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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    I certainly hope that its the case, that she Won't win unless her and the democrats rig things..
    I hope so.. look at what Hillary Clinton just retweeted. She's totally clueless, especially on foreign policy, still demonizing Russia when the rest of the world has moved on from that.


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      And maybe that's because there are no freakin' jobs here? State and local taxes have been obscenely high for DECADES here. Most of the large employers in that city (Xerox, Kodak, Bausch & Lomb,numerous others have fled the state to escape the tax rates here.
      You have used this example before, and I will say the same thing.
      the 90's was the Dot Com boom, Xerox and Kodak were on the way out, to be replaced by the internet, Email, and cell phones, they were not so much fleeing, as dying. B&L had been sold off years beforehand.
      So, no, they did not "flee to escape tax"

      We can go all day on this... but the bottom line is that NY state is a shining example of liberalism having run amuck and destroying what was once a very good economy.
      No, you have failed to prove that. You want me to accept that it is the fault of liberalism and you have failed to make your case, so I do not have to accept your answer.

      You remember the economic boom of the 90's? Often touted as the longest peacetime expansion in history? It completely bypassed this part of the country. Businesses and jobs just kept moving out.
      DOT COM boom, Tech sector boom. What did NYS offer such companies to move in and stay? It wasn't liberalism keeping them out, because most of those companies operate out of...........California. From what I can gather, the official corporate tax rate between the two states was fairly similar, so that seems to be out as well.
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        Are you also willing to say someone wanting to get say a drivers license, passport or carry license should also pay 0 for it?? Or is that only for voting?

        Only voting, because it has been shown that it can prevent a lot of voters from casting a vote. As for Guns, I'm a bit mixed.

        True, Walter, wasn't reaching. And if you note, that office is facing murder charges..
        That is not always the case, especially when it doesn't result in someone's death. And usually follows a ridiculously long investigation and then by an equally ridiculously long presentation to a grand jury which DA's tend to treat like trial juries.

        But it seems to me, regardless of even if it WAS justified, the media, politicians (well democrats) and especially the BLM crowd, latches just ONTO the fact it was a black person shot by a white cop.. nothing else seems to matter..
        The media and politicians are reacting to the people. If there was no outrage from the black community, there'd be little media coverage and action from politicians. Take the shootings of Hispanics, Asians, and White people as evidence of such. It's my opinion that this is a result of just that. If these other groups were to be up in arms about this, then it wouldn't be a race issue. At least not as largely as it is.

        So he should condem them? Did obama condemn the Black panthers who said they supported him??

        Didn't the black panthers condemn him? That's all I know on the subject. But another question, was he asked directly to do so by an interviewer? This is new to me.

        Well, look at Shartpton and Jackson. They to me are the main culprits in why its often seen as JUST being about race.. Cause it seems everytime we hear them in the news, that's all the rant about..
        Every time I hear conservative radio, I hear the same thing. It's their thing.
        Come again? My saying Moochelle, is cause of how often she seems to LOVE flying AF1 to shopping trips and vacations..
        Its not cause i like going after people's families..
        I haven't heard anything about that. Are you sure this isn't a thing like when Fox News reported that Obama's trip to India cost $200 Billion per day? (Must have been some expensive meals!!!)

        Originally posted by Nirude View Post
        I hope so.. look at what Hillary Clinton just retweeted. She's totally clueless, especially on foreign policy, still demonizing Russia when the rest of the world has moved on from that.
        Yeah, because our allies always send spy ships to spy on RIMPAC and bombers to skirt American Air Space as well as fly dangerously close to our planes and invade and annex 2 of their neighbors and support a regime that has always backed terrorists (with the exception of ISIS, but even other terrorists hate ISIS so that doesn't say much) and is on good terms with Iran...
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Why do we keep hearing politicians make promises of "Free healthcare, free education" and the like.. Its not free, someone is paying for it..
          It's a turn of phrase. If the government is paying for it, it means the people are paying for it. The only people who seem to think that anyone saying "free healthcare" means literally free are................

          Exactly. Its been changed so much since its inception, that imo your SSN needs to be revamped..
          Sure, it should be. Our equivalent is our Medicare Number, and no bugger out here would willingly use that for ID, nor our Tax File Number.

          So just cause it was Ms obama, its bad, but had it been someone else, it would have been ok?
          When you run your campaign saying "Obama BAD", then your wife knocks off "Obama BAD's" wife's speech from the exact same circumstances, it looks pathetic. Borrowing phrases and attributing them to the speaker is a common practice, but this was not attributed.
          Will do..
          I remember that speech, and i could have SWORN i heard him say "inherent racism in the DNA of white america... BUT doing a google search on that speech, to get the full text on it, i can't seem to find anything..
          Because it never happened. You can even still hear the speech if you want, it's the one he got slammed for using the N word.
          The fact he won't accept Christian ones, but IS accepting Muslims by the thousands, IS of concern. Which group is the one involved in terrorism these days? Its not bible thumping Christians..
          Please, do some research on that, you might change your mind.

          Which he seems to LOVE bringing up when people bring up islam's track history in the past 50+ years of violence...
          It's a counterpoint to remind people not to get too self righteous. To quote Merlin from Excalibur "It is the doom of men that they forget"
          When Christianity's history of that WAS in the far past..
          No, it really isn't. Oh, it's not on the scale of ISIS or it's progenitors, it's individuals gone bad for the most part, but consider this: -IF- the USA is a "Christian nation, ruled by Christian values" as some claim, Then it's wars are Christian as well. Now, I don't consider the US a Christian nation, it is a secular one, and it's wars are on "we, the people", but if you -believe it is Christian..........

          It should be equal across the board true, but as we see in a lot of areas in society/the law, things never seem to get applied equally.
          You will find much agreement with that sentiment, what you will not find agreement on is who and what things are applied equally -to-.

          I wonder how many more years its gonna be, before we start seeing those ID chips and such being imbedded IN people.
          Logans Run?
          Oh mister sandman, bring me a dream

          And with all the other stuff we SHOULD be asking them, how is adding a question (or two) about what religion they are, going to all of a suddenly make things problematic?
          If you think they will lie about everything else, what makes you think they will tell the truth about their religion?
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            Very likely he wasn't allowed out, I'd guess he got out.

            Um the black guy was his caregiver...... He asked the cop why he got shot the cop goes "I don't know"

            WTF is going on in your country?
            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Very likely he wasn't allowed out, I'd guess he got out.
              In which case, shouldn't the care center share some of the blame for not watching someone "known to be suicidal" to where he COULD get out like that?

              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

              Only voting, because it has been shown that it can prevent a lot of voters from casting a vote. As for Guns, I'm a bit mixed.
              So voting, is more of 'a right' than something in the bill of rights?? Interesting.

              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
              That is not always the case, especially when it doesn't result in someone's death. And usually follows a ridiculously long investigation and then by an equally ridiculously long presentation to a grand jury which DA's tend to treat like trial juries.
              Then isn't that more on those who SIT on the jury for just hand waiving what the DA wants to happen, rather than using their brains and following the law??

              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
              The media and politicians are reacting to the people. If there was no outrage from the black community, there'd be little media coverage and action from politicians. Take the shootings of Hispanics, Asians, and White people as evidence of such. It's my opinion that this is a result of just that. If these other groups were to be up in arms about this, then it wouldn't be a race issue. At least not as largely as it is.
              True, us whites and latnios are not as vocal (or violent) as blacks.

              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

              Didn't the black panthers condemn him? That's all I know on the subject. But another question, was he asked directly to do so by an interviewer? This is new to me.
              I don't know either. BUT it shouldn't matter if asked directly.. Trump got condemned even before he had a chance to react when it initally came out..

              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
              I haven't heard anything about that. Are you sure this isn't a thing like when Fox News reported that Obama's trip to India cost $200 Billion per day? (Must have been some expensive meals!!!)
              Check out some of these links..




              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              It's a turn of phrase. If the government is paying for it, it means the people are paying for it. The only people who seem to think that anyone saying "free healthcare" means literally free are................
              Then why do so many people sem to buy into it if its just a turn of phrase?

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              Sure, it should be. Our equivalent is our Medicare Number, and no bugger out here would willingly use that for ID, nor our Tax File Number.
              Heck i remember growing up, the # of classes i had in our "government and politics" semester, where they said "the intial intent behind the SSN, was so that you wouldn't NEED other ids", now we have drivers licenses, gun licenses, voter licenses, fishing licenses etc...

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              When you run your campaign saying "Obama BAD", then your wife knocks off "Obama BAD's" wife's speech from the exact same circumstances, it looks pathetic. Borrowing phrases and attributing them to the speaker is a common practice, but this was not attributed.
              True, it seemed a hairbrain act..

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              Please, do some research on that, you might change your mind.
              I looked up "How many christian terror acts have been done in the past 20 years" and one of the links was to an "" site.. Interesting write up.. Some of those incidents MIGHT have been considered terror, if it was done to change religion or politics, however none of them seem to qualify..
              However i WILL give you that there are some christian nuts out there, like those who have killed docs with planned parenthood.
              Its just their attacks are NO where near as public, violent and deadly as muslim terrorism is..

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              It's a counterpoint to remind people not to get too self righteous. To quote Merlin from Excalibur "It is the doom of men that they forget"
              Yes, Christianity has had a bad past (and in regards to pedo priests still does), however using it as a 'smack down' on people saying Islamic extremism is bad, is NOT the way to go.. WELL imo.

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              but consider this: -IF- the USA is a "Christian nation, ruled by Christian values" as some claim, Then it's wars are Christian as well. Now, I don't consider the US a Christian nation, it is a secular one, and it's wars are on "we, the people", but if you -believe it is Christian
              Interesting connotation. It is something to consider i will give you that..
              (PS i like that you have toned yourself down since my verbal beratement of you the other day)..

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              You will find much agreement with that sentiment, what you will not find agreement on is who and what things are applied equally -to-.
              I know some who have mentioned they see NOTHING what so ever wrong with women only orgs, but cry havoc at the mention of someone even THINKING of making a men only org...

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              Logans Run?
              Or any o fthe other numerous futuristic films we have seen..
              That said, i would have LOVED it if the reboot of LR that we heard about wasn't cancelled..

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              LIf you think they will lie about everything else, what makes you think they will tell the truth about their religion?
              Which gives credence to the mantra of "why bring them in, when we CAN'T vet them.." Doesn't it.


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                So voting, is more of 'a right' than something in the bill of rights?? Interesting.
                Without voting, you have no democracy. The bill of rights works -within- a democracy.
                Then why do so many people sem to buy into it if its just a turn of phrase?
                I did not put forth that view, nor has any left wing person here, nor do the vast majority of "the left".
                The right however, different story.

                Heck i remember growing up, the # of classes i had in our "government and politics" semester, where they said "the intial intent behind the SSN, was so that you wouldn't NEED other ids", now we have drivers licenses, gun licenses, voter licenses, fishing licenses etc...
                It may have been taught that way in schools, I cannot speak to that, all I can speak to is the history of the SSN.

                True, it seemed a hairbrain act..
                Exactly. It's not a dealbreaker, it won't change your opinion, it won't change annoyed, but it -was- a especially stupid thing to do. Even in trying to explain it, it is said that Melania was asked to list people she is inspired by. Being inspired by Mrs O is cool, but don't use it in a speech, or let it out when your husband who is running for POTUS spends time bashing Mr O.

                I looked up "How many christian terror acts have been done in the past 20 years" and one of the links was to an "" site.. Interesting write up.. Some of those incidents MIGHT have been considered terror, if it was done to change religion or politics, however none of them seem to qualify..
                Do you think that the Attacks of ISIS, or Al queada change the politics or religion of the US?
                Oh, and I would not trust much coming out of Altnet BTW, there are left wing sites that even lefties think are facepalm-worthy.
                However i WILL give you that there are some christian nuts out there, like those who have killed docs with planned parenthood.
                Yes, and their goal was to inflict terror on suppliers, and users of PP. That is -by definition- terrorism.
                Its just their attacks are NO where near as public, violent and deadly as muslim terrorism is..
                That does not matter a bit. Look outside of the US, look to places like Africa if you want to see some truly shocking acts by Christianity.

                Yes, Christianity has had a bad past (and in regards to pedo priests still does), however using it as a 'smack down' on people saying Islamic extremism is bad, is NOT the way to go.. WELL imo.
                It's not used as a smack down in any other way than to say "get of your high moral horse", and that is a valid way to use it.
                Interesting connotation. It is something to consider i will give you that..
                (PS i like that you have toned yourself down since my verbal beratement of you the other day)..
                Umm.............. ok?

                I know some who have mentioned they see NOTHING what so ever wrong with women only orgs, but cry havoc at the mention of someone even THINKING of making a men only org...
                Quit while you are ahead

                Or any o fthe other numerous futuristic films we have seen..
                That said, i would have LOVED it if the reboot of LR that we heard about wasn't cancelled..
                Eh, it was a better book, and we don't need more damn re-boots.

                Which gives credence to the mantra of "why bring them in, when we CAN'T vet them.." Doesn't it.
                Only -IF- your initial position is we cannot trust them.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  PART I

                  Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                  I don't care what he does to be honest, just like how Trump let him speak in the first place, he's a nobody. His supporters will still vote Trump anyway.
                  Or they might not - no one knows.

                  Trump let him speak... how generous.

                  Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                  Next you'll call me a practicing Christian or something right?
                  I don't know, are you?

                  Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                  I mean her campaign tactics. They're pretty bad.
                  How so, bad? Doesn't she bash enough people? Estrange minorities? Say one thing, mean another?

                  I mean, I love Trump calling himself the friend of the LGBTQ's and choosing a homophobic/transphobic/anti-LGBTQ VP -- does not compute.

                  Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                  Even on liberal sites like Twitter and Facebook Trump is far more popular, that's a huge red flag there.
                  As far as being ridiculed on these social media platforms -- oh yeah, quite popular subject.

                  Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                  On our side everyone knows what Trump means and represents.
                  Do you really?
                  I'm waiting...

                  Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                  No-one will have quite the same enthusiasm for Clinton, that's for sure.
                  No Trump-follower indeed.

                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  4 years. I know for at least half of his presidency, Obama had the backing of a Democrat run Congress. It might have been longer.
                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  2 years, the GOP took over congress in 2010.
                  So, 6 years of blocking then.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  So just cause it was Ms obama, its bad, but had it been someone else, it would have been ok?
                  I doubt that was the point he was trying to make, but I see he explained it already.

                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  When you run your campaign saying "Obama BAD", then your wife knocks off "Obama BAD's" wife's speech from the exact same circumstances, it looks pathetic. Borrowing phrases and attributing them to the speaker is a common practice, but this was not attributed.
                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  The fact he won't accept Christian ones, but IS accepting Muslims by the thousands, IS of concern. Which group is the one involved in terrorism these days? Its not bible thumping Christians..
                  I offered you an explanation on why that's not true -- you clearly chose to ignore it.

                  Bible thumping Christians perform acts of terrorism too -- you just don't call it that because white men are rarely named terrorists in the US. They're just mentally ill.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Which he seems to LOVE bringing up when people bring up islam's track history in the past 50+ years of violence... When Christianity's history of that WAS in the far past..
                  Think again (inspired by Gatefan's mention of Africa's Christians - mind you, these examples are not limited to the African continent:

                  The Religious Sources of Christian Terrorism

                  "In modern history, numerous Christians have committed dreadful acts of violence, many times against the civilian population. Here is a short list of modern Christian terrorist groups: Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda; Antibalaka in Central African Republic; the National Liberation Front of Tripura and the National Socialist Council of Negaland in India; the Maronite Christian militias in Lebanon; and, of course, IRA and the Orange Volunteers in Northern Ireland.

                  For American Christianity the story has a darker side. Since the end of the Civil War in 1865, Ku Klux Klan has used arson, lynching, murder, intimidation, such as cross burning, against the African-American population. Groups such as the Army of God, Eastern Lightning, a.k.a. the Church of the Almighty God, and the Lord’s Resistance Army are just a few Christian terrorist organizations that have used or advocated violence based on the Christian beliefs and values. In fact, since 9/11 white Christian terrorists have killed more Americans in the U.S. than any other terrorist groups.

                  Most of the groups mentioned above are explained on the page below (the site itself is anti-Tea Party but I'm not asking you to read the entire website - it's merely convenient that I don't have to link to 8 different pages):

                  Here are 8 Christian Terrorist Organizations That Equal ISIS

                  Christian militias take bloody revenge on Muslims in Central African Republic
                  Muslim population versus Christian population, waging war and killing each other (not so much terrorism but it's religion-based so more or less applicable).

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  BUT what made me wonder. IF the autistic person was being seen in a center, how was he allowed to wander OUT in the first place?
                  They don't tie them down, you know. Or lock them up.

                  He managed to wander out of the center, with his toy truck in hand.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  And with all the other stuff we SHOULD be asking them, how is adding a question (or two) about what religion they are, going to all of a suddenly make things problematic?
                  Discrimination based on religion ring a bell... ?
                  Besides, they'll just lie to get in.

                  It's up to the UN Refugee division to apoint where refugees go. Like was said in the article, Christians do not tend to gather in the camps for various reasons so if you they don't go there than the humantarian organizations can't help them either.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Come again? My saying Moochelle, is cause of how often she seems to LOVE flying AF1 to shopping trips and vacations..
                  If you think Michelle is bad, then what the F is Melania going to be like. Apparently she dared to not wear a dress created by an American designer, instead she was wearing couture created by a British designer. The nerve...

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  I certainly hope that its the case, that she Won't win unless her and the democrats rig things..
                  Y'all are aware that it's generally the loosing side that comes up with these ideas of voter fraud, right?

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  As to Trump being potentially assassinated.. Maybe it will happen.. After all, have we not seen only HIS ralleys disrupted by thugs..?
                  And make him a martyr?
                  Yeah right -- it's in everyone's best interest he stays alive.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Actually Comey said a 'reasonable prosecutor wouldn't bring charges'. Even though a # of prosecutors on national TV said based on the evidence he laid out, they WOULD have pushed for charges.. And that came out just after Bill and Lynch met, which is WHY a lot of people feel Comey either was bribed, or bullied into that decision..
                  Nevertheless, there's not going to be an indictment so you may want to find something else to complain about.

                  How about those 2 million missing emails from Bush's private server?
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Part II

                    Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                    ...hopefully we see fair improvements all around with less censorship.
                    And how do you like to be less censored?

                    What Is Censorship?

                    "Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive," happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups. Censorship by the government is unconstitutional. "

                    Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                    I hope so.. look at what Hillary Clinton just retweeted. She's totally clueless, especially on foreign policy, still demonizing Russia when the rest of the world has moved on from that.
                    She didn't retweet that -- her social media team did. And they probably had a good reason to do so.
                    Her tweets are signed with HRC.

                    How's your knowledge on foreign policy?
                    Better I hope than the man you want to become president.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Because it never happened. You can even still hear the speech if you want, it's the one he got slammed for using the N word.
                    *gasp* How dare he?

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Please, do some research on that, you might change your mind.
                    Doubtful as I already provided him with an article debunking that notion. He's saying it.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    In which case, shouldn't the care center share some of the blame for not watching someone "known to be suicidal" to where he COULD get out like that?
                    The autistic wasn't suicidal - he had just wandered off.
                    That's what the 911 caller thought: "a sighting of a man with a gun about to kill himself"

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    So voting, is more of 'a right' than something in the bill of rights?? Interesting.
                    I can't fathom how you think voting isn't a right...

                    LOL! Never mind, just found the reason why. Thank you John Adams for being so direct.

                    The Right to Vote—Effectively: Why Was “The Right to Vote” Omitted From the U.S. Constitution?

                    "Most Americans are unaware that they, unlike the citizens of most other democracies, do not have a basic constitutional right to vote. The constitutions of Germany and Japan adopted after World War II include a specific right to vote. Even in nations, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria—where Americans are fighting to impose democratic governments—the people already have a constitutional right to vote. Of 120 constitutional democracies in the world, only 11, including the United States, fail to explicitly guarantee a right to vote in their constitutions."


                    "James Madison, the principal author of the Constitution and the subsequent Bill of Rights, publically stated the electors of the new government would be “the great body of the people of the United States.” In private, however, he worried that, “In future times, a great majority of the people will not only be without landed, but any other sort of, property. These will either combine under the influence of their common situation; in which case, the rights of property and the public liberty will not be secure in their hands; . . .” John Adams was even more direct. In opposition to allowing electors other than property owners, he said “There will be no end of it. New claims will arise. Women will demand a vote. Lads from 12 to 21 will think their rights not enough attended to, and every man, who has not a farthing, will demand an equal vote. . . ."

                    Right To Vote

                    "When our country [the US] was founded, only property-owning White men were granted the right to vote. After the Civil War, when slavery was finally abolished, the Constitution’s Fifteenth Amendment prohibited “the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Only in the last century did the Nineteenth Amendment give women the right to vote. And a little over 40 years ago, the Twenty-sixth Amendment was ratified to expand the franchise by lowering the voting age from 21 to 18."


                    "In the absence of an explicit right to vote in the Constitution, states may adopt any voting laws that legally discriminate – as long as they are for reasons besides race, gender, age or ability to pay a poll tax. This is why voting discrimination remains a continuing, frequent, and growing problem in America.

                    Today in dozens of states, laws are being used in partisan politics to keep millions of Americans from voting. These include new measures that require voter ID or proof of citizenship, eliminate early voting days or locations, restrict or shut polling locations, and a myriad other tactics designed to unfairly limit and discourage voter participation by African-American, Latino, Asian, young, and lower-income Americans.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
           whites and latnios are not as vocal (or violent) as blacks.
                    That's like saying, children from gay families are damaged and will become drug addicts.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    However i WILL give you that there are some christian nuts out there, like those who have killed docs with planned parenthood.
                    Its just their attacks are NO where near as public, violent and deadly as muslim terrorism is.
                    Because they don't tape their violence as propoganda, or because the media doesn't cover them so globally.

                    If you want to hold all Muslims responsible, than you should equally hold all Christians responsible. In the name of equal blame...

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    (PS i like that you have toned yourself down since my verbal beratement of you the other day)..
                    LOL!! Toning down Gatefan... That's funny.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    Which gives credence to the mantra of "why bring them in, when we CAN'T vet them.." Doesn't it.
                    I wonder whether the arrivals on Ellis Island were vetted... *ponders*

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Without voting, you have no democracy. The bill of rights works -within- a democracy.
                    See above.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Yes, and their goal was to inflict terror on suppliers, and users of PP. That is -by definition- terrorism.
                    Homegrown as it were.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      So voting, is more of 'a right' than something in the bill of rights?? Interesting.
                      You're not making sense. It's mentioned 5 times as a right. There is no hierarchy of rights. Then again, most of the rights aren't identified as a "right" like voting is. So maybe I digress. Most of them are just list of things the government can't do, not affirmations that those things are rights. That's just an imposition we have made over time, except for voting which is identified as a right.

                      Then isn't that more on those who SIT on the jury for just hand waiving what the DA wants to happen, rather than using their brains and following the law??
                      Not sure what you mean. A Grand Jury is typically shown the prosecution's case. The DA tells them the rules of how and when and why to indict someone for a crime and explains the specific requirements for each charge. Then the DA shows his case and then answers questions. Typically, prosecutor tend to lobby for the grand jury to do what they want. When it comes to the police being the suspect, they add on any evidence the defense might have and caution the jury the way a judge would caution a trial jury. In essence, they are asked to decide guilt when it comes to cop even though that is not their job, that job is reserved for a trial jury.

                      True, us whites and latnios are not as vocal (or violent) as blacks.
                      I doubt that's true. Given enough frustration, I'm sure you've met plenty of people regardless of race who can be driven to less savory acts. And anyways, when criminals see an opening for violence, they take it.

                      I don't know either. BUT it shouldn't matter if asked directly.. Trump got condemned even before he had a chance to react when it initally came out..
                      He had his chance when he was asked. That's when people started harping on this particular thing, when he refused to condemn them on tv. But either way, if these supremacists are liberal...why are they backing Trump?

                      This link is such a resource hug. But it is interesting that his time spent on AF1 doesn't differ from that of other presidents, except Reagan...but we all know he would be booed in the RNC these days, so that doesn't count. But why didn't it give the details of how the other presidents used it? Presidents usually use AF1 for travel, even for vacations. It's the point. It made the bold statement that he travelled internationally more than any other president. That's just 2 more trips than bush (and if I remember, I had to close the link cause it was such a resource hug) 3 times more than Clinton. Not a really big difference! What exactly do you want the president and his family to use? Malaysian Airlines? Egyptian Airlines? And shot down? Blown up? Lost at sea? You might as well ask me to give him a ride...good thing you're not in the Secret Service (What unfortunate initials SS )

                      Based on the information, on how Bush and Clinton did much the same, the next president will be spending even more! It's called a trend. Back in 1781 the US president had no need to leave the country. No world leaders did. Now, world leaders are expected to visit other nations and go to assemblies and so on. It's been an increasing thing ever since Teddy visited the Panama Canal.
                      Same as above. Michelle is just following a trend set by her predecessors. Why exclusively pick on her for that instead of going after the practice?

                      I remember hearing the same about Bush. Once again, it's the practice.
                      By Nolamom


                        Wikileaks is leaking thousands of democrat emails ahead of and during DNC, here is part one:
               and attachments:

                        I think there may be a lot of surprises ahead. Interesting to see Wikileaks pretty much endorsing Trump here, I wonder why. I mean Trump is such a warmongering fascist for bringing home the troops, right?

                        Edit: Also active shooters in Germany. Yikes..
                        Last edited by Nirude; 22 July 2016, 10:25 AM.


                          Well, I woke up this morning sick. Sick from Trumpalicious' vile, vitriolic venom that spewed for an hour and 15 minutes. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly perceive him any worse than I already do. Poof he did it again! He just showed how biggoted, mysogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, and ignorant he is. My first year debaters can speak and make arguments better than he does. We've yet to hear the idiot's plan. Its all I'm gonna do this, that, and the other...but has he told us how he's going to do it? NO! I fear for the USA.


                            Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                            Wikileaks is leaking thousands of democrat emails ahead of and during DNC, here is part one:

                            I think there may be a lot of surprises ahead. Interesting to see Wikileaks pretty much endorsing Trump here, I wonder why. I mean Trump is such a warmongering facist for bringing home the troops, right?
                            That's simple. Wikileaks are not freedom-loving idealists, they are an anti-Western espionage outlet. Anything bad for the USA is good as far as they are concerned. Which is why they have, to the best of my memory, never published any leaks that would damage a government that they don't see as Western or allied with the West.

                            Wikilieaks, in my opinion is a kind of espionage laundering device- instead of transferring secret documents to a foreign intelligence service, a spy can transfer them to Wikileaks, thereby accomplishing his goal yet making it difficult for the government to prosecute him for espionage because on the face of it, he isn't working for anyone in particular.

                            And whose troops did Trump bring home?
                            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                              Well, I woke up this morning sick. Sick from Trumpalicious' vile, vitriolic venom that spewed for an hour and 15 minutes. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly perceive him any worse than I already do. Poof he did it again! He just showed how biggoted, mysogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, and ignorant he is. My first year debaters can speak and make arguments better than he does. We've yet to hear the idiot's plan. Its all I'm gonna do this, that, and the other...but has he told us how he's going to do it? NO! I fear for the USA.
                              It's funny how we both view each other as utterly insane. There's some unity in that, perhaps?

                              Womble: Struggling to see how you come to that conclusion. I think you may have some deep rooted problems in your thinking, falling for buzz words like racist and such instead of *really* thinking about things. And Trump wants to scale back US commitment to NATO/foreign countries and concentrate on America first.


                                Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                                Well, I woke up this morning sick. Sick from Trumpalicious' vile, vitriolic venom that spewed for an hour and 15 minutes. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly perceive him any worse than I already do. Poof he did it again! He just showed how biggoted, mysogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, and ignorant he is. My first year debaters can speak and make arguments better than he does. We've yet to hear the idiot's plan. Its all I'm gonna do this, that, and the other...but has he told us how he's going to do it? NO! I fear for the USA.
                       do I....hard not to when our choices are between a pathological liar and a bloviating feet-stamping man-child

