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Is Airforce Ranking Offensive?

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    I find it ironic that so many people who hate the Air Force, and condemn the men and women who serve, spend their time at a website that celebrates fictional members of the Air Force. I find it equally bizarre that someone would find more honor in being named (for example) a Goa'uld Underling, than a lieutenant.

    That's pretty much all I have to say about that, except that I am proud of the Air Force. I'm proud of the Canadian Air Force, who protect my home. I'm proud of the American Air Force, where generations of my family served. I'm proud of the British Air Force, who fight side by side with us. I'm proud of them all, and honored by my fictional rank. I hope that any members of the military coming across this thread will know that this is how most of us feel.


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
      Wow, that's... possibly one of the stranger interpretations of the franchise that I've seen. I suppose I can understand some of where you're coming from, but from my POV the shows have always been firmly rooted in the military with fancy trimming added on to sometimes camouflage it. But then, I've never really had a problem with the military* so I've never felt the need to find alternate interpretations of the shows' basic makeup.

      *Although it has always annoyed me that SGA was marketed as being a "civilian operation" when it was clearly just as military as SG-1.

      Whenever Weir had a conflict with the Military she almost always won. As I previously mentioned, even John Sheppard's position is a result of her authority trumping that of the Military's.


        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
        Wow, that's... possibly one of the stranger interpretations of the franchise that I've seen. I suppose I can understand some of where you're coming from, but from my POV the shows have always been firmly rooted in the military with fancy trimming added on to sometimes camouflage it. But then, I've never really had a problem with the military* so I've never felt the need to find alternate interpretations of the shows' basic makeup.

        *Although it has always annoyed me that SGA was marketed as being a "civilian operation" when it was clearly just as military as SG-1.
        SG-1 ALL about the military. Operating out of a USAF base, lead by USAF personnel, the majority of main characters - O'Neill, Carter, Mitchell, Hammond, Landry, Walter, Davis being USAF, with Jackson, Mal Duran, Teal'c and Quinn not.

        SGA I will agree is not about the USAF, but has a massive USAF presence, as all the 30 commanders are USAF, Head of homeworld security is USAF, Lorne is USAF, Shep is USAF.

        "Five Rounds Rapid"



          Originally posted by amconway View Post
          I find it ironic that so many people who hate the Air Force, and condemn the men and women who serve, spend their time at a website that celebrates fictional members of the Air Force. I find it equally bizarre that someone would find more honor in being named (for example) a Goa'uld Underling, than a lieutenant.

          That's pretty much all I have to say about that, except that I am proud of the Air Force. I'm proud of the Canadian Air Force, who protect my home. I'm proud of the American Air Force, where generations of my family served. I'm proud of the British Air Force, who fight side by side with us. I'm proud of them all, and honored by my fictional rank. I hope that any members of the military coming across this thread will know that this is how most of us feel.
          I have to agree with you
          Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


            Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
            SG-1 ALL about the military. Operating out of a USAF base, lead by USAF personnel, the majority of main characters - O'Neill, Carter, Mitchell, Hammond, Landry, Walter, Davis being USAF, with Jackson, Mal Duran, Teal'c and Quinn not.

            SGA I will agree is not about the USAF, but has a massive USAF presence, as all the 30 commanders are USAF, Head of homeworld security is USAF, Lorne is USAF, Shep is USAF.
            Isn't Lorne a Marine?
            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


              Isn't Lorne a Marine?
              I'm betting that folks that don't like the Air Force don't like marines either.


                Originally posted by Liam Kincaid View Post
                Recently, in the Forum Announcement's thread about the new Gateworld ranking system , in which Goa'uld based ranks have been replaced with United States Airforce based ones, someone posted that this made sense because the Goa'uld are evil and, in the Stargate universe, the Airforce are the good guys.

                I replied by saying that this is only because it is Science Fiction, and that, in our real universe it is not the Goa'uld who have bombed innocent civilians or littered Iraq with Depleted Uranium. I further explained that, if my ranking label here at Gateworld had to be an evil one, I would much rather play the part of an evil fictional alien like the Goa'uld than that of a real live person who kills real live people. Someone else jumped in with a post about whether the Armed Forces themselves or the politicians who give them their orders should be held responsible for what happens when the Armed Forces carry those orders out,and I replied.

                This exchange was deleted by Mods. At first it was called inappropriate for Gateworld, but later, it was suggested that it be moved to the off-topic folder. So here it is:

                I am opposed to the new U.S. Airforce based ranking system for Gateworld because I am opposed to what the U.S. Airforce has been doing in the real world duiring the last decade or two, and I don't want to be identified with it. This is a thread for anyone who has any thoughts or comments about that.
                really so all you read is what libral lies tell you. The USAF follows LOAC (Law of Armed Conflict). We are not allowed to bomb churchs (unless being used to store weapons), civilian housing (unless used to house soldiers), or anything else of a non military nature. In fact we have to get express permission before even arming the bombs we use. Civilian casualities are always going to happen when in war. This is not the movies where battles happen on some diserted area in middle of no where. Our enemies hide amongst civilians like cowards. We have to hide out in the open.

                In fact while all this is happening, many of the Iraqi people come and shake our hands. While you complain about a war you overlook the thousands of mouths that the USAF feeds over in africa. Or the milions of pamphlets we dropped over thier country telling them how to surrender, saving many lives. What about the thousands of innocent american lives that died on 9/11/01? do you feel no sympathy for them, or are you so totally convinced by the lies of the media that you feel the need to shame them? I sickened by the very idea that you consider a ranking system offensive! if you dont like it then go somewhere else. [mod snip]
                Last edited by Shipperahoy; 04 January 2009, 02:59 PM.
                Click the Pick for my profile


                  Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


                    really so all you read is what libral lies tell you. The USAF follows LOAC (Law of Armed Conflict). We are not allowed to bomb churchs (unless being used to store weapons), civilian housing (unless used to house soldiers), or anything else of a non military nature. In fact we have to get express permission before even arming the bombs we use.
                    Please don't assume that to be liberal is to have disrespect for the military. Myself and millions of others who are in no way ashamed to call ourselves liberal, have the deepest respect for the men and women who serve. Liberal does not equal unappreciative.


                      Originally posted by amconway View Post
                      Please don't assume that to be liberal is to have disrespect for the military. Myself and millions of others who are in no way ashamed to call ourselves liberal, have the deepest respect for the men and women who serve. Liberal does not equal unappreciative.
                      Thank you. Im very liberal on somethings, and all though i hate the very idea of war as a whole i support our Military
                      Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


                        I stand corrected then. Perhaps not liberal but still. [mod snip] I go where and when i am supposed to. We where perfectly inclined to leave the area of that world alone yet they attacked us. Not some military base, but 2 buildings filled with nothing more then innocent civilians going about thier daily lives. That is why i serve. That is why i would kill
                        Last edited by Shipperahoy; 04 January 2009, 03:00 PM.
                        Click the Pick for my profile


                          Umm this is just me telling you as advice. YOu might want to watch what you say. Allthough most dont aree with the person in question They are still entitled to his or her opinion.
                          Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


                            I am having trouble understanding why people have trouble with the army.
                            It defends your home with out it u would be in big trouble. Maybe it’s because I am Israeli and proud of are army. But I know that the US army dos a lot to defend the US and a lot of other counters and with out it Europe and more would be gone now. And not seeing that is being completely blind.


                              Originally posted by pinielf View Post
                              I am having trouble understanding why people have trouble with the army.
                              It defends your home with out it u would be in big trouble. Maybe it’s because I am Israeli and proud of are army. But I know that the US army dos a lot to defend the US and a lot of other counters and with out it Europe and more would be gone now. And not seeing that is being completely blind.
                              its mostly because of people that are like that religious group "thank god for dead soldiers" and that blogger that calls marines poster children for domestic abuse. In fact what people dont realize is that we go out of our way to try and make sure that no innocent lives are harmed. However this is war and it does happen.
                              Click the Pick for my profile


                                Originally posted by Eragon View Post
                                I stand corrected then. Perhaps not liberal but still. This person is obviously not right in the head. I go where and when i am supposed to. We where perfectly inclined to leave the area of that world alone yet they attacked us. Not some military base, but 2 buildings filled with nothing more then innocent civilians going about thier daily lives. That is why i serve. That is why i would kill
                                Iraq never attacked anything in the United States. You are saying that you want to kill Iraqis to get revenge for something that Iraqis had nothing to do with. Defending the United States is a good thing. But that's not what you are telling us you signed up for.

