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Stupid things I am not doing again.....EVER!

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    Originally posted by badwolfSG View Post
    Not too long ago, I sent a Toaster oven on fire! I put my pot pie in the toaster oven, box and all, turn it on and left. At the time I didn't realize I put the box in the oven, and I was about to go back up stairs when I thought that I didn't turn the oven on, so, I turned around in went back into the kichten, and there coming out of the top of the oven was fire!!! Within a seconds the fire was out and no one was hurt... haven't used the toaster oven since!
    Ah, we're back to the pyromania again. That flame just never dies. *giggles*

    Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post

    Having a Phineas and Ferb dream which was essentially just about Agent P (who was Platschu ) .... Stuff that!The root of all evil NEVER watching that again !!! I hope ... It was all that was on TV and I was at my father's ...

    Offering to chase down the |}@$+@®|)$ who stole something from work (the profits went to helping children ) instead of just going after them ...I was like: 'I can go get them if you want Boss: No, just stay here.
    You could say they aren't worth the effort, but such people need to learn !!!
    How awful is that that someone would steal charity stuff! I know you don't live in Singapore, but I think a caning is in order.


      Right a couple of gems for the therapy group today....

      Firstly. I had to drive to get petrol the other night, so I decided to go to a main road with about 3 servos side by side, with a Maccas right next door. Now I don't really know what happened, but I was listening to the radio and just generally in my own little dream world when the next thing I know I was in the Maccas drive thru, with a car behind me wedging me in!!!! I wasn't even bloody hungry, just stupid habit I guess. So I had to reverse out and go get bloody petrol.

      Secondly....taking rubbish from my car late last night, I chucked a few bottles in the outside bin and went inside. About half an hour later i had to go out again but couldnt find my phone. So i grabbed my work phone and was walking around inside ringing it but to no avail. So i went to my car and kept ringing it but couldnt hear it inside....until i heard a faint noise coming from outside the car. I kept ringing and following the noise and followed the noise straight to guessed it...bin. Where my brand new iphone was sitting nicely on top of the rubbish. Stupid.


        Perhaps it would be best if you stopped in at nights.

        Not go around cleaning everything with bleach to within an inch of its life, then having to sit there with the door open cause i couldnt breath, it was freezing cold


          i had a bit of an embarrassment the other day, im going to stop asking questions about the baby.

          i kept getting a fluttery feeling in my stomach before feeling sick so i asked my midwife, she turned, gave the the smile that says 'well arent you thick' and proceeded to explain it was just the baby moving around and there was nothing to worry about.
          2020 so bad I wanna go back to 2007. Hey guys.


            Originally posted by susanne View Post
            i had a bit of an embarrassment the other day, im going to stop asking questions about the baby.

            i kept getting a fluttery feeling in my stomach before feeling sick so i asked my midwife, she turned, gave the the smile that says 'well arent you thick' and proceeded to explain it was just the baby moving around and there was nothing to worry about.
            In your defense, the first time you feel that baby move, it's the strangest sensation IN THE WORLD!!!! So cool, but very weird....

            I only knew what it was because I had seen my sisters each through a pregnancy before I got preggo with my first...but it still threw me for a loop (didn't help that I had a stomach bug at the time lol)
            My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


              Originally posted by susanne View Post
              i had a bit of an embarrassment the other day, im going to stop asking questions about the baby.

              i kept getting a fluttery feeling in my stomach before feeling sick so i asked my midwife, she turned, gave the the smile that says 'well arent you thick' and proceeded to explain it was just the baby moving around and there was nothing to worry about.
              It is a cool feeling. (And congratulations on your baby!) I remember the first time I felt my second child move. It was a full fledged kick which I could see! Then, she repeated the manoever with more power and about doubled me over!


                Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                It is a cool feeling. (And congratulations on your baby!) I remember the first time I felt my second child move. It was a full fledged kick which I could see! Then, she repeated the manoever with more power and about doubled me over!
                thank you and LOL yes i have a feeling ill be experiancing that before long
                2020 so bad I wanna go back to 2007. Hey guys.


                  Originally posted by susanne View Post
                  thank you and LOL yes i have a feeling ill be experiancing that before long
                  Oh, and wait 'til your baby gets the hiccups! That is so funny! (It's like little taps that occur at regular intervals.) I loved being pregnant. I hope you're enjoying it too.


                    Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                    Oh, and wait 'til your baby gets the hiccups! That is so funny! (It's like little taps that occur at regular intervals.) I loved being pregnant. I hope you're enjoying it too.
                    well im hoping itll get better, so far ive gotten a few pains, found out my blood group is rhesus negative, got bad morning sickness and im already showing at 17 weeks lol
                    2020 so bad I wanna go back to 2007. Hey guys.


                      Originally posted by susanne View Post
                      well im hoping itll get better, so far ive gotten a few pains, found out my blood group is rhesus negative, got bad morning sickness and im already showing at 17 weeks lol
                      *pokes Susie and watches her wobble*


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                        *pokes Susie and watches her wobble*
                        *slaps PH's hand away* dont poke it!
                        2020 so bad I wanna go back to 2007. Hey guys.


                          Originally posted by susanne View Post
                          well im hoping itll get better, so far ive gotten a few pains, found out my blood group is rhesus negative, got bad morning sickness and im already showing at 17 weeks lol
                          I lost fifteen pounds at the beginning of each pregnancy (was really sick with the first one too) does get better...I promise!

                          I feel cheated....either my boys never got hiccups or I never felt them....
                          My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                            Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                            I lost fifteen pounds at the beginning of each pregnancy (was really sick with the first one too) does get better...I promise!

                            I feel cheated....either my boys never got hiccups or I never felt them....
                            LOL im gaining it at a rate ive never gained weight before, ive felt the baby move and i have a lovely scan with the little *beep*er waving at me i cant wait til december, i wanna know what sex it is
                            2020 so bad I wanna go back to 2007. Hey guys.


                              Originally posted by susanne View Post
                              well im hoping itll get better, so far ive gotten a few pains, found out my blood group is rhesus negative, got bad morning sickness and im already showing at 17 weeks lol
                              With my daughter, I was nauseated for the whole 9 months. I also developed bursitis in both hips which made it so painful to walk, I screamed with each step. No, it's not all sunshine and lollipops, but knowing that you have a wee baby inside makes it all worth it. And near the end, I was so big, I couldn't see anything below the waist and had difficulty squeezing in through the shower door. P.S. Trying to wash your feet in the 8th and 9th month is a feat in itself.

                              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                              I lost fifteen pounds at the beginning of each pregnancy (was really sick with the first one too) does get better...I promise!

                              I feel cheated....either my boys never got hiccups or I never felt them....
                              Well, with my record of hiccups, my kids had to do it! And my daughter still does.


                                Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                                I feel cheated....either my boys never got hiccups or I never felt them....
                                Time to try again?
                                no means no, and so does pepper spray
                                Sig by The Carpenter

