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    He's already 70, the oldest to ever be elected. In the most stressful job on the planet. He's going to be the third fattest President ever.

    I doubt his health will hold out for 8 years.


      ^ he'll have the best doctors (while the commonfolk will once again be deprived of healthcare - but on the good side among the new sick will be many of his voters) and a sloth like him will probably delegate the heavy work to his minions
      besides heart attacks are too swift


        To be honest, Peance doesn't bother me a whole lot
        Their are far worse politicians
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          under different circumstances I'd probably have a comeback for that one but really not in the mood right now
          I don't blame you.
          I was trying to lighten the mood, but as it stands, it's pretty dark here too.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            some good may come out of this though: far-right parties in EU also seek power, if & when Trump fails europeans can always point to his failure as a dissuasion during their own elections

            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            To be honest, Peance doesn't bother me a whole lot
            Their are far worse politicians
            he doesn't look sociopathic or outright mad like Trump but appearances can be deceptive


              Regarding Trumps rape case, I thought that had been dropped a few days ago?

              On another subject, as a Brit I cannot wait for "have I got news for you" on Friday which is recorded around now, they really hated Clinton, but that paled into insignificance compared to their despisal of Trump, one of the panel even said last week he'd personally make sure Trump never makes it to February if he won, jokingly of course, but I bet he's been added to the updated no entry list lol
              Last edited by Ian-S; 09 November 2016, 10:48 AM.


                Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                Regarding Trumps rape case, I thought that had been dropped a few days ago?

                On another subject, as a Brit I cannot wait for "have I got news for you" on Friday which is recorded around now, they really hated Clinton, but that paled into insignificance compared to their despisal of Trump, one of the panel even said last week he'd personally make sure Trump never makes it to February if he won, jokingly of course, but I bet he's been added to the updated no entry list lol
                The last leg will be interesting to watch as well.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Yeah I only asked because it appeared some were still under the impression it was still ongoing.


                    Originally posted by Hillary Clinton in her concession speech
                    "I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will, and hopefully sooner than we might think right now."
                    Is she serious? She's trying to play the gender card?
                    Hillary: Get it through your thick skull: This was not about gender, not even in the slightest.

                    This election was a repudiation of the Democratic agenda for this country. The voters, particularly the working class (You know, the folks you expect to pay for all your pie-in-the-sky pipe dreams) looked at what has been done to them over decades, by both the establishment Republican party and by the Democrats in the form of the LSoS.

                    Can you think of any other possible reason a crude, boorish, braggadocio, ill-mannered and poorly spoken candidate who can't keep his feet out of his mouth to save his life could have beaten a 30 year veteran of Washington politics AND gave him a Republican-controlled congress, as well as the chance to stack the SCOTUS for at least a generation?

                    One other thing to consider. It is widely rumored that Admiral Yamamoto, who was the architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor said something along the lines of "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve", which turned out to be quite prophetic.

                    Is this a similar awakening among the working class electorate in this country?

                    Oh, and kudos to Soulreaver for picking him as the winner, in defiance of all conventional logic. Even I didn't expect Trump to win, let alone win by about 50 electoral votes.


                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                      some good may come out of this though: far-right parties in EU also seek power, if & when Trump fails europeans can always point to his failure as a dissuasion during their own elections
                      France is unfortunately enough leaning towards the (far) right, and that's not going to change, so who knows what Le Pen could do. She's not fit to be president of France, but neither is Trump for the US.

                      Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                      Regarding Trumps rape case, I thought that had been dropped a few days ago?
                      It's his Trump U fraud or whatever case in november.

                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      Is she serious? She's trying to play the gender card?
                      Hillary: Get it through your thick skull: This was not about gender, not even in the slightest.
                      And you're missing the glass ceiling reference by a mile.

                      She's talking about the equality of men and women -- which has miles to go yet.

                      And unfortunately Trump has proven that being a guy makes you get away with a few things more than being a women in a powerful position.

                      If you need proof of that, go back and read SGAlisa's posts.

                      As a white, cis-gendered het male, proverbial glass ceilings have not bothered you during your lifetime, nor will they ever.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Is this a similar awakening among the working class electorate in this country?
                        the fun part will be when they fall (asleep - permanently). can't wait hehe...

                        Oh, and kudos to Soulreaver for picking him as the winner, in defiance of all conventional logic. Even I didn't expect Trump to win, let alone win by about 50 electoral votes.
                        bah, here's real logic: he's a Billionaire (this is the US so with that alone I had him pegged as the odds on favourite to win), corporate honcho (symbol of capitalism & authority - remember americans are too dumb & uneducated to govern themselves they need to be ruled with an iron fist), the media favour him (gave him more airtime than anyone else) - and finally the FBI (+ possibly the KGB) helped him rig things though I'm not sure that extra help was necessary
                        someone as disliked as Clinton had no chance against such an overbloated steamroller

                        anyway I wonder now how Putin will govern the new US(SR)


                          Of course she is going to bring sexism into it, without it she would have to face the cold hard truth that she was a **** candidate and white America "chose the racist over the murderer" to quote some random banker Sky News inadvertently interviewed in a NYC bar last night.

                          By pulling the gender card, it legitimises her delusion that she was the right candidate and everybody else was the problem.

                          Edit: replied in response to Annoyed's post.


                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            the american media helped (they gave him more time than anyone else)
                            You must be snorting some seriously brain messing with weed to think that.

                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            come to think of it an assassination is the only thing that can save their democracy isn't it
                            And trump fans are supposed to the hateful ones?? At least we have not called for someone to assassinate hillary or obama..

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Well, this was a very pleasant morning.
                            Trump won the presidency and both houses of Congress are still in Republican hands.

                            Now, let's see how effective Trump is at carrying out his campaign promises. With a Republican congress he *should* be able to move ahead on his agenda.
                            Lets hope he is more effective than obama was when the dems had the white house and both houses in congress..

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Oh, and I wonder how long before the LSoS issues a pardon for Hillary. 'Cause if he doesn't, she's in for a rough ride once the Republicans take over in Jan. The only thing keeping her out of jail so far is the administration covering for her.
                            I certainly wouldn't be surprised if obozo does a last minute pardon of her..

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            And who is going to riot if they lose?

                            Protests erupt in California after Trump wins election
                            And the lame stream media was consistently calling us Trump supporters haters and violent.

                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            here's a thought since Hillary won the popular vote ie. absolute majority yet still lost the election - in other words democracy failed - what if the People do rise up against the (new) Establishment & cause bloody chaos in the country & attack government buildings (some especially wink wink nudge nudge) Obama will then be forced to declare martial law & postpone the transfer of power no?
                            The same thing's happened before, popular vote went for X, but B got the larger Electoral votes..

                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            I know they will
                            So you can see the future??

                            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                            He's already 70, the oldest to ever be elected. In the most stressful job on the planet. He's going to be the third fattest President ever.

                            I doubt his health will hold out for 8 years.
                            And you think hillary's would have??


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              Is she serious? She's trying to play the gender card?
                              Hillary: Get it through your thick skull: This was not about gender, not even in the slightest.
                              She is not "playing the gender card", for anything besides wanting a woman to win. That's not a bad thing, is it?
                              If you put the shoe on the other foot, do you think Donald would have conceded defeat the same way -especially- given the fact that Hillary won the popular vote?
                              This election was a repudiation of the Democratic agenda for this country. The voters, particularly the working class (You know, the folks you expect to pay for all your pie-in-the-sky pipe dreams) looked at what has been done to them over decades, by both the establishment Republican party and by the Democrats in the form of the LSoS.
                              Hardly a repudiation. He lost the popular vote.
                              Can you think of any other possible reason a crude, boorish, braggadocio, ill-mannered and poorly spoken candidate who can't keep his feet out of his mouth to save his life could have beaten a 30 year veteran of Washington politics AND gave him a Republican-controlled congress, as well as the chance to stack the SCOTUS for at least a generation?
                              I can think of several actually.
                              One other thing to consider. It is widely rumored that Admiral Yamamoto, who was the architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor said something along the lines of "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve", which turned out to be quite prophetic.
                              He's was right, it is a terrible giant.

                              Is this a similar awakening among the working class electorate in this country?
                              Oh, and kudos to Soulreaver for picking him as the winner, in defiance of all conventional logic. Even I didn't expect Trump to win, let alone win by about 50 electoral votes.
                              It has historic precedent, see other forms of moral self licencing in history.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                You must be snorting some seriously brain messing with weed to think that.
                                you must be both blind & deaf & high not to have noticed Trump taking up all the airspace

                                And trump fans are supposed to the hateful ones?? At least we have not called for someone to assassinate hillary or obama..
                                sure you have (look at some posts here 8 years ago from some neocons)
                                no to mention the militias who were preparing for a Hillary victory

                                and let's not forget Austyn Crites (beaten almost to death during that fake staged assassination attempt on Trump)

                                besides don't you support the death penalty? that'd be some good justified death bringing (to save democracy after a rigged election & an illegitimate ruler that the majority of the population also opposes). you also support self defence against tyranny right?

