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Stupid things I am not doing again.....EVER!

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    Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post

    And it was worse than just that !!!
    Glad no "particles" went in and that it didn't become infected !!!!

    Forgetting German school begins at 9 and ends and 11:30, not begin at 9:30 and end at 11 ....
    ^Banned for worse than just that


      ^Banned as I'll never ban Ukko here again... EVER !!!


        ^Banned. Yes you will


          ^Is wrong as we have now moved over to the "^" thread if you will look to the left... aaand we're walking

          I will not challenge Ukko again EVER ... nah, I will !!!


            Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post
            ^Is wrong as we have now moved over to the "^" thread if you will look to the left... aaand we're walking

            I will not challenge Ukko again EVER ... nah, I will !!!
            *Slaps Sil with a glove* I challenge you to Pool


              *Slaps Ukko with machine gun* I can't swim (properly) ! Pool bottom snooker ?
              Wearing (typical) woman's swimmers - never wore the two pieces, but I felt so exposed wearing those stupid one piece ones...once on had a hole in it that I didn't notice until I was at a carnival .... But I avoided carnivals .. oh, my asthma *cough, cough* ... athletic ones were alright .
              Fool pool ?

              I want to dive in an oversized coffee cup !!!!!!

              Tell anyone about the voices in my head ... they're my friends !!!!


                Excuse me but my bucket is broken, could you hand me that Donkey?


                  Here *hands a shovel, a spade and a gravestone: "Ukko"*... Have fun !!!!

                  Complain about a uniform to the principal... good thing I never have to see that m-guy again !!!!


                    Let some punk kid complain to me about uniforms


                      Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                      I guess it all depends on the party. If there's sex, drugs, nudity, excessive alcohol, or stupidity (like riding a bike off a diving board while doing a hand stand), then forget it; I'm out. Otherwise, crank up the music and pass the cheese doodles! And I'll have a diet Coke please.
                      Stupidity is a must have-as long as you're not the one doing it.

                      Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                      Use a window to stop myself mid run
                      Why did you do that?

                      Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post
                      Scratching my eye after eating a habeñero !!!

                      Doing this after washing my hands, knowing it probably wouldn't have been enough ....
                      Later doing so again .....
                      Yelling out something...... in front of a Turkish Grill *Turkish granny faints *
                      Ok, so I rarely swear and am quite against it... it was mild, okay .... but people looked *smashes out window* !

                      Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                      Let some punk kid complain to me about uniforms
                      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                        I like uniforms, just not skirts .... or see through tops (these school shirts were largely transparent !!!!)
                        Oh, yeah, on the topic of stupidity: I will never allow crazy Dutch friends to force me to wear clogs and have a rooftop race (I believe I've said it before .....)


                          Originally posted by pookey View Post
                          not coming to your place for dinner
                          Staying safe veggie sausage casserole is my next effort.
                          Thanks to DS for my siggy


                            Spilling the egg I was meant to use over the tabletop....


                              Not too long ago, I sent a Toaster oven on fire! I put my pot pie in the toaster oven, box and all, turn it on and left. At the time I didn't realize I put the box in the oven, and I was about to go back up stairs when I thought that I didn't turn the oven on, so, I turned around in went back into the kichten, and there coming out of the top of the oven was fire!!! Within a seconds the fire was out and no one was hurt... haven't used the toaster oven since!
                              sigpic There are my dogs!

                              If you had to chose, die or watch the world die, what would you pick?"


                                Having a Phineas and Ferb dream which was essentially just about Agent P (who was Platschu ) .... Stuff that!The root of all evil NEVER watching that again !!! I hope ... It was all that was on TV and I was at my father's ...

                                Offering to chase down the |}@$+@®|)$ who stole something from work (the profits went to helping children ) instead of just going after them ...I was like: 'I can go get them if you want Boss: No, just stay here.
                                You could say they aren't worth the effort, but such people need to learn !!!

