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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    I just don't understand why they are not purged after confirmation of death. Out here, when someone dies, the hospital or coroner passes that information on to both state and federal authorities within days and is acted on within weeks.
    Is the system that badly handled in the US?
    Sadly the article wasnt more specific, but i get the impression dead people are indeed purged...after a while (since someone can authorize another to vote in his place and die before voting day). It's not clear *what* clerical errors are meant in the article but i get the impression that they're simply mistakes with names in matching the lists of deceased and the list of voters.

    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    Um... because it is? The media has a big impact on our election process, and it has been solidly in the corner of the Democrats for many decades.
    That's not what rigging is.

    Originally posted by Womble View Post
    It begins.
    What begins? I can think of a number of things beginning.


      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      What begins? I can think of a number of things beginning.
      Collapse of formal structures of so-called "international law".

      One consequence of collapse of the world order will be the dismantling of international consensus-founded structures built in the 20th century.
      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


        ^^ Yeah, when they all start withdrawing from the Council of Europe too you know it's time to start digging that bunker.


          Russia already passed its warfleet through the English Channel -- I really thought we would hear of an attack on the fleet, but nothing...

          If at all possible, I'd like them to wait till after the weekend! I have a geek-fest to go to.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
            lol and how's your fair&just representative system working in your country
            compared to Switzerland (they have a constitution btw) you're a police statethat should be the least of your worries when civil liberties are being violated all the time by your government but you do raise one interesting point in that you're also making a case against representative democracy as well as direct democracy
            so, when will you be advocating monarchy? sometimes the "painstaking examination" takes just a few minutes (it was worse in the segregation days of course). you can't control what goes on during deliberation - which is a good thing - but the difference is the defendant's fate rests in the hands of far fewer individuals
            ah but the "realizing that one can vote themselves largesse from the federal treasury" part is usually the root cause of the erosion of civil liberties...since such an erosion of civil liberties is usually financially lucrative for certain people


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              I have a geek-fest to go to.
              Without PH?! !!


                Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                ah but the "realizing that one can vote themselves largesse from the federal treasury" part is usually the root cause of the erosion of civil liberties...since such an erosion of civil liberties is usually financially lucrative for certain people


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                  No, I would wager that he's saying that it's lucrative for the people on the receiving end of the government largess and those who make their livings handing that largess out.


                    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                    ah but the "realizing that one can vote themselves largesse from the federal treasury" part is usually the root cause of the erosion of civil liberties...since such an erosion of civil liberties is usually financially lucrative for certain people
                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                    beat me to it :/

                    though I'll add that MG appears to be confusing a police state with a nanny state (an either misinformed or disingenuous comparison conservatives tend to make)


                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                      beat me to it :/

                      though I'll add that MG appears to be confusing a police state with a nanny state (an either misinformed or disingenuous comparison conservatives tend to make)
                      What you fail to understand is that a worker isn't going to willingly give up the fruits of his labor so that they can be given to someone else. The more you want to take, the more authoritarian the government has to be to take it.
                      And you can just forget that pipe dream of taxing just the rich to get the money for the government to give away. The laws, tax codes and such are ALWAYS written by the well-off in a society, and they will always leave themselves an out.
                      In the US as it is today, well-off is defined by monetary income. In a communist society, well-off may mean those with political connections within the party. But however it's defined, the well-off write the rules. Therefore, it's the working stiff who ends up paying the tab, and the more you want to take, the more you have to control him.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        What you fail to understand is that a worker isn't going to willingly give up the fruits of his labor so that they can be given to someone else. The more you want to take, the more authoritarian the government has to be to take it.
                        And you can just forget that pipe dream of taxing just the rich to get the money for the government to give away. The laws, tax codes and such are ALWAYS written by the well-off in a society, and they will always leave themselves an out.
                        In the US as it is today, well-off is defined by monetary income. In a communist society, well-off may mean those with political connections within the party. But however it's defined, the well-off write the rules. Therefore, it's the working stiff who ends up paying the tab, and the more you want to take, the more you have to control him.
                        And you think electing a "billionaire" as President will fix that..


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          What you fail to understand is that a worker isn't going to willingly give up the fruits of his labor so that they can be given to someone else. The more you want to take, the more authoritarian the government has to be to take it.
                          And you can just forget that pipe dream of taxing just the rich to get the money for the government to give away. The laws, tax codes and such are ALWAYS written by the well-off in a society, and they will always leave themselves an out.
                          In the US as it is today, well-off is defined by monetary income. In a communist society, well-off may mean those with political connections within the party. But however it's defined, the well-off write the rules. Therefore, it's the working stiff who ends up paying the tab, and the more you want to take, the more you have to control him.
                          and what you still fail to understand is that nothing in what you describe implies a nanny state

                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                          And you think electing a "billionaire" as President will fix that..
                          under Trump not a single high caste american will be oppressed
                          it is in in the interest of every single elite citizen to vote Trump
                          Trump's presidency will therefore mean far greater freedom for billionaires



                            And now for something completely sneaky different.

                            McMullin surging in Utah: Indy candidate's plan for Electoral College chaos

                            The candidate is devoting his time and resources to Utah right now, but has a bigger strategy in mind. His presidential hopes rely on one extremely unlikely and unprecedented scenario: win enough electoral votes to hold Trump and Clinton below the 270 threshold needed to win the presidency outright. An Electoral College deadlock would throw the responsibility of electing a new president to the House of Representatives.
                            I don't agree with this guy on everything, but he's not bad. And I have to admire the strategy he's using.

                            Would be a damned sight better than Hillary.


                              Same Article

                              To do that, McMullin would need to not only pick up Utah’s six electoral votes but hope Trump wins virtually every key battleground such as Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona and Virginia – states where, save for Ohio, Clinton leads, according to RealClearPolitics averages.
                              That's some long odds Annoyed.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                                Because the other side is screaming that everything is rigged? This is america, land of extremes. If one team says A, you say Z. Why do republicans insist the entire system is completely rigged against them when it's not?
                                Maybe if the left actually acknowledged the problem (which i doubt they ever will), then the right wouldn't have to go so extreme to make their point..

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                I just don't understand why they are not purged after confirmation of death. Out here, when someone dies, the hospital or coroner passes that information on to both state and federal authorities within days and is acted on within weeks.
                                Is the system that badly handled in the US?
                                Well, just look at Colorado/Va recently.. They DID try to purge the voter rolls of a lot of dead registered voters.. And what happened? The liberal ACLU sued to keep those names ON THE ROLLS.
                                Same in Kansas..

                                Additionally i have heard stories of people writing to the voter board "THIS PERSON IS DEAD, Remove them please", year after year, and they somehow, they make it back ON the voter rolls...

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                What you fail to understand is that a worker isn't going to willingly give up the fruits of his labor so that they can be given to someone else. The more you want to take, the more authoritarian the government has to be to take it.
                                And you can just forget that pipe dream of taxing just the rich to get the money for the government to give away. The laws, tax codes and such are ALWAYS written by the well-off in a society, and they will always leave themselves an out.
                                In the US as it is today, well-off is defined by monetary income. In a communist society, well-off may mean those with political connections within the party. But however it's defined, the well-off write the rules. Therefore, it's the working stiff who ends up paying the tab, and the more you want to take, the more you have to control him.
                                Additionally, if you taxed the rich at 90%, it still wouldn't be sufficient to get us out of the hole we are in... Plus after a year or so of that, those rich would soon either
                                A) stop being rich
                                or B) Move their riches out of country so they don't get raped on taxes..

