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Mala's World

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    What a morning I've had. First of all my printer decided to spew magenta ink all over my hands and the carpet. Magenta looks like blood, especially with the very pretty splatter pattern on my hands. (I've been watching too much C.S.I.) I scrubbed my hands down to the bone and it still looks as if I've been in a major accident. I didn't have time to find some stronger cleaner as I had a doctor's appointment.

    When I got to the doctor's surgery,I hirpled into her room and she took one look at my hands and.....well, let me put it this way...

    Magenta Ink Cartridge: £7.95

    Bar of Soap: 48p

    Scrubbing Brush: 67p

    Carpet Cleaner: £3.84

    Look on Doctor's Face: Priceless!!!!!!

    BTW: I've been signed off work for another four weeks!


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz

      Magenta Ink Cartridge: &#163;7.95
      Bar of Soap: 48p
      Scrubbing Brush: 67p
      Carpet Cleaner: &#163;3.84
      Look on Doctor's Face: Priceless!!!!!!

      *giggles* imagine if it had been Dr Jack, maybe he'd have helped you scrub up (or is it scrub down?)

      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      BTW: I've been signed off work for another four weeks!


        Originally posted by Critter
        That is a good one sugarshaker.....he even looks like he's blushing a little bit! Bev must have been up to no good!!!!! Ummmm...or something else that isn't a very PG thought so I'll leave it at that!!!
        Bev's always up to no good! (giggles) She's a great inspiration for me.

        s u g a r s h a k e r


          Originally posted by Rune


          I'm gonna borrow this smilie from Rune. I got a call for a job interview tomorrow morning at 9am. Should I get this, it means more money and I (hopefully) won't have a busy season year-round.


            Originally posted by Rune
            *giggles* imagine if it had been Dr Jack, maybe he'd have helped you scrub up (or is it scrub down?)
            Oh yeah! What a nice thought.

            Originally posted by Rune
            Hehehe! I shouldn't be smiling at this. School? What's that?
            Last edited by dipsofjazz; 16 February 2006, 07:39 AM.


              Originally posted by sugarshaker
              Bev's always up to no good! (giggles)
              Wha....???? Me????


              Originally posted by sugarshaker
              She's a great inspiration for me.
              It is my honour to serve.


                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                I'm gonna borrow this smilie from Rune. I got a call for a job interview tomorrow morning at 9am. Should I get this, it means more money and I (hopefully) won't have a busy season year-round.
                Ohhh good luck with interview C7, got my fingers crossed for you


                  Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                  I'm gonna borrow this smilie from Rune. I got a call for a job interview tomorrow morning at 9am. Should I get this, it means more money and I (hopefully) won't have a busy season year-round.
                  *crosses fingers, toes and various other body parts* Good luck for tomorrow.


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                    Hehehe! I shouldn't be smiling at this. School? What's that?
                    *sound sof little cogs whirring in head* uh ... I'm trying to remember ... school ... school ... something to do with kids maybe? ... and music possibly? Sorry, I'm getting very little here, school is so last year dahling

                    Yay, no school for 4 more weeks, yeehaw!!!


                      Originally posted by Rune
                      *sound sof little cogs whirring in head* uh ... I'm trying to remember ... school ... school ... something to do with kids maybe? ... and music possibly? Sorry, I'm getting very little here, school is so last year dahling

                      Yay, no school for 4 more weeks, yeehaw!!!

                      Happy? Me? ......... Hell Yeah!


                        Originally posted by Rune
                        Shoot, how did I miss this?

                        a) attempt mouth to mouth resuscitation
                        Yes! After first checking that his dogtags, his black T-shirt and your own underwear are not too tight. Deep breath and remember to keep breathing yourself. (Note: slicking on a layer of lipgloss at this point is helpful in preventing dehydration attained through hopeless drooling brought on by proximity of the man)

                        b) curl up beside him to share body heat

                        Yes! After optional application of 'okay for one, possibly a squeeze for two' style sleeping bag or trying to insert yourself under aforementioned black T-shirt. (Note: no pine needles necessary).

                        c) grasp various extremities and check each one for a pulse
                        Yes! Closer examination of the most receptive pulse points must first be undertaken, if necessary tracing them down from shoulder to wrist, up from wrist to throat ... um ... *grin* (Note: if subject is still unconscious it may be helpful to recovery to raise certain extremities off the ground to assist blood flow to brain.)

                        d) ruffle his hair

                        Yes! (that had to be a rick question,Mala)
                        *edit* that was a genuine typo - I meant TRICK question *grin* talk about giving yourself away

                        e) ____________________(submit your own)
                        First try gentle shaking, bouncing, tickling. If that fails try wafting chocolate or donuts under his nose (Note: host-ready symbiotes should only be wafted as a last resort)

                        Failing that let him sleep it off while I amuse myself doodling on him with a magic marker and aerosol cream

                        Did you remember to check for swelling?
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Originally posted by sugarshaker
                          Here's a picture of Jack that I really like:

                          From The Light

                          I love it when he smiles!
                          Thanks for sharing the pic, sugarshaker! I always love when he smiles, too. And as Bev said, from a Ship angle, it's even more fun when his smiles are aimed at Sam.



                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            What a morning I've had. First of all my printer decided to spew magenta ink all over my hands and the carpet. Magenta looks like blood, especially with the very pretty splatter pattern on my hands. (I've been watching too much C.S.I.) I scrubbed my hands down to the bone and it still looks as if I've been in a major accident. I didn't have time to find some stronger cleaner as I had a doctor's appointment.
                            When I got to the doctor's surgery,I hirpled into her room and she took one look at my hands and.....well, let me put it this way...
                            Magenta Ink Cartridge: &#163;7.95

                            Bar of Soap: 48p

                            Scrubbing Brush: 67p

                            Carpet Cleaner: &#163;3.84

                            Look on Doctor's Face: Priceless!!!!!!

                            BTW: I've been signed off work for another four weeks!
                            Wow four more weeks! Lots of time for ruffling and uhh other things...


                            My LJ


                              Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                              I'm gonna borrow this smilie from Rune. I got a call for a job interview tomorrow morning at 9am. Should I get this, it means more money and I (hopefully) won't have a busy season year-round.
                              C7 good luck with the interview


                              My LJ


                                Originally posted by Critter
                                Hi-De-Ho! Just stopping in for a late night look/see and thought I'd bring our favorite place back closer to the top!
                                Our timing is really off! RL is busy and I've missed you once again... But it's great to see you posting here, nonetheless! I'm so glad that you figured out how to use the smilies, Critter. As far as I know, I don't think anyone has used YOUR Backwards Hat Jack smiley yet. He is kinda cute, isn't he?


