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"Deadly Love" A gift for the Posters!!!

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    Very good Tood.
    Centerpoint station huh. wonder where you got the idea for that
    no means no, and so does pepper spray
    Sig by The Carpenter


      Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
      Very good Tood.
      Centerpoint station huh. wonder where you got the idea for that
      By Nolamom


        waits for her surprise
        no means no, and so does pepper spray
        Sig by The Carpenter


          Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
          waits for her surprise
          o.O.....oh that!

          Yes, there is a side story in the works about me writing this will be fun to read...or scary...or funny...It has to do with certain VM's that I have exchanged in the past
          By Nolamom


            Chapter 23: Good chapter.
            Things are going....well badly . It looks like though that the power is being built and that the 'allies' are coming together and I am glad that I was the one to be on the front lines for this .
            Chapter 24 Bad chapter .
            All I can say is that I do not think I would be stupid enough to spill the beas to Aretoo, but then again I probably would too. I am just probably doing things in Hindsight. Oh yeah and that the way she is going to off the other two is truly shocking, I mean why can't anyone else will see it . I hope that my character is still viable and still in the game but I really must see.

            I think you mispelled one an 'and.'.


              Jper had enough of Major Clanger. Her constant bickering and the fact that guards have mysteriously been disappearing only to be found maimed. All of this signaled that her usefulness was quickly coming to an end. Perhaps this is why Sky wanted her gone, he thought to himself. He stood in front of her in the control room of the massive Centerpoint station as he received word from one his spy.

              “What!” Jper shouted in rage, “What do you mean they disappeared?”

              “They must have used the Tardis Time generator,” Jelgate responded as if he were speaking to the filthiest creature alive. He was above everything, Jelgate felt that he was supreme and far above the pity squabbles of the lower life forms. “Don’t worry, I know how those ingrates think,” he reassured Jper, “Now I think you can do away with your pet.”

              Jper just smiled and cut off the signal and turned towards Major Clanger who had a confused expression in her eyes. “What did he mean by that?” she asked him. Jper turned around and smiled, “You are a total idiot,” he said.

              “Do you really think that taking me hostage like this would work? Or that the whole fleet will follow you alone, a crazed and shamed mod?” Jper began to laugh at Clanger as she felt the cold hard barrels of two blaster rifles press against both sides of her head.

              Jper then took the sidearm from Clanger’s hand, the look of defeat in her eyes excited him, finally he could move without a handicap. He raised the pistol and aimed at Clanger’s head and within a flash of light a crashing sound and a thud of a corpse. She was gone, dragged away by her own clouded judgement, the demented fool would not live to see another day.

              “Now, it’s time for dear old leader,” Jper spoke, “Computer, is Skydiver’s shuttle onboard yet?”


              “Good,” Jper said and walked away. He descended down countless levels and got on three in station trams. He came into the room where she was waiting for him. Dressed in her usual provocative low cut red dress. Slits in the fabric in the bottom portion of her dress revealed her legs. Several overdone decorations of gold adorned her arms. Her red hair the same outdated cut just like Hathor, she was obsessed with looking like her.

              Jper moved closer to her and got on his knees as she demanded with a gesture of her hands, “We are grateful for what you have done.” She began caressing his hair, Jper carefully pulled out his dagger. From his knee’s he tackled Skydiver, who in a fit of rage kneed him in the groin. Despite the shooting pain between his legs that caused a reflex reaction that paralyzed his body, he was able to keep her in arms reach. She grabbed hold of his neck with her hands and began to squeeze the life out of him. Her eyes glared, more angry that his death would be too slow than of the betrayal itself.

              Jper struggled to reach the dagger that just fell out of his reach as Sky climbed on top of him squeezing his throat with all of her rage. “We will not kill you quickly, though we wished it could be slower,” Skydiver began to speak, “You judged poorly in attacking your goddess.”

              Jper couldn’t reach the dagger, he finally slipped. In all of his planning, he made one mistake. He thought that she was an easy target without her personal guard present. They stood outside possibly surrendering to his men. However they have instructions to not enter the room. His time was running out, his lungs burned. He began struggling uncontrollably, then Skydiver released her grip slightly allowing him to take much needed, but limited, breaths. She then squeezed again repeating the same thing. He began to lose track of everything. He noticed his beacon still was attached to his belt, right under Sky’s thigh. If he pressed it, the Daleks would come, and If he was not there to offer them a deal that is a sham to begin with, they would turn on everyone and do what they do best, exterminate.

              “You’ll..” Jper struggled to speak as he slipped his hand under Skydiver and activated the beacon, “regret…this.”

              Swiftly she gave the final squeeze, snuffing the life out of his being. His song ended, he lay on the floor without motion, now it was time for Sky to deal with his cohorts. She got up and walked outside the room to find her guards on their knees, she grabbed one of the troopers in their pitch black armor by the throat with her left hand. She was quick, quick enough to have surprised the other troopers. She removed the trooper’s helmet with her right hand and stared into the depths of his soul breathing poison in his nose and mouth. The poison attacked his nervous system and killed him.

              The other troops were too scared to react. She walked up to the next one who began to aim his weapon at her. “Kneel!” she commanded with a voice as fierce as that of a lion’s roar. The convulsing trooper dying on the floor was more than enough to convince them. They dropped their guns tossed away. She moved between the remaining four troopers removing each of their helmets.

              “You will be our new Eunuchs,” She told the three men and then faced the woman, “And the female will be circumcised.” Her personal guards got up and restrained the shocked troopers.

              “You will be an example to all that we are supreme,” She said as she stood in front of them, “And if you are lucky enough to survive the procedure, you will be rewarded for your willingness to please your goddess by serving us.”

              * * * *
              The small cantina Shuttle arrived near the Centerpoint star system. Within it were the two timelord sisters, Myn and Winged Pegasus. Winged had her battle dress on, dark cargo pants, and dark shirt. Both complemented each other, blue and black.

              “I’m scanning the area now,” Winged stated as she worked the controls, “Oh, did I tell you that I finally managed to fix Replicator Todd?”

              “Really? I would have kept him offline for a while, are you sure this time?” Myn asked not sure that she was correct. Winged’s eyes popped wide open, “oh-oh.”

              “What?” Myn asked.

              “Oh nothing…just a Star Dystroyer heading our way,” Winged smiled nervously. As it got close Myn and Winged both were launched into a spiral of colors. The winds of space turned into turbulent storm. A high pitch mechanical sound was heard by both of them. They were thrown into a large sea of stars each blinking into violent spasms of fire. The voices of billions where heard crying out in pained agony. Destructive forces trembled the fabric of existence.

              Myn and Winged looked at each other and held hands. But the high pitched mechanical voice got louder and louder to the point where they could understand what it was saying. They were thrown back to reality when the realized what they were. They also were knocked to and fro by the destroyer’s weapons impacting the shuttle. A tractor beam pulled in the small vessel. But this was the least of their worries, something far worse was coming their way. They both looked at each other and needed no words to exchange what they knew.

              They could just tell. They heard that loud voice repeat the same word again and again and again.

              By Nolamom


                How about the Who theme music to end this one
                no means no, and so does pepper spray
                Sig by The Carpenter


                  Chapter 25: Shocker of shockers batman very short chapter too. But a lot happened. I do not think Sky will survive her experience with the Daleks, though I am very surprised that Jper was...that dumb I guess. It looks like dray's plan is about to work though, and I agree with GB, we need some Who music after that. Whoa Next chapter should be extreamly interesting.


                    Commander Jumper sat beside the bed-ridden Mapp. Tears ran silently down her soft delicate face. Her silky blond hair was a mess; she had been staying up day and night watching over Mapp as he remained unresponsive to any of PH’s attempts at waking him up. He almost seemed peaceful to her. But she wanted the raggedy cocky self involved Mapp that she has come to love.

                    Her mind wondered through the endless stars that they have seen together, she was the first of his crew, come to think of it; she was the next one in line of command. At that point she realized something strange was going on. Mapp was supposedly healed by Draygon, but why was he still sick? This worried her more than anything. She remembered the visions she has had in the past, they all had one thing in common, one element was always there. Draygon. During the Mission, during the time jump, and earlier when she heard the Daleks, she was on the bridge with Draygon. They were the only ones who heard it, but she believed that in his slumber, Mapp heard it too. She needed to see someone; Aretood2 was too close to Draygon. Maybe Shanthaia would be of help.

                    CJ got up, wiped her face off and kissed Mapp on the forehead. She left the room staring back at her beloved Timelord. She met up with Shanthaia, she told her everything she new, all the visions and Draygon. Shanthaia had AtlantisRules on her head in Iguana form at the time, he also sat there, listening quietly as the two talked and walked down corridors that were not too busy heading towards the hangar.

                    “I’ve noticed it too,” Shanthaia said, “but what makes you think she will be trouble?”

                    “I don’t know, I just know,” CJ tried to explain it. “It’s like I can taste death when I am around her, like if there was a dark shadow surrounding her every move and step.”

                    “What do you plan on doing?” AtlantisRules said perched on top of Shanthaia’s head. CJ stopped walking, she was unsure of what to do other than confront Draygon. But now was the worst time for such a thing, the ship was about to jump off into battle. Shanthaia was part of the main strike team that would move to take the control center of Centerpoint.

                    “Look, The way I figure it, she’s going to want to go along, but she can’t. She’ll have to stay with the ship. Once the dust clears I’ll beam her of the ship and we all can have her restrained, I’m sure Tom wouldn’t mind lowering the shields long enough, if they’re still up, to beam her off the Cantina.” CJ explained her plans to the two, AtlantisRules was to act as a back up just encase Tom did not go through with it. They weren’t sure if Padme18 would be able to do it, but AR could just send Tom the message, and if Tom didn’t want to AR would then have to hack into the ship’s system, which would alert Draygon. But that was a risk they were all willing to take.

                    * * * *
                    Col. Foley managed to get to get himself together after that encounter with Draygon. He wasn’t too sure what happened to him, all he knew now was that she was dangerous. He sent word to Aretood2 that she wanted to see him in hopes that the two would not be in Draygon’s quarters. That would allow him the time he needed to get inside and go through her files. He knew she was planning something, but what that was eluded him.

                    He sat in the dark and silent security room studying the video feeds with a careful eye. Apparently Jelgate had installed countless cameras all over the ship, including Draygon’s room. He managed to tap into the network and got a clear view of what was going on in that room. He sat by and watched as Aretood2 entered the room to be greeted by Draygon. They both embraced each other and followed it through with a soft kiss.

                    “I sure hope they don’t plan on getting too mushy,” Foley said to himself out loud while cringing at the thought of the two getting together in secret. They began to speak; Foley raised the volume in the video feed to listen in to their conversations….

                    “Are you sure about this?” Aretood2 asked as he held Draygon’s hands.

                    “Yes, I need to take care of Mapp,” she replied, “As soon as he wakes up, I’ll tell him that I am in charge.” Draygon told Aretood2 of her plans to keep the command. Aretood2 was skeptical, not only was he unsure of her success, but he was not able to follow her reasoning.

                    “But he kicked us off,” Aretood2 said, “How do you plan on doing anything that…” Draygon placed her index finger over his mouth shushing him. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll take care of that,” She said, “now get yourself ready.” She stroked his hair and they both gave each other a hug. Draygon was already in her battle dress, dark pants cloak and her weapons on a harness.

                    They both exited the room, leaving it alone. Foley sat back tracking their movements throughout the ship. Draygon arrived at the bridge, and Aretood2 at the hangar. Foley got up and left for Draygon’s quarters with haste. From what he heard Draygon say, she was planning something, something he did not like at all.

                    Foley keyed open the entrance and made his way through Draygon’s quarters to her computer system. He began to shift through all the data. After several minutes of searching he found something the warped his mind, his eyes flew open. “In Darren’s name,” he whispered his astonishment, “I have to get Mapp up, somehow.”

                    “Attention all crew,” came Draygon’s voice from the intercom, “Prepare for Time Jump.” Just then he heard the all too familiar sound of a Tardis. It was starting, and Foley ran out of Draygon’s quarters rushing through stairs and corridors in his attempt to find PH.

                    He found her as he dashed into her lab and literally crashed into her knocking her over. “Foley!” she shouted at him as she kicked him off of her.

                    “Ow, hey that hurt!” Foley complained. PH got up and then delivered another kick kicking Foley in his kneecap right after Foley got up.

                    “Stop that!” Foley demanded as he backed away from PH.

                    “What? It’s fun,” PH said, “why did you just run in here? Did you want to finally volunteer for the gender machine experiment?” A silly smile crossed across her face ear to ear revealing her white teeth.

                    “No, just..” Foley was a bit annoyed, “You need to revive Mapp now.”

                    PH crossed her arms and looked at Foley, “You know I’ve been telling everyone that I have tried to, he just won’t wake up. He’s in a coma of sorts.”

                    “You have to try something else, anything,” Foley pleaded.

                    “Why, what’s going on?” she asked suspicious of Foley’s demands.

                    “I, listen to what I am going to tell you, it’s very very important that you don’t tell anyone else,” Foley began to explain everything to PH whose interest was piqued, “I was in Draygon’s files.”

                    “You were what?” PH interrupted.

                    “Just listen,” Foley shaked his head as he spoke, “Remember that spy she found in Ukko’s training class? She actually managed to get real information from him. It seems that Jper has enlisted the Daleks' help. He plans on sending them off to the off topic regions along with the mods and others that are a threat to him. Then he’ll use the Centerpoint station to isolate them and cause the destruction of the Daleks as soon as they exterminate everything, he plans on taking over.”

                    “So? I don’t see the problem, we are going to stop Jper and the Mods,” PH said.

                    “Don’t you get it? Didn’t Draygon say that she healed Mapp? She’s been acting all crazy lately, and she told no one about the intell she got. It was saved in a final report ready to be sent to me and Tom, but it never got sent,” Foley said, “She’s not fine, there’s something terribly wrong with her, she attacked me. And she made it perfectly clear that she’s capable of anything. The last time this happened…”

                    “She threw her brother into a star and Mapp had to wipe her memories clean,” PH interrupted, “Yes I remember.” PH was now worried. This has happened before, a power hungry monster lived within her and it came out once, almost killing everyone. It took her brother, Drazeney, to sacrifice his life to stop her. Then Mapp wiped her memory. Drazeney had actually provoked her in the first place, so no one blamed her for it, no one wanted to remind her of it.

                    “And you think she plans on taking over Jper’s plans?” she asked Foley, and he promptly nodded. The Tardis’ noise ceased only to hear the battle alarms go off.

                    “We don’t have much time,” Foley said.

                    * * * *

                    The Cantina phased into existence several hundred kilometers from Centerpoint. The massive station was the size of a small moon, and a pack of Mod ships began to approach the Cantina with striking speed. Off in the distance a dozen Rebel ships dropped out of Hyperspace giving chase to the attacking vessels.

                    “Rebel ships have arrived bearing two three four by one one four,” Padme18 announced.

                    “Shields are up, armor is polarized weapons ready,” Tombombadil said over the multiple voices heard in the voice between various bridge crewmembers delivering needed information to all departments.”

                    “Send Tango through and have Firefly on standby,” Draygon commanded from her seat.

                    “Nav com Mal to Tango flight, mission is a go, I repeat Mission is a go,” Padme18 said. “Nav Com Mal to Firefly standby,” she said as well.

                    Then just at that very moment in time, a vast armada of Goa’uld, Wraith, Imperial, Ori, Asuran, Shadow, and a dozen other sci fi bad guy battle fleets appeared to challenge the Cantina and it’s small ships.

                    Draygon sat on the Captain’s chair smiling in delight as Cowpants’ jaw dropped, “It’s a trap!”
                    By Nolamom


                      Exciting Tood. We want more
                      In Darrens' name. that was Hysterical
                      no means no, and so does pepper spray
                      Sig by The Carpenter


                        Figures that would be Cow pants to say that .

                        Chapter 26:
                        Wow...interesting report...though I do not know how she could have gotten that out of that spy but the point is moot...maybe I am missing something? I dunno. But a pretty good chapter. It looks like things are continuing to come together...ah frell we did not see from Winged or Myn. interesting how you are including every known bad guy known to man


                          Yeah and what I want to know is whatever happened to SQ??
                          Originally posted by jelgate
                          This brings much pain but SQ is right


                            Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                            Figures that would be Cow pants to say that .

                            Chapter 26:
                            Wow...interesting report...though I do not know how she could have gotten that out of that spy but the point is moot...maybe I am missing something? I dunno. But a pretty good chapter. It looks like things are continuing to come together...ah frell we did not see from Winged or Myn. interesting how you are including every known bad guy known to man
                            (spoiler reference ) Not everyone, he left out Beck
                            no means no, and so does pepper spray
                            Sig by The Carpenter


                              The alarms were blaring into her ears as she was walked down a long sterile corridor inside the massive space station. Her sister was beside her restrained by hand cuffs much like herself. The calm sounds of boots clanking against the hard floor added to the tense moment. The troopers that had them in custody knew who and what they were, they knew that these two ladies were not someone to mess with.

                              Winged Pegasus’ eyes slightly turned towards her sister, meeting Myn McGeek’s eyes. Both big brown eyes transmitted a conversation that went unheard by the guards. It has become obvious to the two that they were not meant to survive this mission, however their abilities were grossly underestimated. It was time to make a move.

                              As they moved closer towards a lift, Winged’s Brown long hair flying in the air was the only thing one of the guards could see before her foot crashed into his jaw, breaking it and sending him into a spin to the ground. Myn pushed back, tackling another guard twisting her body around as she fell on top of him and took his weapon and fired it.

                              The other two guards aimed their weapons at the two ladies, but at that moment time went slow for the two sisters. Each heart beat, each pound of pressure the air exerted on them was registered; time itself was being bent to their will. They were Timelords, and the Mods were foolish enough to think that four guards and hand cuffs was enough to contain them.

                              In a flash of a second, Winged and Myn managed to shoot down the remaining two guards before they had a chance to fire, the quickly ran up to each and found the keys to their cuffs and freed themselves. “Well that was just way too easy,” Winged commented.

                              “It’s not like they know much about us,” Myn said. “Do you really think Dray sent us here to die?” Winged stood for a seconded weighing those very words. Why else send them on a shuttle like that? But what bothered her more was that they didn’t destroy the shuttle.

                              “I think we should be asking who was dumb enough to think that they could capture us…not that we’re all that,” Winged said. The two decided to make their way up towards the command bridge, if they were to get any answers, it would be there.
                              * * * *

                              The cantina swirled around the scorched night of explosions and an array of fire from the imposing armada. It shot of multiple bursts of beam weapons and swarms of missiles at the countless TIE fighters threatening it. Firefly Squadron lead by Guilty Sparks shot up high above the long and narrow Asuran ship as is dropped proton torpedoes against its hall igniting in brilliant explosions of bright yellow and blue tearing through the ship.

                              The Mon Calamari cruiser commanded by Garrowan5 shot into view using it’s long aray of powerful turbo lasers and ion canons to cut through two Goa’uld Mother ships. Off in the distance a large fleet zoomed into existence composed of every ship known to man. Vorlon, Mimbari, Earth Force, New Republic, Federation, and Asgard ships.

                              “Finally that serpent gets here!” Garrowan5 exclaimed as he nearly lost his balance after the ship shook violently receiving a barrage of fire from a Shadow ship.

                              Over the radio came Vagabond Serpent’s voice, “Rebel Defense fleet to all Mod vessels, stand down immediately or we will engage!”

                              “Tell him to just start opening fire already!” Garrowan5 ordered his com officer who sat off to the side of the busy and noisy bridge.

                              “Nav Com shark to Nav Com eagle, Engage all enemy forces,” the com officer spoke into his radio.
                              * * * *

                              “Rebel ships are all here and Tango has just landed on the station,” Padme18 reported to Draygon who sat patiently and calmly throughout the entire battle.

                              “Tell them to move on with the attack. Have Firefly engage the Ori Mothership and turn us about towards the station,” Draygon commanded. Tom looked up from his station; hate was in his eyes, but fear in his heart. Somehow she got inside of him and changed him, she pulled the strings on his will, unable to resist. Right then was the perfect time to take her out, but he couldn’t…he only wished that someone else has noticed the obvious, that Draygon has gone mad again.

                              As the Cantina raced towards the Ori Mothership unloading its entire arsenal against it, deep inside the ship Foley had Replicator Todd’s spare parts on a desk inside of Winged’s lab. He had heard of her attempts to revive a long lost crew member. She even managed to isolate his consciousness. Foley was no scientist, but PH was. She was there with him working diligently to revive the one person other than Mapp that could stop Draygon, or at least slow her down long enough for Mapp to wake up.

                              “There, it’s ready, all I have to do is flip the switch,” PH said. The ship shoke violently throwing loose equipment of tables and crashing to the floor.

                              “But not here, on the station, she’s bound to go over soon,” Foley said, “How about Mapp?”

                              “He’ll be up in a few hours, it took me a long time to find the right neuron pathways to excite,” PH responded.

                              “Lets just hope she came through for us and Winged and Myn are still alive,” Foley said. They both used an old contact, an old friend of the Cantina to insure that Myn and Winged were not killed. The only good mod left, and quite possibly one of the nuttier mods.
                              * * * *
                              Draygon sat in the bridge with a confident smile; finally everything was going according to plan. The Mod forces where being beaten back, CJ was leading troops inside the Centerpoint station. It was almost time for her to take Mapp to the station and then everything would change for the future.

                              “I’ll be boarding the station as soon as we are in transporter range,” Draygon announced much to everyone’s shock.

                              “What?” Cowpants asked from her seat while piloting the ship. They took several hits from Ori fighters as they made a massive turn for a third run against the Ori Mothership.

                              “Los will be in charge,” Draygon said without caring to explain herself.
                              * * * *
                              CJ inched closer to the main security hub. Her mission along with Muffin and Shanthaia and Aretood2 was to knock out the station’s ability to deal with all the strike teams crawling through its corridors. It was a large building inside a massive room that looked like an aircraft hangar. The rectangular structure sat in the center surrounded my nests of heavy lasers and three squads of sentries.

                              She prepped her sword and took in three deep breaths. Death was in the air, it reeked of it. She could sense the darkest enemy near, getting closer and closer and closer. She opened her eyes, rose her fist up in the air and leveled it strait aheand opening it. It was the signal. Fifteen terminators advanced on the building’s flank drawing in most of the fire. PuddlejumperOZ was leading the attack firing away at his mini gun grenade luncher.

                              A rain storm of explosions and bullets descended upon the sentries. CJ then charged swinging her sword forward expelling a massive wave of golden energy slicing through man and machine alike. Shan flew overhead and dived, She landed on one sentries stabbing her razor sharp talons on her feet deep into his chest. Her long tail swung behind her knocking away the gun held by another. She leaped up into the air and stabbed two more with her hands.

                              Aretood2 and Muffin ran up to the entrance and were confronted by three more troops. Muffin gave one a powerful round house kick throwing him into the air against a wall. Aretood2 shot the second one. The final guard found a sharp sword sticking out of his gut; CJ had managed to stab him from behind. With the parameter down, more terminator troops stormed the inside.

                              CJ walked into the main security room with the bloody sword drown and her wavy blond hair in a mess partially covering her calm and delicate face. She stared at the frightened and surrounded security officers and spoke softly, “You have two options; fight and you will answer to me. Your deaths will be painful and not fast,” she said, shocking Aretood2 at the violent nature of the threat. He quickly realized that this was war, and anyone who was not quick to intimidate the enemy and live up to it, was a dead man.

                              “Or you can surrender and be detained by the handsome fellow behind me,” she said referring to PuddlejumperOZ who stood off to the side behind her. One by one everyone complied with her orders. Their mission was a success, now all they had to do was hope that the bridge gets caught by Pookey’s team.
                              * * * *
                              Winged and Myn managed to sneak behind all the security systems, most of them seemed to be down. That was a good sign, it mean that everything was moving according to the battle plan.

                              “This is way too easy,” Winged said.

                              “You already said that,” Myn told her.

                              “I know, doesn’t it bother you though?” before Myn could answer they heard shots of in the distance. “Pookey’s team I presume,” Myn said. They ran off through a few corridors to find Pookey and several Rebel Troopers firing on a squad of Mod Troopers. Both Myn and Winged aimed their weapons and opened fire taking down at least a half a dozen troopers. The area was cleared.

                              “Who’s there?” Pookey demanded to know

                              “Cantina personal,” Myn answered, “We heard you needed some help.”

                              They silently greeted each other with nods and moved on together heading towards the control center.
                              * * * *

                              The battle raged on outside, Rebel and Mod ships pitted against each other. And inside the Cantina Foley stared at the new life PH helped create, or recreate. He sat up confused, the last thing he remembered was hurling into the burning star, betrayed by his sister. He stared at his hands and arms surprised at the new construction that he was given.

                              “Where’s Dray?” he asked looking at Foley.

                              “I don’t know, but I know you need to stop whatever is inside of her now,” Foley said.
                              By Nolamom


                                Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
                                (spoiler reference ) Not everyone, he left out Beck
                                *does the whole horror thing*

