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The GateWorld Cantina Chronicles

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    Originally posted by Teyilia1 View Post
    "Regenerate?" Teyilia asked helping Dray stand. There was one or two human prisoners that had crossed the Felinus captain, Captain Saethc, in the brig. "I think Cpatain Saethc has a few prisoners she would be willing to let you munch on." She said, before getting serious. "You are wounded, and you are trying to stand and stay alert. Why? You do know that is crazy do you not? MNot even I was doing what you are after going through what i had to the last fifty years because of.... her...." She said. She tried to not think about it, but it was hard, Winged had left her for dead, and the next thing Teyilias remembered was dragging herself to a forzen creek, and being picked up by the Empire soldiers.

    the Forsith sat in space, between the Sun and Venus (closest planet to the Sun) it huge aft section pointed at the sun itself, the sun itself was too hot to get too close to even for a ship of that kind. Teyilia spoke again. "I said i only knew of where the Cantina was because my own ship, the Daeith is in its hanger still, its GPU is sending out its beacon to me even as we speak. All I know is this, The Cantina is on Midna, a no fly zone, even to us Felinus, however the Empress had given me approval to go anywhere I pleased. Don;t worry. IF the Empress catches up to me and asks for a report I will say I never saw you but had met up with another craft, a Daedalus Cruise Liner and followed it for a ways. I do not know where Mapp is, even if I did I'd kill him anyhow on my own. But that's another story"

    (back to you Dray)
    "Yes, regenerate," sighed Dray, grateful for the support Tey provided her in standing. "I'm part time lord, courtesy of a meta crisis incident with Mapp. Basically, he got a bit of my DNA and I got some of his. And I can't just rest and recover. I'm leader of the resistance, I cannot show weakness in front of my people." She looked up at Tey and tried to imagine what she would have suffered the past fifty years, and would she have survived herself.

    "Even if Mapp is not there, the Cantina itself would certainly bring hope to those repressed under the Empress and help our cause. So it would seem we follow the same path, though our motives might differ." Dray looked Teyilia directly in the eye. "Thank you Tey, for agreeing not to hand me over to the Empress. Though I hate to say it, your offer of a feeding would be greatly received as well..."
    If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


      Originally posted by Commander Jumper View Post
      (thanks Mapp ^^)

      It felt like forever stretched out before her. Alive yet dead, her body suspended indefinitley. She had gone to sleep one night and woke up half a century later. She had been told once before, somewhere in her mind she retained the words;

      "It's like sleeping, for a long time, and waking up. It should feel just like that, just a little colder."

      "I know what stasis is." She stated, her voice weak from another attack. Blood dripped from her mouth inot her hands. It felt as cold as ice.

      Her eyes flew open and she found herself surrounded in ice. Pain seared throuh her body. It was like she was freezing to death, and being burned alive all at once. She jolted forward as she struggled to breath. Her eyes only seeing an infinite blue plain. She struggled to free herself from the life support system. She stumbled forward and the tube linked to her heart tore from her flesh, leaving a gaping hole in her chest. She broke through the glass that kept the ouside elements from getting in. Pain rose up her arms, much more painful than the pain that ran through her veins. blood slowly ran down her arms and down her chest. She fell out and began crawling along the floor, leaving a trail of blood in her wake.

      "C-Captain." She rasped, reaching out into the darkness that now clouded her vision. "Where are you?"

      Silence and freezing air surrounded her.

      Fear took over. "CAPTAIN!"

      CJ jolted awake grabbing her shirt frantically ripping it her hands tearing through her flesh, the feeling that she was still stuck in that stasis chamber all too real. She breathed heavily and continued to tear at her skin until she realised she was safe, safe and sound in her ship. Far far away from her prison.

      She looked at her hands covered in blood and felt a wave of sadness wash over her. The scar on her chest, now covered in bloody scratches, was an ever present reminder of his betrayal.

      She took a deep breath and then began sobbing into he hands, not caring that she was rubbing her own blood across her face. She sobbed like that for hours, hardly concerned that shehad just disfigured herself. After a while she wiped her eyes, smearing lood down her face. She stood and walked to the bathroom, picking up the picture she had discarded previously.

      She looked at her bloodied appearance in the mirror. she looked down at the photo and attempted to smooth it out, resulting in her blood covering several faces on the photo. She placed it on the corner of the mirror and began washing herself off. Her eyes constantly locked on the picture. When she finally finshed she stared at the mirror. It would be her resolve. To see her captain covered in blood.

      She walked back to the cabin, smiling happily. "Oh captain my Captain. How I wish the day I get to see you die were today." She laughed hysterically. "You will pay me back in blood, love, a drop of yours for every drop of mine." Her laughter echoed through the empty ship.

      "Destination Reached, now arriving at Midna." The computer stated, in a cold femal voice.

      CJ laughed as the planet appeared in the window. "Nothing, will stop me."

      The Empress stood on a road of ice, extending everywhere and corrupting everything. What was this place? Sheets of ice wind blew into her causing her to shield her face from the splinters. An ice world? She looked up, into the sky, hoping desperately forconstellations she could guide herself by.

      there was only darkness. The Empress turned on the spot, circling the sky looking for a sign to where she was. There! a star! wasnt a star, it was a spaceship, a rather old and well patched spaceship. It couldnt possibly see her. Returning her eyes to the ground she saw it, cracks in the smooth glasslike appearence of the ice a few metres away. Walking cautiously she peered down into the depths....and saw it.... 'The GateWorld Cantina' Frozen in ice.

      Empress: "Midna? Im on Midna? .....But who is the foolish little craft that is circling the time zone?"

      Originally posted by Teyilia1 View Post
      Nirza stood near the door with one hand pressing against the temples on her face. She pulled Benson close. "Remember ot make it look liek you cornered him. I'll see to the Empress, I still have this, he is pretty much helpless without it. Oh, almost forgot father, keep your mind locked off from him, like you taught me"

      Nirza then left and went to see to the Empress. "Your Highness are you alright?" She bent down to the floor and pressed a finger to the Empress' neck her pulse was strong. "Must be asleep." Nirza lifted the out cold Empress and carried to the nearby sofa and laid her down on it. "Guard!" Nirza called. when the man came she ordred "search the lower levels for the timelord, if you find him shoot him if you have too, drop something on him, then put him in a cell until the Empress wants to speak to him again." The guard nodded and left. Nirza turned backto the Empress and sat at the table, and waited for the woman to wake up.

      (Susie next)
      The Empress twitched as her Gallifreyan mind desperately tried to show her something. The Empress looked lass intimidating when she slept, much like her alter ego ....Susie. However what P-90 failed to grasp was.....Susie wasnt trying to 'break out' fact she really wanted to get IN.

      In the catalyst of their shared mind there were two stars, as of now, the bright red star was easily the largest and most powerful. The little white one....could barely be seen as the red star slowly engulfed it. But that is what this star....Susie....wants......


      ((tey next ))

      I'm not dead. Yet.


        AES Angelan
        Sol System

        Amann stood on the bridge, consulting Draygon, who was on board the jumper in Teyilia's cargo bay.

        "Very well Draygon. I do not trust this traitor, but if you must do this, then I will take command and give that.....Empress a bloody nose. I will rally the remaining forces and tell them to strike at their fleet bases and outposts. This will throw the Triangle into chaos. Contact me if you need me. I will be coordinating with Admiral Rik and the rest of the resistance cells. Amann out."

        Amann turned to General Ayen.

        "Put us on a course for Pegasus Galaxy. We will meet up with the rest of the main fleet. Let's give this Empress whore the time of her life."

        General Ayen smiled wolfishly.

        "With pleasure, sir. We will send them running around, then see about luring one of their main fleets into the humans say......into a real ******* of an ambush."

        Amann smirked cruelly. Alesians could be ruthless in war.

        "Yes. We will bushwhack them, then withdraw and sting them again. We will keep doing this until they are weakened enough and we are strong enough to attack them head on. Then we will reclaim the Alesian Empire and see to it the Triangle pays for its actions. For Alesia!"

        The Legionnaires on the bridge all saluted by smashing their armored fists on their breastplates.

        "For Alesia!"

        With a flash, the Angelan jumped into hyperspace, heading to meet up with the rest of the fleet. The staging areas for the tens of thousands of surviving Alesian Legionnaires were well hidden, underground and cloaked using both passive and active stealth technologies.


        ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

        (Shameless advertising ftw)


          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
          Right, trapped in a barren wasteland with no power, no escape, and an untrustworthy hallucination. What else is new? *she turned to the panel and reached for the button that would resume her distress call, then stopped short. A proximity alert was flashing across the screen.*

          WP: That was fast...
          Originally posted by Ukko View Post
          Torn: Standing behind an unsuspecting WP "Who is it?"

          WP: "Whoa!! What......Hey, dont do that, you scared me half to dea... You did that on purpose didnt you. Hungry?" The demon just smiled and gestured to the screen.

          (Over to you o Winged one)
          ((I am going to guess that this would be me?))

          Space, a long and dark vacuum of nothing. This has always fascinated Jacen, ever since he was a kid. He would always play with his sister in those holo games...his sister. What was of her? His people, his world...he didn't even recognize the stars out in the darkness. The pain of knowing that all that he knew and that all that he loved was gone.

          Was there even a record left? How cruel of a fate, death was better than living in a time that was not his. However, he knew of no method to end his life. If his droid body were to be destroyed, he would be cursed to roam the stars as a ghost. How foolish of him to think that he would be able to rush in a universe that is not his and gain the attention of one of its rulers. Especially when he didn't even know if this ruler was a kind leader, or a tyrannical despot.

          Rushing into situations and jumping into conclusions is what got him into this...into this nightmare. Into a nightmare that he could not escape.

          Suddenly a transmission, Could it be this so called empress?

          This is WingedPegasus of the GateWorld Cantina. I am alone on the ice planet of Midna. The Cantina's propulsion is out, life support is minimal, and I'm low on supplies and power. If any of you are out there, please come help...I repeat, this is WingedPegasus of the GateWorld Cantina...

          If only he knew where this planet was...but he can track the signal. His ship was damaged, after eons of negligence, of a lack of maintenance. However it was still functional. Its design was unlike anything he managed to scan in this universe.

          Jacen: Computer, trace the source of the distress call.

          He waited to see the results...

          Comp: Distress call is at 33.45.897 from Galactic core.

          Jacen: Set a course at full speed.

          The computer beeped in response. As he sat and waited contemplating on every word of the distress call. Getting closer and closer. There was a life at risk of death. And he felt compelled to ignore his desire for honor, for the sake of a stranger of which he knew nothing about. This is the kind of thing that got him in trouble as well, the very reason for his current predicament. His weak emotions, his pathetic empathy and compassion.

          Hours passed as he finally got to sensor range. However, the distress stopped. What was going on? He continued on his course.

          Jacen: Computer, send signal in same frequency

          Comp: Com signal is on

          Jacen: This is Jacen of the...(of the what? the Alliance fleet? There was no more fleet, no more Alliance) This is Jacen on the ship Redeemer. I have picked up your distress call you sent earlier. Are you in need of assistance?

          Off course she was in need, or else there would be no distress call. But the question was asked...

          ((Alright, WP and Ukko. See what you can do))
          By Nolamom


            Originally posted by Draygon View Post
            "Yes, regenerate," sighed Dray, grateful for the support Tey provided her in standing. "I'm part time lord, courtesy of a meta crisis incident with Mapp. Basically, he got a bit of my DNA and I got some of his. And I can't just rest and recover. I'm leader of the resistance, I cannot show weakness in front of my people." She looked up at Tey and tried to imagine what she would have suffered the past fifty years, and would she have survived herself.

            "Even if Mapp is not there, the Cantina itself would certainly bring hope to those repressed under the Empress and help our cause. So it would seem we follow the same path, though our motives might differ." Dray looked Teyilia directly in the eye. "Thank you Tey, for agreeing not to hand me over to the Empress. Though I hate to say it, your offer of a feeding would be greatly received as well..."
            Originally posted by Amann View Post
            AES Angelan
            Sol System

            Amann stood on the bridge, consulting Draygon, who was on board the jumper in Teyilia's cargo bay.

            "Very well Draygon. I do not trust this traitor, but if you must do this, then I will take command and give that.....Empress a bloody nose. I will rally the remaining forces and tell them to strike at their fleet bases and outposts. This will throw the Triangle into chaos. Contact me if you need me. I will be coordinating with Admiral Rik and the rest of the resistance cells. Amann out."
            Teyilia smiled, "The Emperss would not dare come onto one of my peoples ships even if they were keeping a rebel. That remains though. I as a Felinus, do not side by default. Therefor, a rebel such as yourself or the others would be hunted regardless. However as long as you are on one of our planets or moons or even my ship. You'll be safe." Teyilia helped Draygon down to where the Brig was located, several human, formerly Empire soldiers, were in several fo the cells awaiting death no doubt. "Some of these are pretty young, might have your fill I think" Teyilia said, making a few of the soldiers wince. That did not sound good.

            On the bridge the captain watched the Odyssey and the Angelan leave. Not that she liked doing it, but her ship had a rebel onboard. But she said nothing of the current problem and ordered the crew to ready them for hyperspace as soon as the power supply was fully recharged. Then the ship jumped into hyperspace after calculations were met. From the outside view, there was no hyperspace window, nothing out of the norm for anything of space, however the ship disappeared by shooting forwards at a very insane speed before disappearing from sight into hyperspace as ther stars became starlines. They were heading for the next system over.

            (For those of you that have seen Star Wars the hyperspace engines are how my ships are powered, going back to Susie in a moment)

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by Commander Jumper View Post
              (thanks Mapp ^^)

              It felt like forever stretched out before her. Alive yet dead, her body suspended indefinitley. She had gone to sleep one night and woke up half a century later. She had been told once before, somewhere in her mind she retained the words;

              "It's like sleeping, for a long time, and waking up. It should feel just like that, just a little colder."

              "I know what stasis is." She stated, her voice weak from another attack. Blood dripped from her mouth inot her hands. It felt as cold as ice.

              Her eyes flew open and she found herself surrounded in ice. Pain seared throuh her body. It was like she was freezing to death, and being burned alive all at once. She jolted forward as she struggled to breath. Her eyes only seeing an infinite blue plain. She struggled to free herself from the life support system. She stumbled forward and the tube linked to her heart tore from her flesh, leaving a gaping hole in her chest. She broke through the glass that kept the ouside elements from getting in. Pain rose up her arms, much more painful than the pain that ran through her veins. blood slowly ran down her arms and down her chest. She fell out and began crawling along the floor, leaving a trail of blood in her wake.

              "C-Captain." She rasped, reaching out into the darkness that now clouded her vision. "Where are you?"

              Silence and freezing air surrounded her.

              Fear took over. "CAPTAIN!"

              CJ jolted awake grabbing her shirt frantically ripping it her hands tearing through her flesh, the feeling that she was still stuck in that stasis chamber all too real. She breathed heavily and continued to tear at her skin until she realised she was safe, safe and sound in her ship. Far far away from her prison.

              She looked at her hands covered in blood and felt a wave of sadness wash over her. The scar on her chest, now covered in bloody scratches, was an ever present reminder of his betrayal.

              She took a deep breath and then began sobbing into he hands, not caring that she was rubbing her own blood across her face. She sobbed like that for hours, hardly concerned that shehad just disfigured herself. After a while she wiped her eyes, smearing lood down her face. She stood and walked to the bathroom, picking up the picture she had discarded previously.

              She looked at her bloodied appearance in the mirror. she looked down at the photo and attempted to smooth it out, resulting in her blood covering several faces on the photo. She placed it on the corner of the mirror and began washing herself off. Her eyes constantly locked on the picture. When she finally finshed she stared at the mirror. It would be her resolve. To see her captain covered in blood.

              She walked back to the cabin, smiling happily. "Oh captain my Captain. How I wish the day I get to see you die were today." She laughed hysterically. "You will pay me back in blood, love, a drop of yours for every drop of mine." Her laughter echoed through the empty ship.

              "Destination Reached, now arriving at Midna." The computer stated, in a cold femal voice.

              CJ laughed as the planet appeared in the window. "Nothing, will stop me."
              Midna was a perfect diamond in a sharp black cave. A moon of silver ice. It shone a steel reflection across its solid surface, goading the small shuttle that curiously approached it with a startling eagerness. There was something empty about this world, something so desperately desolate. A place where nothing should ever live again . . .

              Millions of years ago it gloomed under the moonlight, a forest moon whose nature dripped down into its very core. Midna was abundant in life and evolution. Even the trees, myths told, were said to whisper to passers-by. But then the Time War began, and the Time Lords trampled down her forests and used her resources. Her hills shone with radiation, and her volcanoes bled with toxic waste, and her rivers hissed with a poisonous green. Military bases and warehouses were constructed over her meadows, and Midna became buried under a land of metal and iron. And then, of course, the Time War ended itself.

              The wet toxins went to her head, some say, and Midna's soul started to cry. The rain ran down, the rivers started to rise and the oceans started to plunder and reclaim . . . And before anyone knew what was happening, everything started to freeze over and she trapped herself in an ice-age . . . She didn't want anyone to see her again. She wanted to be lost forever.

              It was told that the ancient world was purposely Time-locked by the Empress of the Triangle of Light, but some believe differently. Some believe that Midna did it to herself, and that even the Empress is scared of walking across her ice fields. There is something under the ice, the stories mention, something buried and alive . . .

              CJ regained manual control of the shuttle and fired up the thrusters, aiming her navcom in the direction of the tiny star in the vast distance ahead of her.
              She had a feeling that it was indeed the Cantina that was sleeping under Midna's frozen skin, but then, she's been wrong before . . .
              I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

              Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                Teyilia smiled, "The Emperss would not dare come onto one of my peoples ships even if they were keeping a rebel. That remains though. I as a Felinus, do not side by default. Therefor, a rebel such as yourself or the others would be hunted regardless. However as long as you are on one of our planets or moons or even my ship. You'll be safe." Teyilia helped Draygon down to where the Brig was located, several human, formerly Empire soldiers, were in several fo the cells awaiting death no doubt. "Some of these are pretty young, might have your fill I think" Teyilia said, making a few of the soldiers wince. That did not sound good.

                On the bridge the captain watched the Odyssey and the Angelan leave. Not that she liked doing it, but her ship had a rebel onboard. But she said nothing of the current problem and ordered the crew to ready them for hyperspace as soon as the power supply was fully recharged. Then the ship jumped into hyperspace after calculations were met. From the outside view, there was no hyperspace window, nothing out of the norm for anything of space, however the ship disappeared by shooting forwards at a very insane speed before disappearing from sight into hyperspace as ther stars became starlines. They were heading for the next system over.

                (For those of you that have seen Star Wars the hyperspace engines are how my ships are powered, going back to Susie in a moment)
                Dray looked at the soldiers, considering carefully before making her choice. The man screamed as her hand slammed into his sternum and she began to drain his life force. Once he was little more than a dried husk, she fed on another and then a third. Enough now, she thought to herself. They were young, and she was no longer comfortable with sacrificing young lives to her cause. So many had already been slain at the Triangles hands. Still, the energy she had taken was enough to allow her wraith abilities to heal her wound and make her feel rejuvenated. It really had been a long time since she had fed.

                Turning to Teyilia, she offered an awkward smile. "Thank you for doing this. Just be careful about the Empress, and don't assume anything. She's unhinged in the mind and will destroy anything she considers a threat, no matter what the consequences."

                ((Over to you Tey, or whoever wants it ))
                If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                  The Empress slowly woke from whatever nightmare she had been having. She was sat rather haphazardly in a chair, using the table for support. For a moment the Empress panicked for a second before she realised where she was. Across from her Nirza sat worriedly, she seemed startled as the Empress slumped back in her chair and felt her still burning cheek. For a second she looked shocked before a tide of red replaced her normal eye colour, making her look like a spectre, or a posessed.

                  Empress: " he?"

                  Nirza: "I know not.....your highness...."

                  Her voice sounded colder than it had ever been, promising pain and retrobution.

                  Empress: "Find him. FIND HIM NOW!"

                  She screamed Nirza out of the room and for a while, sat there panting....


                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    Originally posted by susanne View Post
                    The Empress slowly woke from whatever nightmare she had been having. She was sat rather haphazardly in a chair, using the table for support. For a moment the Empress panicked for a second before she realised where she was. Across from her Nirza sat worriedly, she seemed startled as the Empress slumped back in her chair and felt her still burning cheek. For a second she looked shocked before a tide of red replaced her normal eye colour, making her look like a spectre, or a posessed.

                    Empress: " he?"

                    Nirza: "I know not.....your highness...."

                    Her voice sounded colder than it had ever been, promising pain and retrobution.

                    Empress: "Find him. FIND HIM NOW!"

                    She screamed Nirza out of the room and for a while, sat there panting....

                    She had to make it look good, but what abpout Benson, her father? She took off from the apartment looking for 12th and came across him talking with Benson outsideh er fathers apartment door, hearing the tail end of their conversation. "have to make it look good" was all she said before she fired another darkspell at 12th landing square in his face and near his collarbone sending him to the floor. At her fathers confused look Nirza merely said calmly, "The Empress wants him. His ship is on the Lifeseed, a older cruisship. Which one person said is a ship with the aerodynamics of a brick. Which is actually true when you think about it."

                    (AR; 12th & Susie back to you guys)

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by Admiral Mappalazarou View Post
                      Midna was a perfect diamond in a sharp black cave. A moon of silver ice. It shone a steel reflection across its solid surface, goading the small shuttle that curiously approached it with a startling eagerness. There was something empty about this world, something so desperately desolate. A place where nothing should ever live again . . .

                      Millions of years ago it gloomed under the moonlight, a forest moon whose nature dripped down into its very core. Midna was abundant in life and evolution. Even the trees, myths told, were said to whisper to passers-by. But then the Time War began, and the Time Lords trampled down her forests and used her resources. Her hills shone with radiation, and her volcanoes bled with toxic waste, and her rivers hissed with a poisonous green. Military bases and warehouses were constructed over her meadows, and Midna became buried under a land of metal and iron. And then, of course, the Time War ended itself.

                      The wet toxins went to her head, some say, and Midna's soul started to cry. The rain ran down, the rivers started to rise and the oceans started to plunder and reclaim . . . And before anyone knew what was happening, everything started to freeze over and she trapped herself in an ice-age . . . She didn't want anyone to see her again. She wanted to be lost forever.

                      It was told that the ancient world was purposely Time-locked by the Empress of the Triangle of Light, but some believe differently. Some believe that Midna did it to herself, and that even the Empress is scared of walking across her ice fields. There is something under the ice, the stories mention, something buried and alive . . .

                      CJ regained manual control of the shuttle and fired up the thrusters, aiming her navcom in the direction of the tiny star in the vast distance ahead of her.
                      She had a feeling that it was indeed the Cantina that was sleeping under Midna's frozen skin, but then, she's been wrong before . . .
                      As she neared the planetshe could feel an unclean aura surrounding it, centuries as a spirit guardian had honed her skill in feeling such things. A chill ran down her spine as she entered the atmosphere. suddenly her ship began shaking out of control. Her ship became unstable, the turbulance upon entry far more rocky than a usual entry.

                      "Damn." CJ swore, trying to stablise her ship. "Come on, don't tell me those myths are true and this planet can't possibly be time locked."

                      Her ship continued to nose dive, th outer shell burning in the atmosphere, pieces of her ship flying off in every direction. If she did make it to Midna, she wasn't sure she'd make it alive.

                      From the surface of the planet her ship looked no bigger than a dot as it quickly sailed down. So small it would never appear on a normal radar. It soon got much larger as it drew closer to the icy surfqace, burning up as pieces fell off.

                      CJsilently prayed to whatever Gods there might be as her ship came in contact with the icy surface. Slowly her eyes slid open and she laughed. "seems like the Gods want Mapp dead as well."

                      She quickly got up, ran to the bathroom grabbed her photo and Kazumi, and pulled on her thin cloak. She opened the loadin bay door. A gust of icy wind blew in her face, her cloak doing nothing. She stepped out into the snow, seein nothing but ice before her in every direction. She turned back to look at her ship. Whether the Cantina was there or not, she wasn't going to be leavin. As she stared out at the icy landscape she wondered how she was goin to find the Cantina.

                      She hadn't thought her plan through all too well.


                        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                        She had to make it look good, but what abpout Benson, her father? She took off from the apartment looking for 12th and came across him talking with Benson outsideh er fathers apartment door, hearing the tail end of their conversation. "have to make it look good" was all she said before she fired another darkspell at 12th landing square in his face and near his collarbone sending him to the floor. At her fathers confused look Nirza merely said calmly, "The Empress wants him. His ship is on the Lifeseed, a older cruisship. Which one person said is a ship with the aerodynamics of a brick. Which is actually true when you think about it."

                        (AR; 12th & Susie back to you guys)
                        Benson nodded.

                        Benson: I will take him to his ship. And I will go with him to find this resistance. I need you to remain and tell the Empress he escaped and took me with him. She will most likely allow you to come "save" me.
                        Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.


                          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                          She had to make it look good, but what abpout Benson, her father? She took off from the apartment looking for 12th and came across him talking with Benson outsideh er fathers apartment door, hearing the tail end of their conversation. "have to make it look good" was all she said before she fired another darkspell at 12th landing square in his face and near his collarbone sending him to the floor. At her fathers confused look Nirza merely said calmly, "The Empress wants him. His ship is on the Lifeseed, a older cruisship. Which one person said is a ship with the aerodynamics of a brick. Which is actually true when you think about it."

                          (AR; 12th & Susie back to you guys)
                          As Nirza approached the fallen Timelord, he found the strength to roll over and threw a look at her.

                          "I'm getting really tired of you Nirza, I hope you know that." He said, his teeth clenched in pain.

                          "Quiet! I need to keep m father safe. And the pair of you running around won't help that."
                          Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                            Originally posted by AtlantisRules!!! View Post
                            Benson nodded.

                            Benson: I will take him to his ship. And I will go with him to find this resistance. I need you to remain and tell the Empress he escaped and took me with him. She will most likely allow you to come "save" me.
                            Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
                            As Nirza approached the fallen Timelord, he found the strength to roll over and threw a look at her.

                            "I'm getting really tired of you Nirza, I hope you know that." He said, his teeth clenched in pain.

                            "Quiet! I need to keep m father safe. And the pair of you running around won't help that."
                            Nirza nodded to her father, "That works too." with a dirty look towards 12th she smirked and pulled him to his feet. "on your feet. go to the Lifeseen third dock from here, act as if you took Benson prisoner and knocked me out." At his confused look she slapped him clean across the face. "Do it Timelord!"

                            "You asked me" 12th replied and whacked her clean across the face sending her to the floor like a sack of weat. The only problem being that his sonic screwdriver was within a containment field of dark power that would burn anybody.

                            (12th, AR & Susie back to you guys)

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              Nirza nodded to her father, "That works too." with a dirty look towards 12th she smirked and pulled him to his feet. "on your feet. go to the Lifeseen third dock from here, act as if you took Benson prisoner and knocked me out." At his confused look she slapped him clean across the face. "Do it Timelord!"

                              "You asked me" 12th replied and whacked her clean across the face sending her to the floor like a sack of weat. The only problem being that his sonic screwdriver was within a containment field of dark power that would burn anybody.

                              (12th, AR & Susie back to you guys)
                              The Empress sat at the table, rapping her nails on the wood, waiting for a report that was never going to arrive, a few minutes of impatience later she opened the apartment door to see Nirza sprawled on the floor.

                              Empress: "He's been by here.....Benson!"

                              She pulled her wrist up and activated her communicator screaming his name, but there was no answer.....the Timelord.....was escaping.

                              Empress: "GUARDS! FIND THE TIMELORD AND HIS HOSTAGE NOOOOOOOOOW!"

                              (as the cantina chronicles updates ARs go ))

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                Nirza nodded to her father, "That works too." with a dirty look towards 12th she smirked and pulled him to his feet. "on your feet. go to the Lifeseen third dock from here, act as if you took Benson prisoner and knocked me out." At his confused look she slapped him clean across the face. "Do it Timelord!"

                                "You asked me" 12th replied and whacked her clean across the face sending her to the floor like a sack of weat. The only problem being that his sonic screwdriver was within a containment field of dark power that would burn anybody.

                                (12th, AR & Susie back to you guys)
                                Originally posted by susanne View Post
                                The Empress sat at the table, rapping her nails on the wood, waiting for a report that was never going to arrive, a few minutes of impatience later she opened the apartment door to see Nirza sprawled on the floor.

                                Empress: "He's been by here.....Benson!"

                                She pulled her wrist up and activated her communicator screaming his name, but there was no answer.....the Timelord.....was escaping.

                                Empress: "GUARDS! FIND THE TIMELORD AND HIS HOSTAGE NOOOOOOOOOW!"

                                (as the cantina chronicles updates ARs go ))
                                Benson was shoved and almost fell over.

                                Benson: Not so rough. I'd prefer not to be harmed.

                                P-90: She said to act like you are a hostage. That is exactly what I am doing. Now where is this Lifeseed?

                                Benson: Up ahead.
                                Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.

