                I think the FBI should demand trumps "tapes".
                                The WH staff collectively head!desks.

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                You do have one point, GOD did not write that, the Church did.
                                Correction, men wrote it.

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                The "book" I am reading from is yours, specifically, Deuteronomy 22:5.
                                I thought it was Leviticus.

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                ...wear a G string and see through dresses for all I care.
                                Please don't.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Women are NOT and have never been subject to the draft in the U.S. I've always found this to be rather hypocritical on the part of the women's rights advocates. If they want "equality", why haven't they demanded equality on this and other aspects where society favors the female? Gotta take the bad with the good.
                                I agree.

                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                                But it was men who decided that women were too delicate to be included in the draft.

                                Men also decided that women are the better parents and should be favoured during divorce proceedings.
                                And sadly, this is also true.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul addresses female "believers" to cover up their hair. It is a *symbolic* gesture which basically states that a woman is under the authority of the man/husband. Symbolisms are just that -- symbolic.
                                Yeah, these days they just take health care away, decide what women can do with their bodies and beat the living crap out of them.
                                Times have changed so much.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                No. I am a detailed oriented person, not diplomatic as in short and to quickly the point.
                                Longwinded would be the word I'd use.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Okay, I see -- the whole Transvestite cross-dressing issue.
                                Do you mean transvestite or transwomen/men? Or just any guy wearing a skirt -- Jaden Smith has some funky fashion styles. He recently went to an awards show wearing high heels -- mad respect

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Ladies pants are NOT men's clothing pants (we have side zippers and elastic wastebands -- no "fly hole" in the u-know-where spot!
                                Err... ...looks down at pants: zipper in the front in the "u-know-where-spot"

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                ...but to wear your dad's or mom's clothes when you are the opposite gender is an issue that is probably being presented here.
                                My dad's sweaters are cosy -- tooooooo large but cosy.
                                My mom's clothes are not my style really. I prefer a suit and tie, over a frilly skirt. Bleh...

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Caitlyn Jenner did (or still does).
                                There fixed it for you, and if you can tell me where in the blazes she's hiding those boxers in this dress, you're really good.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                That is probably what/where such controversy is about on the deeper level.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                That whole transgender stuff should be left in the capable judgement hands of God, not man.
                                Would be far better if man/woman opened their eyes a little further, and respected one another a little better.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                However, when legalism dictates how we live and causes problems around the world, it takes a miracle of God to sort out what is really important and matters.
                                You should not call the kettle black, pot.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Some women would prefer NEVER to be drafted. There are too many issues on the battlefield (like being killed, or captured and tortured!) that some of us would very much like to stay away from. TYVM (*thank you very much!*) Maybe some women don't mind acting masculine about fighting in battles, etc, (which are NOT just a "proverbial cat fight"), but the rest of us females would prefer the solitudes and quietness of staying away from those sorts of events.
                                You literally have no shame, do you?

                                You'd think you at least would have an ounce of respect for the many women who are fighting for your rights and your freedoms. They chose to serve their country with ****in' honor.

                                Who are you to judge their decision? Or to say that they act masculine?

                                You seem to ignore the Viking women warriors, the fabled Amazons. Boediceae who kicked Roman ass.
                                Hell, Joan of Arc.

                                Female Soldiers in the Civil War
                                Women in the army
                                The female soldiers serving in Israel's army
                                Meet the Hunter Troop: Norway's tough-as-nails female soldiers
                                The Kurdish women fighting Islamic State in Syria

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Real Life wars are not fiction with those ladies (usually) always having the winning edge, and escaping their whatever their worst nightmares might be.
                                Your gender stereotyping is hilarious... and outdated.

                                And also this...

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                No, it is about gender roles.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Why should they be treated any differently than the men? Women are so strident about claiming equality when it suits them, why not when it doesn't also? If Joe the plumber can be drafted and and to some war zone where he can get killed, why shouldn't Josephine? You can't pick and choose what parts of "equality" you want. Or you shouldn't be able to, anyway.
                                What he said. I agree.

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                The bushes are occupied.........

                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                You should see the new SNL Spicer sketch
                                I did.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

