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The Last Word

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    No! I made you go back to your ship in my post, accept it!
    Read my first sentence, in it you go back to the MIY to try and make your escape and got snared by my T-Porters.

    You coudl stop trying to out argue me on this one point accept it in stride and steal TLW. Of course i may be a pot and you a kettle but even so, i'm more stubborn.
    Banner By JME2


      ::OofC:: No, CW clearly stated
      Originally posted by CW
      Matt G grins in Glee as he and TLW ring into the MIY
      Therefore, CW has TLW.

      Anyway, while Matt and CW argue over whose TLW is correct, Virtual sneaks up to and zats both Matt and CW. After comparing the two TLWs with TLW Authentication Card, Virtual zats the false TLW three times. Now Virtual and only Virtual has TLW. Quickly, he rings aboard THD just as CW and Matt G start to wake up.


        Fair enough VirtualCD.
        *normal play resumes*

        Matt tracks down CW's ship(presumably still the MLSS) uses some personal codes still hanging around to hack into the bigger ship's systems to take control of the ring transporters and recieve TLW.


          Um matt? Not only did Virtual settel the argument he also zatted us both and stole TLW. Looks like you stole my out-of-thread TLW, that was given to me as a holiday pressie

          And for the record The MLSS's cpdes are rotated regualry any left in the MIY are completely useless on the MLSS's comps.
          Banner By JME2


            "Out of Character" Matt must have posted while I was editing.... I wonder why my post doesn't have a "Last edited..." at the bottom. Oh well, got be carefull of those rare occurances of trying two people trying to steal TLW at the same time.


              Matt installs some trusty electro-cannons on to MIY and using them, disables Virtual's ship and rings out TLW.
              I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                Unfortunatly for Matt while his electo cannons may be trusty, ML tech is not, when Matt uses his rings it completle short circuits the MIY systems and and the elctro cannons misfire completel disabling the MIY, at this point the MLSS swoops past and beams TLW inside it's bridge into CW's clutches.

                Banner By JME2


                  Matt curses the useless ML tech and once again has to get the Prometheus to tow him to the nearest planet with a Stargate. From there he gates to Hebredan. A night at the casinos later, he has enough money to buy a Loop of Lupner winning vessel and have it customised for skirmishes with other TLW hunters. Craft is to be known as Matt's Hebredan vessel or MHV for short.

                  Matt in the MHV has soon tracked down the MLSS. CW can not see him as one of the extra's Matt has added is a 'scanjammer'. Matt experiments with a Hebredan ray designed to knock out shielding. This works a treat and Matt rings out TLW and hyperspaces away.
                  I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                    Darn Nammit! what is the loop of Lunper anyway? Sort of a minor league version of the Loop of congerat, that Sam competed in?
                    Banner By JME2


                      Yes!(didn't win quite enough cash for a congerat veteran craft)
                      I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                        While CW & Matt G are engrossed in their side conversation, Sela swoops in straight from the Emmys looking stunning in an original fully beaded soft lime green Vera Wang gown, beams up TLW. She dresses him in the specially designed Calvin Klein and they fly off to an evening of dancing and smozzing at the invitation only Emmy after parties including the exclusive Governor Ball where they are seated at the head table with California First Lady Maria Shriver and Gov. Arnold Swartzenegger.
                        "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                        it has it's own laws and beats about things
                        which the intellect scorns."
                        - Mark Twain -


                          While Sela enjoys her party, CW activates a command code programm.

                          At the party Ah-nuld beeps and lunges for TLW. Sela dodges and pulls an M-16A3 with 100-round beta C drum and 40 mil grenade launcher and empites it into the Governator. As the smoks clears Arnies lunches for TLW again!

                          For the governator was terminator you see!

                          the T-8OO graps a table and smacks Sela of the noggin with it, then he takes TLW and beams himself to CW. CW accepts the T-800's gift and gives him and oil bath so he's in good nick for Judgement Day.
                          Last edited by Crazedwraith; 21 September 2004, 07:16 AM. Reason: typos
                          Banner By JME2


                            Sela wakes up the next morning under an overturned table with a splitting headache and a tear in her original fully beaded soft lime green Vera Wang gown. She is understandably insensed at having missed a night of serious partying and her partner TLW. She vows terrible revenge upon the Governator and that Souless Minion of Orthodoxy, CW, who switched him with the real Ah'nold as a spy....just as soon as she can get a couple of extra-strenght Bufferin and a cup of strong black coffee.
                            "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                            it has it's own laws and beats about things
                            which the intellect scorns."
                            - Mark Twain -


                              Rocket finds CW napping, apparently having dozed off during his oil bath. Quite easily, he grabs TLW, sneaks out, and goes to have dinner at an expensive resteraunt.


                                Matt is not dead cert whether Rocket has the real TLW(I thought it was the Terminator who was having the oil bath) so after ringing out the TLW's that are in Rocket's and CW's posession Matt scans them both. keeps the real TLW and returns the fake to whence it came.
                                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!

