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    and if you'd do a little research you'd see that they've also spent equal time in judgment against the very same things.....someone should tell the ACLU they can't have it both ways.....that they can't defend our individual civil liberties only when they need a convenient PR boost as a rug to sweep their injustices under..that they need to defend the civil liberties of EVERYONE at ALL TIMES


      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      The founder of the ACLU was once quoted as saying "My goal for this country is socialism"....seems pretty clear to me what his goals and the goals of th einstitution he founded are
      Prove it.


        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
        and if you'd do a little research you'd see that they've also spent equal time in judgment against the very same things.....someone should tell the ACLU they can't have it both ways.....that they can't defend our individual civil liberties only when they need a convenient PR boost as a rug to sweep their injustices under..that they need to defend the civil liberties of EVERYONE at ALL TIMES
        And they do. they've filed plenty of lawsuits on behalf of Christians. If you'd look at the facts, instead of just repeating a bunch of ideology, you'd find this is true.

        Christians love to make themselves out to be victims whenever there's any sort of ruling against them.

        I'd bet Jesus calls this kind of thing hypocritical.


          Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
          And they do. they've filed plenty of lawsuits on behalf of Christians. If you'd look at the facts, instead of just repeating a bunch of ideology, you'd find this is true.

          Christians love to make themselves out to be victims whenever there's any sort of ruling against them.

          I'd bet Jesus calls this kind of thing hypocritical.
          you're looking at what you'd like the ACLU to be...not at what it really is....which is an organization full of socialist scorpions that cleverly disguise themselves as patriots and through this mask seek to sting the back of America


            Yes, a website with ACLU written in burning letters, and citing all of one case, is really going to convince me...
            My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
              you're looking at what you'd like the ACLU to be...not at what it really is....which is an organization full of socialist scorpions that cleverly disguise themselves as patriots and through this mask seek to sting the back of America
              And who are these cleverly hidden scorpions?
              My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


                Originally posted by Goose View Post
                And who are these cleverly hidden scorpions?
                They're the Gemini Twins riding the Ram and Bull, with the Archer holding the Maiden over his shoulder! Nooooooooooooooo! America is doomed because of these "patriots"! Their group is practically dedicated to libertarianism, but oh well.
                If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                  Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                  you're looking at what you'd like the ACLU to be...not at what it really is....which is an organization full of socialist scorpions that cleverly disguise themselves as patriots and through this mask seek
                  to sting the back of America
                  You suffer from confirmation bias a heck of a lot and will not see the real facts in front of your eyes and will only see what you want to see.

                  I have a friend who does the exact same thing. No matter how many facts I present to you guys, you guys just keep on repeating the same thing over and over again and will just dismiss anything that contradicts your worldview.

                  And the facts, you ain't got them.

                  Facts don't lie. But people can lie about the facts.


                    All I want is for someone to point me to a court case where it's obvious the ACLU was being anti-Christian or championing communism.
                    My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


                      I don't know of any but here's a small snippet of cases the ACLU is pursuing in defense of Christians:
                      The ACLU vigorously defends the rights of all Americans to practice their religion. But because the ACLU is often better known for its work preventing the government from promoting and funding selected religious activities, it is sometimes wrongly assumed that the ACLU does not zealously defend the rights of all religious believers to practice their faith. The actions described below – over half of which were brought on behalf of self-identified Christians, with the remaining cases defending the rights of a wide range of minority faiths – reveal just how mistaken such assumptions are. (The list below includes examples from the past decade only.)

                      Not that these facts matters to anyone who believe otherwise.

                      But at least they will be important to people who do want facts to matter.

                      When a person's mind is made up there's no changing it though, regardless of how many facts is presented to them to show otherwise.


                        people being asked to hide their religious identity in order to get or keep many jobs....chaplains being forced to resign because of the repeal of religious activity in public schools.....all a direct affront to free exercise of religion and all a product of ACLU intervention

                        oh and let's not forget the numerous anti-defamation lawsuits brought about by radical Muslims who were represented by the ACLU

                        and let's not forget the the anti-Christmas cases that crop up every year

                        ACLU continually supports the efforts of organizations such as the Freedom form religion foundation and Americans United for separation of church and state

                        but go on...continue to be's no skin off my teeth....atheists can't help but be blind to anti-Christian persecution because at their core the vast majority of them enjoy watching it...enjoy watching free exercise of any religion but one wherein one must obey the edicts of ifs, ands, or buts......fall by the wayside


                          Oh the irony.

                          Prove it, don't just claim it. I've already disproved you once. I bet you didn't even look at that website.

                          But like i said, when their minds are made up you can't change their minds no matter what.

                          You're free to believe what you want to, but the facts do not support your claims.

                          And you know what, if they were as bad as you claimed they wouldn't take any cases in support of Christians what so ever.
                          Last edited by Galileo_Galilee; 29 July 2011, 07:08 PM.


                            Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
                            Oh the irony.

                            Prove it, don't just claim it. I've already disproved you once. I bet you didn't even look at that website.

                            But like i said, when their minds are made up you can't change their minds no matter what.

                            You're free to believe what you want to, but the facts do not support your claims.

                            And you know what, if they were as bad as you claimed they wouldn't take any cases in support of Christians what so ever.
                            finally looked in a mirror did ya.....all you did was quote me a mere handful of cases where the ACLU departed from its party line for the purposes of a PR is you who refuses to look for information on the true history of the ACLU

                            but unlike you me and many other Americans beard the lion in its den and looked at the history of the ACLU and the kinds of cases they ordinarily take


                            but of course the information at that above link will fall on the deaf ears of everybody here


                              Well, you don't listen to anybody else and never look at their links because they prove you wrong, why should anybody look at your links? What's fair is fair.

                              You're the one who needs to look in a mirror.

                              And yes I fully expected you to dismiss those lawsuits. There' more than just a few there. And that's another tactic you guys like to employ: reduce the argument. As well as make yourselves out to be victims whenever there's any kind of ruling against you.

                              Dude, you don't have the facts and all your links are from people who can not be objective in any sense of the term.

                              "The true history of the ACLU" is just nothing more than a bunch of crap.

                              They are for the civil rights of anybody, not just a select few.

