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The Female Thread Of Femaleness

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    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    you mean personally knowing someone who did doesn't count as personal experience ?

    my bad then, I'll rephrase that :

    through personal experience of someone who did experience it personally, [...]

    better ?
    I'm going to put you back on ignore.. before I say what I really think of you.


      Periods suck!
      I only have the physical, mostly tummy ache, pain the first day...but I'm in a bad mood for a few days as well..and anyone in my way will see that bad mood!
      For me, luckily, the physical pain isn't that bad but then again I'm the one that didn't want to go to the doctor while I broke my nose and had a concusion...I said I was fine and after that jogged for 2 miles... mom dragged me to the doctor later that day when she found out...poor me...doctors are evil!


        Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post

        Mine were hell when I first started until I reached about 19.... cramps so bad my legs felt numb and I had to walk bent over cause of the back pain.
        But then they just settled down and now the only really painful bit is the crying/shouting/hyperactivity/uncontrollable giggles..... so I would say its more severe early on which I guess proves the earlier point..... women get used to the pain hence a higher pain threshold
        but she was 19 yet no crying/shouting/hyperactivity either
        maybe she was lucky (and me too -)
        or perhaps it's the "severe pain" scenario that's more of an exception ?

        maybe something to do with diet or daily exercice (can too much of the former or not enough of the latter lead to more pain, or maybe stress not enough sleep etc)

        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
        I'm going to put you back on ignore.. before I say what I really think of you.
        bummer - my first & only 3rd type encounter and it had to end like that
        Last edited by SoulReaver; 22 June 2009, 02:20 PM.


          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          Periods suck!
          I only have the physical, mostly tummy ache, pain the first day...but I'm in a bad mood for a few days as well..and anyone in my way will see that bad mood!
          For me, luckily, the physical pain isn't that bad but then again I'm the one that didn't want to go to the doctor while I broke my nose and had a concusion...I said I was fine and after that jogged for 2 miles... mom dragged me to the doctor later that day when she found out...poor me...doctors are evil!

          Yes!! Shall I crack open the pitchforks again???


            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
            but she was 19 yet no crying/shouting/hyperactivity either
            maybe she was lucky (and me too -)
            or perhaps it's the "severa pain" scenario that's more of an exception ?

            maybe something to do with diet or daily exercice (can too much of the former or not enough of the latter lead to more pain, or maybe stress not enough sleep etc)
            I ate better and exercised more then than now.... so my excuse for not exercising anymore is incase I get the pain back....
            Last edited by michellec24_7; 22 June 2009, 02:13 PM. Reason: spelling.... did I even go to school???!!!


              Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
              yeeeah well I guess it's tough luck for you luv :/
              through personal experience (not me ) I can tell you that periods aren't necessarily painful, nowhere near what you make them out to be at any rate. for instance they can last ~3 days (which apparently is a short time from what I've heard) and the usual "symptoms" are minimal
              and sometimes no periods at all (not pregnancy (afaik -))

              now I know the severity of the symptoms varies with each person but perhaps it has to do with health, general fitness, corpulence, age & so on ? (for instance for women who haven't reached their twenties yet, is it less severe etc.)
              actually mine usually last a week, in which i can be either raring to go (usually) or doubled up in agony and the worst person to be around. the latter im afraid this time. i was in so much pain and im still not over the violent moodswings the poor hubby was constantly getting the worst.

              I'm not dead. Yet.


                mine have gotten worse as I've gotten older....and after each baby they changed (for the worse again ) i had a tubal ligation after my youngest and it's at it's worst right now...i NEVER had cramps or anything more than the moodiness usually associated with PMS when I was there are days where I am physically ill and can't get out of bed...and fatigued beyond all sucks (and I'm more active now and eat better now than I did back then.) Hormones do evil, horrible things to your body!!!
                My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                  Boo for hormones!!


                    For me, I my cramps are few but extraordinarily painful. There are some days when I'll be laying in bed, and I'll get a cramp and I'll curl up in ball and I can't move at all for 5 minutes until it goes away.


                      Thats how mine used to be but luckily I don't get it that bad now, every 8 or 9 months I have a bad-sih one but I'm lucky I've never been as bad as that since *touches wood*


                        So Soul, You're not a woman, so stop acting like you know how it is to be one!


                          Yeah Soul *pokes with pitchfork*


                            ow my apologies ladies. I'll come back later. obviously you're all going through a bad "period"

                            *warps out*
                            Last edited by SoulReaver; 25 July 2009, 09:04 AM. Reason: spellin misteak


                              No! DON'T COME BACK! You're making me really mad right now!



