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    Originally posted by Mala50
    No hats covering up his sticky-up hair - ever! (not even boonies?)
    I think i'd have to put the boonie on him atleast once. *runs and hides from the GG's who despise that hat*


    My LJ


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      Hmmmm....if they include banjos, then we can have Jack playing with 'G' strings!
      There will be NO hats covering my Jack's hair!
      And Jack has the nimble fingers to play the 'G' string with... Such long and lean fingers....*drools*


        Originally posted by ivy714
        I think i'd have to put the boonie on him atleast once. *runs and hides from the GG's who despise that hat*
        I'm right there with you on the boonie and I'll yell it from the mountain tops if need be! *thinks of Jack in boonie and combat boots...and nothing else*


          Originally posted by Zoser
          I need to blather on about something pointless.
          You may know and probably don't care that my pet peeve is "Jonathon". Now I know where it came from.
          My youngest bought me Stargate the movie for my birthday (They all know my addiction). Well if you look at the credits it seems the other Col. O'Neil with only one 'L' and no sense of humor, first name is Jonathon. Our boy is John J. O'Neill, two
          'L's and quirky sense of humor.
          That's Mr. Siler's pet peeve too. It drives him nuts.


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            If it makes you feel better I'll mod your ass(es) if need be And if anyone feels even remotely uncomfortable with anything, PM or email me and I'll pop in. MW is on my subscribed list so I pop in here most days even if I don't post... it's the drool, it makes the keyboard too slippery Of course you're all sweet perfect innocent little angels....
            Can we say "asses?" I think we need a mod to mod Kiwi! What a gutter mouth she's turned out to be! I think her power has gone to her head, or, er,... ass.

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by blueiris
              My cat story is not a very happy one. My kitty has been having a couple of problems for awhile now. After many tests and much money, we've found out that she has hyper-thyroidism (sorry if the spelling is wrong, too lazy to look it up) and pancreatitis. There is a still a possibility of cancer but I just can't afford to find out. She is doing better with medicine (which she hates to take) and prescription food. She is not in pain or anything for which I am thankful. Hopefully, she will be ok with this threatment.

              The vet put her on "senior" food but I didn't tell her that.
              Yeah my oldest is 17 and he's not without his problems. He's a very stubborn old man too. He still thinks he's a kitten and when we let him outside during the day in the summer he gets into fights with the neighbor cats when they come into the yard. He's been beaten to within an inch of his life twice by the same neighbor cat. The first time we didn't think he'd survive. The cat bit him in the neck so he wasn't able to walk. Somehow he managed to drag his beaten body to the porch where I found him. We had to spoon feed him canned food for a week. This summer he disapeared when we left to go to the grocery and came home to see him being battered by the neighbor cat again. He's a little senile now, but just as energetic as he was before.


                On the snow subject.....the Indianapolis and surrounding areas are expecting 4-8 inches of snow. Mr. Siler and I went to the grocery store yesterday to stock up on the food supplies since we don't have a 4 wheel drive vehicle......YET. I'm looking foward to the snow. How's it going down there Critter? How much snow for the rest of you hussies? Keep those JCs ready for warmth.


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  Can we say "asses?" I think we need a mod to mod Kiwi! What a gutter mouth she's turned out to be! I think her power has gone to her head, or, er,... ass.

                  ship sistah
                  Methinks she'll be needing some of ShimmeringStar's gutter wash.


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Ssssshhh! The paper doll thingy is on hold - along with all the other thingys I still have to find time to work on...

                    Oh-oh, poor Bev's computer... I'm picturing you hugging your scanner with one arm and your computer with the other...and typing with your nose or is it your toes?

                    I hope your problems are nothing more than a corrupted file or something fixable. But just in case, BACK UP your Jack pix and anything else important while you can!
                    Well, you can put the paper doll thingy on hold....but I want to hold my paper doll thingy of Jack!!!

                    The problem with my computer seems to be a driver that's! Keep your fingers crossed that it's all okay again.

                    I can't possibly say on a public forum what I was actually typing with whilst hugging my computer and the 'scanner o' lurve' . Suffice to say, I'm now walking with a stoop!

                    BTW, I have everything important backed up, including my Jack piccies. I know what my priorities are!


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      No hats covering up his sticky-up hair - ever! (not even boonies?)

                      The occasional wearing of the boonie is allowed, but only so I can take it off and ruffle his sticky-up hair!

                      He can pluck my 'G' string anytime! (on my banjo....on my banjo!!!)


                        Originally posted by kiwigater
                        Ya know, that's EXACTLY what I said too! And the person who showed it to me insisted I was completely wrong, and it was absolutely perfect.... who am I to aruge with the blind?

                        If it makes you feel better I'll mod your ass(es) if need be And if anyone feels even remotely uncomfortable with anything, PM or email me and I'll pop in. MW is on my subscribed list so I pop in here most days even if I don't post... it's the drool, it makes the keyboard too slippery Of course you're all sweet perfect innocent little angels....
                        I feel so honoured that we have our very own Mod here in MW....not that we need one


                          I was taking a little stroll down and look what I found!

                          Which Jack do you prefer?

                          Action Jack from The Fifth Man? A little dirty, a little scruffy, definitely dangerous. . .

                          Domestic Jack from Citizen Joe?

                          Ssssmoldering Jack from Evolution 2?


                          What more can one say Jack from Grace?

                          Help me Mala fans! How on earth can I choose????

                          All pics by the lovely and talented. . . . .(insert drum roll here) MALA!!!

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            He can pluck my 'G' string anytime! (on my banjo....on my banjo!!!)
                            Yeah, right! Who do you think you're kidding???

                            s u g a r s h a k e r


                              Whoo! Sexy Shades of Grey Jack:


                              I'm not sure who to credit for this one.

                              s u g a r s h a k e r


                                And finally, Makes You Want to Stand Up and Salute Jack:

                                Last edited by sugarshaker; 08 December 2005, 10:48 AM.

                                s u g a r s h a k e r

