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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    Have they not already done that by forcing priests in NY to break that confessional if the 'confessee admits to a crime'? All spawning out of the whole Padeo priest scandal??
    They cannot -force- the breaking of the confessional, the directives of the church say that a priest should rather die than reveal what is said in confession.
    Wow, this is what, the 8th time this year we see eye to eye>>? The world must be coming to an end.
    Not really, I have said multiple times I am not as "left" as people would seem to think I am.
    Well, since as a nation (heck world imo) we are dealing with a lot of obesity, why not "for the public good" ban all-you-can-eat places??
    They probably should. You complain about the cost of abortion or "the pill" on your tax dollar?
    Obesity costs your nation a -hell- of a lot more, all on the public purse.
    I like complaining!!
    And as to handicap spots. My only gripe there, is i rarely see any enforcement, such as last night when i had to go out to get a replacement DVD reader (the current 17 mo old one, a 20 buck cheepie, broke), i passed 7 cars in the Bestbuy lot in their handicap spots, and only saw 2 of those 7 which had either the rear-view mirror hanging plackards OR handi-cap license plates...
    I've noticed that quite a bit.
    I am not a fan of that either.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Its like the seatbelt laws. While they are technically the law it is hard for the police to enforce them because of how stretched out the police are enforcing all the laws. They usually are being more vigilant in making sure the more serious laws are being followed.
      True dat. Just like Cellphone laws. But imo, what's the point in MAKING a law, if you are not going to even attempt to enforce it.

      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
      But how if some disabilities are invisible?

      Until my last surgery I couldn't walk more than 100 or so meters without causing my insides to start bleeding. But I appear perfectly healthy. I have never looked sick. So I would fail your test.

      You can't tell just by looking.
      I agree. I've known 3 people disabled who upon looking at them, you wouldn't say they were disabled. One had 5 fuzed disks, so by law is disabled, one is blind, but doesn't walk with a cane (just a dog, and thus is often mistaken for someone just walking his pet), and the third is mentally disabled, so other than seeing it in his face, you wouldn't call him disabled.

      BUT i do agree with Annoyed, in that i DO feel a lot of what classes as disabilities these days (i am sorry but being depressed or just fat imo shouldn't count) is overboard.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      I've seen perfectly *healthy* people who DO use their relative's "handicap" placard, just because it's available. It bothers me when I overhear stories like that, because it takes that parking space away from someone who actually IS handicapped and *needs* that spot.
      And to ME that should be illegal.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      I have a friend who has worse problems than me (she broke her back, but recovered) and yet is in constant pain from her various maladies, which also includes fibromyalgia, Sciatica / neuropathy in the legs, some sort of two bone-on-bone knees and Plantar fasciitis. Yet, she *looks* normal and healthy when her meds are working to help quell her aches and pains.
      Or as i said, like my friend with 5 fused disks.. He has major Sciatica issues, however if he gets proper therapy, can walk a good half a mile ok.. Just don't as him to walk fast..

      They cannot -force- the breaking of the confessional, the directives of the church say that a priest should rather die than reveal what is said in confession.
      They SHOULDN'T be able. Just like Dr-patient privilege.. It should be Sacrosanct without a warrant to compell it.


        Because it makes the politicians feel good. Practicality doesn't matter to them. The police have to deal with that
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Only if the new way is better than the old way. So far, most of it ain't.
          I kinda like having rights and being (almost) equal to the male populace of this country. So, progress over regress.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          I haven't read more than probably 2 articles from Breitbart since "pizzagate" got started.
          And yet, you keep reading websites that are similar to or even worse than Breitbart.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          So, No -- the troublesome *war* info came from the reader's comment gallery from several different sources...
          When are you going to learn that readers' comments aren't journalistic articles. They are opinions on, what are hopefully fact-checked articles.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          BTW, according to one news tracking site (courtesy of readers world-wide), both RT ~and~ Drudge Report sites apparently got "hacked" yesterday.
          Here you go, your first two Breitbart-cousins.

          Drudge Report scores a "Liar, liar, pants on fire" on Politifact. And so does Breitbart. Surprise, surprise.

          Maybe someone tried to get their facts straight. Noticed it would take all year, and gave up after 90 minutes.

          Example of their accuracy: Who needs facts? Drudge Report edition ( - April 2014)

          The influential conservative aggregator Drudge Report is currently broadcasting a link stating that Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling is a Democrat, despite the fact that he is a registered Republican.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Obama has been stirring up trouble against Russia ever since he decided the USA and Russia were fighting on opposing sides and goals in Syria.
          It wasn't Obama who told Putin to side with Assad against the rebels (excluding Jabhat Fateh al-Sham formerly known as Al-Nusra who are fighting in allegiance with Al-Qaeda), who at the time were fighting both Assad's armies and IS.
          You can't blame Obama for something Putin did.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Wrong AGAIN.
          I wasn't wrong. You should have elaborated what you meant, which you didn't so I was left to wonder.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Try Maryland, closer to the Washington, DC area. EAST coast USA, including Russian owned NY retreats.
          Let's start with Zero Hedge:
          Zero Hedge is an English-language financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. The news portion of the site is written by a group of editors who collectively write under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden" (a character from the novel and film Fight Club).

          Zero Hedge's content is conspiratorial, anti-establishment, and economically pessimistic, and has been criticized for presenting extreme and sometimes pro-Russian views.

          Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street's Renegade Blog
          ( - April 2016)

          Following an acrimonious departure this month, in which two-thirds of the trio traded allegations of hypocrisy and mental instability, Lokey, 32, decided to unmask himself and his fellow Durdens.

          Lokey said the other two men are Daniel Ivandjiiski, 37, the Bulgarian-born former analyst long reputed to be behind the site, and Tim Backshall, 45, a well-known credit derivatives strategist. (Bloomberg LP competes with Zero Hedge in providing financial news and information.)
          That's out of the way...

          Onwards to the Maryland estates...

          Barack Obama orders expulsions of Russian diplomats, sanctions spies for interference in US election

          Russia will also be blocked from accessing two compounds in New York and Maryland that were used by Russian personnel for "intelligence-related purposes".

          In a further executive order, Mr Obama sanctioned two Russian intelligence agencies, the GRU and the FSB, four GRU officers and three companies "that provided material support to the GRU's cyber operations".

          The White House named Igor Valentinovich Korobov, the current chief of the GRU; Sergey Aleksandrovich Gizunov, deputy chief of the GRU; Igor Olegovich Kostyukov, a first deputy chief of the GRU; and Vladimir Stepanovich Alexseyev, also a first deputy chief of the GRU.
          For the record so that everybody knows who is being told to get out:

          GRU - Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravlenie
          The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Russian army has the overall responsibility for intelligence collection by the military. This includes GRU agents stationed in embassies and military intelligence and reconnaissance units during wartime. The GRU is Russia's premier military intelligence organization that serves the General Staff, By some estimates the GRU is larger than the intelligence organizations of all the United States military services combined.

          FSB - Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti
          The Federal Security Service (FSB) is a successor of the KGB and has responsibility for all security operations at home and abroad. There is a paucity of public information in regard to the workings of the FSB. It is the most powerful of the successors to the KGB. In the years since the fall of the Soviet Union, the FSB slowly took on the responsibilities of a number of agencies. More recently, it absorbed FAPSI, the Russian equivalent of the United States' National Security Agency.

          So no, it's not any ordinary Russian who's told to pack up and leave, but obviously it doesn't seem to bother you it's intelligence related personnel.

          Obama issues new sanctions against Russia, ejects 35 Russian diplomats over election-related hacking

          Obama also ordered that the Russian compounds, used "for intelligence-related purposes," be closed, and that technical information on Russian civilian and military intelligence cyber activity be declassified to help the US "identify, detect, and disrupt Russia's global campaign of malicious cyber activities."
          If anyone wants more info on the properties:

          A Look at the Russian Compounds Nestled in New York Suburb and Small Maryland Town

          The one in Maryland:
          The property included 33 rooms, 13 fireplaces, a refrigerated storage vault for fur and a 3,000-bottle wine cellar. Also featured on the property were about a mile of sandy beach, a swimming pool, two tennis courts, soccer fields and a goldfish pond, according to the Times.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          ...and one more article, just for additional annoyance.
          Yours, or mine?
          Cause I'm having oodles of fun.

          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          Then install Pence and Trump has to fall on his sword?
          Pence would be even worse.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          To which are you referring to -- news aspect or actual law-making..? ..Draw you/me a diagram..?
          You're saying government says one thing and does another. Basically, it tells me you do not mind getting lied to. Cause if you told me one thing and than did another, I'd be pretty annoyed about it.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            I have a question FH. If the goal of feminism is about equality between the sexes, then shouldn't the woman pay for half the date?

            *bounces out of the thread Peg style*
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              In some cases it was someone not even associated with the school, that chief butthead, Michael Weinstein.
              The article I posted about World Hijab Day -- some of the complaints weren't even associated with the school even, so it happens on both sides.

              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Just like a county court house allowing a manger scene to be placed outside for xmas is not establishing a religion, or a naval base having on its electronic sign out by the main gate "God bless", is not the military establishing a religion...
              Over X-mas, there was a hilarious debate in a nearby village about a manger underneath a christmas tree at a townhouse. People had complained it had no place there as it was a religious sign -- you know, Maria - Joe and Jezus. So, it was removed. (it was put back a couple days later, and none was the wiser)

              I don't think it had a place there either, same with the tree since we do have an established separation of Church and State. But I'm not bothered by the fact it is there -- do as you like.
              Actually, one of my comments was that those three refugees are welcome, but the actual ones aren't -- odd logic.

              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              If i don't want to cater to your gay marriage, cause to me it is akin to condoning your immoral behavior, That is discrimination. BUT saying 'sorry but you can legally purchase this product, but have few if any spaces outside your own home (and evn that is not sacroscant anymore in certain areas) is Not discrimination?
              Are you seriously comparing catering to a same-sex marriage and the health issues of smoking?

              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Strange. I thought discrimination was defined as "discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing is perceived to belong to rather than on individual merit."
              Certainly qualifies as being discriminatory based on that.
              Yes, smokers are being discriminated against by telling them to go outside to smoke, because inside they are quite easily bothering other customers or workers. Or not to smoke inside rental cars.

              Public health, I guess, takes precedence over the health of a smoker.

              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Just like someone who say had 4 dogs/cats in the prior home, would be seen as utterly disgusting to new tenants who have a kid who's allergic to the fur.
              Did you ever rent?
              Cause over here, it has to say whether a house is pet-free or pets allowed.

              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Cause A) they are basing it just on a feeling, not genetics physiology. AND what they are basing it on, used to be for a log time, seen as a mental disorder.
              You do realize you talked yourself into a tiny corner, right?

              Because, what you are saying is that it's okay for you to think inside your head that you are straight and male, but it's not okay for me or PH to be who we are.
              Your feelings are clearly okay, but ours are not cause someone once said that it was a mental disorder so how can it be okay, right.

              But don't worry, I won't go saying that you're just imagining being who you are. After all, it's all inside your head, right?

              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Its like the seatbelt laws. While they are technically the law it is hard for the police to enforce them because of how stretched out the police are enforcing all the laws. They usually are being more vigilant in making sure the more serious laws are being followed.
              And then you do get caught, and the fines are higher since January 1 -- over here, that is.

              Had an alcohol check last night -- which I always pass anyway cause I don't drink alcohol -- and scored a BOB-keychain. Bob is the name of the campaign -- Bob is the designated driver who won't drink in order to get everyone home safe.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                In the case of smoking I agree....if you wanna smoke fine but I have every right to say "not around me".....I have no desire to share in a smoker's attempt to slowly kill himself via lung grandparents used to smoke and the cumulative effects of years of smoking around us on visits is probably what caused me to have a rather nasty case of bronchitis back in my sophomore year of high school......I couldn't even take the stairs because I just went up a few steps and could barely breathe so needed to use the faculty elevator (which students could use if they were disabled or in my case, deathly ill....need to get a key for it from the school office)


                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Why doesn't anyone *want* to see if Trump can succeed, especially with what Putin is looking forward to doing in working with Trump? Seriously, if Trump and Putin can work together for the betterment of society (even on a more global scale), why stifle that moment at every turn?

                  Cause Trump will frak it up at the first chance he gets. I'd say, January 21 is a good bet.
                  And Putin loves his new puppet so the next 4 years will be very pro-Russian for the US. You might even become an honorary member to the Russian Federation.

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Case in point -- John McCain.
                  Sidenote: he always makes me think of fries. And here's why...


                  Onwards to the article, which turns out to be an opinion piece written by someone who goes by the name of sundance -- that's dissappointing.

                  I thought you would at least link to an actual article on an actual news website.
                  Let me do that for you:

                  John McCain: Russian cyberattacks 'an act of war'

                  It seems your opinion piece is misleading, because he doesn't actually demand an "act of war". He's calling Russia's cyberattacks "acts of war". He does ask for -- and let me quote the article:

                  McCain, along with Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., released a statement afterwards calling on Congress to impose stronger sanctions on Russia, saying Obama's "long overdue" sanctions" are "a small price for Russia to pay for its brazen attack on American democracy."
                  Senator McCain says Russia must pay price for hacking

                  Republican U.S. Senator John McCain said on Friday that Russia must be made to pay the price for cyber attacks on the United States and that it was possible to impose many sanctions, including on financial institutions.
                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Problem is that if we, THE USA, go to war against Russia, that's a quick way to end both countries from ever bothering or possibly helping the rest of the world ever again for a very long, long time. Maybe that's the goal of whoever are "TPTB".
                  It's called "mutual destruction" and there won't be a "rest of the world" left. Besides, you, yourself, point out a little lower...

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Maybe IF/WHEN Trump becomes the next USA President, Obama can convince the United Nations to *move* out of NYC and set up shop over to Europe or the Middle East somewhere. Then, we, in the USA can do our stuff without that side of the world fretting over *OUR* side of the world-- just like it probably was in ancient, historical times.
         you clearly don't care for the rest of the world that much.

                  Also, the bolded part... Does that mean, you'll be given the Native tribes their land back?

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  BUT i do agree with Annoyed, in that i DO feel a lot of what classes as disabilities these days (i am sorry but being depressed or just fat imo shouldn't count) is overboard.
                  I sincerely hope, you never, ever, E-V-E-R have to deal with depression. Like ever!
                  Cause you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    January 1 -- over here, that is.

                    Had an alcohol check last night -- which I always pass anyway cause I don't drink alcohol -- and scored a BOB-keychain. Bob is the name of the campaign -- Bob is the designated driver who won't drink in order to get everyone home safe.
                    I've never heard of fines being higher in the new year.

                    Alcohol is a poor example as that is a crime that they do watch quite extensively.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Just wait till smokers get fined for smoking in open areas when it's banned everywhere.

                      Perfectly legal product yet the govt. doesn't want you to smoke, yet its a legal p roduct. Go figure.
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        Maybe IF/WHEN Trump becomes the next USA President, Obama can convince the United Nations to *move* out of NYC and set up shop over to Europe or the Middle East somewhere. Then, we, in the USA can do our stuff without that side of the world fretting over *OUR* side of the world-- just like it probably was in ancient, historical times.
                        That works for some of US. And take John McCain (= and *company*--whoever *they* are) over to the new UN place, too, please?
                        I've been saying it's long past time to tell the U.N. to get the hell out for some time now, along with withdrawing all US support for it.

                        It's been mostly a US haters club for a long time now.


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          Because it makes the politicians feel good. Practicality doesn't matter to them. The police have to deal with that
                          What's that in response to??

                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          I have a question FH. If the goal of feminism is about equality between the sexes, then shouldn't the woman pay for half the date?

                          *bounces out of the thread Peg style*
                          I know many who Do (or at least say they do), but i also know some who will never see a guy again if he even MENTIONS that to them (going dutch on the first date), as to them its the sign of a cheep ass dude, and all they are interested in is the cheese..

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Are you seriously comparing catering to a same-sex marriage and the health issues of smoking?
                          yes. Health issues aside on smoking, if one's legal to discriminate against, then why is it wrong to discriminate against the other? Or as i liken it. Why is it ok for blacks to call each other the N word, but if i, a white guy say it, i must be racist?? IF the words racist/bad/wrong to say, it should be bad/wrong/racist to say REGARDLESS of who's saying it..

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Yes, smokers are being discriminated against by telling them to go outside to smoke, because inside they are quite easily bothering other customers or workers. Or not to smoke inside rental cars.
                          So as i have been saying, its OK to discriminate, as long as its the 'right sort of group' you are discriminating against..

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Did you ever rent?
                          Cause over here, it has to say whether a house is pet-free or pets allowed.
                          Most every where i have lived when i was in the mil, i was renting. AND yes, some rental places didn't want pets, or smokers. BUT since it is someone ELSE'S property that's up to THEM to make. Not the government to dictate.

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Cause Trump will frak it up at the first chance he gets. I'd say, January 21 is a good bet.
                          And Putin loves his new puppet so the next 4 years will be very pro-Russian for the US. You might even become an honorary member to the Russian Federation.
                          So basically you are calling him a failure without giving him any sort of chance to prove you wrong.

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          I sincerely hope, you never, ever, E-V-E-R have to deal with depression. Like ever!
                          Cause you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
                          Personally myself, no. Personally as had a family member depressed, yes. One of my 3 uncles. Almost drunk himself into hospital cause of it. NOT a pretty site. THAT SAID, his depression did not make him disabled in the sense he needs to 'be closer so he can get around easier into a store' which is the hold frikken purpose of handicap spots.


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I sincerely hope, you never, ever, E-V-E-R have to deal with depression. Like ever!
                            Cause you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            Personally myself, no. Personally as had a family member depressed, yes. One of my 3 uncles. Almost drunk himself into hospital cause of it. NOT a pretty site. THAT SAID, his depression did not make him disabled in the sense he needs to 'be closer so he can get around easier into a store' which is the hold frikken purpose of handicap spots.
                            I agree with garhkal that a person having an emotional "depression" diagnosis should NOT automatically give that person a premium parking spot at the grocery store, while some (amputee) peg-legged person hobbles out with one leg and a cane further down the parking lot.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            And yet, you keep reading websites that are similar to or even worse than Breitbart.
                            I read sites that sync with other sites to get an overall rounded view of what is going on. By the time the MSM (CNN, NBC, Wash.Post, NY-Times, Bloomberg, Newsweek, Time, etc) catches up, oh, it's 3 days later and sometimes comes with that typical "leftist" bias attitude.

                            Besides, I gave up on the mainstream media sites ages ago, because on a variety of different stories, they kept changing the same story details within days of the original story coming out. It got frustrating trying to keep up and correct. So, I simply stopped looking at those MSM sites and gave others a chance. Now, the others are being branded as Fake (which is more biased slanting), *bad* or propaganda (*cough, cough* -- the MSM should look in their own mirror).

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            When are you going to learn that readers' comments aren't journalistic articles. They are opinions on, what are hopefully fact-checked articles.
                            Maybe the reporting "journalists" should start paying attention to some of those *readers' comments* (the more intelligent comments, that is) -- they (the MSM) might learn something to dig further into their investigation(s).

                            However, most of the MSM media has been either in a biased or democratic black-out mode where they are only permitted to speak what TPTB order (and pay) them to speak, and how to say it. In other words, instead of giving BOTH sides of the story and NO bias to sway the reader one direction or another, Oh, that just can't be, and especially during times when *propaganda bias* reigns to control the populations for political reasons. So, they (the MSM) don't have much wiggle room to speak, other than being the higher paid honcho in the world of ever changing news events.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Let's start with Zero Hedge:
                            *Funny* (as in strange) how everything that I quoted from that ZeroHedge article finally showed up days later in the MSM newstream. So, where did the MSM get their *initial* info from? "Fake news" first? Strange how that system works, nowadays (same breaking news feeder system or via email by observant contact messenger on the lookout?).

                            Same issue with John McCain. The one article referred back to "Reuters" but you apparently ignored that simply because of the "source".
                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            "Senator John McCain Demands “Act of War” Against Russia..."
                            Posted on December 30, 2016 by sundance

                            . . .
                            (Via Reuters) [...] Republican John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said on Friday that Russia must face a penalty for the cyber attacks and that is was possible to impose many sanctions.

                            "When you attack a country, it's an act of war," McCain said in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel "1+1" while on a visit to Kiev.
                            . . .
                            (Via Reuters) ... ignoring that detail? At least, "sundance" gave credit to the originating source.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Onwards to the article, which turns out to be an opinion piece written by someone who goes by the name of sundance -- that's dissappointing.
                            For all we know, that could be someone's Native American nickname. And for you (FH) being an apparent supporter of pro-Native American heritages, who's being biased now?

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I thought you would at least link to an actual article on an actual news website.
                            Let me do that for you:

                            John McCain: Russian cyberattacks 'an act of war'
                            Reuters isn't good enough? All that needed to be done was to find the original Reuters article instead, if theconservativetreehouse wasn't good enough.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            It seems your opinion piece is misleading, because he doesn't actually demand an "act of war". He's calling Russia's cyberattacks "acts of war".

                            Actually, the headline appeared re-edited, but the actual quoted material within the article was accurate enough. The rest was POV. Just like the rest of the "officialized" MSM outlets do. This headline *issue* was pointed out on another discussion site, AFTER I posted the link here.

                            Anywho.. I looked at that washingtonexaminer site and backed off because of its endless web page bandwidth issue. It kept loading more and more articles to the same web page. Very annoying. But that is probably what most of the newer formats in many of the MSM are planning on doing in the future. Probably to get people to STOP/cut down on cross-linking to articles on discussion sites like here at GW and other blog sites.

                            You see, I work with PDFs and web pages a lot. The less KB and MB in the saved item, the better for others to download and read. Web site pages are similar in that sort of data. Not everyone's computers are able to handle the gobs and gobs of info stacked into an endless web page that keeps getting bigger (robs your KB) as you continue to scroll down the web bar or whatever. So, I tend to be rather sensitive to that *issue*. I find it rather frustrating that the page keeps loading and loading, while trying to find the bottom of the page. I personally detest sites that do that, because after 5 minutes of the continuous downloading, I've never been able to find the bottom of the page (or see it sit there long enough to read the "FINE print".

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Maybe IF/WHEN Trump becomes the next USA President, Obama can convince the United Nations to *move* out of NYC and set up shop over to Europe or the Middle East somewhere. Then, we, in the USA can do our stuff without that side of the world fretting over *OUR* side of the world-- just like it probably was in ancient, historical times.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                   you clearly don't care for the rest of the world that much.
                            What's wrong with the ancient, historical world? I'm going back the whole 2000 years plus! Lots of major wars on your half of the planet and in history.. How peaceful were the Americas? Probably not peaceful enough, but certainly not significant to put a dent into the history books. Ancient world probably didn't know the continental land of what would become the USA & Americas didn't exist in ancient Europe and mid-east maps. Not many ships ventured beyond the western coastline over there, because the world was supposedly FLAT (and therefore scary).

                            If your side of the planet wants to sit there, invite trouble into its own lands/seas, then why drag our side into it too? "Misery loves company?"
                            Of course I care, but how can I and others truly continue to *care* when we feel like we're being stifled and manipulated from all various directions--around the globe and within-- and at nearly every turn? Eventually, the *proverbial* battering ram shatters the object being hit at, and then there's nothing of life left in it..

                            When I wrote what I just quoted
                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Maybe IF/WHEN Trump becomes the next USA President, Obama can convince the United Nations to *move* out of NYC and set up shop over to Europe or the Middle East somewhere. Then, we, in the USA can do our stuff without that side of the world fretting over *OUR* side of the world-- just like it probably was in ancient, historical times.
                            I said it because somehow, I think that is where the future NEWS is going to end up -- on your side of the world. Move the pesky, globally destructive sources back into their future destiny (which, prophetically speaking, is your side of the planet), so they can fulfill their roles. Move the UN to some neutral ground over there instead. Maybe it'll be more effective, since most of the world's problems originate on that side of the planet to begin with.

                            Get the *show* moving. Stop stagnating this (US/American) side from decades of *progressive* (regressive) idealogy -- mission accomplished world, and move along. I have more faith that you folks on the other sides of the Atlantic and Pacific still got a long ways to go, before "the END" finally comes to your side. Not so sure about our side, even if our next Administration only gives us a few extra years of relief (time to sort thru the messes that have accumulated over the decades and maybe heal into a more prosperous era, if the Yellowstone caldera doesn't blow first).

                            Besides, if your side of the planet doesn't want US(A) to heal and bounce back into some sort of prosperity, we won't be able to come back to your side and rescue anyone when the countdown to the final war on the plains of Meggido finally starts (that *ultimate* prophesized war to end ALL wars). So be it. And not that --by that time-- we'll be in any shape or better situation to help anyone (rescue to safety, or offer food/med supplies) either. There's enough problems over here first to deal/endure with.
                            Last edited by SGalisa; 01 January 2017, 10:44 PM.


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

                              Get the *show* moving. Stop stagnating this (US/American) side from decades of *progressive* (regressive) idealogy -- mission accomplished world, and move along. I have more faith that you folks on the other sides of the Atlantic and Pacific still got a long ways to go, before "the END" finally comes to your side. Not so sure about our side, even if our next Administration only gives us a few extra years of relief (time to sort thru the messes that have accumulated over the decades and maybe heal into a more prosperous era, if the Yellowstone caldera doesn't blow first).

                              Besides, if your side of the planet doesn't want US(A) to heal and bounce back into some sort of prosperity, we won't be able to come back to your side and rescue anyone when the countdown to the final war on the plains of Meggido finally starts (that *ultimate* prophesized war to end ALL wars). So be it. And not that --by that time-- we'll be in any shape or better situation to help anyone (rescue to safety, or offer food/med supplies) either. There's enough problems over here first to deal/endure with.

                              What are you smoking?

                              You do realize that half the right wing which is religious in the US want the end of the world to come?

                              I have to wonder what I just read?
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                                In the case of smoking I agree....if you wanna smoke fine but I have every right to say "not around me".....I have no desire to share in a smoker's attempt to slowly kill himself via lung grandparents used to smoke and the cumulative effects of years of smoking around us on visits is probably what caused me to have a rather nasty case of bronchitis back in my sophomore year of high school......I couldn't even take the stairs because I just went up a few steps and could barely breathe so needed to use the faculty elevator (which students could use if they were disabled or in my case, deathly ill....need to get a key for it from the school office)
                                I disagree with your argument, I agree with the thrust and conclusion of it.
                                I smoke, I rent, I am allowed to smoke in the house, but having 3 kids, I do not smoke inside the house, I go outside because I don't want them to suffer the side effects. I also don't want to really "normalize" it for them either. "My home is my castle" as you may say, but as "king" I need to be aware of my "subjects".
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

