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    Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
    Has anybody realised one of Trump's first act as President will be to evict a black family from their home?

    Off with his head! Or at the very least off to with you!

      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          And he's taking advice from Obama, keeping some aspects of Obamacare...didn't he say before (Like about a year ago) that he thought everyone should be insured?
          By Nolamom


            He's making a list, and checking it twice............

            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Forget 1950's, lets go back to the 950's!!


              Ben Carson for secretary of Education!!
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                Forget 1950's, lets go back to the 950's!!


                Ben Carson for secretary of Education!!
                sorry, that won't be around for long, the Donald wants to do away with the department of education.


                  Originally posted by epg20 View Post
                  sorry, that won't be around for long, the Donald wants to do away with the department of education.
                  Not much of a difference really
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    when I heard the Donald talk about the establishment, I couldn't help but think, dear god what is this the 1960's, and it seems like the 60's so much, we have an un popular president, we have all this talk about pot, and now protests going on around the country, I guess it is true, the more things change the more they stay the same.


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Not much of a difference really
                      i guess we will see, you know the old saying, WHAT COULD POSSABLY GO WRONG?


                        And you will soon have this.......


                        Oh it's a horror story alright.
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          I haven't had time to read up on all the messages, since a few days ago. So, in the meantime---

                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          come to think of it an assassination is the only thing that can save their democracy isn't it
                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          taking out Trump is essentially impossible now anyway but that's not necessary

                          at any rate it's time for the citizens to put that 2nd amendment to a really good use
                          See below for what your (SR) comments and similar versions from other peeps elsewhere started..

                          please NOTE---- it didn't take long for the following item to start----

                          "Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter"
                          By Joshua Rhett Miller
                          November 11, 2016, 11:07am
                          (© 2016 NYP Holdings, Inc.)

                          The shock and anger over Donald Trump's ascension to the White House has triggered a flood of calls on Twitter and other social media outlets for the president-elect to be assassinated — and authorities will investigate all threats deemed to be credible, The Post has learned.

                          Trump met Thursday with President Obama in the Oval Office, with the Republican businessman calling the hour-plus session a "great honor." Obama said they had an "excellent" and "wide-ranging" conversation, while urging all people to "now come together."

                          But that message of inclusion was apparently lost in social media circles, particularly Twitter, where a simple search can reveal dozens and dozens of calls to gun down the next leader of the free world. Some posts called for both Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence to be assassinated...
                          . . .
                          To ALL peeps out there in the great world beyond, the new guys haven't even started in office yet TO PROVE their *worth* -- if there *is* any, and already (generic) you're ALL stonewalling Trump/Pence policies BEFORE they've even been created or put into action.

                          Sometimes, when TPTB learn about all the various sides of how to set rules/regulations into place, they go thru very rigorous debates and eventually *amend* their decisions for the final rules AFTER studying the pros and cons of the responses from BOTH their own officials passing the Laws into place, and THE Ordinary PEOPLE and business corporations, etc., responding to the proposed suggestions. So, PLEASE, stop the hysteria (and that includes any rioting causing vandalism, etc)..! the winds of *change* are constantly changing direction..

                          Calling for the death of people is bad anyway, and that includes the "Never Hillary" groups too.. just reminding everyone who might have thoughts leaning that way, as well..

                          Let me just share this about such violently angry types of behavior--
                          I have an ex-cousin-in-law who threatened to kill either President Bush or former President Bill Clinton.. I think it was Bush, tho who the threat was directed at. He had the guns and plans already plotted in action. My cousin, whom he married, contacted the authorities before he went full force coo-coo by actually committing the deed(s) (and this happened when internet's "social media" was in its infancy).

                          The person who made the threat was arrested and placed into the slammer -- the BIG Federal prison under Maximum Security.. and probably put into a padded cell, where the Admin there dopes the *offender* up with tons of psychotropic drugs.

                          ..I didn't hear all of the details, just the one major one-- about him getting imprisoned at the "BIG" place.. Still, when I was finally told about this part of our family's history, I was like *Whhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaat??!!*..

                          So, yeah, such actions are (usually) guaranteed to have drastic consequences. I'm not sure if the guy is still in prison, but my cousin has a continuous restraining order against him getting near her or his kids-- which was also because he also directly threatened her and the children (in order to remove any traces of his actions..!). He's been declared to be a psychotic and *insane*. Believe me, it's NOT a pretty picture.. but rather SERIOUS. The authorities, when doing their jobs properly, do carry out their imprisonment proceedings.

                          BTW, I didn't even KNOW that's why my cousin got a divorce from him. But WOW.. whoah!! ..Really??!
                          Never a dull moment in my family..
                          But let me just add that had this happened during *if* Hillary Clinton was voted in as President of the US, or even during Obama's 8-year term, I think my whole family would have still agreed to have the "nut-case" tossed into the slammer, PRONTO.
                          Actions have consequences.. sometimes, on the severely SERIOUS scale..!
                          Last edited by SGalisa; 11 November 2016, 10:15 PM. Reason: fix typos and expanded info


                            Looking at my previous post..

                            I should write a book about all the crazy people and situations I've encountered with along life's path. Of course, I'd have to change the locations and names of the characters involved and go under some sort of "ghost writer" name..

                            ..No one would ever believe any of it..!


                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                              The #Lockherup part. It seems the only thing that will satisfy you and your ideological brethren is a conviction, not a trial. And what if the grand jury refuses to indict? Or if the DOJ chickens out? I am sure the DOJ doesn't want a civil suit for political persecution on its hands, that would set a bad precedent for any actions it takes further down the road. This is the adult world now, nothing exists in a vacuum. It's time for Trump to grow up, he has no choice. He's going to be the president and there is no room in the oval office for a petulant little snot nosed kid. I'm sure Bush and Obama are more than willing to give him a few tips.
                              I will give you i might have been a bit over the top with my 'lock her ass up and toss the key away' chatter. BUT being military and KNOWING some people who DID go to leavenworth for doing barely a 10th of what she did, and seeing her not only still out of jail but running for the presidency grated me the wrong frikken way..

                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                              Don't forget the boys who groped one or two girls in York PA because Trump said he could do it. Swastikas in Philadelphia being drawn on cars with the "n" word. Here's the first tip from a real leader, Bush came out after 9/11 calling on the nation to not retaliate against Muslim Americans calling for unity in the face of adversity. Will Trump do the same?
                              Being we have seen a LOT of those sorts of cases (swastika on school, dol hanging in tree, noose set up on college campuses) which WERE FAKERS, where it WAS the left (blacks, women etc) putting them up in a veiled manner to 'generate discussion', UNTIL i see evidence on those swastikas being actually done by trump fans i will hold judgement.
                              AS to those two kids who groped girls in PA, they should be done for sexual assault.. BUT since they are minors at most they will spend some time (if any at all) in juvie..

                              And what is your opinion on those 5 animals (all blacks) who recorded a video of them BEATING UP A 50 yr old white man, just cause they felt he voted for trump..??
                              Or that muslim lass in Lafayette, who FAKED her claim of being assaulted, having her wallet and hijab stolen??

                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              Considering his country has mandatory that supposed to be rhetorical?
                              Rats, i forgot that...

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Yes, I'm one of them, but you are deluding yourself to think that it is the norm, or even generally accepted.
                              True but it does happe.. And imo its a fact society needs to start accepting more..

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Yes, you have, but you are in a severe minority.
                              True dat..

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              No, I think you would be satisfied with a kangaroo court where the verdict is decided before the event.
                              Na who needs a trial. Just call in judge dredd!

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Should we try Trump for all his crimes as well of which there is vastly more evidence, or will you deflect to "statute of limitations" again?
                              You do realize darn near all countries have statues of limitations, to prevent people from bringing up crimes in someone's past to do them over with.. BUT if it was not for that fact, and there was sufficient evidence to prosecute, then sure take trump to court...

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              I'm calling them biased.
                              But Comey and lynch are not??

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              The gay guy was a separate incident. What I am trying to show you is that for every "damn Hillary supporter" you can find, I can find you a "damn Trump supporter" doing just as much.
                              Can you find me 5 trump supporters gang stomping on a hillary supporter, VIDEOING it and posting it on you-tube, like we just had in Chicago?
                              Or a trump supporter making a false claim against a hillary supporter (or two) like they had in Lafayette, with that muslim woman?

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Do I think Swastika's with White Power scrawled next to them in area's that are overwhelmingly white are done by non whites sneaking in to give the whites a bad name?
                              So even though there's been ample evidence it has happened quite a few times this year (and last) your first inclination is to automatically think its true and whites did it... Got it.

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Can you apply that logic when Soul says that the media helped Trump by giving him billions of dollars of free air time?
                              Most of which was attacking him (especially CNN, NBC, MSNBC and ABC)..

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Equal say?
                              Not 100% no as the man will not have to experience the biological component, This is where the rubber hits the road, a man will -never- know, nor deal with the biological or emotional consequences of carrying a child. Should the woman give the man's arguments a fair hearing, Yes. Additionally, if the woman does not want to tell her boyfriend or husband, the Man should take a good hard look at his relationship and walk away if they cannot deal with the womans choice to abort.
                              Then should a wife have any say in whether hubby gets snipped or not? IT IS A requirement currently in the mil that the guy not only needs the wife to be informed, BUT HER CONSENT to get a vasectomy..

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Don't you see the contradiction you just posted?

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Forget 1950's, lets go back to the 950's!!


                              Ben Carson for secretary of Education!!
                              How is putting Carson as head of DoE setting us back over a thousand years??


                                This is sooner than i expected:


                                Donald Trump has appeared to soften his stance on a range of sweeping campaign pledges, saying in his first interview since being elected US president that he might not repeal Obamacare and admitting the prosecution of Hillary Clinton over confidential emails is not a priority.
                                The Great Flipflopping has begun!

