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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    That is TRUE< the majority are peaceful.. BUT when some of the marches that and others are organizing errupt into riots, it IMO Is on Moveon to denounce them (which i have yet to see them do)..
    I was wondering when you would get here.
    Moveon is just using words, aren't they?
    Words don't matter as much as actions, do they?
    Why should moveon have to apologise or take responsibility for the results of their words when they call for peaceful resistance...............

    This is the essence of the argument, Trump built his campaign on punching down, and all you need to do is -listen- to his own words to see it.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      I understand folks on the left are frustrated by Trump's election. It's the same frustration I and many others felt in 2008 and 2012, although we did have the consolation of having Congress flip our way.

      And if they want to protest PEACEFULLY, I have no objection. That right is enshrined in this country's constitution, and I support that right for everyone. They can protest till the cows come home, and I'm fine with that.

      But that does not cover the crap that's going on these days. No one has the right to shoot others, vandalize property, set fires, block public highways and such.

      2 arrested in Oregon shooting during anti-Trump protests as election tensions grow

      I really hope law enforcement starts coming down on these non-peaceful protesters, prosecuting them to the fullest extent of the law.

      What's going to happen Dec. 19, when this pipe dream of turning enough electors to put Hillary into the WH falls on its face, and they don't have that illusion to hold on to?
      Or is this going to morph into some sort of "blackmail" attempt? Will we get the message that "the electors better flip or else?"


        "Hales also those who are opposed to President-elect Trump shouldn’t be destroying the city or targeting law enforcement"

        really? couold've sworn the 2nd amendment was made 1st & foremost for that (rising against an illegitimate leader)


          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          I pity whoever entrusted their kids to his scalpel (I reckon they're the ones who grew up to be the Trump voters)
          It's like I said, he has proven he knows how to memorize and learn how to perform surgery.

          However, his ideas outside of that --

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          But he has a portrait of himself with Jesus, what more does he need to educate people??
          A Jesus-selfie...

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          That is TRUE< the majority are peaceful.. BUT when some of the marches that and others are organizing errupt into riots, it IMO Is on Moveon to denounce them (which i have yet to see them do)..
          Right around the time, the President-Elect will denounce the violene and hate against minorities so I'd say... never?

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          What's going to happen Dec. 19, when this pipe dream of turning enough electors to put Hillary into the WH falls on its face, and they don't have that illusion to hold on to?
          Or is this going to morph into some sort of "blackmail" attempt? Will we get the message that "the electors better flip or else?"
          Protesting will continue. They will continue to stand up and rise their voices, and they have that every right.

          And you can continue calling them crybabies and lefties, and whiners. But, dear goddess, what have you been doing the past 8 years? You even refer to him as LSoS.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            I was wondering when you would get here.
            Moveon is just using words, aren't they?
            Words don't matter as much as actions, do they?
            Why should moveon have to apologise or take responsibility for the results of their words when they call for peaceful resistance...............

            This is the essence of the argument, Trump built his campaign on punching down, and all you need to do is -listen- to his own words to see it.
            Then show me where trump CALLED for people to be destructive of others property. Where he paid to have people get BUSSED to another town and go rioting, shutting down interstates etc..


              Show me where moveon CALLED for destruction of property and where they have paid for it.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                I call for the destruction of the Liberty Bell. Its already cracked. Why bother saving it?
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Useless junk
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                    "Hales also those who are opposed to President-elect Trump shouldn’t be destroying the city or targeting law enforcement"

                    really? couold've sworn the 2nd amendment was made 1st & foremost for that (rising against an illegitimate leader)
                    That is indeed one of the driving forces behind its existence.
                    But this isn't that situation. This isn't a government that is not responsive to the people.

                    Need I remind you that the incoming administration was elected by the people, following the process laid out in the Constitution? Or is that fact not convenient for you?


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Protesting will continue. They will continue to stand up and rise their voices, and they have that every right.

                      And you can continue calling them crybabies and lefties, and whiners. But, dear goddess, what have you been doing the past 8 years? You even refer to him as LSoS.
                      As I said, they have the absolute right to protestv & express their opinions PEACEFULLY. Just as I have the absolute right to have & express the opinion that they are nothing more than liberal, bed-wetting whiners and crybabies.
                      Neither they nor I have the right to employ violence, vandalism, disrupting traffic and so forth. Nor do they have the right to get what what they want simply because they want it, just as I didn't have the right to get what I wanted 8 years ago.

                      The basic issue here is that for 8 years, I had to live under an administration whose agenda I abhorred, every bit as much as the people who are unhappy with Trump's LEGAL win abhor his agenda.

                      Seems to me that you only think that's a problem if your side is on the losing end. Was just fine when your side was on the winning side.
                      There's a word for attitudes like that... what was it again? Oh, yea. Hypocrite.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Need I remind you that the incoming administration was elected by the people, following the process laid out in the Constitution? Or is that fact not convenient for you?
                        notice "the will of the people" is conveniently left out (all of a sudden Law is all that matters)

                        the majority of people voted for the other candidate & opposes the current Order
                        that the elections were rigged and the election system itself corrupt (electoral college) is sufficient ground for the People to rise up & revolt with armed force

                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        As I said, they have the absolute right to protestv & express their opinions PEACEFULLY
                        when didn't you protest peacefully to have the brits booted out?

                        Seems to me that you only think that's a problem if your side is on the losing end. Was just fine when your side was on the winning side.
                        There's a word for attitudes like that... what was it again? Oh, yea. Hypocrite.
                        those elections weren't rigged plus your side lost the popular vote, so irrelevant
                        find an example where your side lost the elections despite winning the majority vote


                          As of now, the electoral college is the law of the land.
                          As I've said over and over, if enough people want to amend the Constitution, it can be done.


                            chalk up yet another reason to revolt: Trump himself said he hates the electoral college (before the elections of course)


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              And in your world, who is a "reliable source"?
                              Apparently, not many outlets any more. Seems that especially lately --and regardless of the subject-- news articles from all sides, TV, MSM, even many radio programs cannot get their stories straight before getting the actual story details correct-- but many of those same radio programs get their news from the MSM, etc, so it's not entirely their fault for announcing "such-and-such" story incorrectly 5 different times before they get the correct answers days or weeks later... thus, is the problem of either being misinformed or giving out misinformation.


                              Came across a few items, so thought I'd note them here, since they are relevant to the 2016 USA election discussion..

                              This is what happens when the controversial debates get confused between the Trumpsters vs. pro-Hillary crowd -- learn what the message is saying before spouting off who is for or against a candidate. Just prior to the elections, radio hosts were relaying what seemed to be an endorsement from Michael Moore FOR Donald Trump as President of the USA.

                              However, that is not true. If it seemed as if it was true, then the messages from before and after the elections make Michael Moore sound like he is being a 2-faced u-know-what.
                              And now, November 13, 2016 he's saying that he was never FOR Trump at all..

                              This confusion is so typical of our MSM hype, and has various other news going back and forth so many times for years now -- that it's getting to the point where those who feel they have been betrayed by the MSM because of their incomplete or incorrect stories, many people simply don't want to follow any important news story from them ever again.

                              "Is Michael Moore Voting For Donald Trump? Milo Yiannopoulos, 'Trumpland' Clip Cause Confusion"
                              By Alex Garofalo
                              On 10/26/16 AT 4:29 PM
                              (© Copyright 2016 IBT Media Inc./International Business Times)

                              Michael Moore has made his career as a filmmaker with movies calling for gun control, universal health care and an end to the United States Patriot Act... and he's voting for Donald Trump?

                              If Moore throwing his support behind the controversial Republican nominee sounds too good to be true, it is probably because, well, it is.
                              . . .
                              Moore cleared up the controversy on Twitter Wednesday, claiming the clip in question was only doctored to appear like a Trump endorsement.

                              Fear not, liberals: Moore is still firmly in your corner.
                              So, all that hysterical hype for nothing. Figures. Bad MSM..! Even radio talk programs need to be wary of such news..since it sounded so unbelievable that Michael Moore would actually support Donald Trump by being Pro-Trump, and that's the impression the radio programs gave to their listeners.

                              Here is Michael Moore's more damaging rant against Donald Trump.

                              "The Fix
                              Michael Moore visits Trump Tower to deliver a note: 'You lost. Step aside.'
                              By Amy B Wang and Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
                              November 12 at 5:26 PM, (The Washington Post)

                              Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore met with protesters Saturday afternoon at Trump Tower in Manhattan, saying he wanted to talk with President-elect Donald Trump. And he made it all the way to the fourth floor before Secret Service agents turned him away.
                              . . .
                              "You lost," Moore said the note read. "Step aside."

                              The liberal activist and outspoken critic of Trump was one of the few to predict Trump would win the election.
                              . . .
                              Oh, and then there's this *angry* tidbit of news against Donald Trump from the Spinzon--

                              "NYT David Brooks: "Trump Needs To Decide If He Prefers To Resign, Be Impeached Or Get Assassinated""
                              Spinzon: Conservative News
                              not dated (but is probably in today's NYT 11/13/2016)
                              (Copyright © 2016 Spinzon.)

                              In his Friday column, New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates about a new political dichotomy and writes that President-elect Donald Trump will "resign or be impeached within a year." From Brooks' column: "Finally, it seems important to be humbled and taught by this horrific election result..."
                              . . .
                              However, while commenting on his column in a subsequent interview with KYRQ Radio in New York City, Brooks said, "Oh, and by the way – I forgot to mention 'assassinated.'"
                              . . .

                              Lovely NOT. So, there is the verdict from the leftists/socialites. Don't underestimate the fury of a leftist/socialite, nor the lengths they will go to get their goals acquired, and that includes the "occupy..."--groups, protesters and riot-mongers/actors.

                              On twitter feeds, even William Shatner from Star Trek fame, basically told the anti-Trump protesters to "grow up!".

                              "Beam us up! William Shatner phasers 'poor precious snowflake' hyperventilating about election"
                              Posted at 1:27 am on November 11, 2016 by Doug P

                              Here's how it started: Somebody was complaining that William Shatner wasn't freaking out about the U.S. presidential election. The actor responded, which got this reaction:

                              --- @WilliamShatner Sorry Bill, our nation is in crisis and your contribution to society has dwindled to nostalgia. Pls enjoy your end quietly.
                              * — Conundrum E. Nigma (@ConundrumENigma) November 10, 2016

                              Shatner then set phasers for "mock":

                              --- You poor precious snowflake; you didn't get your way so everyone needs to run around like chicken little?

                              * — William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) November 10, 2016
                              . . .
                              However, William Shatner's tweet may have been mocking, but could be a bit deceptive too, if he voted pro-Hillary.

                              --- Let’s face the facts; the world has changed today as we wake up to an unimaginable outcome.

                              * — William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) November 9, 2016
                              so, what is that supposed to translate to? Is he for or against the outcome?

                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              That is TRUE< the majority are peaceful.. BUT when some of the marches that and others are organizing errupt into riots, it IMO Is on Moveon to denounce them (which i have yet to see them do)..
                              TPTB haveNOT come out and denounced anything yet. Guess they are waiting to see how much MORE damage will be done, before the anti-Trump groups get their way. Plus, all those famous people---- actors/actresses and singers, etc who said they were going to leave the country if Trump got elected, well, most changed their minds to stay and *fight* (meaning protest or riot or worse).

                              Also, based on what I read, seems that organized most of the original *peaceful* protests against Donald Trump, but some of those ended up with groups like BLM and affiliates doing the riot acts and vandalism. Saw it in a few news blogs yesterday.

                              If Trump does get to stay in office and does what I *think* he will do, the wilting pansies might rethink their quick, hasty exit out of the USA. Of course, if Hillary Clinton is allowed back in, with all of the fluff going on nearly everywhere, it's likely that she'll go after Russia via provoking a war that will most likely get the rest of our USA killed or maimed with radiation poisoning from nuclear fallout. Then, if there are any of those anti-Trump-wilting *pansies* left who demanded Hillary to get back in, if war occurs (if they live after we get pelted with missiles), what will they say then --if any of them survive?

                              Catch-22. Does common-sense even exist any more?
                              Last edited by SGalisa; 13 November 2016, 01:38 PM.


                                It begins..

                                To deport or jail 2-3 million people he must be planning to target legal immigrants too.

                                I told you his plan included building Trump Camps..

