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The GateWorld Cantina Chronicles

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    The Alesian warship approached the Odessey, its weapons fully powered. With a swift order, the Angelan closed to 10 miles of the Odessey, mere spitting distance for the 8 kilometer destroyer. Amann walked onto the bridge.

    "General Ayen report!"

    "We are holding position, Councilor. The unknown has tried to contact us, but we did not reply yet. Shall we?"

    Amann peered at the design.

    "Earth design, about 2 centuries ago. Very well. Open transmission."

    Amann walked forward.

    "This is High Councilor Amann of the Alesian Empire Ship Angelan. Identify yourself."

    Ayen reported back.

    "Triangle scout ship detected! They are the same hyperdrive signature as before."

    Amann growled.

    "A trap?"

    Little did he know the transmission line was still open.


    ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

    (Shameless advertising ftw)


      Originally posted by 343_Guilty_Spark View Post
      Rik looked at the woman on the Screen.

      "show me the damage. i am aware that your hyperdrive is damaged. I may be able to repir the damage. i shall search our database for a suitable repair or replacement."

      Rik then went to the Asgard Library. as he searched his minded wandered. His mind was suddenly filled with the exact replacement. he knew exactly how to built that hyperdrive.

      "OK Teyilia of Freyia, i shall build youa new hyperdrive. shall take me a matter of 3 hours."

      The Odyssey was hiding something... From a past war. the last of the retrovirus that they used to attack the wraith... it was a weapon of last resort against the wraith but seeing as the wraith were no where to be seen Rik had no real use for it. but he didnt want to get rid of it.

      Rik was building frantically.

      (BACK to you Tey, And Amann posting would be good )
      Originally posted by Amann View Post
      The Alesian warship approached the Odessey, its weapons fully powered. With a swift order, the Angelan closed to 10 miles of the Odessey, mere spitting distance for the 8 kilometer destroyer. Amann walked onto the bridge.

      "General Ayen report!"

      "We are holding position, Councilor. The unknown has tried to contact us, but we did not reply yet. Shall we?"

      Amann peered at the design.

      "Earth design, about 2 centuries ago. Very well. Open transmission."

      Amann walked forward.

      "This is High Councilor Amann of the Alesian Empire Ship Angelan. Identify yourself."

      'Show me the damage? is he mad? we have no such machanicles' Teyilia thought finally smiling after seeing what she wanted, an old earth ship of sorts, with a man who could build anything onboard. 'we jump system to system, control panel metled. Now we meet up with this guy.'

      "Ma'am, we are reading a second ship on approach, it appears to be of rebel faction design" came the pilots voice, clearly her pilot was nervous.

      "We are dimplomatic immunity to whatever is going on in this system, we need only a new hyperdrive" Teyilia replied coming into the cocopit area. "get me a channel, no screen." When the channel was opened she spoke. "This ship is on a diplomatic mission to the Dursis System. However our hyperdrive is damaged and in need of replacement. We don;t exactly have three hours, but if you can speed it up, I'm sure we can make it worth your while." Teyilai typed on a screen and sent a bit of information to both ships. "Have you seen this woman?" She asked simply as the image of Winged Pegasus appeared on both ships comm screens.

      (Amann & Sparky back to you)


        Originally posted by Amann View Post
        The Alesian warship approached the Odessey, its weapons fully powered. With a swift order, the Angelan closed to 10 miles of the Odessey, mere spitting distance for the 8 kilometer destroyer. Amann walked onto the bridge.

        "General Ayen report!"

        "We are holding position, Councilor. The unknown has tried to contact us, but we did not reply yet. Shall we?"

        Amann peered at the design.

        "Earth design, about 2 centuries ago. Very well. Open transmission."

        Amann walked forward.

        "This is High Councilor Amann of the Alesian Empire Ship Angelan. Identify yourself."

        Ayen reported back.

        "Triangle scout ship detected! They are the same hyperdrive signature as before."

        Amann growled.

        "A trap?"

        Little did he know the transmission line was still open.

        Rik heard the voice. he looked out of the main window and saw the Angelan.

        "Impossible. That ship was destroyed 5 years ago. This Is Admiral Rik Williams of the CoK Ship Odyssey. If that is indeed the Angelan and Amann the High Councillor that what kind of witch craft is this. i witnessed that ship being detroyed by the Flood and Borg 5 years ago. i witnessed it myself. Amann was a good man. and a good friend."

        Rik looked at Lara.

        "get me Hiei NOW!"

        Lara: right away.

        With in 2 minutes Hiei was on the Bridge,

        "does that look familiar Hiei?"

        Hiei: very. the Angelan. but it cant be. we both know that is impossbile. that ship was destroyed.

        "I know. i saved you from the wreakage before the engines went critical. Amann. i have someone of your people here. I think he would like to see you. seeing as he hasnt seen you for 5 years."

        Rik was in shock. That ship could not be the Angelan he knew. that ship was no more. he had seen it himself. he witnessed Amann sacrafice himself to save his allies.

        "Amann, we must speak face to face."

        Rik looked at General Hiei.

        "Its time to see an Old friend"

        Rik looked at the finished hyperdrive.

        "Teyilia your Hyperdrive is finished. It has been beamed aboard into your cargo hold."

        Rik had a feeling Teyilia was hiding something from him. He was goin to fidn out what.

        "Lara bring all addition turrets Online. I have a feeling we will have company soon."

        (Amann Tey back to you )
        USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it


          (Sorry. Had to go get a shower)

          P-90 never moved his gaze away from the empress. Looking at the body of Susie.....but still not susie. Everything about her demeanor and the way she held herself was different to his friend.

          "Bringing back memories is it Timelord? My face?" she said, taunting him. "Or are you merely captivated by my beauty?"

          He scoffed at her vanity. While the energy around him still held him still, he found it easier to speak.

          "There is no beauty about you Empress. Not any more."

          She continued to mock him, "Oh I'm hurt P-90. I thought we had something special between us."

          "Susie and I had something special, you are nothing but a wretched, barbaric beast."

          She chuckled at his attempt to rouse her anger.

          "Susie is still in here you know," she tapped her temple lightly as if indicating where susie was being held imprisonned, "And I am everything she is.....just a little extra."

          P-90 oddly chuckled back in response,

          "You are not.....You want to know what I see when I look at you? When I see 'The Great Empress'?"

          She stopped and looked down at him, awaiting his answer....

          "A child.........a small, petulant child who won't go to bed when she's told........."

          He began to laugh louder.

          "Maybe I should just read you a story and put you to bed....."

          He was laughing almost uncontrollably, even if Nirzas spell wasn't upon him The Empress doubted that he could move through laughter.......

          "You've gone mad..." The Empress announced, almost with pity for the once great Timelord.

          Suddenly the laughter stopped. P-90 lay in stony silence, before he looked back at the Empress once more, a look of emotionless consideration.

          "Yes Empress.....Yes I have...."
          Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.



            Originally posted by Amann View Post
            The Alesian warship approached the Odessey, its weapons fully powered. With a swift order, the Angelan closed to 10 miles of the Odessey, mere spitting distance for the 8 kilometer destroyer. Amann walked onto the bridge.

            "General Ayen report!"

            "We are holding position, Councilor. The unknown has tried to contact us, but we did not reply yet. Shall we?"

            Amann peered at the design.

            "Earth design, about 2 centuries ago. Very well. Open transmission."

            Amann walked forward.

            "This is High Councilor Amann of the Alesian Empire Ship Angelan. Identify yourself."

            Ayen reported back.

            "Triangle scout ship detected! They are the same hyperdrive signature as before."

            Amann growled.

            "A trap?"

            Little did he know the transmission line was still open.

            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            'Show me the damage? is he mad? we have no such machanicles' Teyilia thought finally smiling after seeing what she wanted, an old earth ship of sorts, with a man who could build anything onboard. 'we jump system to system, control panel metled. Now we meet up with this guy.'

            "Ma'am, we are reading a second ship on approach, it appears to be of rebel faction design" came the pilots voice, clearly her pilot was nervous.

            "We are dimplomatic immunity to whatever is going on in this system, we need only a new hyperdrive" Teyilia replied coming into the cocopit area. "get me a channel, no screen." When the channel was opened she spoke. "This ship is on a diplomatic mission to the Dursis System. However our hyperdrive is damaged and in need of replacement. We don;t exactly have three hours, but if you can speed it up, I'm sure we can make it worth your while." Teyilai typed on a screen and sent a bit of information to both ships. "Have you seen this woman?" She asked simply as the image of Winged Pegasus appeared on both ships comm screens.

            (Amann & Sparky back to you)

            Dray felt herself being pulled from sleep. Something in her instincts, both wraith and time lord, was telling her she had to get up now and get to the bridge. Groaning, she sat up, ignoring the sharp pain in her back and head as she did so. As she made to get out of bed, one of the Healer's came over, grim faced.

            "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded as Dray slid off the bed. More pain shot up her right leg as she put pressure on it, but it was easy to ignore.

            "Going to the bridge," she replied, attempting to hide the weakness she felt.

            The Healer glared at her. "You are in no state to go anywhere. Return to bed or I will have to have you restrained."

            Dray, he temper shortened by pain and her instincts battering her to go now snarled at the Healer. Two of the guards left by Amann raised their weapons at her. "Do not question me, I have no patience to explain myself to you but I am going now!"

            Not leaving the man a chance to speak, she bolted for the door, dodging the guards and allowing her instinct to lead her on. the Healer recovered from the momentary shock and activated a panel by the wall.

            "Inform Councilor Amann that Commander Draygon has left the infirmary and heading to the bridge."
            If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


              Originally posted by 343_Guilty_Spark View Post
              Rik looked at the finished hyperdrive.

              "Teyilia your Hyperdrive is finished. It has been beamed aboard into your cargo hold."

              Rik had a feeling Teyilia was hiding something from him. He was goin to fidn out what.

              "Lara bring all addition turrets Online. I have a feeling we will have company soon."

              (Amann Tey back to you )
              Teyilia went down to the cargo bay of the Nubian craft and after a hard inspection of the new hyperdrive she smiled, this one was good. Then a warning went off, after turning the screen on she saw it. since their external comms were off for any transmissions she spoke in Felinus. "Engage shields to double front and triple back. Keep weapons offline at this time." She said as she incerted the new hyperdrive into place and the hyperdrive control centor glowed a solid green. A feral smile came across her face.

              "Get us out of this system, head us to Dursis." She growled out seeing the hyperdrive begin channeling power.

              To the two other craft in the Sol System the smaller J-Type Nubian craft turned and shot its way over the Angelan just meters from its shields. before heading for open space. after scanning for the class type of the hyperdrive Teyilia replaced a piece from the old hyperdrive, one she felt did not feel right on the new hyperdrive, and then set the hyperdrive piece on the thermal exaust port trash control. With a soft smile she sealed the trash control and hit the eject.

              The tracking devices drifted inthe trash as the Nubian craft threaded the needle and headed for open space far enough from the planet Mars, however it didn't jump to hyperspace just yet. They waited for a response.

              (Sparky, Amann, back to you guys)


                Amann looked at Hiei.

                "Greetings old friend and comrade. It has been a while. I have several elements of the Death's Hand on board, ready for you to command once more. You may beam over after we figure what the scout is doing."

                One of the Legionnaires reported the infirmery report. Amann frowned as the report of Draygon came in.

                "Have the guards follow. If she is heading toward the bridge, internal sensors will track her and we will head her off."

                Amann turned to the bridge and growled at the ship.

                "What is it doing? Trying to escape? Disable her. Fire a warning shot across her bow and tell her crew to surrender or be destroyed."


                (Amann still thinks its a Triangle Scoutship.....)


                ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

                (Shameless advertising ftw)


                  Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
                  (Sorry. Had to go get a shower)

                  P-90 never moved his gaze away from the empress. Looking at the body of Susie.....but still not susie. Everything about her demeanor and the way she held herself was different to his friend.

                  "Bringing back memories is it Timelord? My face?" she said, taunting him. "Or are you merely captivated by my beauty?"

                  He scoffed at her vanity. While the energy around him still held him still, he found it easier to speak.

                  "There is no beauty about you Empress. Not any more."

                  She continued to mock him, "Oh I'm hurt P-90. I thought we had something special between us."

                  "Susie and I had something special, you are nothing but a wretched, barbaric beast."

                  She chuckled at his attempt to rouse her anger.

                  "Susie is still in here you know," she tapped her temple lightly as if indicating where susie was being held imprisonned, "And I am everything she is.....just a little extra."

                  P-90 oddly chuckled back in response,

                  "You are not.....You want to know what I see when I look at you? When I see 'The Great Empress'?"

                  She stopped and looked down at him, awaiting his answer....

                  "A child.........a small, petulant child who won't go to bed when she's told........."

                  He began to laugh louder.

                  "Maybe I should just read you a story and put you to bed....."

                  He was laughing almost uncontrollably, even if Nirzas spell wasn't upon him The Empress doubted that he could move through laughter.......

                  "You've gone mad..." The Empress announced, almost with pity for the once great Timelord.

                  Suddenly the laughter stopped. P-90 lay in stony silence, before he looked back at the Empress once more, a look of emotionless consideration.

                  "Yes Empress.....Yes I have...."
                  ((lol its kk))

                  Empress: "I wonder....was it the desertion of your friends that made you mad? or the love of your life? The one you let free to die?"

                  P-90 growled as she brought back the most painful memory. Slowly, tauntingly, she began to circle him again.

                  Empress: "Why fight me P-90? The galaxy welcomed my help. It welcomed me."

                  P-90: "You have no right to be in charge."

                  Empress: "So you thought you'd come here and do what? Beg me to stop? plead with me?"

                  She reached his line of vision again and she saw it. She saw the murder in his eyes.

                  Empress: "Oh? The great preacher of peace came here to murder me? Oh how we have fallen."

                  P-90: "You dont belong in this universe...this is Susies universe!"

                  Empress: "What can she do to stop me? She is weak. As are you. You were very foolish to try and kill me on my homeplanet P-90. And for will suffer."

                  2020 so bad I wanna go back to 2007. Hey guys.


                    Originally posted by Amann View Post
                    Amann turned to the bridge and growled at the ship.

                    "What is it doing? Trying to escape? Disable her. Fire a warning shot across her bow and tell her crew to surrender or be destroyed."


                    (Amann still thinks its a Triangle Scoutship.....)
                    Teyilia kept a eye on the power readout as the shields flared with energy as a shot crossed their prow. 'So that is the kind of response they send us instead of a yes or no of seeing the Breaker of Promises??' Teyilai smiled thoughtfully. "Give me main battery control to hyperdrive station one." She said in feline, a second later a odd item was floating in space when it got to the center of the two ships Teyilia pressed a button, causing a sesmic charge to explode and disrupt, for the moment, transmission signals. A hearbeat later the ship disappeared.

                    "Damage control?" Teyilia barked out.

                    "Main navigation computer is offline from overheating. Using secondary computer, main power supply is working at proper levels of power, sensors, internal and external are all in the green, hyperdrive is reading as green." Came the reply.

                    "Are we cloaked?"


                    "Send a pingback transmission. We are on a personal mission, we have full siplomatic immunity to whatever is going on here when we dropped out, we don't want to fight. we want to conserve energy resources as much as possible. give us the information we need on the woman known as Winged Pegasus, and we will leave you be." The message was shortly sent off.

                    (Amann back to you.)


                      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                      Teyilia went down to the cargo bay of the Nubian craft and after a hard inspection of the new hyperdrive she smiled, this one was good. Then a warning went off, after turning the screen on she saw it. since their external comms were off for any transmissions she spoke in Felinus. "Engage shields to double front and triple back. Keep weapons offline at this time." She said as she incerted the new hyperdrive into place and the hyperdrive control centor glowed a solid green. A feral smile came across her face.

                      "Get us out of this system, head us to Dursis." She growled out seeing the hyperdrive begin channeling power.

                      To the two other craft in the Sol System the smaller J-Type Nubian craft turned and shot its way over the Angelan just meters from its shields. before heading for open space. after scanning for the class type of the hyperdrive Teyilia replaced a piece from the old hyperdrive, one she felt did not feel right on the new hyperdrive, and then set the hyperdrive piece on the thermal exaust port trash control. With a soft smile she sealed the trash control and hit the eject.

                      The tracking devices drifted inthe trash as the Nubian craft threaded the needle and headed for open space far enough from the planet Mars, however it didn't jump to hyperspace just yet. They waited for a response.

                      (Sparky, Amann, back to you guys)
                      Originally posted by Amann View Post
                      Amann looked at Hiei.

                      "Greetings old friend and comrade. It has been a while. I have several elements of the Death's Hand on board, ready for you to command once more. You may beam over after we figure what the scout is doing."

                      One of the Legionnaires reported the infirmery report. Amann frowned as the report of Draygon came in.

                      "Have the guards follow. If she is heading toward the bridge, internal sensors will track her and we will head her off."

                      Amann turned to the bridge and growled at the ship.

                      "What is it doing? Trying to escape? Disable her. Fire a warning shot across her bow and tell her crew to surrender or be destroyed."


                      (Amann still thinks its a Triangle Scoutship.....)
                      Hiei looked at Amann

                      Hiei: It cant be. I witnessed you die. I watched with my own eyes as you went down with the Angelan. Even The Admiral saw it. he saved me. its that to him im still here. But even he can not believe this.

                      Rik looked at Amann. the same features. the same manner. the same man. but he looked strained.

                      "Amann, we must speak face to face. i need to know what is going on here."

                      Rik watched Teyilia try and escape.

                      Rik raised a small control panel... Not so fast little one The Ship stopped...

                      Hiei watched the look on Rik's face. the last 5 years had taught Hiei that Rik was one human not to mess with. he had ways with technology most people had no idea of. And now was no exception.

                      Hiei: what did you do?

                      "Diabled the sublight engines. the hyperdrive needs the sublight engines to get to Hyperspace... without the sublight your stuck." Rik flick the sublight engines back on on the smaller craft but gave the con officer a false reading.

                      Hiei: Why did you stop her?

                      "she was leaving without saying thank you. thats bad manners"
                      Rik replied with a grin.

                      "Amann. come aboard my ship or i can come aboard yours with Hiei. and we shall talk this through."

                      (Amann and tey your up)
                      USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it


                        Amann growled.

                        "Diplomatic immunity....fool. Open a channel to that ship."

                        Amann stood up.

                        "Foolish Triangle scum. Diplomatic immunity only applies between two recognized nations. We are a rebel faction against the Triangle. You have some fast explaining to do, since my ship can eventually track your cloaking device and when it does, you will be targeted. You are no match for the Angelan."

                        Amann turned toward Rik.

                        "Come aboard my ship in one hour. We will talk then."



                        ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

                        (Shameless advertising ftw)


                          Rik looked at Amann.

                          "very well hig councillor One Hour it is." *closed the Comm channel

                          "General Hiei i want you with me. Jackson you are in charge here. I must go prepare."

                          Rik had gone to his Quarters to find his weapon. it was old. but it was a trusty weapon. a Zat. he had had it for 15 years. and it was still with him. He also had an Armoury of weapons. which he always Choose a P90. just because it was a good weapon. and it was good for headshots.

                          (Tey you next or Amann)
                          USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it


                            Originally posted by Amann View Post
                            Amann looked at Hiei.

                            "Greetings old friend and comrade. It has been a while. I have several elements of the Death's Hand on board, ready for you to command once more. You may beam over after we figure what the scout is doing."

                            One of the Legionnaires reported the infirmery report. Amann frowned as the report of Draygon came in.

                            "Have the guards follow. If she is heading toward the bridge, internal sensors will track her and we will head her off."

                            Amann turned to the bridge and growled at the ship.

                            "What is it doing? Trying to escape? Disable her. Fire a warning shot across her bow and tell her crew to surrender or be destroyed."


                            (Amann still thinks its a Triangle Scoutship.....)
                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            Teyilia kept a eye on the power readout as the shields flared with energy as a shot crossed their prow. 'So that is the kind of response they send us instead of a yes or no of seeing the Breaker of Promises??' Teyilai smiled thoughtfully. "Give me main battery control to hyperdrive station one." She said in feline, a second later a odd item was floating in space when it got to the center of the two ships Teyilia pressed a button, causing a sesmic charge to explode and disrupt, for the moment, transmission signals. A hearbeat later the ship disappeared.

                            "Damage control?" Teyilia barked out.

                            "Main navigation computer is offline from overheating. Using secondary computer, main power supply is working at proper levels of power, sensors, internal and external are all in the green, hyperdrive is reading as green." Came the reply.

                            "Are we cloaked?"


                            "Send a pingback transmission. We are on a personal mission, we have full siplomatic immunity to whatever is going on here when we dropped out, we don't want to fight. we want to conserve energy resources as much as possible. give us the information we need on the woman known as Winged Pegasus, and we will leave you be." The message was shortly sent off.

                            (Amann back to you.)
                            Originally posted by Amann View Post
                            Amann growled.

                            "Diplomatic immunity....fool. Open a channel to that ship."

                            Amann stood up.

                            "Foolish Triangle scum. Diplomatic immunity only applies between two recognized nations. We are a rebel faction against the Triangle. You have some fast explaining to do, since my ship can eventually track your cloaking device and when it does, you will be targeted. You are no match for the Angelan."

                            Amann turned toward Rik.

                            "Come aboard my ship in one hour. We will talk then."

                            Dray continued her way to the Bridge. She could see the guards that followed her behind her, but she couldn't care less, just as she couldn't care that she had to use the walls to keep her upright at times...

                            She had never seen this ship before, had no idea of it's layout and yet her instinct lead her on exactly. As she entered the bridge - and had half a dozen weapons pointed at her - she heard the tail end of Tey's message. Dray froze in recognition of it. Yet another old acquaintance from the Cantina, but not one she was sure of her reception with. She hadn't heard from Tey in fifty years and had assumed she was dead. Clearly she was wrong, and now Tey worked with the Triangle.

                            "If you are going to speak with her," she announced to Amann, "you will allow me to attend."
                            If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                              Amann nodded toward her and waved off the Legionnaires.

                              "Very well, but I do not understand. They are triangle scum."

                              Amann ordered Rik and Hiei to be beamed on the bridge as he looked at Draygon. With a flash, they beamed directly on the bridge.

                              "Speak if you will."

                              Amann stood with his arms crossed, the Alesian Councilor hated the Triangle. He relished the opportunity to rebuild the Alesian Legions and crush the Triangle under, but he only had the men with him, the men in his fleet, and scattered units across the Triangle.



                              ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

                              (Shameless advertising ftw)


                                Rik and General Hiei stood on a familiar bridge.

                                Hiei: Amann. old friend. What is going on?

                                Rik looked at the wraith.

                                "Wraith... what next? Amann. i wish to know what has gone on here... and i mean everything. from the start..."

                                Rik needed information, he had already decided the side he would be fighting for. he had decided that as soon as he had seen earth.

                                (Amann your up)
                                USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it

