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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    Really, folks.. You can't make stuff up that is this good.

    Seems a bunch of Bernie supporters have decided to sue the DNC for running a rigged primary. Good for them. Sanders deserved a better shake than he got.

    But the DNC defense seems to be "You can't sue us because you knew we rigged it."

    DNC Files Scathing Rebuttal, Wants Fraud Lawsuit Filed by Bernie Backers Thrown Out

    We're guilty, so you can't sue us?
    If, when they donated, they already thought it was rigged, isn't that a silent vote of approval? -regardless- of whether it was true? Cause that's what they seem to be saying.

    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    If I was a Sanders supporter, I would be pissed too. The DNC made it clear that they were going to be sure the nominee was Hillary.
    Hey if i were a sanders voter i'd be pissed for losing. But we're at the same point again: you think Sanders is so much more popular than he was. He wasn't. He's a socialist and judging from people's reactions to that word, i'm surprised he wasn't kicked out instantly.

    Sanders was never going to win, no matter what the DNC does or say. Just look at trump as an example that went against it's party. IF the republicans had been smart, they'd have kicked Trump out of the race immediately.

    Lastly, the US isn't very democratic. Winner-takes-it-all, swing states, electoral college? You'd need massive reforms to turn it into a democracy. And that will never happen.
    Last edited by thekillman; 26 September 2016, 12:14 AM.


      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      He's a socialist and judging from people's reactions to that word, i'm surprised he wasn't kicked out instantly.
      people were saying something similar about Trump losing cause he was allegedly no true Republican - instead he's got the usual right and the left voting for him cause they somehow think he's "outside the system". if the working class are so disgruntled/desperate/disoriented that they vote for an overbloated billionaire who's also a madman then they'd also vote for someone like Sanders who was both outside the system and overtly much closer to them


        @ SGAlisa -- I'll take Gatefan's ragnarok over your armageddon.

        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        ...put Trump back in the swamp he came from?
        I don't think the swamp will want him back.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          @ SGAlisa -- I'll take Gatefan's ragnarok over your armageddon.
          Ragnarok is -honest-, there is no "special people", there are no "escapes", it's a total poo-fest. ALL things end, from people to Solar systems, to Galaxies. Entropy is the only constant in the known universe. From death however, we have new life, NEW life, not the poor buggers caught in the previous storm.
          At best, we can hold it off, and I want it held off for as long as possible.

          I don't think the swamp will want him back.
          If he loses?
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            If he loses?
            For a price...
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
              It's taken me a while to get back to replying to the following --and--
              I'd prefer to stuff this posting into the "Tracking earth's future..." topic, but since the info showed up here first, and may (if it's merely an iffy possibility) or (if it is a definite situation) will end up becoming a *hot* political item sometime in the future, so --Unless otherwise requested-- I shall leave my reply here, instead. *sigh*
              The "info" did not magically appear here, you -put- it here!!
              Sighing that it is in this thread, when you started it is utterly ridiculous.
              I think you (FH) are looking at this future scenario as our ancestors did, which was to take matters into their own hands, rather than let "God" do the more challenging or complicated work. He does a much better job at stitching that fabric tapestry of life than any of us could ever weave.
              They were smarter, and actually understood not only religion, but all the things that go along with it. Letting "god do it" is antithetical to every belief system, the very concept of Christ stands in defiance to that view. You don't sacrifice your one begotten son when you can "just do better", you do it to show that humanity and God work in harmony.

              When I was referring to waiting a bunch of decades or centuries yet, I was not seeking to see humans taking a jihadist POV at which religious or political scenario should ultimately win and rule on earth. I was using a figurative moment to represent time itself.. not include involving what we earthlings will be doing in the interim.
              Humans, especially those who dwell on "end times" tend to focus on such things. They live for the ethereal future, not the reality of today.

              If the timeline I just described was totally a jihadist issue, then nothing but war after war after war will be accomplished. Wars and battles just leave a huge mess. People don't seem to be able to manage both wars and saving the earth's environment from utter destruction anyway. Besides, BOTH are diametrically opposed to each other with only one gaining winning ground than the other (that is--war vs. environmental healing).
              WTF are you dribbling about here?

              Because when the Rider on the White Horse appears at the final battle of Megiddo (Armageddon), it's gonna be a NO CONTEST for the earthlings. Thus, NO jihad, except on the part of the humans thinking it is so.
              You don't know what Jyhad means. You can regurgitate the dictionary to me, but that does not mean you know what it means.
              Possibly, the situation might be closer to what Ian-S wrote--
              One would assume you would know that is a stargate / Aliens reference.............

              I could easily see that happening, altho "He" might say "Hello! I'm Back!!".
              Battle would be over within maybe 5 minutes or less.. Depends on how long in that first hour of reckoning that it takes for the ground folks to calm down and regroup their battalion ranks from freaking out. Once the ground folks have made their decisions, then perhaps -- Just as fast as lightning bolts strike from the sky, so will the Rider's "Sword" strike down those opposed to Him. Lightning has many energy veins and capillaries within it, so it is possible that if the "sword" is similar to a laser lightning bolt, the entire field of armies could be dead within seconds.
              You don't know much about war, do you?

              I guess it depends on how instantaneously and dramatic God will allow making that scenario be over and done with. Afterall, "He" (God) has waited how many centuries to permit this moment to be fulfilled..? (too many, from the human POV).
              I have no way to think that the above is either nice, or human, or "good".
              Also, just because there are "armies" following the Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19:11-16), doesn't automatically translate that those "armies" are doing any fighting. They may be merely observing the whole scenario at that moment.. being just as awed at watching this event, as much as the folks on the ground panicking in trying to escape or ending up getting slaughtered.
              No, I was wrong, You -REALLY- don't know anything about war or armies.
              The Bible states in Proverbs 21:31 that the Battle (victory) belongs to THE LORD.
              None of us humans have the absolute power to change the outcome, unless the Lord (God almighty) decides who wins and who loses. Earth's gov't's and politicians can argue over how that final battle will be fought, but they will never know until the final moment who will ultimately win.
              Wow, an old book said it is true, so it is true............
              On the other extreme side, Bible scholars do know who will win.
              Earth warriors=0
              Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19:11-16)= WINS ALL.
              I vote for Voltron to win, He is the Lion who will protect the Lambs after all............
              And the immortal humans and angels coming to earth being designated as the "Armies of (Jesus') heaven" will have a front row seating view to witness the whole event.
              Cable would be less destructive, but hey, you need your boom boom.
              Who was Writing this movie?
              God, Michael Bay or JJ Abrams?

              If what I believe in the Bible is true, which religion do you think will be the dominant one during the reign of the "Anti-Christ" (hint--the answer in the nickname of the one of the soon-to-be world leaders)? Well, many theologians thought it would be the ecumenical movement, which is part, but more directly, dominated by Islam. The world is pushing this effort towards accepting Islam with Sharia Law, now, in little steps here and there.
              Can I steal your stash?
              I've smoked A LOT of weed when I was a kid, but damn..............
              BTW, "Christianity" as noted in the Bible's book of Revelation is NOT going to win the last war of this age. Most of the Christians won't even be around or within any range of having any amount of physical *power* to fight the amount of armies that are going to be lined up on Megiddo.
              But you get to die like good little bunnies and come back in Jesus' perfect world, the boys might even get 73 virgins.........
              If China alone sends in 200 million men into that battle or some other major battle at that future time, how many other nations will be sending in their fighting teams? It's been believed by theologians on this political battle, that Christianity will be somehow neutered from being able to step forth and fight in any degree or team strength.
              Do you think manpower counts in a divine battle?
              (FH) Your lack of knowledge on (Biblical, born-again) Christianity is showing again...
              As I mentioned before, The Rider on the White Horse of Revelation 19:11-16 is the ONE who wins the final war. Who is that rider? (He is "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords").
              Jesus is that Rider on the White Horse that comes down from the heavens. The battle of the (human) earthlings will turn from fighting one another to fight against having this "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords" of the heavenlies dare to step foot on this planet.
              I think the white horse is an inn at Bree, somewhere in middle New Zealand.
              Or a chalk outline in Uffington.
              Enter the (Armageddon) battle of *E.T.* --fighting for the survival of (Jewish Israel) over Jerusalem-- (*E.T.* does what..???) . . . Ends probably within the blink of an eye. That translates in my world of comprehension that there will be NO lingering fighting to do. But keep your belief up that such a story like that is just a fairy-tale and nothing more. If it isn't a mythical story, then there's gonna be a lot of people in much BIGGER trouble than they anticipated on that very *fateful* day.
              Mythical Story?
              SG, the giants will use you as a chew toy, but keep up your belief that giants are just a fairy tale, and when you land in Hella's realm, you might realise you backed the wrong horse.
              Or are we not going to attempt to tell people to believe based on fear?
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                people were saying something similar about Trump losing cause he was allegedly no true Republican - instead he's got the usual right and the left voting for him cause they somehow think he's "outside the system". if the working class are so disgruntled/desperate/disoriented that they vote for an overbloated billionaire who's also a madman then they'd also vote for someone like Sanders who was both outside the system and overtly much closer to them
                I'm sorry but i simply won't buy that. Socialism is a word i've seen quite a few republicans describe as literally evil. I don't buy that they'd vote for him out of their free will. As an alternative to trump/clinton, sure but not as just a candidate.


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Cable would be less destructive, but hey, you need your boom boom.
                  Who was Writing this movie?
                  God, Michael Bay or JJ Abrams?
                  Michael Bay loves his explosions. JJ Abrams isn't averse to them either.

                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  But you get to die like good little bunnies and come back in Jesus' perfect world, the boys might even get 73 virgins.........
                  I thought it was grapes... *shrug*

                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  I think the white horse is an inn at Bree, somewhere in middle New Zealand.
                  When you google "White Horse Inn", you'll see there's a white horse in just about everywhere. And I think it's "The Prancing Pony" in Bree, though.

                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  I'm sorry but i simply won't buy that. Socialism is a word i've seen quite a few republicans describe as literally evil. I don't buy that they'd vote for him out of their free will. As an alternative to trump/clinton, sure but not as just a candidate.
                  Socials = communism -- didn't you know.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Michael Bay loves his explosions. JJ Abrams isn't averse to them either.
                    God flooded the world, killed everyone but the Ark folk and animals.
                    That's better than Bay and JJ

                    I thought it was grapes... *shrug*
                    Virgin grapes make good wine
                    When you google "White Horse Inn", you'll see there's a white horse in just about everywhere. And I think it's "The Prancing Pony" in Bree, though.
                    You are right, it is the Prancing Pony.

                    Socialism = communism -- didn't you know.
                    Of course it does
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      I'm sorry but i simply won't buy that. Socialism is a word i've seen quite a few republicans describe as literally evil. I don't buy that they'd vote for him out of their free will. As an alternative to trump/clinton, sure but not as just a candidate.
                      of course the republicans wouldn't vote for him
                      the vast majority of the working class on the other hand...


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        God flooded the world, killed everyone but the Ark folk and animals.
                        That's better than Bay and JJ
                        He should get an Academy for it -- wasn't Noah nominated?

                        Nope, it wasn't...
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          He should get an Academy for it -- wasn't Noah nominated?

                          Nope, it wasn't...
                          Noah was just a catspaw
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Noah was just a catspaw
                            It got a price from some animal group cause they used CGI animals instead of the real ones.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              It got a price from some animal group cause they used CGI animals instead of the real ones.
                              Are you saying the whole thing was an illusion???!!!???
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

