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The Last Word

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    B_V = Booted_Vulture a fictional bird that is featured in my yahoo adress.
    Banner By JME2


      The Baggie encounters MHV. One of the optional extras MHV has is a magnetic clamp.

      Matt demand TLW from FHB. No deal. Her mistake. On locks the clamp. Now lets do a bit of spinning shall we? FHB eventually rings over TLW before she throws up. The clamp is released and Matt goes on his merry way.


        B_V beams himself from his perfectly Cloaked Vessel on to the MHV, Matt turns shocked at the sheer audacity of this mysterious new TLW hunter.

        B_V shoots Matt with his M4 on triple rounds, Matt although still alive (kevlar=greastest invetion in human history) is to battered to stop B_V taking TLW and beaming away to his perfectly cloaked ship.

        Leaving Matt slightly woozey very battered and still wondering why this TLW Hunter seems so familiar...
        Banner By JME2


          SeaBee, realising that B_V and TLW are on a perfectly cloaked ship knows that it is highly improbable that they could be tracked. He therefore works out how improbable it is, borrows the "S.S. Heart of Gold" from Zaphod Beeblebrox, feeds the calculatiobn into Eddie the shipboard computer and activates the Infinite Improbability Drive. This immediatly transports SeaBee to B_Vs ship. SeaBee teleports Marvin the paranoid android over. Marvin collects TLW and beams back. SeaBee then re engages the improbability drive and flies off to an improbable place.


            Someone's been listening to Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

            Unfortunatle the most improplble place the heart of gold would be is in B_V's clutches, and this there she is. B_V grins and beams TLW away, nefore disspareing inotthe msits of space-time.
            Banner By JME2


              What B_V thought was the mists of space-time was, in fact a dust cloud around a large comet, and B_V crashes into it. SeaBee offers a tow to the nearest space dock and, due to the damage, B_V is forced to accept. SeaBee demands the return of TLW and threatens B_V with being turned into a bowl of petunias. B_V hands TLW over. SeaBee tows the damaged ship to a repair shop, and flies off to find an Italian Bistro.

              Edited to add:
              Yahoo! just realised I'm a death glider pilot!


                Thing is Seebee's improbability powered ship has gone to the same place TLW is. Which means SB's ship has crashed into the B_V's perfectly cloaked ship- which due to the damage, has had it's perfect cloaking device knocked offline and no matter how hard the B_V tries he can't make the smooth getaway he would like. Therefore the patiently waiting Matt can see the oppisition, get a lock on TLW and rings it out before the MHV hypers out.
                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                  Originally posted by Matt G
                  Thing is Seebee's improbability powered ship has gone to the same place TLW is. Which means SB's ship has crashed into the B_V's perfectly cloaked ship- which due to the damage, has had it's perfect cloaking device knocked offline and no matter how hard the B_V tries he can't make the smooth getaway he would like. Therefore the patiently waiting Matt can see the oppisition, get a lock on TLW and rings it out before the MHV hypers out.
                  1) I said "into B_V's clutches" not "to TLW"
                  2) SB already stole TLW from me you've got one of my many decoys. Sorrah!
                  Banner By JME2


                    Fair enough. TLW fading away once again. Matt finds SB's ship, fires a trusty electro cannon from MHV to fry it's systems, rings out TLW and leaves the scene
                    I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                      unlukily the MHV leaves the scene only to fly slpa bang into the middle of the northen lights, his ship is disabled and he falss salp bang into icleand. Right at B_V´s fet by coincidence. B_V graps TLW and escape´s into Reykjavik´s nite life scene...
                      Banner By JME2


                        Is the Reyakavik nite life just to scarey for all you TLW hunters? Has B_V had the true and finally final TLW? Tis a hollow victory too be sure. Where are all TLW Hunters??????
                        Last edited by Crazedwraith; 16 October 2004, 05:07 AM. Reason: *sigh* typos they follow me where ever I go.
                        Banner By JME2


                          Conflagulate should be TLW
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Nah...just took ages for Matt G to get Icelandic lessons before heading to Reyakjavik.

                            Once there he is able to track down the B_V, dye his hair platinum blond, pose as a local, get B_V drunk on local vodka and head back to the UK with TLW in his back pocket.
                            I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                              B_V catches up with Matt clonks him on the back off the head, takes TLW from his backpocket and runs away.

                              (o.o.c getting back to the basics are we? just mug and run...)
                              Banner By JME2


                                O.O.C: I had to learn Icelandic for that 'mug and run' to go smoothly.

                                Matt zats B_V and grabs TLW, later chucking B_V into a pool of ice cold water and THEN gets on a flight back to the UK ith no one tailing him at all!
                                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!

