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The Political Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    Okay, THAT was unnecessary. You are not usually so offensive.
    Ignore it. Don't dignify idiocy with a response.
    If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
    Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
    If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

    Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


      Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
      Ignore it. Don't dignify idiocy with a response.
      I'm more likely to report it - and I never report posts


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        I'm more likely to report it - and I never report posts
        Do as you see fit.
        If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
        Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
        If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

        Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


          That didn't take long.


            Hey, you're the ones who want to derail this thread I'm just helping it along.

            And it figures that los would insult me again. All he ever does is insult and berate me all because I express my own opinions in my own ways and don't follow his pwecious little rules of logic. Nobody wants to do anything to stop him and nobody will let me insult him back.

            **** you los.


              Plus, it was just a joke, nothing more.

              And I wasn't trying to be purposefully offensive.



                Move along, nothing to see here. Anyone have any arguments for the banning of abortion?
                If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                  And I bet he still wants to derail this thread with his disrespect of the original poster's intent.

                  If you want to talk about abortion START A NEW THREAD!


                    IMHO abortion should be allowed up to certain time during pregnancy be that 24 weeks or some other time the fetus is considered a human life. I don't think life starts at conception nor at birth. I can't see the difference between a 1 day old baby and a 8 month 27 day old fetus in terms of being alive or not.


                      Originally posted by Rickington View Post
                      By participating in this thread, you agree to follow the rules of this thread (listed below) and the rules of GW, and acknowledge that if you violate any of the below rules, you may be held accountable.

                      Since we were/are getting off topic in the "language of the right: does it incite violence" thread, I decided to create a general political discussion thread, where there can be a general discussion of varying political topics...

                      There are a few rules in this thread!
                      1. Remain courteous and respectful to others at all times.
                      2. Do not make personally directed attacks on any other user (for example, it is acceptable to accuse someone of making a "dumb proposition" (i.e.: "that's a terrible idea, <member>, <reasons why>) but it is not acceptable to accuse someone of being "dumb" (i.e.: "How stupid are you?, <member>...).
                      3. In accordance with GW's rules, all posts must be PG-friendly (i.e. no inappropriate language, etc).
                      4. Please do not post any hateful or racially, sexually or ethnically objectionable material.
                      5. This is a discussion thread regarding politics, not religion (however, discussion topics that intertwine both religion and politics are acceptable), but if you want to discuss issues that are purely religious, please visit this thread.
                      6. Rules for this thread may be modified at the discretion of the GateWorld forum moderators/admins, if they make any such requests.

                      Notice: If you feel there is a post in this thread that is not in compliance with any of the above rules, please report the said post(s).

                      Let's begin the discussion!
                      Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
                      Hey, you're the ones who want to derail this thread I'm just helping it along.

                      And it figures that los would insult me again. All he ever does is insult and berate me all because I express my own opinions in my own ways and don't follow his pwecious little rules of logic. Nobody wants to do anything to stop him and nobody will let me insult him back.

                      **** you los.
                      Abortion is a non-proscribed topic, as according to the rules of Rickington.
                      If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                      Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                      If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                      Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                        Originally posted by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble View Post
                        IMHO abortion should be allowed up to certain time during pregnancy be that 24 weeks or some other time the fetus is considered a human life. I don't think life starts at conception nor at birth. I can't see the difference between a 1 day old baby and a 8 month 27 day old fetus in terms of being alive or not.
                        Where do you believe life starts, then?
                        If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                        Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                        If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                        Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                          I just re-read the first post and the parameters of this thread. While the topic IS acceptable for debate, keep it to the Political realm. Also, let's remember no personal insults!

                          Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 based on the Court's interpretation of the 9th Amendment to include a right to privacy. I recall talking to my family doctor, who is also a personal friend, about the issue. He was an intern at the time in a Los Angeles hospital. The difference the week after the ruling was night and day in the number of deaths among women from botched abortions. Having access to safe, legal abortions made an enormous difference in the lives of real people. He told me that every week before the ruling there were several deaths and/or serious complications from back alley abortions. After the ruling, these absolutely ceased. Access made all the difference.

                          Some states are trying very hard to severely curtail Roe v. Wade. Are we on the road back to pre-1973?


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            I just re-read the first post and the parameters of this thread. While the topic IS acceptable for debate, keep it to the Political realm. Also, let's remember no personal insults!

                            Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 based on the Court's interpretation of the 9th Amendment to include a right to privacy. I recall talking to my family doctor, who is also a personal friend, about the issue. He was an intern at the time in a Los Angeles hospital. The difference the week after the ruling was night and day in the number of deaths among women from botched abortions. Having access to safe, legal abortions made an enormous difference in the lives of real people. He told me that every week before the ruling there were several deaths and/or serious complications from back alley abortions. After the ruling, these absolutely ceased. Access made all the difference.

                            Some states are trying very hard to severely curtail Roe v. Wade. Are we on the road back to pre-1973?
                            Exactly. If a woman wants to have an abortion, she will have it. Good luck stopping her. In the internet age, you can find tutorials to "do it yourself". Coat hangers, clorox, natural poisons, you can access it easily, without prohibition. I don't like abortions, but I would rather have them done safely, in a hospital, than some gutter, and the woman lying in a pool of her own blood with a coat hanger jutting out from her stomach. It's a terrible image, I realize, but that was common back in the days in which abortion was forbidden. And I would never want to see that happen to someone I knew, because it did not rest well with some people's personal ideologies in life.
                            If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                            Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                            If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                            Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                              Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                              Where do you believe life starts, then?
                              Somewhere in between .

                              I honestly don't know maybe when it can not survive outside the womb even with medical intervention. What do you think?

                              At the end of the day I am pro-choice.


                                Originally posted by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble View Post
                                Somewhere in between .

                                I honestly don't know maybe when it can not survive outside the womb even with medical intervention. What do you think?

                                At the end of the day I am pro-choice.
                                I think you probably meant when it achieves sentience, when the fetus has a developed nervous system allowing it to feel pleasure and pain, maybe?

