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The Political Discussion Thread

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    War is not good for peace.
    My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


      Nobody wants peace anyway. All people want to do is yell and scream at each other and force people to conform to their way of living. So might as well have war. War is the only way to prove who's right, not words. Peace is strength after all. But the only proble is though war is never about who's right, it's about who's left.


        Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
        Nobody wants peace anyway. All people want to do is yell and scream at each other and force people to conform to their way of living. So might as well have war. War is the only way to prove who's right, not words. Peace is strength after all. But the only proble is though war is never about who's right, it's about who's left.
        Well, that's pessimistic... but sadly mostly true.
        My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


          I think this whole Debt ceiling thing is political posturing and they will come to an agreement before the deadline.

          It just baffles me that in talks about cutting the deficit the Republicans won't even consider raising taxes and just want to cut, cut and cut. The cuts in UK are quite unpopular but without any tax increases I don't see they can do it and remain popular with the electorate. To me the rich need to pay their fair share before asking the most vulnerable in society i.e. the sick and the poor.


            Originally posted by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble View Post
            I think this whole Debt ceiling thing is political posturing and they will come to an agreement before the deadline.

            It just baffles me that in talks about cutting the deficit the Republicans won't even consider raising taxes and just want to cut, cut and cut. The cuts in UK are quite unpopular but without any tax increases I don't see they can do it and remain popular with the electorate. To me the rich need to pay their fair share before asking the most vulnerable in society i.e. the sick and the poor.
            Exactly! I wonder how many normal people in America truly want to just cut, cut, cut, cut and cut and not even raise taxes by one single cent.
            My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


              I'm against the raising of the debt because it will not encourage the government to be thrifty with their money. After all, the thing that is causing the problems with the debt is overspending and spending lots of money the government doesn't ahve.

              This is the same thing that Germany experienced before WW II was uncontrolled spending causing all kinds of inflation and other problems.

              But the idiots that run our government can not seem to grasp that concept. The only thing they want to do is spend until America is an absolute wreck.

              And as far as taxes go, I am not opposed to them, but i am highly opposed to having people pay higher rates of taxes simply ebcause they have more stuff. Taxes should be the same rate for everybody. It's simply unfair that people should have to pay higher taxes than another group.

              This is something else I wish the "Raise the taxes on the rich to strip them of everything they have" idiots would realize.


                But if you don't you could end up defaulting which isn't good either.

                But rich can exploit loop holes and spend alot of money on accountants and lawyers. I don't think they should be singled out but should still pay their fair share.


                  Except the loop hole everybody complains about are for everybody to use. People complain because they don't understand how to use them.

                  And furthermore, nobody actually specifically defines what these loopholes actually are, where they are in the tax codes or other legislation.

                  They just complain about these nebulous loop holes and want to close them on the rich.

                  Well, when they are closed they will be closed on everybody.

                  And nobody will be able to use them, not just the rich.

                  Which is something else they ignore in favor of their ideology.


                    Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
                    Except the loop hole everybody complains about are for everybody to use. People complain because they don't understand how to use them.

                    And furthermore, nobody actually specifically defines what these loopholes actually are, where they are in the tax codes or other legislation.

                    They just complain about these nebulous loop holes and want to close them on the rich.

                    Well, when they are closed they will be closed on everybody.

                    And nobody will be able to use them, not just the rich.

                    Which is something else they ignore in favor of their ideology.
                    To be fair though, it's mostly (but not exclusively) wealthier people who use said loop holes, and thus closing them would lead to more revenue as people, both wealthy and not-so-wealthy people, pay the appropriate taxes.
                    My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


                      No, it wouldn't. they'd just take their revenue elsewhere.

                      Or just stop working altogether.

                      Why should a person have any aspiration to work or achieve their dreams if all it is is just going to be taken away from them?

                      For the common good, that's all fine and dandy, but charity ceases being charity when it's being forced at the point of a gun, and it ceases being for the common good as well.

                      Think about it.


                        difference between capitalism and collectivism

                        Capitalism does so by providing and environment where through hard work and perseverance people become elevated from nothing to whatever level of wealth they wish to achieve

                        Collectivism also does this by feeding the "covet they neighbor's belongings and therefore steal from your neighbor" mentality and using the power of government to reduce those who have been successful to the same level as those who are poverty stricken


                          Originally posted by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble View Post

                          But rich can exploit loop holes and spend alot of money on accountants and lawyers.
                          especially the lawyers. wityh a good lawyer (ie. an expensive oneà you can get away with anything

                          anyway - let the leaders reduce the theft of war expenses instead - now that'd be a huge burden lifted off the taxpayers


                            The difference is that while both assume inherent greed in humanity, collectivism forces people to share things with each other, while capitalism encourages people to exploit each other.


                              difference between capitalism and collectivism
                              Except pure capitalism says if you can't contribute anything then you're left out to dry and does actively encourage greed.

                              Which is why the corporations have been allowed how to get ever so much more powerful and ever so much more influence on the government that people like you and I don't have.


                                iirc a french humorist said "capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. communism is the opposite"

