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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    The snail got eaten by the vultures
    poor snail.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Just play GTA, you can combine the two and not waste money, and it has a rocking soundtrack
    My cousin used to play GTA -- we played together on occasion so yeah GTA rocks!

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    They don't watch porn, they hire hookers in towns they will not come back to in 4 years.
    Give them some credit.
    Ofcourse, what was I thinking...

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Evolution is a lie, did you not get the Memo?
    Eaten by vultures.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Or perhaps 14th century.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    God can come down and dictate the rights, until then, it can STFU and get back in it's box. Western Law is based on Germanic Common law, which evolved not from Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam, but Germanic heathenism.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    I have a cool gif of an olympic hammer throw right into a guy's nuts, I think that is more appropriate.
    That'll work too.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Can we send him back to Sparta??
    I think there might be some people who would take exception to him.
    Sparta, sure why not.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      OMG love the old strawman arguments.

      Video Games incite violence. Oh boy.....
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        OMG love the old strawman arguments.

        Video Games incite violence. Oh boy.....
        I spent quite a few hours on SimCity and i'm still dissappointed it didn't turn me into a mayor. I played Company of Heroes but i got denied my Veteran rights. I played Black&White but i'm still no god. I played Skyrim but i still can't handle a sword. I played Minecraft but my head isn't square, and no matter how much i played Age of Empires the museum director told me it wasn't a valid entry for my CV.

        But apparently, playing Call of Duty or World of Warcraft turns me into a homicidal maniac.

        Then i turn on the TV and see nothing but violent movies, TV series, violence on the news, in the newspaper, on online papers and apparently that's all fine.


          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          I said, why that question? when did I say they do? in fact what's that got to do with the rest?
          don't you wish
          you don't just move goalposts you create them. you're the one asking questions out of the blue lol (btw why the sudden interest in hispanics)
          let's see - which unions represent the only people with authority & the power to kill, which unions have the means to impose their point of view on others at gunpoint...yeah man tough question :|
          when they shoot an innocent & the usually zero-tolerant DA doesn't even press charges, you can't put 1 & 1 together?
          now you're being as disingenuous as the Trump supporters here
          don't know where you get that but you don't need to know all the minute details about your electoral college to know that it's an aberration. offtopic though
          logic 100 - as you pointed out a few days back the US tends to make more overseas headlines than other countries; the web makes it easy to know what goes on there, you know...

          You really can't follow a discussion can you? You said that the whole issue is class related. So I point out another population in the same class as black people, Hispanics. It's a counter example. If it is a class issue primarily, then Hispanics would experience the same if not similar issues, in the case of our discussion getting killed by the police. But they get killed a lot less often and a lot more proportionally to their population while black people are killed disproportionately (3 times). Socioeconomic class is therefore not the variable at play. It's primarily a race issue.

          Beyond that, your attempts to demonize our police forces are based on benefits that teachers also get minus carrying a gun with, as you ridiculously claim, a license to kill are based on flawed patterns. It's a nice way to simplify a problem so it fits your conspiracy of class warfare.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          From the description, they will all have shot each other before the cops ever get there, saving the police from having to sort it out.

          Seriously, a legal and responsible gun owner *should* ensure that he understands the situation before drawing a weapon at all.
          That's thing. I have proposed having mandatory training and such. Because people "should" do a lot of things but they don't unless other wised forced to. And even then, the scenario described would be, as others pointed out, hard enough for well trained individuals whose jobs are to deal with these sort of scenarios. The point of the scenario is that public safety should not hinge upon an armed populace. Having a weapon should only ever be for self defense, not for law enforcement (expect if one is LEO) and not for preventing a massacre.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          But isn't the reason they keep saying "we are arresting ring leaders of these riots" so that they can 'show us the public' that they are trying to keep justice in place'?? what's the point of that if there's no charges? IMO that turns said arrest into a sham, and keeps the mantra up that many of us feel is in place, that under the current administration, blacks can do no wrong.

          You're going to have to point me towards some literature because I don't know enough on this phenomenon that you are describing.

          True just cause the big 5 don't have it doesn't mean it didn't happen. BUT look at how much air time they DO seem to give to all the riots/shootings of blacks by white cops.. YET you never see even 1/10th the same amount of airtime for say the latest spate of weekend shootings i Chi-raq, or the 100th white person shot by cops.. So its OVERTLY biased..
          That's because YOU don't speak out. That's on YOU. (And for those of you who can't take context and basic knowledge of the English Language into account. That is the second person plural, not singular, in reference to all white Americans). You need to make your own protests and demand action to fix it. Then, once the ratings hungry media see that there is money in it (As they see in the whole BLM thing) they'll report on it too. In fact, I do remember seeing BLM report a few white victims only to be ignored...

          I mean by fellow blacks. Take a look at jut Chicago THIS YEAR alone, they are up to what
          as per USA today..

          Yet we had how much air time over the death of 49 people in orlando, or the 12 in aurora.. Its vastly disproportionate.. Or is it cause that is what we have come to EXPECT from Chicago, we no longer give a hoot anymore when we hear yet another violent weekend, so why bother reporting on it...

          I have heard of SOME violent incidents, sure, but no where to the extent we keep hearing of them at BLM rally's and protests...

          Maybe because there's been more BLM rallies and protests? I mean, it's called the law of really large numbers. The higher the number equals a higher frequency of unlikely events to occur. If there were a million lightening strikes in my county, my chances of getting struck by lightening would rise so high I'd probably be dumb not to drive to the next county over until the lightening strikes subside.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Exactly. Blacks being killed by other blacks. BUT Where is all the outrage from BLM? Or Obama, or sharpton etc? Why are they only outraged when its a black killed by a white cop?

          Wasn't Castile killed by an Asian cop?

          You DO realize more whites are shot than blacks (as was shown earlier)?. So my 'saying the 100th one killed', was just an example.. What i was trying to say is that why is it we know damn near ALL the names of blacks shot by a white cop, but rarely if ever even get TOLD of a white killed by cops (regardless of the race of the cop)?? That was the point i was making.
          Did you fail math or something? You need to adjust those numbers to take population size into account. Refer to my law of really big numbers statement above. Also refer to my statement above regarding lack of white outrage. The simple fact is that white people aren't outraged enough on the matter, but your not alone. Hispanics are much the same too.

          Well, what gangs are in Chicago, besides black ones, as most of those homicides ARE gang related?
          And you can bet if it was WHITE on black violence, we would know about it.

          Even then, White on black or Black on white violence is very rare...people tend to kill people they know. Just keep in mind the law of really big numbers as far as the "exceptions" go.

          I am trying to make an equal comparison though. If we hold doctors and such accountable for negligence in someone's death, then why shouldn't cops/firemen etc, who strike get held for deaths caused. AND by that logic, if we hold THEM to account, then people protesting in a street, who cause of that blockages of traffic, cause ambulances and fire engines to be delayed to get to an accident scene, and CAUSE of that delay, life is lost should be held to account in the same manner..
          Well...doctors don't have unions. But nurses do, and they strike as needed. I wouldn't agree to charging them on anything. Same thing with police and firefighters, depending on he situation. But I would go after people who block traffic like that.

          And we DO require people to get licensed before buying a gun..

          Except they are much like car licenses, meaningless rubber stamps.

          That's cause one is a right *gun ownership* while the other is a Privilage (driving).. Ergo one can be more regulated than the other..
          But the right is ownership, not to be free of regulation or data gathering. Don't make up rights that don't exist. You're starting to sound like a bench legislating SCOTUS judge.

          And why do you think that is? Maybe cause of our movie/tv/music (well rap especially) along with violent shoot em up games, glorify guns and violence time and time again? We have reduced discipline to almost being non existent in schools...
          If that were true there'd be no Catholic Priest pedophiles. All that time listening to the bible being read, to choirs singing, to preaching...except the human mind doesn't work that way. People aren't driven to violent or sexual crimes simply because they see it on TV or video games or read it in books or see it on the news. I've killed plenty of animals on video games quite viciously, but I am the first to slam on the break everytime a cat crosses the road.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          Drug addicts and damaged people existed long before gay marriage did, especially in the states. How do they even rationalize this?

          Really, these people suffer from delusional beliefs. They're the ones that need a reality check.

          History and historians and history teachers are liberals! So there's no point in listening to any of that liberal nonsense...unless is supports a certain point of view.
          By Nolamom


            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            That's thing. I have proposed having mandatory training and such. Because people "should" do a lot of things but they don't unless other wised forced to. And even then, the scenario described would be, as others pointed out, hard enough for well trained individuals whose jobs are to deal with these sort of scenarios. The point of the scenario is that public safety should not hinge upon an armed populace. Having a weapon should only ever be for self defense, not for law enforcement (expect if one is LEO) and not for preventing a massacre.
            I would support mandatory training with one stipulation. The results of the training could not be used as grounds for approval/disapproval of the required permit. Yes, it's not ideal, but I can all too easily see a government misusing the training/testing process as a backdoor means of determining who is issued a permit and who isn't.
            Aside from convicted felons and such, the government should NOT have the ability to deny a permit.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              I would support mandatory training with one stipulation. The results of the training could not be used as grounds for approval/disapproval of the required permit. Yes, it's not ideal, but I can all too easily see a government misusing the training/testing process as a backdoor means of determining who is issued a permit and who isn't.
              Aside from convicted felons and such, the government should NOT have the ability to deny a permit.
              I assume that a background check would serve as a net against (most) criminals, mentally ill and blacklisted people (e.g. potential or known terrorists)? So the permit would come with basic training (including gun safety basics as "always assume a gun is loaded") to ensure that the people having guns aren't total morons, but the filtering mechanism would be handled by a different part?

              While i think it strange that a gun would have less requirements than a car, considering the current toxic environment, i guess it's better than nothing.


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                You really can't follow a discussion can you? You said that the whole issue is class related. So I point out another population in the same class as black people, Hispanics. It's a counter example. If it is a class issue primarily, then Hispanics would experience the same if not similar issues, in the case of our discussion getting killed by the police. But they get killed a lot less often and a lot more proportionally to their population while black people are killed disproportionately (3 times). Socioeconomic class is therefore not the variable at play. It's primarily a race issue.
                you can follow imaginary discussions alright - imaginary discussions
                I said it's not primarily a race issue. come on it's not that subtle
                not easy to simply it further, but hey I got mucho time to waste atm so I'll oblige (I've come to be very patient with you americans anyway)
                try follow this:
                both white & non-whites commoners get shot by your police (higher % among non-whites? yeah man but irrelevant here as explained in the next lines)
                my point since the start: whether the victim's white or non-white your DAs show the same leniency & the shooters get away with it without as much as indictment
                now pay attention, here's the crux: since that leniency therefore ain't related to colour, what's it related to? ding ding notice the key word I used, in both cases the victims are commoners. not corporate honchos, not coppers, not part of an elite caste, just commoners
                the ss may pick on non-whites more often (in other words they're racist in addition to being fascist. no sh! old news) but ultimately they've the same immunity regardless of the victim's ethnic group or their own for that matter
                therefore it's class-related & concerns the People as a whole
                dunno about you but I say in a democracy that's far more preoccupying since it's not just a small portion of the citizenry (a specific ethnic group) but nearly the entire citizenry that is at risk
                get it?

                and I'm feeling really altruistic tonite so here's another way of explaining things:
                suppose this Castile chap's death goes unpunished, this could set a legal precedent. now what sort of legal precedent would this be?
                your courts can't rule that the ss have the right to shoot only innocent blacks for raising their hands because that would be racial discrimination against a specific ethnic group & your laws & constitution forbid that. therefore the ruling would be that they can shoot any citizen who raise their hands regardless of the person's colour. see again how this is a problem that concerns all of you not just minorities
                get it? capice? comprende? einverstanden?

                now here's your chance to counter-argue properly: cite 1 example in your country where the ss shot a white - or non-white for that matter - commoner and where the shooter was sentenced and where the sentence was just as harsh as it would've been in the case of a commoner shooting a copper
                yours is a vast country so if you're right you should be able to find just 1 example no?
                Beyond that, your attempts to demonize our police forces are based on
                the actions of your police forces
                with, as you ridiculously claim, a license to kill are based on flawed patterns
                bah of course not, unarmed commoners get killed, shooters never get punished but hey still that's still no licence to kill just an unfortunate string of unlucky coincidences systematically due to slippery fingers. the fact that in all these cases where the shooting goes unpunished the victim's a commoner, purely coincidental :|

                not my fault you can't see the obvious pattern it's your logic & your vision that are flawed
                as I suspected - Trump! leave that body!
                (seriously man when & how did it begin? you know this...change & fall to the dark side - you used to be libertarian/reasonable about this issue in this very thread. lol)
                Last edited by SoulReaver; 13 July 2016, 04:42 PM. Reason: url?


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  One party holds the presidency, the other does not, they are the opposition. I don't mean in a "gah gonna kill ya" way, but in a political way.
                  The invitation was not from the Republican party; it was from the speaker of the Congress, on behalf of the Congress. Congress is not an opposition of the Presidency, or isn't meant to be, assuming I understand the American model of governance correctly.

                  You might be getting confused do to living in a Westminster-model parliamentary state and not a Presidential one. The head of the state in a Westminster-model state is the head of the largest party in the parliament; not so in the USA, where elections for Presidency and elections for the Congress/parliament are held separately. It can and does happen that the President is not produced by the party which holds representational majority. In our case, rhe Republicans are the majority in the Congress as of 2014 elections; if anyone can be labeled "opposition" in Westminster terms, it is in fact the Democrats.

                  Yes, the speaker can invite who they wish, but you are ignoring, as usual, the reasons WHY they invited him. I mean, you have already had a moan about where your military subsidies can be spent on, so he was already inclined to have a go at the potus (never mind that people cry a river about aid NOT having conditions attached, and lets be crystal clear here, what you get from the US is AID, no matter what it is used for)
                  Boehner invited Netanyahu to give a speech regarding the Iran deal. The Congress, as it happens, has the right to question, investigate and reject the foreign policy of the executive, within the limits set by the Constitution. It can certainly invite a speaker on the subject, and Netanyahu's invite didn't exactly make history.

                  Excuse me?
                  I will not.

                  Biden, Kerry meet with Herzog; both to skip PM in DC next month

                  Right before the Israeli elections, the Vice President and the US Secretary of State chose to meet the leader of the Israeli opposition while boycotting the Prime Minister. Just one example. There's no shortage of others, from both Obama administration and previous ones.

                  At worst, Obama got a taste of his own medicine back then.

                  So, your issue is money, not the content.
                  Words are cheap, although the words of a USA President are meddling enough. But money is a much more serious issue, yes. Financing a campaign to overthrow a foreign country's leader... aren't you usually on the side that condemns such things?

                  This sentence is ignorant.
                  Back in my days, when calling someone ignorant, it was customary to explain what they're ignorant of. Otherwise it carries about as much weight as "yo momma is so fat" insults.

                  The funny thing, though, is that your entire post ignores the actual issue I was pointing out: not only the US State Department financed an attack campaign intended to subvert democratic elections, but they destroyed the emails that could serve as evidence.
                  If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    I could get your address, phone number, damn near anything and tweet out that their is a party at your house, but I did not organize it, I just put the information "out there".
                    I've heard of that being done to someone as a 'screw you' move.. Sort of like the current trend of "Swatting" someone.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Do you know -anything- about the legal system?
                    Not as much as i should.. But i do know some.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Black on black, or more correctly gang violence IS an issue, don't get me wrong, but it is not the reason BLM exists. If you want to look at that issue, look to other organizations that are doing work to prevent the cycle of gang violence being perpetuated, they do exist.
                    Then why are they not say called "Anti cop brutality movement", rather than black lives matter??

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    As for Obama, most of the times in his presidency he has called for gun regulation, it's not blacks getting mowed down, it's WHITES, including primary aged "good white kids". He has still gotten NOWHERE with it.
                    We imo don't need more regulation though. What we need is MORE enforcement of the damn laws we already have..
                    Its like all those who say our immigration system's broken. NO its not, its just not properly enforced!

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    You do realise that there are 9 whites for every black, right?
                    The white population is 63%, while blacks make up 14 to 17% depending on which source you go by.. That's NOT a 9 to 1 ratio.. More like a 3 to 1.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    No, you don't know every black person shot by the cops and their names. Name me all the blacks in in Chi-Raq who have been shot by cops.
                    No idea?
                    Nor do I.
                    I said near everyone.. NOT everyone as a certainty. BUT i will admit maybe it was a bad choice of words..
                    What i am saying though, is over the past 5+ years, there has been MANY a high profile (meaning MASSIVE media) attention to blacks (often criminals, not all i will admit) getting shot by cops (some white, some black, some latino), and we all seem to know THOSE victims names. However damn near all the time when a white person is shot in the exact same manner, you barely hear a peep from the media.. Unless its on the local news for that area....

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Extremely doubtful.
                    Well, just the last century, there were around 187 million killed in all the various wars, from WW1, 2, vietnam, all the wars in Africa and so on.
                    Based on This site
                    Since 1980, there has been roughly 1.4 Billion world wide, based on info each country provides to the WHO and UN...

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    What you are wanting here is an Autocratic police state.
                    No, what i am wanting is equal enforcement of the law. If person A can get done for Y cause of not doing something (or doing something bad), then so too should person G...

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    If you did, then I would have far less issues with "Joe public" having guns.
                    What you need to understand is, when it comes to guns, I am not "against" guns, I grew up with guns in the house, and going hunting with my dad, so I know that they do serve a practical use for some people to have (even though I grew up in an urban environment where guns, especially rifles serve no practical function, nor did my dads hunting trips). People -can- be trusted with guns at home, what they cannot be trusted with is making rational calls in high stress situations, and allowing them guns that can kill multiple people in a short timeframe is -really bad-.
                    Guns have a fair and proper use, and yes, just like cars, it is up to the people, or state, or fed to regulate them, just like they do with cars. I wish you guys would bend to a federal law here, but you will not, and people will just continue to die. These days, I don't care about your body count anymore, not because it's "not my problem", but because you as a nation have decided the it is not your problem either.
                    Then why does it seem from a lot of your prior posts you seem to want the 2nd amendment revoked ..

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    There are close to 40,000 shootings per year in the US, not performed by police.
                    And how many were multiple killings from one shooter, or repeated killings by the same shooter over time (Drive bys)??

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Do you know what that licence takes?
                    4 hours of training in a loose gun law state and you can legally carry whatever you want in (IIRC) 34 states.
                    Then perhaps we need to change it to where if you want to 'carry' in state X, you get licensed BY state X, so can't just go to the most lenient state, get a license and carry where ever..

                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Took you long enough to bring up that excuse...

                    *hides Call of Duty and Medal of Honor under the rug*

                    So, do the racing games inspire people to be idiots on the road?

                    In which case .... *hides Need For Speed next to CoD en MoH*
                    LOL.. Well it does make you think.. Prior to computer games of a violent gun toating nature etc, being so prevalent, we had no where near as much gun crime, and never heard of mass shootings like we do now days.. And guns were as prevalent in society back then. Same with violent, criminal glorifying movies/shows, rap etc.
                    So you do have to wonder.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Got to get that all important kid vote, then they can be a resource for decades, AND they train their young to do the same
                    And who's currently in control over schooling?? Liberals via the DoE..


                      In serious news. Theresa May has made Boris Johnson Foreign secretary


                      Who said the Tories didn't have a sense of humour


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        In serious news. Theresa May has made Boris Johnson Foreign secretary
                        What could possibly go wrong?

                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          The leadership of the establishment Republican party just doesn't get it, do they?

                          Paul Ryan Promises Endless Supply of Cheap Foreign Workers for Employers

                          Memo to Paul Ryan: This is why Trump kicked the "establishment" Republican party's arse in the primaries. Offhand, I'd say that you don't learn very well, do you?

                          House Speaker Paul Ryan last night promised to create a “21st Century” immigration system that lets employers hire an endless supply of cheap foreign workers instead of paying marketplace wages to American employees or to young Americans entering the labor force.

                          The wage-cutting, salary-slashing promise was delivered, half buried, in a “Town Hall” meeting conducted with Paul Ryan by CNN’s Jake Tapper.

                          “We need to have an immigration system that is wired for what our economy needs … so let’s find out where those gaps in our labor markets are and have our immigration system wired for that,” Ryan said.

                          By offering foreign workers to fill so-called “gaps” in the labor market, Ryan would give employers a huge gift — the ability to hire foreign workers whenever American employees or young job-seekers ask for higher wages, and without ever having to train any Americans to take higher-tech, higher-wage jobs. That’s a huge giveaway to employers and to Wall Street, where stock prices rise when wages drop.


                            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                            I spent quite a few hours on SimCity and i'm still dissappointed it didn't turn me into a mayor. I played Company of Heroes but i got denied my Veteran rights. I played Black&White but i'm still no god. I played Skyrim but i still can't handle a sword. I played Minecraft but my head isn't square, and no matter how much i played Age of Empires the museum director told me it wasn't a valid entry for my CV.

                            But apparently, playing Call of Duty or World of Warcraft turns me into a homicidal maniac.

                            Then i turn on the TV and see nothing but violent movies, TV series, violence on the news, in the newspaper, on online papers and apparently that's all fine.

                            That's exactly my point.

                            I've spent hours and hours inside Mass Effect 3 but it hasn't gained me any exotic weapons or turned me into Femshep, and the one time I played as maleshep I never scored a real life Miranda to screw over and over. Or endless waves of bad guys to kill with my gun that was like bigger then I was......

                            I didn't even get a cool spaceship.
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              What I said was that county and rural police (who have to face the voters directly) usually favor private ownership of firearms, while the police in larger urban areas who are often appointed by the Democratic city administrations are opposed.
                              I've read elsewhere that that is true, but I don't know if it is. Sounds probably likely, tho.

                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              They certainly seem very well organized, judging by the large # of simo protests, along with pre-made signs many have..
                              I have heard of SOME violent incidents, sure, but no where to the extent we keep hearing of them at BLM rally's and protests...

                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Err, you do know this thing called social media exists, right?
                              Which leads to the following DARK WEB article concerning this Friday (July 15, 2016). Please see articles below (links are in article titles).

                              "WARNING -This Friday: VIOLENT BLM Anti-Police Rallies Planned for 37 US Cities. We Have The Full List HERE"
                              July 12, 2016, AJ Review, General News
                              (Copyright 2016, American Journal Review)


                              Violent anti-police rallies in 37 US cities are being promoted on the dark web for THIS FRIDAY, July 15, beginning at 7 PM eastern US time.

                              SuperStation95 has obtained access to this information and if it goes as planned, many cities in the United States will erupt in ferocious violence, under the guise of being a "Nationwide Call To Action" against police brutality.

                              While this "National Call to Action" is what appears on the regular Internet to lure people in, on the Dark Web, it is being called a "Day of Rage" and plans are being pursued for hideous and widespread violence!
                              . . .
                              ---- AND ----
                              (below link contains the same article, but some of the readers' comments claim it is a hoax.. Really? Do they read and have inside info on the verbotten DARK WEB?)

                              "This Friday: Violent Rallies Planned for 37 US Cities - being promoted on the Dark Web! (We have the list)"
                              Post by Newsroom, Jul 11, 2016
                              (Copyright © 2016 SuperStation95 - New York, NY USA)

                              ...One plan uncovered, which calls for turmoil and violence to be built-up and built-up on the way to its crescendo at the Republican and Democrat Conventions!

                              This plan calls for so much violence, so much turmoil that the perpetrators hope to force the imposition of MARTIAL LAW, with the hope of actually postponing the election in November!

                              That's the goal, America. Take away the most fundamental form of our advanced civilization! Voting.

                              Who benefits from that?

                              Wake up America. We're being "played" against each other, for someone ELSE's agenda. Don't fall for it.

                              {---END of Quote---}

                              It was interesting how this morning, a different local radio station mentioned about Saul Alinsky plan to revolutionize the world by creating chaos and divisions everywhere possible. Now, people are taking that sort of thinking literally, and making up whatever excuses possible to justify their decisions to riot and vandalize, if necessary? The lessons of watching Baltimore, Maryland being destroyed by its own residents wasn't strong enough to realize common sense flew out the windows? Perhaps literally, too?

                              Oh jeeeeez, after the chaos finally simmers down, there's no more food or water in the stores, because oh look--just like the war-torn problems in other countries, our country is (going to be) turning out just like theirs and ending up with empty shelves and higher prices once the damage control figures get put back into place.

                              I know people who get bad enough headaches from the weather..including *fair* weather headache days (something to do with the air pressure, humidity, dew point, etc.) they have to deal with headaches from our own society running amuck and tearing life apart?

                              I've read elsewhere in the past (probably from some reader / blogger comment) where it seemed that almost every time President Obama or his administration would say everything is okay--there is no problem; or "people need to all calm down and work on healing together" -- that statements like those seem to act like cues to do the very opposite, because the exact opposite often always occurs shortly after such comments are stated.

                              It was also mentioned that the Dallas shooting of 5 police officers would end up being turned into another platform for Pres.Obama and his Administration to use for "GUN-Control".. So, if not directly spoken at the funeral services of the officers, Pres.Obama indirectly brought up the whole problematic issue of enforcing "GUN-Control".. the never-ending mantra.. until no one has the ability to protect themselves (except TPTB and their minions)--which is apparently one of the ideal goals of a (organized or governing) system to work thru every method possible, until--if necessary-- total rebellion occurs.


                              As for the USA elections, the more Donald Trump opens his mouth, he seems to stick his feet in deeper and deeper into his mouth.
                              A short time ago, Trump was claiming he'd be getting many of Bernie Sanders voters who don't like Hillary Clinton. However, now that Bernie Sanders has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton, there goes the voting base Trump was hoping to rely on for himself. Doubt if he'd last long enough to accomplish anything, because he'd probably have opposition within moments of his team legislating and enforcing those actions, too.

                              Seems reality side of that election issue is already in the bank with Hillary Clinton winning, unless Obama claims by executive order to remain as President, due to controlling civil unrest or whatever is plaguing our nation into dispicable times and despair at that time.
                              Sorry, but this whole world is turning into one, giant insanity ball.

                              If the whole "chaos" events are even partly to delay or stop the elections completely, that's a sad way of going about life on the voting spectrum, because it turns our so-called evolving society (to higher, superior species levels) back into primitive barbarianism, and not much more than that (at least not that I can think of at the moment).


                                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                                The invitation was not from the Republican party; it was from the speaker of the Congress, on behalf of the Congress. Congress is not an opposition of the Presidency, or isn't meant to be, assuming I understand the American model of governance correctly.
                                You are quite right Womble, it is not -ment- to be in opposition, but the simple fact of the matter is, that it is. Both the speaker of the house of congress, and senate made that perfectly clear that when Obama got office in 2008 that it was their main goal to either make him a one term president or block as much of his actions as they possibly could. The Euro system of multiple parties, much like your own is far superior to the 2 party system used in the US, or here for that matter. It encourages diplomacy between the parties and provides an essential "check" on power.
                                We are drifting towards such a system here, but it will still take around 20 odd years IMHO.
                                You might be getting confused do to living in a Westminster-model parliamentary state and not a Presidential one. The head of the state in a Westminster-model state is the head of the largest party in the parliament; not so in the USA, where elections for Presidency and elections for the Congress/parliament are held separately. It can and does happen that the President is not produced by the party which holds representational majority. In our case, rhe Republicans are the majority in the Congress as of 2014 elections; if anyone can be labeled "opposition" in Westminster terms, it is in fact the Democrats.
                                I'm not getting confused dude, I'm just not getting distracted by what the system should be, and how it is actually working. I know how the system in the US is -supposed- to work, I am merely noting that it has not been "working as intended" for decades.

                                Boehner invited Netanyahu to give a speech regarding the Iran deal. The Congress, as it happens, has the right to question, investigate and reject the foreign policy of the executive, within the limits set by the Constitution. It can certainly invite a speaker on the subject, and Netanyahu's invite didn't exactly make history.
                                Actually, it sort of did make history. If you want to ask me if I think the Iran nuclear deal was "great", I can only answer, well, no, it was not great, but there are limits to what you can achieve with diplomacy. Was it the best deal they could have gotten? Umm, yeah, It probably was. Just remember however, with or without a deal, Iran would get nuclear weaponry, the knowledge to build and refine the needed products is so well dispersed these days that you simply cannot stop a nation from getting nukes. Someone will sell the components to them, and as much as inspectors may be mislead, I would choose a breath of oversight over none at all and hoping that someone does not sell or give them what they need.
                                It's a bad choice all around Womble.

                                I will not.
                                The Excuse me was lack of understanding, not seeking an apology
                                Biden, Kerry meet with Herzog; both to skip PM in DC next month

                                Right before the Israeli elections, the Vice President and the US Secretary of State chose to meet the leader of the Israeli opposition while boycotting the Prime Minister. Just one example. There's no shortage of others, from both Obama administration and previous ones.
                                Do you think you are unique as a country in having US interference with your political system?
                                At worst, Obama got a taste of his own medicine back then.
                                What medicine?
                                Netanyahu opened his speech by thanking Obama and America for always being willing to help.
                                Are you upset because people don't bend to your countries will?

                                Words are cheap, although the words of a USA President are meddling enough. But money is a much more serious issue, yes. Financing a campaign to overthrow a foreign country's leader... aren't you usually on the side that condemns such things?
                                Yes, I am.
                                A bit like buying land in another country, forming your own militia and government and being prepared to do whatever it takes to get your own nation within another nation.
                                Back in my days, when calling someone ignorant, it was customary to explain what they're ignorant of. Otherwise it carries about as much weight as "yo momma is so fat" insults.
                                I thought it was fair, given the amount of times you tell me I am ignorant or just being "Imperialist"
                                The funny thing, though, is that your entire post ignores the actual issue I was pointing out: not only the US State Department financed an attack campaign intended to subvert democratic elections, but they destroyed the emails that could serve as evidence.
                                Do you think that is unique to Israel?
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

