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The Last Word

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    What CW didn't notice was that when he dropped TLW, SB, using his fantastic sleight of hand, substituted the real TLW for a sweat-shop copy. If CW looks closely, he will see he actually has "THE LAST WROD"

    SB throws a large chocolate gateau at FHB to distract her, and makes his escape.


      ...only to have the last 'Word' mini-ringed out of his hands! Seeya!


        Why SB you sneaky sunnuva......

        CW swoops down on Matt in the MLSS, he flinchs and hides from the big guns on it. CW winks at him from the bridge windom and beams The last Word away from him. See ya.

        CW zooms away in the MLSS.
        Banner By JME2


          Sadly the cake didn't last long,so FHB rejoined the chase .
          FHB smoothly beams TLW (the real one !) back to her greedy little paws,on "Baggie 1"........and hyperspeeds away !

          Easy when you forget to raise shields,CW .
          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


            The MLSS matches hyperspeed with the Baggie1 and beams TLW to CW. Easy when you don't raise shields FHB!

            CW raises shields and transporter scramblers and tears off in the oppisite direction for mthe Baggie1.
            Banner By JME2


              Unfortunately for CW, the MLSS is pulled out of hyperspace by what appears to be a blackhole!!

              Fortunately, for CW, it's not a blackhole but a gravitywell ship. The intense gravity field has temporarly disabled the MLSS shields and hyperdrive, allowing Virtual to board the ship. Using a giant Van de Graaff generator, the Ewoks are bound together via static cling, allowing Virtual to quickly swipe TLW and slip away.


                FHB slinks aboard, courtesy of some Alien gadgets she "found"...OK :stole !
                Cats don't read Sci-Fi,they just Hunt and pounce,LOL !
                Tracking TLW,FHB zats Virtual,grabs the TLW,and beams away again....

                To CW: OI ! If I'd raised MY shields that wouldn't have been any fun !

                Ahem ! Sorry Virtual,....usually CW and I get a bit cheeky with each other.Normally we're well-behaved,....put it down to this game. It's strangely addictive !
                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                  CW beams himself behind FHB spanks her and legs it, leading an outraged FHB (who obvious chase CW out for venegance.) it to an ambush where she is neatly zatted by Lt' Kettch. CW steals TLW, spanks FHB just to shock Virtual and legs it to the complex warren underneath new York.
                  Banner By JME2



                    FHB will follow as soon as she finds a map of NYC etc,.....she will return in due course...........after her furry little Butt has recovered, and a suitable "revenge" plotted !

                    CW ,be very afraid....Mwahahaha ..
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      Starts firing shotguns over passing denizens heads.

                      Hello! Any TLW hunters out there? I've you all turned over and died squirming on your bellies?

                      Its no fun if i actually get to KEEP TLW you know. (THough I'm still not giving it away )

                      Hunt! Hnt i say! Do not tell we you cannot win!
                      Banner By JME2


                        Matt shoots down CW's ship with conventional ammo(caught a cocky CW with shields down) and gives CW himself a taste of the electro-cannon before picking up TLW - seeya!
                        I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                          Luckily if you read the above posts carefully, you'll see i wasn't in my ship. I was wanderinfg around New York. Thus you must have shot down my decoy ship and stolen its fake TLW.

                          Banner By JME2


                            Bugger. Well as the fake TLW fades into nothingness, Matt tracks the real TLW to NYC, specifically it's sewer system. His first act after touching down is to buy some pizza and let the smells drift down a nearby manhole.

                            Now I wonder who lives in New York's sewers and likes pizza? Sure enough Leonardo, Raphael, Micalangelo(sp) and Donatello are attracted topside. After they munch the pizza I explain the situation.

                            With a 'Cowabunga' they head back underground with a TLW tracker - I wait patiently till they return with TLW. After making sure that this is a genuine TLW, I buy the Turtles more pizza and get out of town.
                            I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                              Matt is tearing out of town in a car. When he hears a rumbling he looks back and sees the MLSS's nose just a dozen metres behind him. He screams and crashes. EG-13 beams down to get TLW but quickly retreat when Matt pops up out of his wrecked sportscar and starts firing miniguns at the ewoks.

                              a tense firefight ensues. Until CW (who has beamed up to the MLSS) ends it by fire the MLSS's ubercannons (set to stun of course) which takes out both Matt and EG-13, EG-1 them beams down and retreives TLW and them beams up with it and EG-13 to the MLSS's sickbay.

                              The MLSS flys off raise sheilds and transporter scramblers.

                              Meanwhile Matt is arested for unsafe driving and illegally owning a pair of Miniguns.
                              Banner By JME2


                                oh if only CW had used the MLSS's ubercannons on darkphoenix too, as the sly newbie stole TLW after secretly catching a beam of light on to the MLSS earlier...

                                *out of character* i am new at this! so i hope i did it right!

